public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "clear";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Clear", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Description", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "testimonial";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Testimonial", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a testimonial block", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("content" => array("label" => __("Testimonial Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Block content HTML. The 'blockquote' tag contains the quoted content. The 'cite' tag contains the citation for the quoted content.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => sprintf('<blockquote>Text here</blockquote>%s<cite>citation</cite>', "\n")));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "link";
     $this->group = __("ALERTS", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Link", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add link box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("content" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the text content of the alert box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the alert box when clicked", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "feature";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Feature", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a Feature Box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("icon" => array("label" => __("Icon", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select an icon for this feature. See the help docs for a list of the available icons. ", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Cloud", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-cloud", __("Minus", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-minus", __("Plus", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-plus", __("Quote", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-quote", __("Eye", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-eye", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-info", __("Heart", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-heart", __("Lightbulb", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-bulb", __("Rss", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-rss", __("Award", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-award", __("Stats", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-stat", __("Star", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-star", __("Shield", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-shield", __("Film", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-film", __("Lock", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-locked", __("Ribbon", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-ribbon", __("Share", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-share", __("Location", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-location", __("User", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-user", __("List", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-list", __("Grid", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-grid", __("Comment", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-comment", __("Map", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-map", __("Graph", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-graph", __("Settings", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-settings", __("Tag", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-tag", __("Calendar", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-calendar", __("Mail", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-mail", __("Clock", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-clock", __("Lightening", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-lightening", __("Camera", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-camera", __("Zoom", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-zoom-in", __("Close", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-close", __("Tic", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-tic", __("CircleTic", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-tic2", __("CircleClose", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-close2", __("Document", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-doc", __("Article", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-article", __("Next", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-next", __("Prev", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-prev", __("Down", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-down", __("Up", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-up", __("UpRight", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-up-right", __("DownLeft", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "icon-feature-down-left"), "default" => "icon-feature-tic"), "content" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Enter the feature box text content here. Simple HTML tags are supported.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => sprintf('<h3>Title</h3>%s<p>Description</p>', "\n")));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "line";
     $this->group = __("DIVIDERS", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Line", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a line", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Line Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the line type of the divider", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Solid", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "solid", __("Dotted", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "dotted")), "top" => array("label" => __("Back to top link", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Select whether the line will contain a button which allows the user to scroll back to the top of the page", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Yes", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "no"), "default" => "no"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "slider";
     $this->group = __("MEDIA", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Slider", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Slider", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => PeGlobal::$const->gallery->id, "size" => array("label" => __("Size", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("The size of the slider in pixels, written in the form WidthxHeight. Leave empty to use default values.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => ""));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "tooltip";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Tooltip", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a tooltip", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("position" => array("label" => __("Position", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the tooltip position.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Top", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "top", __("Bottom", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "bottom", __("Left", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "left", __("Right", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "right"), "default" => "top"), "url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the tooltip trigger", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "#"), "type" => array("label" => __("Button Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of button to use. The type determines the button color", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("No button, use normal text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "none", __("Default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Primary", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "primary", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Success", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "success", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Danger", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "danger", __("Inverse", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inverse"), "default" => "none"), "content" => array("label" => __("Label", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the tooltip trigger label content here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Label content."), "title" => array("label" => __("Tooltip", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the tooltip content here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Tooltip content"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "icon";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Icon", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Select the cion type to add. See the help documentation for a link to the list of available icons", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => PeGlobal::$const->data->fields->icon, "color" => array("label" => __("Color", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "description" => __("Select color of the icon", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "options" => array(__("White", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "white", __("Black", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "black"), "default" => "white"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "popover";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Popover", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a popover", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("position" => array("label" => __("Position", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the position for the popover", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Top", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "top", __("Bottom", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "bottom", __("Left", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "left", __("Right", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "right"), "default" => "top"), "url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the popover trigger object", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "#"), "type" => array("label" => __("Button Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of button to use as the trigger object", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("No button, use normal text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "none", __("Default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Primary", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "primary", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Success", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "success", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Danger", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "danger", __("Inverse", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inverse"), "default" => "none"), "content" => array("label" => __("Label", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the popover trigger button's text label here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Hover for popover."), "title" => array("label" => __("Title", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the popover title here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Popover Title"), "body" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Enter the popover content here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Popover content"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "button";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "text" => array("label" => __("Text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the button text here", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "divider";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Divider", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a divider", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Divider Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of divider required.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Solid", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "solid", __("Dotted", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "dotted"), "default" => "solid"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "pbutton";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "text" => array("label" => __("Text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the button text here", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "new_window" => array("label" => __("Open in new window", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Should the url be opened in new window or not.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Yes", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "yes", __("No", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "no"), "default" => "no"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "button";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Button Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of button required. The button type determines the icon displayed on the button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Download", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "download", __("Link", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "link", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Thumbs", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "thumbs", __("Vcard", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "vcard", __("Love", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "love", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Tweet", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "tweet", __("Like", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "like", __("Note", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "note"), "default" => "download"), "url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "content" => array("label" => __("Optional Label", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the button label here. If no text is entered the button will consist of an icon only", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "widget_sidebar";
     $this->group = __("CONTENT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Widgets Sidebar", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Widget", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => array("label" => __("Widget Area", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select which widget area to insert. Widget areas need to be created in the 'Theme Options' panel before they will appear in this list.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => peTheme()->sidebar->option(), "default" => "default"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "staff";
     $this->group = __("CONTENT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Staff Member", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Staff Member", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => array("label" => __("Staff Member", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select staff member to show.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => peTheme()->staff->option(), "default" => ""));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "staff";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Staff", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a staff block", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("layout" => array("label" => __("Layout", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select position of main image.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Left", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "left", __("Right", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "right"), "default" => "left"), "image" => array("label" => __("Image", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Upload", "description" => __("Upload the large image. 400x320px aprox. ", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "thumb" => array("label" => __("Thumbnail", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Upload", "description" => __("Upload the small Image. 110x130px aprox. Leave this field blank if no small images is required.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "content" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Description content. Simple HTML tags and buttons are supported.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => sprintf('<h3>Full Name <span>Position</span></h3>%s<p>Description</p>', "\n")));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "badge";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Badge", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a badge", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Badge Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of badge required. The badge type determines the bodge color", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Success", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "success", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Important", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "important", __("Inverse", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inverse"), "default" => "default"), "url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the badge. Leave this field blank if the badge is not required to be a clickable link", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "content" => array("label" => __("Label", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the badge's text content here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "projects";
     $this->group = __("CONTENT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Projects", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Projects", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("count" => array("label" => __("Max Projects", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Maximum number of projects to display.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => 10), "tag" => array("label" => __("Project Tag", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Only display projects from a specific project tag.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array_merge(array(__("All", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => ""), peTheme()->data->getTaxOptions("prj-category")), "default" => ""));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "faq";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Faq", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Faq", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("title" => array("label" => __("Question", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Title of the faq.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Faq Title"), "opened" => array("label" => __("Open on Page Load", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("If the FAQ item should be open by default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "yes"), "content" => array("label" => __("Answer", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Content of the faq.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "Content"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "button";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Button Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of button required. The button type determines the boton's color", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Primary", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "primary", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Success", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "success", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Danger", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "danger", __("Inverse", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inverse"), "default" => "default"), "size" => array("label" => __("Button Size", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the size of button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Small", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "small", __("Medium", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "medium", __("Large", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "large"), "default" => "small"), "url" => array("label" => __("Url", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the destination url of the button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "content" => array("label" => __("Optional Label", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the button label here. If no text is entered the button will have no label and so will require an icon or something else to be inserted. This can be done using the icon shortcode once this button shortcode has been added to the editor", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "share";
     $this->group = __("UI", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Share", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a social share button", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Social Network", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the social network on which to share content.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Facebook", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "facebook", __("Twitter", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "twitter", __("Google +1", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "google", __("Pinterest", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "pinterest"), "default" => "facebook"));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "info";
     $this->group = __("ALERTS", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add info box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("content" => array("label" => __("Alert Text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the text content of the alert box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "testimonial";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Testimonial", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Testimonial", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("content" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Enter the testimonial or quotation text in this field", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "title" => array("label" => __("Quotee", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the name of the person being quoted", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "pevideo";
     $this->group = __("MEDIA", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Video", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Video", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => PeGlobal::$const->video->fields->id);
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "hero";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Hero Unit", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add an Hero Unit", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Hero Unit Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of hero unit required. the type determines the color", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Primary", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "primary", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Success", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "success", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Danger", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "danger", __("Inverse", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inverse"), "default" => "default"), "title" => array("label" => __("Title", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Enter the title of the Hero Unit.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')), "content" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Editor", "description" => __("Enter the Hero Unit content here.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "pegallery";
     $this->group = __("MEDIA", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Gallery", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Gallery", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => PeGlobal::$const->gallery->id, "size" => array("label" => __("Size", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("The size of the gallery in pixels. Only used in Fullscreen/Single Images modes, written in the form WidthxHeight. Leave empty to use default values", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => ""));
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "alert";
     $this->group = __("LAYOUT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Alert Box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add an Alert Box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("type" => array("label" => __("Alert Box Type", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the type of Alert Box required. The alert type determines the color of the box and text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Default", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Primary", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "primary", __("Info", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "info", __("Success", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "success", __("Warning", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "warning", __("Danger", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "danger", __("Inverse", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inverse"), "default" => "default"), "display" => array("label" => __("Alert Box Layout", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select the layout based on what type of content the box will hold, inline content or block content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Block", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "block", __("Inline", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "inline"), "default" => "block"), "content" => array("label" => __("Content", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "TextArea", "description" => __("Enter the Alert Box content here ( Basic HTML supported ).", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
     // add block level cleaning
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "pe_view";
     $this->group = __("CONTENT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("View", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add a View", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => array("label" => __("View", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "description" => __("Select the view to be shown.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "groups" => true, "options" => peTheme()->view->option()), "margin" => array("label" => __("Margins", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "description" => __("When set to <b>no</b>, content will have no bottom margin.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "yes"), "width" => array("label" => __("Media Width", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Number", "description" => __("Leave empty to use default width.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => ""), "height" => array("label" => __("Media Height", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Number", "description" => __("Leave empty to avoid image cropping. In this case, slider based views will require all the (original) images to have the same size to work correctly.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => ""));
     // add block level cleaning
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "heading";
     $this->group = __("CONTENT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Heading", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Add an Alert Box", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("text" => array("label" => __("Text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Heading text", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin')));
     // add block level cleaning
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;
 public function __construct($master)
     $this->trigger = "service";
     $this->group = __("CONTENT", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->name = __("Service", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->description = __("Service", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin');
     $this->fields = array("id" => array("label" => __("Service", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Select a service to show.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => peTheme()->service->option(), "default" => ""));
     // add block level cleaning
     peTheme()->shortcode->blockLevel[] = $this->trigger;