public static function panelLink($fly_out = false) { Layout::addStyle('controlpanel', 'panel_link.css'); $reg_link = PHPWS_Text::quickLink(dgettext('controlpanel', 'Control Panel'), 'controlpanel', array('command' => 'panel_view')); if (!$fly_out) { return $reg_link->get(); } javascript('jquery'); javascriptMod('controlpanel', 'subpanel'); $reg_link->setId('cp-panel-link'); $all_tabs = PHPWS_ControlPanel::loadTabs(); $all_links = PHPWS_ControlPanel::getAllLinks(true); $tpl = new PHPWS_Template('controlpanel'); $tpl->setFile('subpanel.tpl'); $authkey = Current_User::getAuthKey(); if (!empty($all_links)) { foreach ($all_links as $tab => $links) { foreach ($links as $link) { $tpl->setCurrentBlock('links'); $tpl->setData(array('LINK' => sprintf('<a href="%s&authkey=%s">%s</a>', $link->url, $authkey, str_replace(' ', ' ', $link->label)))); $tpl->parseCurrentBlock(); } $tab_link = $all_tabs[$tab]->link . '&tab=' . $all_tabs[$tab]->id; $tpl->setCurrentBlock('tab'); $tpl->setData(array('TAB_TITLE' => sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $tab_link, $all_tabs[$tab]->title))); $tpl->parseCurrentBlock(); } } $tpl->setCurrentBlock(); $tpl->setData(array('CP_LINK' => $reg_link->get())); $tpl->parseCurrentBlock(); $submenu = $tpl->get(); return $submenu; }
/** * Creates a css-styled link button for phpWebSite modules. * * For local links ONLY. It adds the hub web address and index.php automatically. * You supply the name of the module and the variables. * CSS class "button" controls the display features of this link. * An additional set of <span> tags is added to the HTML so that different button styles can be acheived. * * * * ex: $vars = array('op' => 'create_topic', 'forum' => $this->id); * ex: $str = dgettext('phpwsbb', 'Submit a new topic'); * ex: $result = PHPWS_Text::moduleButton($str, 'phpwsbb', $vars); * ex: <a href="index.php?module=phpwsbb&op=create_topic&forum=15" title="Submit a new topic" class="phpws_button"><span>Submit a new topic</span></a> * * For customization of a specific button, specify a CSS class name. * * @author Eloi George <eloi at bygeorgeware dot com> * @param string subject String to appear as the 'click on' word(s) * @param string module Name of module to access * @param array getVars Associative array of GET variable to append to the link * @param string target The target attribute of the link. * @param string title The title attribute (alt-text) of the link. * @param string class_name String added to css class * @return string The complated link button HTML. */ public static function moduleButton($subject, $module = null, $getVars = null, $target = null, $title = null, $class_name = null) { if (empty($title)) { $title = $subject; } $subject = '<span>' . $subject . '</span>'; $class_name = trim('phpws_button ' . $class_name); $link = PHPWS_Text::quickLink($subject, $module, $getVars, $target, $title, $class_name); return $link->get(); }