
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$validate = new \PHPixie\Validate();
$data = array('name' => 'Pixie', 'home' => 'Oak', 'age' => 200, 'type' => 'fairy');
// There are multiple syntaxes supported
// for building the validator
// The standard approach
$validator = $validate->validator();
$document = $validator->rule()->addDocument();
// You can also add filters as array
$document->valueField('home')->required()->addFilter()->filters(array('alpha', 'minLength' => array(3)));
// A shorthand approach
// Shorthand with multiple filters
$document->valueField('type')->required()->callback(function ($result, $value) {
    if (!in_array($value, array('fairy', 'pixie'))) {
        // If does not pass add an error to the result
        $result->addMessageError("Type can be either 'fairy' or 'pixie'");
// By default valdiator will only allow
// fields that have rules attached to them
// If you wish to allow extra fields:
// Custom validator function
$validator->rule()->callback(function ($result, $value) {
    if ($value['type'] === 'fairy' && $value['home'] !== 'Oak') {
        $result->addMessageError("Fairies live only inside oaks");

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$validate = new \PHPixie\Validate();
// Imagine you want to validate this structure
$data = array('name' => 'Pixie', 'home' => array('location' => 'forest', 'name' => 'Oak'), 'spells' => array('charm' => array('name' => 'Charm Person', 'type' => 'illusion'), 'blast' => array('name' => 'Fire Blast', 'type' => 'evocation')));
// There are two approaches to define the validator,
// you can use either builder methods or callbacks
// Builder approach
$validator = $validate->validator();
$document = $validator->rule()->addDocument();
$homeDocument = $document->valueField('home')->required()->addDocument();
$homeDocument->valueField('location')->required()->addFilter()->in(array('forest', 'meadow'));
$spellsArray = $document->valueField('spells')->required()->addArrayOf()->minCount(1);
// Validate array keys
$spellDocument = $spellsArray->valueKey()->filter('alpha');
$spellDocument = $spellsArray->valueItem()->addDocument();
// Or a callback approach
$validator = $validate->validator(function ($value) {
    $value->document(function ($document) {
        $document->field('name', function ($name) {
            $name->required()->filter(array('alpha', 'minLength' => array(3)));
        })->field('home', function ($home) {
            $home->required()->document(function ($home) {
                $home->field('location', function ($location) {
                    $location->required()->addFilter()->in(array('forest', 'meadow'));