public function cleanup() { $removedFiles = 0; $wp_uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $dir = $wp_uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::TEMP_DIRECTORY; $cacheDir = PMXI_Plugin::ROOT_DIR . '/libraries/cache'; $files = array_diff(@scandir($dir), array('.', '..')); $cacheFiles = @array_diff(@scandir($cacheDir), array('.', '..')); $msg = __('Files not found', 'wp_all_import_plugin'); if (count($files) or count($cacheFiles)) { wp_all_import_clear_directory($dir); wp_all_import_clear_directory($cacheDir); $msg = __('Clean Up has been successfully completed.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'); } // clean logs files $table = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . 'history'; global $wpdb; $histories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table}", ARRAY_A); if (!empty($histories)) { $importRecord = new PMXI_Import_Record(); $importRecord->clear(); foreach ($histories as $history) { $importRecord->getById($history['import_id']); if ($importRecord->isEmpty()) { $historyRecord = new PMXI_History_Record(); $historyRecord->getById($history['id']); if (!$historyRecord->isEmpty()) { $historyRecord->delete(); } } $importRecord->clear(); } } // clean uploads folder $table = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . 'files'; $files = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table}", ARRAY_A); $required_dirs = array(); if (!empty($files)) { $importRecord = new PMXI_Import_Record(); $importRecord->clear(); foreach ($files as $file) { $importRecord->getById($file['import_id']); if ($importRecord->isEmpty()) { $fileRecord = new PMXI_File_Record(); $fileRecord->getById($file['id']); if (!$fileRecord->isEmpty()) { $fileRecord->delete(); } } else { $path_parts = pathinfo(wp_all_import_get_absolute_path($file['path'])); if (!empty($path_parts['dirname'])) { $path_all_parts = explode('/', $path_parts['dirname']); $dirname = array_pop($path_all_parts); if (wp_all_import_isValidMd5($dirname)) { $required_dirs[] = $path_parts['dirname']; } } } $importRecord->clear(); } } $uploads_dir = $wp_uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::UPLOADS_DIRECTORY; if (($dir = @opendir($uploads_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) !== false or ($dir = @opendir($uploads_dir)) !== false) { while (($file = @readdir($dir)) !== false) { $filePath = $uploads_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; if (is_dir($filePath) and !in_array($filePath, $required_dirs) and !in_array($file, array('.', '..'))) { wp_all_import_rmdir($filePath); } } } wp_redirect(add_query_arg('pmxi_nt', urlencode($msg), $this->baseUrl)); die; }
protected function get_xml($tagno = 0, $debug = false) { $xml = ''; $update_previous = new PMXI_Import_Record(); if (!empty(PMXI_Plugin::$session->update_previous)) { $update_previous->getById(PMXI_Plugin::$session->update_previous); } $local_paths = empty(PMXI_Plugin::$session->local_paths) ? array() : PMXI_Plugin::$session->local_paths; if (empty($local_paths) and !$update_previous->isEmpty()) { $history_file = new PMXI_File_Record(); $history_file->getBy(array('import_id' => $update_previous->id), 'id DESC'); $local_paths = !$history_file->isEmpty() ? array(wp_all_import_get_absolute_path($history_file->path)) : array(); } if (!empty($local_paths)) { $loop = 0; foreach ($local_paths as $key => $path) { if (@file_exists($path)) { $root_element = !$update_previous->isEmpty() ? $update_previous->root_element : PMXI_Plugin::$session->source['root_element']; $file = new PMXI_Chunk($path, array('element' => $root_element, 'encoding' => PMXI_Plugin::$session->encoding)); while ($xml = $file->read()) { if (!empty($xml)) { PMXI_Import_Record::preprocessXml($xml); $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . PMXI_Plugin::$session->encoding . "\"?>" . "\n" . $xml; if (PMXI_Plugin::$session->xpath) { $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', PMXI_Plugin::$session->encoding); $old = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadXML($xml); libxml_use_internal_errors($old); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); if ($elements = $xpath->query(PMXI_Plugin::$session->xpath) and $elements->length) { $this->data['dom'] = $dom; $loop++; if (!$tagno or $loop == $tagno) { break; } } } else { break; } } } unset($file); } } } return $xml; }
/** * Import all files matched by path * @param callback[optional] $logger Method where progress messages are submmitted * @return PMXI_Import_Record * @chainable */ public function execute($logger = NULL, $cron = true, $history_log_id = false) { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); if ($this->path) { $files = array($this->path); foreach ($files as $ind => $path) { $filePath = ''; if ($this->queue_chunk_number == 0 and $this->processing == 0) { $this->set(array('processing' => 1))->update(); // lock cron requests if ($this->type == 'ftp') { $this->set(array('processing' => 0))->update(); return array('status' => 500, 'message' => sprintf(__('This import appears to be using FTP. Unfortunately WP All Import no longer supports the FTP protocol. Please contact <a href="">%s</a> if you have any questions.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), '*****@*****.**')); //$logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('This import appears to be using FTP. Unfortunately WP All Import no longer supports the FTP protocol. Please contact <a href="">%s</a> if you have any questions.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), '*****@*****.**')); die; } elseif ($this->type == 'url') { $filesXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n<data><node></node></data>"; $filePaths = XmlImportParser::factory($filesXML, '/data/node', $this->path, $file)->parse(); $tmp_files[] = $file; foreach ($tmp_files as $tmp_file) { // remove all temporary files created @unlink($tmp_file); } $file_to_import = $this->path; if (!empty($filePaths) and is_array($filePaths)) { $file_to_import = array_shift($filePaths); } $uploader = new PMXI_Upload(trim($file_to_import), $this->errors); $upload_result = $uploader->url($this->feed_type, $this->path); if ($upload_result instanceof WP_Error) { $this->errors = $upload_result; } else { $filePath = $upload_result['filePath']; } } elseif ($this->type == 'file') { $uploader = new PMXI_Upload(trim(basename($this->path)), $this->errors); $upload_result = $uploader->file(); if ($upload_result instanceof WP_Error) { $this->errors = $upload_result; } else { $filePath = $upload_result['filePath']; } } elseif (!in_array($this->type, array('ftp'))) { // retrieve already uploaded file $uploader = new PMXI_Upload(trim($this->path), $this->errors, rtrim(str_replace(basename($this->path), '', $this->path), '/')); $upload_result = $uploader->upload(); if ($upload_result instanceof WP_Error) { $this->errors = $upload_result; } else { $filePath = $upload_result['filePath']; } } if (!$this->errors->get_error_codes() and "" != $filePath) { $this->set(array('queue_chunk_number' => 1))->update(); } elseif ($this->errors->get_error_codes()) { $msgs = $this->errors->get_error_messages(); if (!is_array($msgs)) { $msgs = array($msgs); } // foreach ($msgs as $msg){ // $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('ERROR: %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $msg)); // } $this->set(array('processing' => 0))->update(); return array('status' => 500, 'message' => $msgs); die; } $this->set(array('processing' => 0))->update(); // unlock cron requests } // if empty file path, than it's mean feed in cron process. Take feed path from history. if (empty($filePath)) { $history = new PMXI_File_List(); $history->setColumns('id', 'name', 'registered_on', 'path')->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id), 'id DESC'); if ($history->count()) { $history_file = new PMXI_File_Record(); $history_file->getBy('id', $history[0]['id']); $filePath = wp_all_import_get_absolute_path($history_file->path); } } // if feed path found if (!empty($filePath) and @file_exists($filePath)) { if ($this->queue_chunk_number === 1 and $this->processing == 0) { // import first cron request $this->set(array('processing' => 1))->update(); // lock cron requests if (empty($this->options['encoding'])) { $currentOptions = $this->options; $currentOptions['encoding'] = 'UTF-8'; $this->set(array('options' => $currentOptions))->update(); } set_time_limit(0); $file = new PMXI_Chunk($filePath, array('element' => $this->root_element, 'encoding' => $this->options['encoding'])); // chunks counting $chunks = 0; $history_xml = ''; while ($xml = $file->read()) { if (!empty($xml)) { PMXI_Import_Record::preprocessXml($xml); $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $this->options['encoding'] . "\"?>" . "\n" . $xml; $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', !empty($this->options['encoding']) ? $this->options['encoding'] : 'UTF-8'); $old = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadXML($xml); libxml_use_internal_errors($old); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); if ($elements = @$xpath->query($this->xpath) and $elements->length) { $chunks += $elements->length; if ("" == $history_xml) { $history_xml = $xml; } } unset($dom, $xpath, $elements); } } unset($file); if (!$chunks) { //$logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('#%s No matching elements found for Root element and XPath expression specified', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->id)); $this->set(array('queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'processing' => 0, 'imported' => 0, 'created' => 0, 'updated' => 0, 'skipped' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'triggered' => 0))->update(); return array('status' => 500, 'message' => sprintf(__('#%s No matching elements found for Root element and XPath expression specified', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->id)); die; } // unlick previous files $history = new PMXI_File_List(); $history->setColumns('id', 'name', 'registered_on', 'path')->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id), 'id DESC'); if ($history->count()) { foreach ($history as $file) { $history_file_path = wp_all_import_get_absolute_path($file['path']); if (@file_exists($history_file_path) and $history_file_path != $filePath) { if (in_array($this->type, array('upload'))) { wp_all_import_remove_source($history_file_path, false); } else { wp_all_import_remove_source($history_file_path); } } $history_file = new PMXI_File_Record(); $history_file->getBy('id', $file['id']); if (!$history_file->isEmpty()) { $history_file->delete($history_file_path != $filePath); } } } // update history $history_file = new PMXI_File_Record(); $history_file->set(array('name' => $this->name, 'import_id' => $this->id, 'path' => wp_all_import_get_relative_path($filePath), 'registered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')))->insert(); do_action('pmxi_before_xml_import', $this->id); $this->set(array('count' => $chunks, 'processing' => 0))->update(); // set pointer to the first chunk, updates feed elements count and unlock cron process } // compose data to look like result of wizard steps if ($this->queue_chunk_number and $this->processing == 0) { $this->set(array('processing' => 1))->update(); // lock cron requests @set_time_limit(0); $file = new PMXI_Chunk($filePath, array('element' => $this->root_element, 'encoding' => $this->options['encoding'], 'pointer' => $this->queue_chunk_number)); $feed = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $this->options['encoding'] . "\"?>" . "\n" . "<pmxi_records>"; $loop = 0; $xml = ''; $processing_time_limit = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_processing_time_limit') ? PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_processing_time_limit') : 120; $start_rocessing_time = time(); $chunk_number = $this->queue_chunk_number; $functions = $uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . WP_ALL_IMPORT_UPLOADS_BASE_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php'; if (@file_exists($functions)) { require_once $functions; } while ($xml = $file->read() and $this->processing == 1 and time() - $start_rocessing_time <= $processing_time_limit) { if (!empty($xml)) { $chunk_number++; PMXI_Import_Record::preprocessXml($xml); $xml_chunk = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $this->options['encoding'] . "\"?>" . "\n" . $xml; $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', !empty($this->options['encoding']) ? $this->options['encoding'] : 'UTF-8'); $old = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom->loadXML($xml_chunk); libxml_use_internal_errors($old); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); if ($elements = @$xpath->query($this->xpath) and $elements->length) { $feed .= $xml; $loop += $elements->length; } unset($dom, $xpath, $elements); } if ($loop == $this->options['records_per_request'] or $this->count == $this->imported + $this->skipped or $this->count == $loop + $this->imported + $this->skipped) { // skipping scheduled imports if any for the next hit $feed .= "</pmxi_records>"; $this->process($feed, $logger, $chunk_number, $cron, '/pmxi_records', $loop); // set last update $this->set(array('registered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'queue_chunk_number' => $chunk_number))->update(); $loop = 0; $feed = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $this->options['encoding'] . "\"?>" . "\n" . "<pmxi_records>"; } } unset($file); // delect, if cron process if finished if ((int) $this->count <= (int) $this->imported + (int) $this->skipped) { // Delete posts that are no longer present in your file if (!empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $this->options['duplicate_matching'] == 'auto') { $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); $missing_ids = array(); $missingPosts = $postList->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration)); if (!$missingPosts->isEmpty()) { foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { $missing_ids[] = $missingPost['post_id']; } } // Delete posts from database if (!empty($missing_ids) && is_array($missing_ids)) { $missing_ids_arr = array_chunk($missing_ids, 100); foreach ($missing_ids_arr as $key => $ids) { if (!empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $k => $id) { $to_delete = true; // Instead of deletion, set Custom Field if ($this->options['is_update_missing_cf']) { update_post_meta($id, $this->options['update_missing_cf_name'], $this->options['update_missing_cf_value']); $to_delete = false; } // Instead of deletion, change post status to Draft $final_post_type = get_post_type($pid); if ($this->options['set_missing_to_draft'] and $final_post_type != 'product_variation') { $this->wpdb->update($this->wpdb->posts, array('post_status' => 'draft'), array('ID' => $id)); $to_delete = false; } // Delete posts that are no longer present in your file if ($to_delete) { // Remove attachments empty($this->options['is_keep_attachments']) and wp_delete_attachments($id, true, 'files'); // Remove images empty($this->options['is_keep_imgs']) and wp_delete_attachments($id, true, 'images'); // Clear post's relationships if ($this->options['custom_type'] != "import_users") { wp_delete_object_term_relationships($id, get_object_taxonomies('' != $this->options['custom_type'] ? $this->options['custom_type'] : 'post')); } } else { unset($ids[$k]); } } if (!empty($ids)) { do_action('pmxi_delete_post', $ids); if ($this->options['custom_type'] == "import_users") { $sql = "delete a,b\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->wpdb->users . " a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->usermeta . " b ON ( a.ID = b.user_id )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.ID IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ");"; } else { $sql = "delete a,b,c\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->term_relationships . " b ON ( a.ID = b.object_id )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->wpdb->postmeta . " c ON ( a.ID = c.post_id )\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.ID IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ");"; } $this->wpdb->query($sql); // Delete record form pmxi_posts $sql = "DELETE FROM " . PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . "posts WHERE post_id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") AND import_id = %d"; $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id)); $this->set(array('deleted' => $this->deleted + count($ids)))->update(); } } } } } // Set out of stock status for missing records [Woocommerce add-on option] if (empty($this->options['is_delete_missing']) and $this->options['custom_type'] == "product" and class_exists('PMWI_Plugin') and !empty($this->options['missing_records_stock_status'])) { $postList = new PMXI_Post_List(); $missingPosts = $postList->getBy(array('import_id' => $this->id, 'iteration !=' => $this->iteration)); if (!$missingPosts->isEmpty()) { foreach ($missingPosts as $missingPost) { update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], '_stock_status', 'outofstock'); update_post_meta($missingPost['post_id'], '_stock', 0); $postRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); $postRecord->getBy('id', $missingPost['id']); if (!$postRecord->isEmpty()) { $postRecord->set(array('iteration' => $this->iteration))->update(); } unset($postRecord); } } } $this->set(array('processing' => 0, 'triggered' => 0, 'queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'registered_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'iteration' => ++$this->iteration))->update(); wp_cache_flush(); foreach (get_taxonomies() as $tax) { delete_option("{$tax}_children"); _get_term_hierarchy($tax); } if ($history_log_id) { $history_log = new PMXI_History_Record(); $history_log->getById($history_log_id); if (!$history_log->isEmpty()) { $custom_type = get_post_type_object($this->options['custom_type']); $history_log->set(array('time_run' => time() - strtotime($history_log->date), 'summary' => sprintf(__("import finished & cron un-triggered<br>%s %s created %s updated %s deleted %s skipped", "pmxi_plugin"), $this->created, $custom_type->labels->name, $this->updated, $this->deleted, $this->skipped)))->save(); } } do_action('pmxi_after_xml_import', $this->id); return array('status' => 200, 'message' => sprintf(__('Import #%s complete', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->id)); //$logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s complete', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->id)); } else { $this->set(array('processing' => 0))->update(); if ($history_log_id) { $history_log = new PMXI_History_Record(); $history_log->getById($history_log_id); if (!$history_log->isEmpty()) { $custom_type = get_post_type_object($this->options['custom_type']); $history_log->set(array('time_run' => time() - strtotime($history_log->date), 'summary' => sprintf(__("%d %s created %d updated %d deleted %d skipped", "pmxi_plugin"), $this->created, $custom_type->labels->name, $this->updated, $this->deleted, $this->skipped)))->save(); } } return array('status' => 200, 'message' => sprintf(__('Records Processed %s. Records Count %s.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), (int) $this->queue_chunk_number, (int) $this->count)); // $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Records Count %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), (int) $this->count)); // $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Records Processed %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), (int) $this->imported + (int) $this->skipped)); } } } else { $this->set(array('processing' => 0, 'triggered' => 0, 'queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'imported' => 0, 'created' => 0, 'updated' => 0, 'skipped' => 0, 'deleted' => 0))->update(); return array('status' => 500, 'message' => sprintf(__('#%s source file not found', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->id)); //$logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('#%s source file not found', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $this->id)); die; } } } return $this; }