  * Returns the countries related payment ID array.
  * If PayPal is the selected payment method, any Currencies not supported
  * will be removed from the Currency array.
  * Returns the Payment IDs allowed for the given Country ID.
  * Note that the Payment IDs are used for both the keys and values
  * of the array returned, like:
  *  array(
  *    payment_id => payment_id,
  *    [...]
  *  )
  * @global  ADONewConnection  $objDatabase    Database connection object
  * @param    integer $countryId         The country ID
  * @param    array   $arrCurrencies     The currencies array, by reference
  * @return   array                      Array of Payment IDs
 static function getCountriesRelatedPaymentIdArray($countryId, $arrCurrencies)
     global $objDatabase;
     if (is_null(self::$arrPayments)) {
     if (isset($_SESSION['shop']['paymentId'])) {
         $payment_id = $_SESSION['shop']['paymentId'];
         $processor_id = self::getPaymentProcessorId($payment_id);
         if ($processor_id == 2) {
             foreach ($arrCurrencies as $index => $arrCurrency) {
                 if (!\PayPal::isAcceptedCurrencyCode($arrCurrency['code'])) {
     $arrPaymentId = array();
     $query = "\n            SELECT DISTINCT `payment`.`id`\n              FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_countries` AS `country`\n             INNER JOIN `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_zones` AS `zone`\n                ON `country`.`zone_id`=`zone`.`id`\n             INNER JOIN `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_rel_payment` AS `rel_payment`\n                ON `zone`.`id`=`rel_payment`.`zone_id`\n             INNER JOIN `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_payment` AS `payment`\n                ON `payment`.`id`=`rel_payment`.`payment_id`\n             WHERE `country`.`country_id`=" . intval($countryId) . "\n               AND `payment`.`active`=1\n               AND `zone`.`active`=1";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     while ($objResult && !$objResult->EOF) {
         if (isset(self::$arrPayments[$objResult->fields['id']]) && (self::$arrPayments[$objResult->fields['id']]['processor_id'] != 2 || count($arrCurrencies))) {
             $paymentId = $objResult->fields['id'];
             // the processor with the id 3 is postfinance and 11 is postfinance mobile
             // if it is one of them, it should only be able to order when it is Switzerland
             if (in_array(self::$arrPayments[$paymentId]['processor_id'], array(3, 11)) && \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getAlpha2ById($countryId) != 'CH') {
             $arrPaymentId[$paymentId] = $paymentId;
     return $arrPaymentId;