public function index() { if (IS_POST) { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); if (!empty($_POST['baoming'])) { if (empty($_POST['hd_id'])) { $this->assign('error', '错误操作'); } $hd_id = $this->_post('hd_id'); $bm_db = M('baoming'); if (empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['dianpu'])) { /* ||empty($_POST['beizhu']) */ $this->assign('error', '名字或店铺或手机号或备注不能为空!!'); } else { if ($_POST['dianpu'] == '0') { $this->assign('error', '请选择店铺'); } else { if (!preg_match('/((13[0-9]{1})|(15[0-9]{1})|(18[0-9]{1}))+\\d{8}/', $_POST['phone'])) { $this->assign('error', '手机号码格式不正确'); } else { if ($bm_db->where("hd_id=" . $hd_id . " and name='" . $this->_post('name') . "'")->find()) { $this->assign('error', '此名字已被使用!'); } else { if ($bm_db->where("hd_id=" . $hd_id . " and phone='" . $this->_post('phone') . "'")->find()) { $this->assign('error', '此手机号已被使用!'); } else { $data['hd_id'] = $hd_id; $data['name'] = $this->_post('name'); $data['dianpu'] = $this->_post('dianpu'); $data['phone'] = $this->_post('phone'); $data['remarks'] = $this->_post('beizhu'); $data['c_time'] = time(); if ($res = $bm_db->add($data)) { $this->redirect('', array('id' => $data['hd_id']), 3, '报名成功!页面跳转中...'); exit; } else { $this->assign('error', '报名失败!'); } } } } } } } } if (empty($_GET['id']) && empty($_POST['hd_id'])) { $this->error('错误操作'); } else { $hd_id = empty($_GET['id']) ? $this->_post('hd_id') : $this->_get('id'); } if (session('hd_id') != $hd_id || !session('?hd_id')) { session('hd_id', $hd_id); session('who', null); } $hddb = M('huodong'); $hd_row = $hddb->field('huodong.*,user.account')->join('user ON')->where('' . $hd_id . ' and huodong.status=1')->find(); if (!session('?who')) { $hddb->where('id=' . $hd_row['id'] . ' and status=1')->save(array('view' => $hd_row['view'] + 1)); session('who', 'yes'); } $baoming_db = M('baoming'); import('ORG.Util.Page'); // 导入分页类 $bm_count = $baoming_db->where('hd_id=' . $hd_row['id'])->count(); // 查询满足要求的总记录数 $bm_Page = new Page($bm_count, 15); // 实例化分页类 传入总记录数和每页显示的记录数 $bm_show = $bm_Page->show(); // 分页显示输出 // 进行分页数据查询 注意limit方法的参数要使用Page类的属性 $bm_list = $baoming_db->where('hd_id=' . $hd_row['id'])->order('c_time desc')->limit($bm_Page->firstRow . ',' . $bm_Page->listRows)->select(); $this->assign('bm_show', $bm_show); // 赋值分页输出 $this->assign('bm_count', $bm_count); // 赋值分页输出 foreach ($bm_list as $k => $v) { if ($v['c_time'] + 180 >= time()) { $bm_list[$k]['bm_time'] = '刚刚'; } else { if ($v['c_time'] <= strtotime('+1 ' . date('Y-m-d', $v['c_time']))) { $time1 = time() - $v['c_time']; if ($time1 < 3600) { $time2 = round($time1 / 60); $bm_list[$k]['bm_time'] = $time2 . '分钟'; } else { $time2 = round($time1 / 3600); $bm_list[$k]['bm_time'] = $time2 . '小时前'; } } else { $bm_list[$k]['bm_time'] = date('m-d', $v['c_time']); } } } $ly_db = M('liuyan'); import('ORG.Util.TPage'); // 导入分页类 $ly_count = $ly_db->where('hd_id=' . $hd_row['id'] . ' and status=1')->count(); // 查询满足要求的总记录数 $ly_Page = new Page1($ly_count, 15); // 实例化分页类 传入总记录数和每页显示的记录数 $ly_show = $ly_Page->show(); // 分页显示输出 // 进行分页数据查询 注意limit方法的参数要使用Page类的属性 $ly_list = $ly_db->field('liuyan.*,user.account')->where('hd_id=' . $hd_row['id'] . ' and liuyan.status=1')->join("user ON")->order('c_time desc')->limit($ly_Page->firstRow . ',' . $ly_Page->listRows)->select(); $this->assign('ly_show', $ly_show); // 赋值分页输出 $dp_db = M('dianpu'); $dp_list = $dp_db->select(); $this->assign('dpshow', $dp_list); $this->assign('ly_list', $ly_list); $this->assign('bm_row', $bm_list); $this->assign('hd_row', $hd_row); $this->display('./index'); }
} function Button1Click($sender, $params) { global $ClientModuleDataModule1; $conninfo = $ClientModuleDataModule1->DSRestConnection1->ConnectionInfo; // $result['DSAuthenticationPassword']='******'; // $result['DSAuthenticationUser']='******'; $user = new TUser($conninfo); $valid = $user->IsValidUser($this->edUserName->Text, $this->edPassword->Text); // var_dump($valid); echo "<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>"; if ($valid instanceof DSObject) { if ($valid->result) { setcookie('loginid', $this->edUserName->Text); redirect("Main.php"); } else { $this->Button1->Caption = "Username/Password invalid"; } } else { $this->Button1->Caption = $valid->error; } } } global $application; global $Page1; //Creates the form $Page1 = new Page1($application); //Read from resource file $Page1->loadResource(__FILE__); //Shows the form $Page1->show();