public static function getForm($errors = array()) { global $cfg; if (LOGGED) { redirect(REFERER); } $note = new Notifier(); $err = new Error(); if ($errors) { $note->error($errors); } if ($_POST['login'] && $_POST['module']) { $form = array('logname' => $_POST['logname-session'] ? filter($_POST['logname-session'], 100) : '', 'password' => $_POST['password-session'] ? filter($_POST['password-session'], 100) : ''); $err->setError('empty_logname', t('Logname field is required.'))->condition(!$form['logname']); $err->setError('logname_not_exists', t('The logname you used isn't registered.'))->condition($form['logname'] && !User::loginNameRegistered($form['logname'])); $err->setError('password_empty', t('Password field is required.'))->condition(!$form['password']); $err->setError('password_invalid', t('Password is invalid.'))->condition($form['password'] && !User::loginPasswordCorrect($form['password'])); $err->noErrors() ? redirect(REFERER) : $note->restore()->error($err->toArray()); } $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/login/form.html'); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->note = $note; echo $tpl->execute(); }
/** * This method is used to process the data into the view and than return it to the main method that will handle what to do. * It also uses buffer to handle that content. * * @author Klederson Bueno <*****@*****.**> * @version 0.1a * * @param String $___phpBurnFilePath * @param Array $__phpBurnData * @return String */ public function processViewData($___phpBurnFilePath, $__phpBurnData) { $tpl = new PHPTAL($___phpBurnFilePath); $tpl->setOutputMode(PHPTAL::HTML5); $tr = new PHPTAL_GetTextTranslator(); // set language to use for this session (first valid language will // be used) $tr->setLanguage('pt_BR.utf8', 'pt_BR'); // register gettext domain to use $tr->addDomain('system', SYS_BASE_PATH . 'locale'); // specify current domain $tr->useDomain('system'); // tell PHPTAL to use our translator $tpl->setTranslator($tr); foreach ($__phpBurnData as $index => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = PhpBURN_Views::lazyTranslate($value, $_SESSION['lang']); } $tpl->{$index} = $value; } ob_start(); try { echo $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; } $___phpBurnBufferStored = ob_get_contents(); // // //Cleaning the buffer for new sessions ob_clean(); return $___phpBurnBufferStored; }
public function getContent() { global $sql; //Lang::load('blocks/shoutbox/lang.*.php'); $err = new Error(); $note = new Notifier('note-shoutbox'); $form['author'] = LOGGED ? User::$nickname : ''; $form['message'] = ''; if (isset($_POST['reply-shoutbox'])) { $form['author'] = LOGGED ? User::$nickname : filter($_POST['author-shoutbox'], 100); $form['message'] = filter($_POST['message-shoutbox'], Kio::getConfig('message_max', 'shoutbox')); $err->setError('author_empty', t('Author field is required.'))->condition(!$form['author']); $err->setError('author_exists', t('Entered nickname is registered.'))->condition(!LOGGED && is_registered($form['author'])); $err->setError('message_empty', t('Message field is required.'))->condition(!$form['message']); // No errors if ($err->noErrors()) { $sql->exec(' INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'shoutbox (added, author, message, author_id, author_ip) VALUES ( ' . TIMESTAMP . ', "' . $form['author'] . '", "' . cut($form['message'], Kio::getConfig('message_max', 'shoutbox')) . '", ' . UID . ', "' . IP . '")'); $sql->clearCache('shoutbox'); $note->success(t('Entry was added successfully.')); redirect(HREF . PATH . '#shoutbox'); } else { $note->error($err->toArray()); } } // If cache for shoutbox doesn't exists if (!($entries = $sql->getCache('shoutbox'))) { $query = $sql->query(' SELECT u.nickname, u.group_id, s.added,, s.author_id, s.message FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'shoutbox s LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u ON = s.author_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ' . Kio::getConfig('limit', 'shoutbox')); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { if ($row['author_id']) { $row['author'] = User::format($row['author_id'], $row['nickname'], $row['group_id']); $row['message'] = parse($row['message'], Kio::getConfig('parser', 'shoutbox')); } $entries[] = $row; } $sql->putCacheContent('shoutbox', $entries); } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/shoutbox/shoutbox.tpl.html'); $tpl->entries = $entries; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->note = $note; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e->getMessage()); //echo Note::error($e->getMessage()); } }
public function getContent() { // User is logged in if (LOGGED) { $this->subcodename = 'logged'; $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/user_panel/logged.html'); $tpl->user = User::format(User::$id, User::$nickname, User::$groupId); $pm_item = User::$pmNew ? array(t('Messages <strong>(New: %new)</strong>', array('%new' => $user->pm_new)), 'pm/inbox') : array(t('Messages'), 'pm'); $tpl->items = items(array($pm_item[0] => HREF . $pm_item[1], t('Administration') => HREF . 'admin', t('Edit profile') => HREF . 'edit_profile', t('Log out') => HREF . 'logout')); return $tpl->execute(); } else { $err = new Error(); $note = new Notifier('note-user_panel'); $this->subcodename = 'not_logged'; $form = array('logname' => null, 'password' => null); if ($_POST['login'] && $_POST['user_panel']) { $form['logname'] = $_POST['logname-session'] ? filter($_POST['logname-session'], 100) : ''; $form['password'] = $_POST['password-session'] ? $_POST['password-session'] : ''; $err->setError('logname_empty', t('Logname field is required.'))->condition(!$form['logname']); $err->setError('logname_not_exists', t('Entered logname is not registered.'))->condition(!User::loginNameRegistered($form['logname'])); $err->setError('password_empty', t('Password field is required.'))->condition(!$form['password']); $err->setError('password_incorrect', t('ERROR_PASS_INCORRECT'))->condition($form['password'] && !User::loginPasswordCorrect($form['password'])); if ($err->noErrors()) { redirect('./'); } else { $note->error($err->toArray()); } } $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/user_panel/not_logged.html'); $tpl->note = $note; $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); return $tpl->execute(); } }
private function PHPTALWithSource($source) { global $PhptalCacheTest_random; $tpl = new PHPTAL(); $tpl->setForceReparse(false); $tpl->setSource($source . "<!-- {$this->PhptalCacheTest_random} -->"); // avoid cached templates from previous test runs return $tpl; }
public function render(&$toolbar) { if (!class_exists('PHPTAL')) { require 'PHPTAL.php'; } $tal = new PHPTAL(); $tal->toolbar = $toolbar; $tal->setSource($this->template); $html = $tal->execute(); return $html; }
/** * Use PHPTAL to generate some XHTML * @return string */ public function execute() { try { $this->phptal->setTemplate($this->template); return $this->phptal->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { $ex = new FrameEx($e->getMessage()); $ex->backtrace = $e->getTrace(); throw $ex; } }
public function parse($tplDir, $tplFile, $args) { if (!$this->is_included) { $this->include_php_tal_file(); } /** * @var PHPTAL */ $tpl = new PHPTAL($tplDir . "/" . $tplFile); $tpl->doc = $args; return $tpl->execute(); }
public function getContent() { global $sql; $note = new Notifier('note-poll'); $stmt = $sql->setCache('poll_topic')->query(' SELECT id, title, votes FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'poll_topics WHERE active = 1'); $topic = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($topic) { $vote_id = $sql->query(' SELECT option_id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'poll_votes WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic['id'] . ' AND voter_ip = "' . IP . '"')->fetchColumn(); $stmt = $sql->setCache('poll_options')->query(' SELECT id, title, votes FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'poll_options WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic['id'] . ' ORDER BY votes DESC'); // User already voted if ($vote_id) { $options = array(); $block->subcodename = 'results'; foreach ($stmt as $row) { $row['percent'] = @round(100 * ($row['votes'] / $topic['votes']), 1); $options[] = $row; } $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/poll/results.html'); $tpl->vote_id = $vote_id; } else { if ($_POST['vote-poll'] && $_POST['option-poll']) { $option_id = (int) $_POST['option-poll']; $sql->clearCacheGroup('poll_*')->exec(' UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'poll_options o, ' . DB_PREFIX . 'poll_topics t SET o.votes = o.votes + 1, t.votes = t.votes + 1 WHERE o.topic_id = ' . $topic['id'] . ' AND = ' . $option_id . ' AND = ' . $topic['id'] . '; INSERT INTO ' . DB_PREFIX . 'poll_votes (topic_id, option_id, voter_id, voter_ip, voted) VALUES (' . $topic['id'] . ', ' . $option_id . ', ' . $user->id . ', "' . IP . '", ' . TIMESTAMP . ')'); redirect(PATH . '#poll'); } else { $block->subcodename = 'voting'; $options = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/poll/voting.html'); } } $stmt->closeCursor(); $tpl->topic = $topic; $tpl->options = $options; $tpl->note = $note; return $tpl->execute(); } else { return t('There is no content to display.'); } }
/** * Executes PHPTAL template and wraps its result in layout.xhtml */ private static function outputTAL(array $result, $path) { $phptal = new PHPTAL(); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $phptal->set($k, $v); } $layout = clone $phptal; // lazy hack $layout->setTemplate('templates/layout.xhtml'); $phptal->setTemplate($path); $layout->content_phptal = $phptal; $layout->echoExecute(); }
/** * Build the PHPTAL engine. * * @param array $options An array of parameters used to set up the PHPTAL configuration. * Available configuration values include: * - phptal * - cache-dir * - template-dir */ public function __construct(array $options = array()) { if (array_key_exists('phptal', $options)) { $this->phptal = $options['phptal']; return; } $this->phptal = new \PHPTAL(); if (array_key_exists('cache-dir', $options)) { $this->phptal->setPhpCodeDestination($options['cache-dir']); } if (array_key_exists('template-dir', $options)) { $this->phptal->setTemplateRepository($options['template-dir']); } }
public function getContent() { global $sql; // $kio->disableRegion('left'); if (u1 || LOGGED) { // TODO: Zamiast zapytania dla własnego konta dać User::toArray() $profile = $sql->query(' SELECT u.* FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u WHERE = ' . (ctype_digit(u1) ? u1 : UID))->fetch(); } if ($profile) { Kio::addTitle(t('Users')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Users'), 'users'); Kio::addTitle($profile['nickname']); Kio::addBreadcrumb($profile['nickname'], 'profile/' . u1 . '/' . clean_url($profile['nickname'])); Kio::setDescription(t('%nickname's profile', array('%nickname' => $profile['nickname'])) . ($profile['title'] ? ' - ' . $profile['title'] : '')); Kio::addTabs(array(t('Edit profile') => 'edit_profile/' . u1)); if ($profile['birthdate']) { $profile['bd'] = $profile['birthdate'] ? explode('-', $profile['birthdate']) : ''; // DD Month YYYY (Remaining days to next birthday) $profile['birthdate'] = $profile['bd'][2] . ' ' . Kio::$months[$profile['bd'][1]] . ' ' . $profile['bd'][0] . ' (' . day_diff(mktime(0, 0, 0, $profile['bd'][1], $profile['bd'][2] + 1, date('y')), t('%d days remaining')) . ')'; $profile['age'] = get_age($profile['bd'][2], $profile['bd'][1], $profile['bd'][0]); if (Plugin::exists('zodiac')) { require_once ROOT . 'plugins/zodiac/zodiac.plugin.php'; $profile['zodiac'] = Zodiac::get($profile['bd'][2], $profile['bd'][1]); } } if ($profile['http_agent'] && Plugin::exists('user_agent')) { require_once ROOT . 'plugins/user_agent/user_agent.plugin.php'; $profile['os'] = User_Agent::getOS($profile['http_agent']); $profile['browser'] = User_Agent::getBrowser($profile['http_agent']); } $group = Kio::getGroup($profile['group_id']); $profile['group'] = $group['name'] ? $group['inline'] ? sprintf($group['inline'], $group['name']) : $group['name'] : ''; if ($profile['gender']) { $profile['gender'] = $profile['gender'] == 1 ? t('Male') : t('Female'); } try { // TODO: Zrobić modyfikator dla funkcji o wielu parametrach (teraz jest tylko jeden możliwy) $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/profile/profile.tpl.html'); $tpl->profile = $profile; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e); } } else { return not_found(t('Selected user doesn't exists.'), array(t('This person was deleted from database.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.'))); } }
public function getContent() { //Lang::load('blocks/calendar/lang.*.php'); $today = date('j'); $month = date('n'); $year = date('Y'); if ($month < 8 && $month % 2 == 1 || $month > 7 && $month % 2 == 0) { $total_days = 31; } else { $total_days = $month == 2 ? date('L') ? 29 : 28 : 30; } $first_day = date('w', mktime(1, 1, 1, $month, 0, $year)); $last_day = date('w', mktime(1, 1, 1, $month, $total_days - 1, $year)); if ($first_day != 0) { $colspan = $first_day; } if (6 - $last_day != 0) { $colspan2 = 6 - $last_day; } $days = null; for ($day = 1; $day <= $total_days; ++$day) { $day_of_week = date('w', mktime(1, 1, 1, $month, $day - 1, $year)); if ($day == 1 || $day_of_week == 0) { $days .= '<tr class="border-1-parent" title="' . t('Week: %week', array('%week' => date('W', mktime(1, 1, 1, $month, $day, $year)))) . '">'; if ($colspan > 0 && $day == 1) { $days .= '<td colspan="' . $colspan . '" class="empty"> </td>'; } } $days .= '<td><a'; if ($day == $today) { $days .= ' class="today border-2"'; } $days .= ' href="#' . $day . '.' . $month . '.' . $year . '">' . $day . '</a></td>'; if ($day == $total_days && $colspan2 > 0) { $days .= '<td colspan="' . $colspan2 . '" class="empty"> </td>'; } if ($day_of_week == 6 || $day == $total_days) { $days .= '</tr>'; } } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('blocks/calendar/month_view.html'); $tpl->days = $days; $tpl->month_year = date('m') . '/' . $year; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e->getMessage()); } }
private function echoExecute(PHPTAL $tpl) { try { ob_start(); $this->assertEquals(0, strlen($tpl->echoExecute())); $res = ob_get_clean(); } catch (Exception $e) { ob_end_clean(); throw $e; } $res2 = $tpl->execute(); $res3 = $tpl->execute(); $this->assertEquals($res2, $res3, "Multiple runs should give same result"); $this->assertEquals($res2, $res, "Execution with and without buffering should give same result"); return normalize_html($res); }
/** * Return the content in the right format, it tell to the child class to execute template vars inflating * * @see controller::finalize * * @return mixed|void */ public function finalize() { /** * Call child for template vars fill * */ $this->setTemplateVars(); try { $buffer = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); // compress page before sending $this->nocache(); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); /** * Execute Template Rendering */ echo $this->template->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($e); echo "\n\n\n"; echo "</pre>"; exit; } }
public function getContent() { global $sql; $pager = new Pager('users', Kio::getStat('total', 'users'), Kio::getConfig('limit', 'users')); $pager->sort(array(t('Nickname') => 'nickname', t('Group') => 'g_name', t('Gender') => 'gender', t('Title') => 'title', t('Location') => 'locality', t('Country') => 'country', t('Registered') => 'registered'), 'registered', 'asc'); $query = $sql->query(' SELECT id, name, inline, members FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'groups ORDER BY display_order'); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { if ($row['inline']) { $row['name'] = sprintf($row['inline'], $row['name']); } $groups[] = $row; } $query = $sql->query(' SELECT, u.nickname,, u.registered, u.group_id, u.gender, u.locality,, u.communicator, u.title, g_name FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'groups g ON = u.group_id ORDER BY ' . $pager->orderBy . ' LIMIT ' . $pager->limit . ' OFFSET ' . $pager->offset); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { $row['nickname'] = User::format($row['id'], $row['nickname'], $row['group_id']); switch ($row['gender']) { case 1: $row['gender'] = ' <img class="gender" src="' . LOCAL . 'themes/' . THEME . '/images/male.png" alt="' . t('Male') . '" title="' . t('Male') . '" />'; break; case 2: $row['gender'] = ' <img class="gender" src="' . LOCAL . 'themes/' . THEME . '/images/female.png" alt="' . t('Female') . '" title="' . t('Female') . '" />'; break; default: $row['gender'] = ''; } $users[] = $row; } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/users/users.tpl.html'); $tpl->sort = $pager->sorters; $tpl->users = $users; $tpl->groups = $groups; $tpl->pagination = $pager->getLinks(); return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e); } }
public function __construct($template = false) { $this->setTemplateRepository(self::$_template_dirs); if (DEBUG) { $this->setForceReparse(true); } parent::__construct($template); }
public function execute($view) { parent::execute($view); return $view->render(); $context = Joy_Context::getInstance(); $resource = $view->getResourceList(); $context->response->addScript($resource["javascripts"]); $context->response->addStyle($resource["stylesheets"]); $application = $context->config->application->get("application"); $application["i18n"] = $view->getLocale(); $tpl = new PHPTAL(); $tpl->setSource($view->getTemplate()); $tpl->import = new Joy_Render_Template_Importer($view); $tpl->application = $application; $tpl->get = (array) $view->assignAll(); return $tpl->execute(); }
/** * Create an instance of PHPTAL and initialize it correctly. * * @return PHPTAL The PHPTAL instance. * * @author David Zülke <*****@*****.**> * @since 1.0.2 */ protected function createEngineInstance() { $phptalPhpCodeDestination = AgaviConfig::get('core.cache_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AgaviPhptalRenderer::COMPILE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AgaviPhptalRenderer::COMPILE_SUBDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // we keep this for < 1.2 if (!defined('PHPTAL_PHP_CODE_DESTINATION')) { define('PHPTAL_PHP_CODE_DESTINATION', $phptalPhpCodeDestination); } AgaviToolkit::mkdir($phptalPhpCodeDestination, fileperms(AgaviConfig::get('core.cache_dir')), true); if (!class_exists('PHPTAL')) { require 'PHPTAL.php'; } $phptal = new PHPTAL(); if (version_compare(PHPTAL_VERSION, '1.2', 'ge')) { $phptal->setPhpCodeDestination($phptalPhpCodeDestination); } return $phptal; }
public function generate() { // getting view file contents, and stripping from <?php die?\> $viewContent = file_get_contents($this->_viewPath); $viewContent = str_replace('<?php die?>', '', $viewContent); $viewContent = '<tal:block>' . $viewContent . '</tal:block>'; // PHPTAL configuration $view = new PHPTAL(); $view->setSource($viewContent, $this->_viewPath); foreach ($this->_params as $key => $value) { $view->set($key, $value); } $view->setOutputMode(PHPTAL::HTML5); // PHPTAL filters $view->addPreFilter(new ViewPreFilter()); // <? --> <?php, <?= --> <?php echo $view->addPreFilter(new PHPTAL_PreFilter_StripComments()); if (!defined('WM_Debug')) { $view->addPreFilter(new PHPTAL_PreFilter_Normalize()); // strips whitespaces etc. } // predefined parameters // (NOTE: when changed, change also array in ->__set()) if (class_exists('Users')) { $view->set('isAdmin', Users::isLogged()); } // executing return $view->execute(); }
/** * This method is used to process the data into the view and than return it to the main method that will handle what to do. * It also uses buffer to handle that content. * * @author Klederson Bueno <*****@*****.**> * @version 0.1a * * @param String $___phpBurnFilePath * @param Array $__phpBurnData * @return String */ public function processViewData($___phpBurnFilePath, $__phpBurnData) { $tpl = new PHPTAL($___phpBurnFilePath); $tpl->setOutputMode(PHPTAL::HTML5); foreach ($__phpBurnData as $index => $value) { $tpl->{$index} = $value; } ob_start(); try { echo $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; } $___phpBurnBufferStored = ob_get_contents(); // // //Cleaning the buffer for new sessions ob_clean(); return $___phpBurnBufferStored; }
public function __construct($template = false) { parent::__construct($template); $this->setTemplateRepository(self::$_template_dirs); if (DEBUG) { $this->setForceReparse(true); } $this->static = new Template_StaticContext(); $this->global = new Template_GlobalContext(); }
public function getContent() { $err = new Error(); $note = new Notifier('note-newsletter'); $form = array(); $tpl = 'blocks/newsletter/newsletter_form.html'; if (isset($_POST['add-newsletter']) || isset($_POST['delete-newsletter']) || isset($_POST['delete2-newsletter'])) { include_once ROOT . 'blocks/newsletter/action.php'; } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL($tpl); $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->note = $note; $tpl->form = $form; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e->getMessage()); } }
function vanilla_shortcode($shortcode) { global $tpl_set, $tpl; $active_template = vanilla_get_template('shortcodes/' . $shortcode . ".html"); if (!$active_template) { return ""; } // No need to include the PHP tpl file here. Already loaded at init. $tpl_source = '<metal:block define-macro="' . $shortcode . '_shortcode">' . "\n" . "<!-- shortcode: " . $shortcode . " -->\n" . '<span tal:condition="php:VANILLA_DEBUG" class="widget-debug">SHORTCODE: ' . $shortcode . '</span>' . "\n" . '<span metal:use-macro="' . $active_template . '/loader" />' . "\n" . '<span metal:define-slot="' . $shortcode . '" />' . "\n" . '</metal:block><metal:block use-macro="' . $shortcode . '_shortcode" />' . "\n"; //return "<textarea style='width:500px; height:300px;'> $tpl_source </textarea>"; // Load and fire the PHPTAL template! $template = new PHPTAL(); $template->setSource($tpl_source, $tpl_set . $shortcode); $template->set('vanilla', $tpl); try { return $template->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e; } }
/** * Create an instance of PHPTAL and initialize it correctly. * * @return PHPTAL The PHPTAL instance. * * @author David Zülke <*****@*****.**> * @since 1.0.2 */ protected function createEngineInstance() { $phptalPhpCodeDestination = AgaviConfig::get('core.cache_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AgaviPhptalRenderer::COMPILE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AgaviPhptalRenderer::COMPILE_SUBDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // we keep this for < 1.2 if (!defined('PHPTAL_PHP_CODE_DESTINATION')) { define('PHPTAL_PHP_CODE_DESTINATION', $phptalPhpCodeDestination); } AgaviToolkit::mkdir($phptalPhpCodeDestination, fileperms(AgaviConfig::get('core.cache_dir')), true); if (!class_exists('PHPTAL')) { require 'PHPTAL.php'; } $phptal = new PHPTAL(); if (version_compare(PHPTAL_VERSION, '1.2', 'ge')) { $phptal->setPhpCodeDestination($phptalPhpCodeDestination); } else { trigger_error('Support for PHPTAL versions older than 1.2 is deprecated and will be removed in Agavi 1.2.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } if ($this->hasParameter('encoding')) { $phptal->setEncoding($this->getParameter('encoding')); } return $phptal; }
function apply(&$regionContent) { $this->checkRequiredValues($regionContent); $templateSource = @implode('', file($this->fileName)); $templateSource = $this->fixUrl($templateSource); $compiler = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('org.glizy.compilers.Skin'); $compiledFileName = $compiler->verify($this->fileName, array('defaultHtml' => $templateSource)); $pathInfo = pathinfo($compiledFileName); $templClass = new PHPTAL($pathInfo['basename'], $pathInfo['dirname'], org_glizy_Paths::getRealPath('CACHE_CODE')); foreach ($regionContent as $region => $content) { $templClass->set($region, $content); } $res = $templClass->execute(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $templateSource = $res->toString() . "\n"; } else { $templateSource = $res; } if (isset($regionContent['__body__'])) { $templateSource = $this->modifyBodyTag($regionContent['__body__'], $templateSource); } $templateSource = $this->fixLanguages($templateSource); return $templateSource; }
/** * Render a template * * $data cannot contain template as a key * * throws RuntimeException if $templatePath . $template does not exist * * @param \ResponseInterface $response * @param $template * @param array $data * * @return ResponseInterface * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function render(ResponseInterface $response, $template, array $data = []) { if (isset($data['template'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Duplicate template key found"); } if (!is_file($this->templatePath . $template)) { throw new \RuntimeException("View cannot render `{$template}` because the template does not exist"); } $template = \PHPTAL::create($this->templatePath . $template); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $template->{$key} = $value; } $response->getBody()->write($template->execute()); return $response; }
/** * Constructor * @param string $tplName The name of the Template file (without .xml) * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($tplName) { $this->templateFile = BUZZSEO_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tal' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tplName . '.xml'; if (!is_readable($this->templateFile)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf(__('File %s does not exist.', 'buzz-seo'), $this->templateFile), 404); } // Construct PHPTAL object parent::__construct(); // Add translator $this->TalTranslator = new Services\Translation(); $this->TalTranslator->useDomain('buzz-seo'); $this->setTranslator($this->TalTranslator); // Render as HTML5 $this->setOutputMode(\PHPTAL::HTML5); // Strip comments $this->stripComments(true); // Set source $this->setTemplate($this->templateFile); }
/** * * @return PHPTAL */ protected function getTAL() { try { if (!$this->TAL instanceof PHPTAL) { $this->TAL = new PHPTAL($this->getPathTemplate()); } $translator = new LBoxTranslator($this->getPathTemplate()); // zajistit existenci ciloveho adresare PHP kodu pro TAL: $phptalPhpCodeDestination = LBoxUtil::fixPathSlashes(LBoxConfigSystem::getInstance()->getParamByPath("output/tal/PHPTAL_PHP_CODE_DESTINATION")); LBoxUtil::createDirByPath($phptalPhpCodeDestination); $this->TAL->setTranslator($translator); $this->TAL->setForceReparse(LBoxConfigSystem::getInstance()->getParamByPath("output/tal/PHPTAL_FORCE_REPARSE")); $this->TAL->setPhpCodeDestination($phptalPhpCodeDestination); $this->TAL->SELF = $this; return $this->TAL; } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
/** * Get the evaluated contents of the view. * * @param string $path * @param array $data * * @return string */ public function get($path, array $data = []) { if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $field => $value) { // Creating error properties in ViewErrorBag if ($field == 'errors') { $bags = $value->getBags(); if (!in_array('default', array_keys($bags))) { $value->default = new MessageBag([]); } $this->phptal->errors = $value; } if (!preg_match('/^_|\\s/', $field)) { $this->phptal->{$field} = $value; } } } $this->phptal->setTemplate($path); return $this->phptal->execute(); }