public function actionLoad() { Payments::model()->deleteAll(); Trucks::model()->deleteAll(); ZReport::model()->deleteAll(); $this->render("load"); }
public function actionConfirm($id) { $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($id); if ($payment) { $payment->complete(); } if (!Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $this->redirect(array('admin')); } Yii::app()->end(); }
/** * Add document to binder * @param $docId */ public static function addDocumentToBinder($docId) { $document = Documents::model()->findByPk($docId); if ($document) { $year = substr($document->Created, 0, 4); Storages::createProjectStorages($document->Project_ID, $year); $subsectionId = 0; if ($document->Document_Type == Documents::PM) { $payment = Payments::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $docId, )); $year = substr($payment->Payment_Check_Date, 0, 4); $subsectionId = Sections::createLogBinder($document->Project_ID, $document->Document_Type, $year); } elseif ($document->Document_Type == Documents::PO) { $po = Pos::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $docId, )); $year = substr($po->PO_Date, 0, 4); $subsectionId = Sections::createLogBinder($document->Project_ID, $document->Document_Type, $year); if ($po->PO_Backup_Document_ID != 0) { $bu = LibraryDocs::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $po->PO_Backup_Document_ID, 'Subsection_ID' => $subsectionId, )); if (!$bu) { $libDoc = new LibraryDocs(); $libDoc->Document_ID = $po->PO_Backup_Document_ID; $libDoc->Subsection_ID = $subsectionId; $libDoc->Access_Type = Storages::HAS_ACCESS; $libDoc->Sort_Numb = 0; if ($libDoc->validate()) { $libDoc->save(); } } } } $libDoc = LibraryDocs::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $docId, 'Subsection_ID' => $subsectionId, )); if (!$libDoc) { $libDoc = new LibraryDocs(); $libDoc->Document_ID = $docId; $libDoc->Subsection_ID = $subsectionId; $libDoc->Access_Type = Storages::HAS_ACCESS; $libDoc->Sort_Numb = 0; if ($libDoc->validate()) { $libDoc->save(); } } LibraryDocs::sortDocumentsInSubsection($subsectionId); } }
public function loadModel($id) { $model = Payments::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
/** * Deletes a particular model. * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted */ public function actionDelete($id) { if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) { // we only allow deletion via POST request $model = $this->loadModel($id); if (Payments::model()->count('order_id=' . $id) !== 0) { $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction(); try { Contracts::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id); Acts::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id); Invoices::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id); InvoicesFkt::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id); Works::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id); $msg = 'Заказ #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' для ' . $model->client->name . ' и документы по нему удалёны'; $model->delete(); $transaction->commit(); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $msg); Yii::app()->logger->write($msg); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); $msg = 'Заказ #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' для ' . $model->client->name . ' - удаление не удалось'; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', $msg); Yii::app()->logger->write($msg); } } else { $msg = 'Заказ #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' для ' . $model->client->name . ' - удаление невозможно. По этому заказу уже были проведены платежи'; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', $msg); Yii::app()->logger->write($msg); } // if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin')); } } else { throw new CHttpException(400, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'); } }
/** * Lists all models. */ public function actionIndex() { if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'edit') { $paymentId = intval($_POST["id"]); $payment = Payments::model()->with('vendor')->findByPk($paymentId); if ($payment) { $vendor = $payment->vendor; $bank_account = $payment->bank_account; if ($vendor) { $client = $vendor->client; $company = $client->company; $addresses = $company->adreses; if (isset($addresses[0])) { $address = $addresses[0]; $address->Address1 = $_POST["Address1"]; $address->Address2 = $_POST["Address2"]; $address->City = $_POST["City"]; $address->State = $_POST["State"]; $address->ZIP = $_POST["ZIP"]; $address->Country = $_POST["Country"]; $address->Phone = $_POST["Phone"]; $address->Fax = $_POST["Fax"]; if ($address->validate()) { $address->save(); echo "adresses\n"; } } if ($company) { $company->Company_Name = $_POST["Company_Name"]; $company->Company_Fed_ID = $_POST["Company_Fed_ID"]; $company->Email = $_POST["Email"]; $company->SSN = $_POST["SSN"]; $company->Business_NameW9 = $_POST["Business_NameW9"]; if ($company->validate()) { $company->save(); echo "company\n"; } } } if ($bank_account) { $bank_account->Account_Number = $_POST["Account_Number"]; $bank_account->Account_Name = $_POST["Account_Name"]; $bank_account->Bank_Name = $_POST["Bank_Name"]; $bank_account->Bank_Routing = $_POST["Bank_Routing"]; $bank_account->Bank_SWIFT = $_POST["Bank_SWIFT"]; if ($bank_account->validate()) { $bank_account->save(); echo "bank account\n"; } } $payment->Payment_Check_Date = $_POST["Payment_Check_Date"] ? $_POST["Payment_Check_Date"] : null; $payment->Payment_Check_Number = $_POST["Payment_Check_Number"] ? $_POST["Payment_Check_Number"] : null; $payment->Payment_Amount = $_POST["Payment_Amount"] ? $_POST["Payment_Amount"] : null; if ($payment->validate()) { $payment->save(); echo "payment\n"; } } die; } if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'add') { die; } if (isset($_POST['oper']) && $_POST['oper'] == 'del') { $paymentId = intval($_POST["id"]); $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($paymentId); if ($payment) { Payments::deletePayment($paymentId); } die; } $conn = mysql_connect(Yii::app()->params->dbhost, Yii::app()->params->dbuser, Yii::app()->params->dbpassword); mysql_select_db(Yii::app()->params->dbname); mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); Yii::import(''); // set columns $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Payment ID"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Payment_ID"; $col["dbname"] = "payments.Payment_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = false; $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable $col["hidden"] = false; $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $col["sortable"] = false; $cols[] = $col; // set columns $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Document ID"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Document_ID"; $col["dbname"] = "payments.Document_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = false; $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable $col["hidden"] = true; $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $col["sortable"] = false; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Payment Check Date"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Payment_Check_Date"; $col["dbname"] = "payments.Payment_Check_Date"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = false; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["hidden"] = false; $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $col["sortable"] = true; $col["formatter"] = "date"; $col["formatoptions"] = array("srcformat"=>'Y-m-d',"newformat"=>'Y-m-d'); $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Payment Check Number"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Payment_Check_Number"; $col["dbname"] = "payments.Payment_Check_Number"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = false; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["hidden"] = false; $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $col["sortable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Payment Amount"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Payment_Amount"; $col["dbname"] = "payments.Payment_Amount"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Account Number"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Account_Number"; $col["dbname"] = "bank_acct_nums.Account_Number"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Account Name"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Account_Name"; $col["dbname"] = "bank_acct_nums.Account_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Bank Name"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Bank_Name"; $col["dbname"] = "bank_acct_nums.Bank_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Bank Routing"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Bank_Routing"; $col["dbname"] = "bank_acct_nums.Bank_Routing"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Bank SWIFT"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Bank_SWIFT"; $col["dbname"] = "bank_acct_nums.Bank_SWIFT"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "File Name"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "File_Name"; $col["dbname"] = "images.File_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $col["default"] = "<span class='image_view' data='{Document_ID}'>{File_Name}</span>"; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Mime Type"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Mime_Type"; $col["dbname"] = "images.Mime_Type"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = false; $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $col["sortable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; // set columns $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Company ID"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Company_ID"; $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = false; $col["editable"] = false; // this column is editable $col["hidden"] = false; $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $col["sortable"] = false; $cols[] = $col; // set columns $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Company Name"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Company_Name"; $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_Name"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $col["sortable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Fed ID"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Company_Fed_ID"; $col["dbname"] = "companies.Company_Fed_ID"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; // set columns $col = array(); $col["title"] = "SSN"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "SSN"; $col["dbname"] = "companies.SSN"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = true; $col["sortable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Email"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Email"; $col["dbname"] = "companies.Email"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Business_NameW9"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Business_NameW9"; $col["dbname"] = "companies.Business_NameW9"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Address1"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Address1"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address1"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Address2"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Address2"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Address2"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "City"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "City"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.City"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "State"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "State"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.State"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "ZIP"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "ZIP"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.ZIP"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Country"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Country"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Country"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Phone"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Phone"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Phone"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $cols[] = $col; $col = array(); $col["title"] = "Fax"; // caption of column $col["name"] = "Fax"; $col["dbname"] = "addresses.Fax"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql $col["resizable"] = true; $col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable $col["viewable"] = true; $col["search"] = false; $cols[] = $col; $g = new jqgrid(); $grid["caption"] = "Payments"; // $grid["multiselect"] = true; $grid["autowidth"] = true; $grid["resizable"] = true; //$grid["toppager"] = true; $grid["sortname"] = 'companies.Company_Name'; $grid["sortorder"] = "ASC"; $grid["add_options"] = array( 'width'=>'420', "closeAfterEdit"=>true, // close dialog after add/edit "top"=>"200", // absolute top position of dialog "left"=>"200" // absolute left position of dialog ); $g->set_options($grid); $g->set_actions(array( "add"=>false, // allow/disallow add "edit"=>true, // allow/disallow edit "delete"=>true, // allow/disallow delete "rowactions"=>true, // show/hide row wise edit/del/save option "export"=>true, // show/hide export to excel option "autofilter" => true, // show/hide autofilter for search "search" => "advance" // show single/multi field search condition (e.g. simple or advance) ) ); $g->select_command = "SELECT companies.*, addresses.*, payments.*, bank_acct_nums.Account_Number, bank_acct_nums.Account_Name, bank_acct_nums.Bank_Name, bank_acct_nums.Bank_Routing, bank_acct_nums.Bank_SWIFT, images.File_Name, images.Mime_Type FROM payments LEFT JOIN documents ON documents.Document_ID = payments.Document_ID LEFT JOIN images ON images.Document_ID = documents.Document_ID LEFT JOIN bank_acct_nums ON bank_acct_nums.Account_Num_ID = payments.Account_Num_ID LEFT JOIN vendors ON payments.Vendor_ID = vendors.Vendor_ID LEFT JOIN clients ON clients.Client_ID = vendors.Vendor_Client_ID LEFT JOIN companies ON clients.Company_ID = companies.Company_ID LEFT JOIN company_addresses ON company_addresses.Company_ID = companies.Company_ID LEFT JOIN addresses ON addresses.Address_ID = company_addresses.Address_ID"; // set database table for CRUD operations $g->table = "payments"; $g->set_columns($cols); // group columns header $g->set_group_header( array( "useColSpanStyle"=>true, "groupHeaders"=>array( array( "startColumnName"=>'Payment_ID', // group starts from this column "numberOfColumns"=>10, // group span to next 2 columns "titleText"=>'Payment Information' // caption of group header ), array( "startColumnName"=>'File_Name', // group starts from this column "numberOfColumns"=>2, // group span to next 2 columns "titleText"=>'Image Information' // caption of group header ), array( "startColumnName"=>'Company_ID', // group starts from this column "numberOfColumns"=>6, // group span to next 2 columns "titleText"=>'Company Information' // caption of group header ), array( "startColumnName"=>'Address1', // group starts from this column "numberOfColumns"=>8, // group span to next 2 columns "titleText"=>"Company's Address" // caption of group header ) ) ) ); // render grid and get html/js output $out = $g->render("payments"); $this->render('index',array( 'out'=>$out, )); }
/** * Delete document with rows in relative tables * @param $documentId */ public static function deleteDocument($documentId) { $document = Documents::model()->findByPk($documentId); if ($document) { if ($document->Document_Type == self::W9) { $w9s = W9::model()->findAllByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); foreach ($w9s as $w9) { W9::deleteW9($w9->W9_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::AP) { $ap = Aps::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($ap) { Aps::deleteAP($ap->AP_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PM) { $payment = Payments::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($payment) { Payments::deletePayment($payment->Payment_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PO) { $po = Pos::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($po) { Pos::deletePO($po->PO_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PC) { $pc = Pcs::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($pc) { Pcs::deletePC($pc->PC_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::AR) { $ar = Ars::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($ar) { Ars::deleteAR($ar->AR_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PR) { $payroll = Payrolls::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($payroll) { Payrolls::deletePayroll($payroll->Payroll_ID); } } else { $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $documentId . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($documentId); } } }
public function actionGetpaymentsforzreport($id) { $zreport = ZReport::model()->findByPK($id); $result = Payments::model()->findAll("date=:date", array(":date" => $zreport->date)); echo CJSON::encode($result); }
public function appendApsList ($client_id,$project_list,$doc_type){ $condition = new CDbCriteria(); $condition->condition =' documents.Client_ID = '.$client_id; $condition->addInCondition('documents.Project_ID ',$project_list); $condition->join = 'left join documents on documents.Document_ID = t.Document_ID'; $models = Aps::model()->with('document')->findAll($condition); $xml_doc = $this->xml->createElement("document"); if($models) { foreach ($models as $model) { $xml_row = $this->xml->createElement("row"); foreach ($model->attributes as $key => $value) { $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', $key); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); } //+ we need to insert several columns from document model $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($model->document->Origin,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'DocumentsOrigin'); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($model->document->Created,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'DocumentsCreated'); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($model->document->Project_ID,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'DocumentsProject_ID'); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); // end of block /*documents processing*/ $xml_doc_row = $this->xml->createElement("documents"); foreach ($model->document->attributes as $key => $value) { $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', $key); $xml_doc_row->appendChild($xml_field); } /*end of documents processing*/ /*bacups processing*/ $bacup = Documents::model()->findByPk($model->AP_Backup_Document_ID); $xml_backup_row = $this->xml->createElement("backup"); if ($bacup){ foreach ($bacup->attributes as $key => $value) { $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', $key); $xml_backup_row->appendChild($xml_field); } } /*end of bacups processing*/ /*payments connected processing*/ $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($model->Payment_ID); $xml_payment_row = $this->xml->createElement("payments"); if ($payment){ foreach ($payment->attributes as $key => $value) { $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', $key); $xml_payment_row->appendChild($xml_field); } } /*end of payments processing*/ /*po connected processing*/ $po = Pos::model()->findByPk($model->PO_ID); $xml_po_row = $this->xml->createElement("pos_connected"); if ($po){ foreach ($po->attributes as $key => $value) { $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', $key); $xml_po_row->appendChild($xml_field); } } /*end of payments processing*/ /*dists processing*/ $xml_dists = $this->xml->createElement("gl_dist_detail"); foreach ($model->dists as $dist) { $xml_dist_row = $this->xml->createElement("dist_row"); foreach ($dist as $key=>$value) { $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",htmlentities($value,ENT_QUOTES | 'ENT_XML1')); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', $key); $xml_dist_row->appendChild($xml_field); } $xml_dists->appendChild($xml_dist_row); } /*end of dists processing*/ /*images processing*/ $xml_image_row = $this->xml->createElement("images"); $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",$model->document->image->Image_ID); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'Image_ID'); $xml_image_row->appendChild($xml_field); $filename = FileModification::prepareFileForExport($model->document->image->Document_ID,$doc_type,$this->filepath); $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",$filename); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'File_Name'); $xml_image_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",$model->document->image->Mime_Type); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'Mime_Type'); $xml_image_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_field = $this->xml->createElement("field",$model->document->image->Pages_Count); $xml_field->setAttribute('name', 'Pages_Count'); $xml_image_row->appendChild($xml_field); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_field); /*end of images processing*/ $xml_row->appendChild($xml_dists); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_backup_row); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_payment_row); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_po_row); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_doc_row); $xml_row->appendChild($xml_image_row); $xml_doc->appendChild($xml_row); } $this->wrapper->appendChild($xml_doc); } }
public function actionIncome() { $paysystem = $this->_createPaymentSystemModel(); if ($paysystem === null) { return; } $result = $paysystem->payModel->processRequest(); if (!$_POST && Yii::app()->request->getParam('payment') == 'success') { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', tt('Payment successfully held', 'payment')); $this->redirect(array('/usercpanel/main/payments')); exit; } if (!$_POST && Yii::app()->request->getParam('payment') == 'fail') { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tt('Payment is canceled', 'payment')); $this->redirect(array('/usercpanel/main/payments')); exit; } // Обрабатываем успешный платеж if ($result['result'] == 'success') { $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($result['id']); if ($payment) { if ($payment->status != Payments::STATUS_PAYMENTCOMPLETE) { $payment->complete(); } $paysystem->payModel->echoSuccess(); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', tt('Payment successfully held', 'payment')); $this->redirect(array('/usercpanel/main/payments')); } } // Обрабатываем pending платеж if ($result['result'] == 'pending') { $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($result['id']); if ($payment) { if ($payment->status != Payments::STATUS_PENDING) { $payment->status = Payments::STATUS_PENDING; $payment->update('status'); } } } // Обрабатываем неудачный платеж if ($result['result'] == 'fail') { // Если в ответе от платежки есть id платежа - ставим ему статус "Отменен" if ($result['id']) { $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($result['id']); if ($payment) { if ($payment->status == Payments::STATUS_WAITPAYMENT) { $payment->status = Payments::STATUS_DECLINED; $payment->update(array('status')); $paysystem->payModel->echoDeclined(); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tt('Payment is canceled', 'payment')); } $this->redirect(array('/usercpanel/main/payments')); } } Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tt('Payment is canceled', 'payment')); $this->redirect(array('/site/index')); /*$paysystem->payModel->echoError(); $this->render('message', array( 'message' => '', ));*/ } $this->redirect(array('/usercpanel/main/payments')); }
/** * Delete Payment with rows in relative tables * @param $paymentId */ public static function deletePayment($paymentId) { $payment = Payments::model()->with('document.image')->findByPk($paymentId); if ($payment) { $document = $payment->document; $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); PaymentsInvoice::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Payment_ID' => $paymentId, )); ApPayments::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Payment_ID' => $paymentId, )); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $payment->Document_ID . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($payment->Document_ID); $payment->delete(); } }
/** * Deletes a particular model. * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted */ public function actionDelete($id) { if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) { // we only allow deletion via POST request $model = $this->loadModel($id); $c = Payments::model()->countByAttributes(); if (null == $c) { if ($model->delete()) { $msg = 'Счёт #' . $model->id . ' для Заказа #' . $model->order_id . ' ' . $model->order->name . ' удалён'; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $msg); Yii::app()->logger->write($msg); } } else { $msg = 'Счёт #' . $model->id . ' для Заказа #' . $model->order_id . ' ' . $model->order->name . ' нельзя удалить. Есть платежи: ' . $c; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', $msg); Yii::app()->logger->write($msg); } // if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin')); } } else { throw new CHttpException(400, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'); } }
public function actionCalendar() { // $this->layout = "//layouts/calendar"; Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/css/my-calendar.css"); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/css/my-calendar-resp.css"); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/js/plugins/jQuery/jquery-ui.min.js", CClientScript::POS_HEAD); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/js/plugins/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.js", CClientScript::POS_END); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/js/plugins/spin/spin.js", CClientScript::POS_END); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/js/main.js", CClientScript::POS_END); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/js/my-calendar.js", CClientScript::POS_END); $returnArray = array(); $day = 60 * 60 * 24; $time = time(); $from = Yii::app()->request->getParam('from', ''); $to = Yii::app()->request->getParam('to', ''); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition('mstRequestUsers.user_id = ' . Yii::app()->user->getInfo()); $criteria->addCondition('mstRequestUsers.archived = 0'); // $criteria->addCondition('booking_type > 0'); if (!empty($from)) { $criteria->addCondition('bookingDate >= ' . $from); } if (!empty($to)) { $criteria->addCondition('bookingDate < ' . $to); } $criteria->with = array('mstRequestUsers'); $modelArray = Requests::model()->findAll($criteria); $eventsArray = array(); $requestsTempArray = array(); foreach ($modelArray as $model) { if ($model->booking_type > 0) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = 'sum(amount) as amount'; $criteria->addCondition('request_id = ' . $model->id); $criteria->addCondition('status = 1'); $modelSum = Payments::model()->find($criteria); $moneyPaid = (int) $modelSum->amount; $eventsArray[] = array('id' => $model->id, 'creator' => $model->createdBy->firstName . ' ' . $model->createdBy->lastName, 'title' => ComponentString::showPart($model->map->name, 14), 'map' => ComponentString::showPart($model->map->name, 28), 'event_type' => $model->eventType->name, 'start_time' => date('H:i A', strtotime($model->start_time)), 'end_time' => date('H:i A', strtotime($model->end_time)), 'start' => $model->eventDate, 'dateName' => date('l, F d, Y', strtotime($model->eventDate)), 'allDay' => true, 'type' => $model->booking_type, 'daysTotal' => ceil((strtotime($model->eventDate) - strtotime($model->created_on)) / $day), 'daysLeft' => ceil((strtotime($model->eventDate) - $time) / $day), 'moneyPaid' => $moneyPaid, 'moneyTotal' => $model->amount); } else { $requestsTempArray[date('d-m-Y', strtotime($model->eventDate))][] = 1; } } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition(' (LOWER( = "flag" AND t.created_by = ' . Yii::app()->user->getInfo() . ') OR (LOWER( = "unavailable" AND t.created_by = ' . Yii::app()->user->getInfo() . ') OR (LOWER( = "holiday") '); $criteria->addCondition('calendarType.status = 1'); $criteria->addCondition('t.status = 1'); $criteria->with = array('calendarType'); $modelArray = Calendar::model()->findAll($criteria); $flagsArray = array(); $holidaysArray = array(); $unavailableArray = array(); foreach ($modelArray as $model) { switch (strtolower($model->calendarType->name)) { case 'flag': $flagsArray[] = array('id' => $model->id, 'title' => ComponentString::showPart($model->message, 30), 'start' => $model->calendar_date); break; case 'holiday': $holidaysArray[] = array('id' => $model->id, 'title' => $model->message, 'start' => $model->calendar_date); break; case 'unavailable': $unavailableArray[] = array('id' => $model->id, 'title' => $model->message, 'start' => $model->calendar_date); break; } } $requestsArray = array(); foreach ($requestsTempArray as $key => $request) { $requestsArray[$key] = count($request); } $returnArray['events'] = $eventsArray; $returnArray['flags'] = $flagsArray; $returnArray['requests'] = $requestsArray; $returnArray['holidays'] = $holidaysArray; $returnArray['unavailable'] = $unavailableArray; $json = json_encode($returnArray); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('mapvar10', "var json='" . $json . "';", CClientScript::POS_HEAD); $this->render('calendar'); }
public function processRequest() { $return['result'] = 'fail'; $return['id'] = intval(getReq("custom", 0)); $payment = NULL; if ($return['id']) { $payment = Payments::model()->findByPk($return['id']); } if (!$return['id'] || !$payment) { logs('paypal not find payment'); return $return; } $get_magic_quotes_exists = false; if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) { $get_magic_quotes_exists = true; } $postdata = ""; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($get_magic_quotes_exists == true && get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); } else { $value = urlencode($value); } $postdata .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } $sGatewayURL = $this->mode == Paysystem::MODE_TEST ? '' : ''; $postdata .= "cmd=_notify-validate"; $curl = curl_init($sGatewayURL); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Connection: Close', 'User-Agent: ' . $this->email)); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($response != "VERIFIED") { logs("TRANSACTION_NOT_VERIFIED"); logs($response); logs($_POST); return $return; } if (strtolower($_POST['receiver_email']) != $this->email) { logs("INVALID_RECEIVER"); logs($_POST); return $return; } if ($_POST["txn_type"] != "web_accept") { logs("INVALID_TRANSACTION_TYPE"); logs($_POST); return $return; } $payment_status = Yii::app()->request->getParam('payment_status'); if ($payment_status == "Completed" || $payment_status == "Pending") { $return['result'] = 'success'; // } elseif($payment_status == "Pending") { // $return['result'] = 'pending'; // $return['pending_reason'] = getReq('pending_reason'); } else { $return['result'] = 'fail'; } return $return; }
public function actionPayments() { Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/css/account-payments.css"); Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . "/js/account-payments.js", CClientScript::POS_END); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition('to_user = '******' OR created_by = ' . Yii::app()->user->getInfo()); $criteria->addCondition('status = 1'); $modelArray = Payments::model()->findAll($criteria); $this->render('payments', array('payments' => $modelArray)); }