function renderRandom($input, $argv, $parser) { $count = intval($argv['count']); $result = ''; $format = '%ITEM%'; $items = array(); $elements = array('item', 'format'); $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $input, $matches); foreach ($matches as $marker => $data) { list($element, $content, $params, $tag) = $data; if ($element === 'item') { $content = trim($content, " \t"); $content = trim($content, "\n"); $items[] = str_replace('%ITEM%', $content, $format); } else { if ($element === 'format') { if (!empty($content) && preg_match('/%ITEM%/', $content) != 0) { $format = str_replace('«', '<', $content); $format = str_replace('»', '>', $format); $format = trim($format, " \t"); $format = trim($format, "\n"); $format = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $format); } } } } $entries = count($items); if ($entries == 0) { return ''; } if ($count <= 0) { $count = 1; } else { if ($count > $entries) { $count = $entries; } } $keys = array_rand($items, $count); if (is_array($keys)) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $result .= $parser->recursiveTagParse($items[$key]); } } else { $result = $parser->recursiveTagParse($items[$keys]); } $parser->disableCache(); return $result; }
public function build() { global $wgContLang; $dc = MwRdf::Vocabulary('dc'); $dcterms = MwRdf::Vocabulary('dcterms'); $rdfs = MwRdf::Vocabulary('rdfs'); $model = MwRdf::Model(); $tr = $this->Agent->titleResource(); $article = $this->Agent->getArticle(); $text = $article->getContent(true); $parser = new Parser(); $parser->mOptions = new ParserOptions(); $parser->mTitle = $this; $parser->initialiseVariables(); $parser->clearState(); $tags = array('nowiki'); $m = array(); $text = $parser->extractTagsAndParams($tags, $text, $m); # XXX: maybe it would actually be better to do this at another # stage after the parser has already identified interwiki and # lang links # Find prefixed links preg_match_all("/\\[\\[([^|\\]]+:[^|\\]]+)(\\|.*)?\\]\\]/", $text, $m); if (!isset($m[0])) { return $model; } // nothing found so nevermind foreach ($m[1] as $linktext) { $iwlink = Title::newFromText($linktext); if (isset($iwlink)) { $pfx = $iwlink->getInterwiki(); if (strlen($pfx) > 0) { $iwlinkmf = MwRdf::ModelingAgent($iwlink); $iwr = $iwlinkmf->titleResource(); # XXX: Wikitravel uses some 4+ prefixes for sister site links if ($wgContLang->getLanguageName($pfx) && strlen($pfx) < 4) { $model->addStatement(MwRdf::Statement($tr, $dcterms->hasVersion, $iwr)); $model->addStatement(MwRdf::Statement($iwr, $dc->language, MwRdf::Language($pfx))); } else { # XXX: Express the "sister site" relationship better $model->addStatement(MwRdf::Statement($tr, $rdfs->seeAlso, $iwr)); } } } } return $model; }
/** * Hook function called every time a page is saved * Use the ArticleSaveComplete instead of ArticleSave since the ID is * not available upon ArticleSave for new articles */ function articleSaveGeo($article, $user, $text) { $id = $article->getID(); $g = new GisDatabase(); $g->delete_position($id); $tag = 'geo'; $gis_content = array(); // !JF1 $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams(array($tag), $text, $gis_content); foreach ($gis_content as $marker => $tagresult) { $tagname = $tagresult[0]; $content = $tagresult[1]; $params = $tagresult[2]; $full = $tagresult[3]; if ($tagname != 'geo') { continue; } $p = new GeoParam($content); $attr = $p->get_attr(); $g->add_position($id, $p->latdeg_min, $p->londeg_min, $p->latdeg_max, $p->londeg_max, $attr['globe'], $attr['type'], $attr['arg:type']); } return true; }
/** * Convert wikitext to HTML * Do not call this function recursively. * * @param string $text Text we want to parse * @param Title &$title A title object * @param array $options * @param boolean $linestart * @param boolean $clearState * @param int $revid number to pass in {{REVISIONID}} * @return ParserOutput a ParserOutput */ public function parse($text, &$title, $options, $linestart = true, $clearState = true, $revid = null) { /** * First pass--just handle <nowiki> sections, pass the rest off * to internalParse() which does all the real work. */ global $wgUseTidy, $wgAlwaysUseTidy, $wgContLang; $fname = 'Parser::parse-' . wfGetCaller(); wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); wfProfileIn($fname); if ($clearState) { $this->clearState(); } $this->mOptions = $options; $this->setTitle($title); $oldRevisionId = $this->mRevisionId; $oldRevisionTimestamp = $this->mRevisionTimestamp; if ($revid !== null) { $this->mRevisionId = $revid; $this->mRevisionTimestamp = null; } $this->setOutputType(self::OT_HTML); wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeStrip', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState)); # No more strip! wfRunHooks('ParserAfterStrip', array(&$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState)); $text = $this->internalParse($text); $text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral($text); # Clean up special characters, only run once, next-to-last before doBlockLevels $fixtags = array('/(.) (?=\\?|:|;|!|%|\\302\\273)/' => '\\1 \\2', '/(\\302\\253) /' => '\\1 '); $text = preg_replace(array_keys($fixtags), array_values($fixtags), $text); # only once and last $text = $this->doBlockLevels($text, $linestart); $this->replaceLinkHolders($text); # the position of the parserConvert() call should not be changed. it # assumes that the links are all replaced and the only thing left # is the <nowiki> mark. # Side-effects: this calls $this->mOutput->setTitleText() $text = $wgContLang->parserConvert($text, $this); $text = $this->mStripState->unstripNoWiki($text); wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeTidy', array(&$this, &$text)); //!JF Move to its own function $uniq_prefix = $this->mUniqPrefix; $matches = array(); $elements = array_keys($this->mTransparentTagHooks); $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix); foreach ($matches as $marker => $data) { list($element, $content, $params, $tag) = $data; $tagName = strtolower($element); if (isset($this->mTransparentTagHooks[$tagName])) { $output = call_user_func_array($this->mTransparentTagHooks[$tagName], array($content, $params, $this)); } else { $output = $tag; } $this->mStripState->general->setPair($marker, $output); } $text = $this->mStripState->unstripGeneral($text); $text = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences($text); if ($wgUseTidy and $this->mOptions->mTidy or $wgAlwaysUseTidy) { $text = Parser::tidy($text); } else { # attempt to sanitize at least some nesting problems # (bug #2702 and quite a few others) $tidyregs = array('/(<([bi])>)(<([bi])>)?([^<]*)(<\\/?a[^<]*>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\4>)?(<\\/\\2>)/' => '\\1\\3\\5\\8\\9\\6\\1\\3\\7\\8\\9', '/(<a[^>]+>)([^<]*)(<a[^>]+>[^<]*)<\\/a>(.*)<\\/a>/' => '\\1\\2</a>\\3</a>\\1\\4</a>', '/(<([aib]) [^>]+>)([^<]*)(<div([^>]*)>)(.*)(<\\/div>)([^<]*)(<\\/\\2>)/' => '\\1\\3<div\\5>\\6</div>\\8\\9', '/<([bi])><\\/\\1>/' => ''); $text = preg_replace(array_keys($tidyregs), array_values($tidyregs), $text); } wfRunHooks('ParserAfterTidy', array(&$this, &$text)); # Information on include size limits, for the benefit of users who try to skirt them if ($this->mOptions->getEnableLimitReport()) { $max = $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize(); $limitReport = "NewPP limit report\n" . "Preprocessor node count: {$this->mPPNodeCount}/{$this->mOptions->mMaxPPNodeCount}\n" . "Post-expand include size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['post-expand']}/{$max} bytes\n" . "Template argument size: {$this->mIncludeSizes['arg']}/{$max} bytes\n"; wfRunHooks('ParserLimitReport', array($this, &$limitReport)); $text .= "\n<!-- \n{$limitReport}-->\n"; } $this->mOutput->setText($text); $this->mRevisionId = $oldRevisionId; $this->mRevisionTimestamp = $oldRevisionTimestamp; wfProfileOut($fname); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $this->mOutput; }
/** * Strips and renders nowiki, pre, math, hiero * If $render is set, performs necessary rendering operations on plugins * Returns the text, and fills an array with data needed in unstrip() * * @param StripState $state * * @param bool $stripcomments when set, HTML comments <!-- like this --> * will be stripped in addition to other tags. This is important * for section editing, where these comments cause confusion when * counting the sections in the wikisource * * @param array dontstrip contains tags which should not be stripped; * used to prevent stipping of <gallery> when saving (fixes bug 2700) * * @private */ function strip($text, $state, $stripcomments = false, $dontstrip = array()) { global $wgContLang, $wgUseTeX, $wgScriptPath, $wgVersion, $wgHooks, $wgExtensionFunctions; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $render = $this->mOutputType == OT_HTML; $uniq_prefix = $this->mUniqPrefix; $commentState = new ReplacementArray(); $nowikiItems = array(); $generalItems = array(); $elements = array_merge(array('nowiki', 'gallery', 'math'), array_keys($this->mTagHooks)); if (isset($wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit']) && in_array('efSyntaxHighlight_GeSHiSetup', $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit']) || isset($wgExtensionFunctions) && in_array('efSyntaxHighlight_GeSHiSetup', $wgExtensionFunctions)) { $elements = array_merge($elements, array('source')); } if (isset($wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit']) && in_array('wfCite', $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit']) || isset($wgExtensionFunctions) && in_array('wfCite', $wgExtensionFunctions)) { $elements = array_merge($elements, array('ref', 'references')); } global $wgRawHtml; if ($wgRawHtml) { $elements[] = 'html'; } # Removing $dontstrip tags from $elements list (currently only 'gallery', fixing bug 2700) foreach ($elements as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v, $dontstrip)) { continue; } unset($elements[$k]); } $elements = array_unique($elements); $matches = array(); if (version_compare("1.12", $wgVersion, ">")) { $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix); } else { $text = self::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix); } foreach ($matches as $marker => $data) { list($element, $content, $params, $tag) = $data; if ($render) { $tagName = strtolower($element); wfProfileIn(__METHOD__ . "-render-{$tagName}"); switch ($tagName) { case '!--': // Comment if (substr($tag, -3) == '-->') { $output = $tag; } else { // Unclosed comment in input. // Close it so later stripping can remove it $output = "{$tag}-->"; } break; case 'references': $output = $this->fck_wikiTag('references', $content, $params); break; case 'ref': $output = $this->fck_wikiTag('ref', $content, $params); break; case 'source': $output = $this->fck_wikiTag('source', $content, $params); break; case 'html': if ($wgRawHtml) { $output = $this->fck_wikiTag('html', $content, $params); } break; case 'nowiki': $output = $this->fck_wikiTag('nowiki', $content, $params); // required by FCKeditor break; case 'math': if ($wgUseTeX) { //normal render $output = $wgContLang->armourMath(MathRenderer::renderMath($content)); } else { // show fakeimage $output = '<img _fckfakelement="true" class="FCK__MWMath" _fck_mw_math="' . $content . '" src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/skins/common/images/button_math.png" />'; } break; case 'gallery': $output = $this->fck_wikiTag('gallery', $content, $params); // required by FCKeditor //$output = $this->renderImageGallery( $content, $params ); break; default: if (isset($this->mTagHooks[$tagName])) { $this->fck_mw_taghook = $tagName; // required by FCKeditor $output = call_user_func_array($this->mTagHooks[$tagName], array($content, $params, $this)); } else { throw new MWException("Invalid call hook {$element}"); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__ . "-render-{$tagName}"); } else { // Just stripping tags; keep the source $output = $tag; } // Unstrip the output, to support recursive strip() calls $output = $state->unstripBoth($output); if (!$stripcomments && $element == '!--') { $commentState->setPair($marker, $output); } elseif ($element == 'html' || $element == 'nowiki') { # $nowikiItems[$marker] = $output; $state->addNoWiki($marker, $output); } else { # $generalItems[$marker] = $output; $state->addGeneral($marker, $output); } } # Unstrip comments unless explicitly told otherwise. # (The comments are always stripped prior to this point, so as to # not invoke any extension tags / parser hooks contained within # a comment.) if (!$stripcomments) { // Put them all back and forget them $text = $commentState->replace($text); } $this->fck_matches = $matches; wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $text; }
static function sanitizeWikiText($text, $parser = null) { if (!$parser) { $parser = $GLOBALS['wgParser']; } $elements = array_keys($parser->mTagHooks); $uniq_prefix = "NR-UNIQ"; $matches = array(); $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix); foreach ($matches as $marker => $data) { list($element, $content, $params, $tag) = $data; $tagName = strtolower($element); $output = ''; if ($tagName == '!--') { $output = $tag; } //keep comments for now, may be stripped later #print "* $marker => " . htmlspecialchars($output) . "<br />\n"; $text = str_replace($marker, $output, $text); } return $text; }
/** * Strips and renders nowiki, pre, math, hiero * If $render is set, performs necessary rendering operations on plugins * Returns the text, and fills an array with data needed in unstrip() * If the $state is already a valid strip state, it adds to the state * * @param bool $stripcomments when set, HTML comments <!-- like this --> * will be stripped in addition to other tags. This is important * for section editing, where these comments cause confusion when * counting the sections in the wikisource * * @param array dontstrip contains tags which should not be stripped; * used to prevent stipping of <gallery> when saving (fixes bug 2700) * * @private */ function strip($text, &$state, $stripcomments = false, $dontstrip = array()) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $render = $this->mOutputType == OT_HTML; $uniq_prefix = $this->mUniqPrefix; $commentState = array(); $elements = array_merge(array('nowiki', 'gallery'), array_keys($this->mTagHooks)); global $wgRawHtml; if ($wgRawHtml) { $elements[] = 'html'; } if ($this->mOptions->getUseTeX()) { $elements[] = 'math'; } # Removing $dontstrip tags from $elements list (currently only 'gallery', fixing bug 2700) foreach ($elements as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v, $dontstrip)) { continue; } unset($elements[$k]); } $matches = array(); $text = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($elements, $text, $matches, $uniq_prefix); foreach ($matches as $marker => $data) { list($element, $content, $params, $tag) = $data; if ($render) { $tagName = strtolower($element); wfProfileIn(__METHOD__ . "-render-{$tagName}"); switch ($tagName) { case '!--': // Comment if (substr($tag, -3) == '-->') { $output = $tag; } else { // Unclosed comment in input. // Close it so later stripping can remove it $output = "{$tag}-->"; } break; case 'html': if ($wgRawHtml) { $output = $content; break; } // Shouldn't happen otherwise. :) // Shouldn't happen otherwise. :) case 'nowiki': $output = wfEscapeHTMLTagsOnly($content); break; case 'math': $output = MathRenderer::renderMath($content); break; case 'gallery': $output = $this->renderImageGallery($content, $params); break; default: if (isset($this->mTagHooks[$tagName])) { $output = call_user_func_array($this->mTagHooks[$tagName], array($content, $params, $this)); } else { throw new MWException("Invalid call hook {$element}"); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__ . "-render-{$tagName}"); } else { // Just stripping tags; keep the source $output = $tag; } // Unstrip the output, because unstrip() is no longer recursive so // it won't do it itself $output = $this->unstrip($output, $state); if (!$stripcomments && $element == '!--') { $commentState[$marker] = $output; } elseif ($element == 'html' || $element == 'nowiki') { $state['nowiki'][$marker] = $output; } else { $state['general'][$marker] = $output; } } # Unstrip comments unless explicitly told otherwise. # (The comments are always stripped prior to this point, so as to # not invoke any extension tags / parser hooks contained within # a comment.) if (!$stripcomments) { // Put them all back and forget them $text = strtr($text, $commentState); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $text; }
/** * nifty "parser hook" for <recentimages> tag * @return string tag body */ public static function recentImagesParserHook(Parser $parser, $text, $strip_state) { global $wgRTEParserEnabled; if (!empty($wgRTEParserEnabled)) { return true; } $tags = array(); $text = $parser->extractTagsAndParams(array('recentimages'), $text, $tags); foreach ($tags as $uniqId => $tagData) { if ($tagData[0] == 'recentimages') { $args = self::extractArgs($tagData[2]); // preserve all <gallery> tag params unset($tagData[2]['size']); unset($tagData[2]['ns']); $galleryTagParams = ''; foreach ($tagData[2] as $paramKey => $paramValue) { $galleryTagParams .= $paramKey . '="' . $paramValue . '" '; } $tagBody = "<gallery {$galleryTagParams}>\n"; foreach (DataProvider::GetRecentlyUploadedImages($args['limit']) as $image) { $tagBody .= $image['name'] . "\n"; } $tagBody .= "</gallery>\n"; $text = str_replace($uniqId, $tagBody, $text); } else { // small hack to restore everything accidentally replaced UNIQ marker (e.g. <!-- --> tag) $text = str_replace($uniqId, $tagData[3], $text); } } return true; }
function execute($par) { global $wgOut; include "Parse_Entries.php"; #Don't want to output standard Wiki stuff, just want blank page. $wgOut->disable(); # If just Special:BibtexExport , explain what it is and die. if ($par == "") { echo "<h3>You haven't specified which wiki page you would like the BibTeX from.</h3>"; echo "<div style=\"width:33em\">"; echo "To grab the BibTeX between the <bibtex> and </bibtex> tags "; echo "in an article, simply visit Special:BibtexExport/Article_Name."; echo "<p>"; echo "To narrow it down you can append a query to the URL. For example, if you "; echo "wanted to get the bibtex for all the Haystack publications by David Huynh "; echo "in the year 2005, simply visit: <p>"; echo "<a href=\"\">"; echo "</a>"; echo "</div>"; die; } # Grab the article associated with the text past Special:BibtexExport. # e.g. Special:BibtexExport/Some_Article will grab all the data in the # Some_Article page. $title = Title::newFromURL($par); $article = new Article($title); $article->loadContent(); $text = $article->getContent(); # Try to get just the stuff in <bibtex> </bibtex> tags. $bibtexmatches = array(); $anything = Parser::extractTagsAndParams(array('bibtex'), $text, $bibtexmatches); # info stored in $bibtexmatches array, but key is randomly generated, so must # iterate through the *one* element in the array. # that in turn is an array, with the second key being the content foreach ($bibtexmatches as $match) { $bibtex = $match[1]; } # If there's a query string (e.g. Special:BibtexExport/Article?author=name) # we have more work to do. Otherwise, we're done. if (!$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { echo "{$bibtex}"; } else { #Parse Bibtex $parse = new PARSEENTRIES(); $parse->loadBibtexString($bibtex); $parse->extractEntries(); list($preamble, $strings, $entries, $undefinedStrings) = $parse->returnArrays(); #filter by queries of form, e.g., ?field:author=Charles%20Darwin $queries = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); foreach ($queries as $query) { $survivingentries = array(); list($attr, $val) = explode("=", $query); $val = rawurldecode($val); $explodedattr = explode(":", $attr); if ($explodedattr[0] == "field") { # filter by some field $filterby = $explodedattr[1]; #Now we know what to filter by, let's go through the bibtex. foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ($filterby == "author") { $authorarray = explode(" and ", $entry['author']); if (in_array($val, $authorarray)) { $survivingentries[] = $entry; } } elseif ($entry[$filterby] == $val) { $survivingentries[] = $entry; } } } unset($entries); $entries = $survivingentries; unset($survivingentries); } #Surviving entries should now be in $entries. echo self::parsedEntriesToBibtex($entries); } exit; }
public static function axShowCurrentPage($articleId, $namespace, $offset, $skin) { global $wgParser; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $result = ""; $offset = intval($offset); if ($offset >= 0) { $oTitle = Title::newFromID($articleId); if (!empty($oTitle) && $oTitle instanceof Title) { self::$oTitle = $oTitle; $oRevision = Revision::newFromTitle($oTitle); $sText = $oRevision->getText(); $id = Parser::extractTagsAndParams(array(BLOGTPL_TAG), $oRevision->getText(), $matches, md5(BLOGTPL_TAG . $articleId . $namespace . $offset)); if (!empty($matches)) { list($sKey, $aValues) = each($matches); list(, $input, $params, ) = $matches[$sKey]; $input = trim($input); if (!empty($input) && !empty($params)) { $aTags = array(); $count = 0; /* try to find count */ if (preg_match_all(BLOGS_XML_REGEX, $input, $aTags)) { if (!empty($aTags) && !empty($aTags[1])) { if (in_array('count', array_values($aTags[1]))) { foreach ($aTags[1] as $id => $key) { if ($key == 'count') { $count = intval($aTags[2][$id]); break; } } } } } if (!empty($params) && array_key_exists('count', $params)) { $count = intval($params['count']); } if (empty($count)) { $count = intval(self::$aBlogParams['count']['default']); } $offset = $count * $offset; /* set new value of offset */ $params['offset'] = $offset; /* run parser */ $result = self::parseTag($input, $params, $wgParser); } } } else { wfDebugLog(__METHOD__, "Invalid parameters - {$articleId}, {$namespace}, {$offset} \n"); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); if (is_array($result)) { return $result[0]; } return $result; }
/** * Parses a text for protect-tags and stores the texts in member-fields. * The resulting array are mContent, mParams and mSections. * @param is_encrypted Boolean value, that indicates, if the parsed text * is encrypted at all (dafault is true). */ public function parseText($is_encrypted = true) { $this->mContent = array(); $this->mParams = array(); $this->mElements = array(PROTECT_TAG); $this->mParsedText = Parser::extractTagsAndParams($this->mElements, $this->mText, $this->mContent); // Strip out anything except <protect> (i.e. <!-- --> comments) foreach ($this->mContent as $key => $content) { if (strtolower($content[0]) === PROTECT_TAG) { continue; } // Put back text by replacing random key with original text $this->mParsedText = str_replace($key, $content[3], $this->mParsedText); // Remove content for replaced $key from $this->mContent unset($this->mContent[$key]); } // decrypt all tags that are stored encrypted foreach ($this->mContent as $key => $content) { $dec = false; if ($is_encrypted === true) { $dec = $this->DecryptContent($key, $content[1]); } if ($dec !== false && $dec !== "") { $this->mContent[$key][1] = $dec; } } }