// local function
// Generate sample data for first chart
echo date('H:i:s') . " Generate sample data for first chart\n";
$series1Data = array('Jan' => 133, 'Feb' => 99, 'Mar' => 191, 'Apr' => 205, 'May' => 167, 'Jun' => 201, 'Jul' => 240, 'Aug' => 226, 'Sep' => 255, 'Oct' => 264, 'Nov' => 283, 'Dec' => 293);
$series2Data = array('Jan' => 266, 'Feb' => 198, 'Mar' => 271, 'Apr' => 305, 'May' => 267, 'Jun' => 301, 'Jul' => 340, 'Aug' => 326, 'Sep' => 344, 'Oct' => 364, 'Nov' => 383, 'Dec' => 379);
// Create a bar chart (that should be inserted in a shape)
echo date('H:i:s') . " Create a bar chart (that should be inserted in a chart shape)\n";
$bar3DChart = new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Type_Bar3D();
$series1 = new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Series('2009', $series1Data);
$series1->getDataPointFill(2)->setFillType(PHPPowerPoint_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new PHPPowerPoint_Style_Color('FF00FF00'));
$series2 = new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Series('2010', $series2Data);
// Create a shape (chart)
echo date('H:i:s') . " Create a shape (chart)\n";
$shape = $currentSlide->createChartShape();
$shape->setName('PHPPowerPoint Monthly Downloads')->setResizeProportional(false)->setHeight(550)->setWidth(700)->setOffsetX(120)->setOffsetY(80);
$shape->getFill()->setFillType(PHPPowerPoint_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_LINEAR)->setStartColor(new PHPPowerPoint_Style_Color('FFCCCCCC'))->setEndColor(new PHPPowerPoint_Style_Color('FFFFFFFF'))->setRotation(270);
$shape->getTitle()->setText('PHPPowerPoint Monthly Downloads');
$objPHPPowerPoint->getProperties()->setCreator("Maarten Balliauw")->setLastModifiedBy("Maarten Balliauw")->setTitle("Office 2007 PPTX Test Document")->setSubject("Office 2007 PPTX Test Document")->setDescription("Test document for Office 2007 PPTX, generated using PHP classes.")->setKeywords("office 2007 openxml php")->setCategory("Test result file");
// Remove first slide
echo date('H:i:s') . " Remove first slide\n";
// Create templated slide
echo date('H:i:s') . " Create templated slide\n";
$currentSlide = createTemplatedSlide($objPHPPowerPoint);
// local function
// Generate sample data for first chart
echo date('H:i:s') . " Generate sample data for first chart\n";
$series1Data = array('Jan' => 133, 'Feb' => 99, 'Mar' => 191, 'Apr' => 205, 'May' => 167, 'Jun' => 201, 'Jul' => 240, 'Aug' => 226, 'Sep' => 255, 'Oct' => 264, 'Nov' => 283, 'Dec' => 293);
$series2Data = array('Jan' => 266, 'Feb' => 198, 'Mar' => 271, 'Apr' => 305, 'May' => 267, 'Jun' => 301, 'Jul' => 340, 'Aug' => 326, 'Sep' => 344, 'Oct' => 364, 'Nov' => 383, 'Dec' => 379);
// Create a bar chart (that should be inserted in a shape)
echo date('H:i:s') . " Create a bar chart (that should be inserted in a chart shape)\n";
$bar3DChart = new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Type_Bar3D();
$bar3DChart->addSeries(new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Series('2009', $series1Data));
$bar3DChart->addSeries(new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Series('2010', $series2Data));
// Create a shape (chart)
echo date('H:i:s') . " Create a shape (chart)\n";
$shape = $currentSlide->createChartShape();
$shape->setName('PHPPowerPoint Monthly Downloads')->setResizeProportional(false)->setHeight(550)->setWidth(700)->setOffsetX(120)->setOffsetY(80)->setIncludeSpreadsheet(true);
$shape->getFill()->setFillType(PHPPowerPoint_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_LINEAR)->setStartColor(new PHPPowerPoint_Style_Color('FFCCCCCC'))->setEndColor(new PHPPowerPoint_Style_Color('FFFFFFFF'))->setRotation(270);
$shape->getTitle()->setText('PHPPowerPoint Monthly Downloads');