function __construct() { $this->logger = PathFinderLogger::getInstance(); $this->s3Cmd = S3Command::getInstance(); }
* * @usage: SERVER_ID=177 php PathFinder_analyzeData.php --conf /usr/wikia/conf/current/wiki.factory/LocalSettings.php --aconf /usr/wikia/conf/current/AdminSettings.php */ ini_set('include_path', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'); $options = array('help', 'conf', 'aconf', 'date', 's3conf'); require_once ''; global $IP; if (isset($options['help'])) { echo "Usage: SERVER_ID=177 php PathFinder_initData.php " . "--conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath} " . "--date=20110623 " . "--s3conf=PATH_TO_S3_CONFIG\n\n"; exit(0); } //by default the script will download and process data for the last 24 hours $date = !empty($options['date']) ? $options['date'] : date("Ymd", strtotime("-1 day")); //"20110906" $s3ConfigFile = !empty($options['s3conf']) ? $options['s3conf'] : null; require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikia/hacks/PathFinder/PathFinder.setup.php"; $app = F::app(); $logger = PathFinderLogger::getInstance(); $wikis; $logger->log('Start...'); echo "Initializing data analysis for User Path Prediction.\n\n"; try { echo "Downloading and parsing data from {$date}, this could take a while...\n\n"; $app->sendRequest('PathFinderService', 'extractOneDotData', array('date' => $date, 'backendParams' => array('s3ConfigFile' => $s3ConfigFile))); echo "Done.\n"; } catch (WikiaException $e) { echo $e; exit(1); } $logger->log('Data analysis completed.'); echo "Complete.\n";