 function _RenderAllComponents($arParams, $bLPA)
     global $APPLICATION, $USER;
     $s = '';
     $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($arParams['source']);
     $l = count($arPHP);
     if ($l > 0) {
         $new_source = '';
         $end = 0;
         $comp_count = 0;
         for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
             //Trim php tags
             $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
             if (SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?" . "php") {
                 $src = SubStr($src, 5);
             } else {
                 $src = SubStr($src, 2);
             $src = SubStr($src, 0, -2);
             $comp2_begin = '$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
             if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) != $comp2_begin) {
             $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($arPHP[$n][2]);
             if ($arRes) {
                 $comp_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME']);
                 $template_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['TEMPLATE_NAME']);
                 $arParams = $arRes['PARAMS'];
                 $arParams['BX_EDITOR_RENDER_MODE'] = 'Y';
                 if ($bLPA) {
                     $arPHPparams = array();
                     CMain::LPAComponentChecker($arParams, $arPHPparams);
                     $len = count($arPHPparams);
                 $br = "\r\n";
                 $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $comp_name . '",' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $template_name . '",' . $br;
                 // If exist at least one parameter with php code inside
                 if (count($arParams) > 0) {
                     // Get array with description of component params
                     $arCompParams = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($comp_name);
                     $arTemplParams = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($comp_name, $template_name, $template);
                     $arParameters = array();
                     if (isset($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"]) && is_array($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"])) {
                         $arParameters = $arParameters + $arCompParams["PARAMETERS"];
                     if (is_array($arTemplParams)) {
                         $arParameters = $arParameters + $arTemplParams;
                     if ($bLPA) {
                         // Replace values from 'DEFAULT'
                         for ($e = 0; $e < $len; $e++) {
                             $par_name = $arPHPparams[$e];
                             $arParams[$par_name] = isset($arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT']) ? $arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT'] : '';
                     foreach ($arParams as $key => $val) {
                         if ($key != addslashes($key)) {
                         } else {
                             $arParams[$key] = addslashes($val);
                     $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arParams, $arParameters);
                     $code .= "\t" . 'Array(' . $br . "\t" . $params . $br . "\t" . ')';
                 } else {
                     $code .= "\t" . 'Array()';
                 $parent_comp = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['PARENT_COMP']);
                 $arExParams_ = $arRes['FUNCTION_PARAMS'];
                 $bEx = isset($arExParams_) && is_array($arExParams_) && count($arExParams_) > 0;
                 if (!$parent_comp || strtolower($parent_comp) == 'false') {
                     $parent_comp = false;
                 if ($parent_comp) {
                     if ($parent_comp == 'true' || intVal($parent_comp) == $parent_comp) {
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\t" . $parent_comp;
                     } else {
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\t\"" . $parent_comp . '"';
                 if ($bEx) {
                     if (!$parent_comp) {
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\tfalse";
                     $arExParams = array();
                     foreach ($arExParams_ as $k => $v) {
                         $k = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($k);
                         $v = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($v);
                         if (strlen($k) > 0 && strlen($v) > 0) {
                             $arExParams[$k] = $v;
                     $exParams = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arExParams);
                     $code .= ',' . $br . "\tArray(" . $exParams . ')';
                 $code .= $br . ');';
                 echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT_' . $comp_count . '#';
                 echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT_' . $comp_count . '#';
         $s = ob_get_contents();
     return $s;
 $new_content = '';
 $end = 0;
 $php_count = 0;
 for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
     $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
     $new_content .= CMain::EncodePHPTags(substr($content_, $end, $start - $end));
     $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
     //Trim php tags
     $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
     if (substr($src, 0, 5) == "<?php") {
         $src = '<?' . substr($src, 5);
     //If it's Component 2 - we handle it's params, non components2 will be erased
     $comp2_begin = '<?$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
     if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) == $comp2_begin) {
         $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($src);
         if ($arRes) {
             $comp_name = _replacer($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME']);
             $template_name = _replacer($arRes['TEMPLATE_NAME']);
             $arParams = $arRes['PARAMS'];
             $arPHPparams = array();
             //all php fragments wraped by ={}
             foreach ($arParams as $param_name => $paramval) {
                 if (substr($paramval, 0, 2) == '={' && substr($paramval, -1) == '}') {
                     $arPHPparams[] = $param_name;
             $len = count($arPHPparams);
             $br = "\r\n";
             $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $comp_name . '",' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $template_name . '",' . $br;
             // If exist at least one parameter with php code inside
 function FetchParams($content)
     // 1. Parse file
     $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($content);
     $arComponents = array('bitrix:intranet.event_calendar', 'bitrix:socialnetwork', 'bitrix:socialnetwork_user', 'bitrix:socialnetwork_group');
     if (count($arPHP) > 0) {
         self::$types = CCalendarConvert::GetOption('__convert_types');
         self::$iblockTypes = CCalendarConvert::GetOption('__convert_ibl_types');
         self::$settings = CCalendarConvert::GetOption('__convert_settings');
         foreach ($arPHP as $code) {
             $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($code[2]);
             if ($arRes && in_array($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME'], $arComponents)) {
                 $PARAMS = $arRes['PARAMS'];
                 if ($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME'] == 'bitrix:intranet.event_calendar') {
                     if (!in_array($PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'], self::$iblockTypes) && $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE']) {
                         self::$iblockTypes[] = $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['user']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['group']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (isset($PARAMS['USERS_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['USERS_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['user']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['USERS_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['SUPERPOSE_GROUPS_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['SUPERPOSE_GROUPS_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['group']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['SUPERPOSE_GROUPS_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     // Settings
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_user', $PARAMS['PATH_TO_USER']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('week_holidays', $PARAMS['WEEK_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('year_holidays', $PARAMS['YEAR_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_start', $PARAMS['WORK_TIME_START']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_end', $PARAMS['WORK_TIME_END']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_type', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_RES_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_rm', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_RES_MEETING']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('vr_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_VIDEO_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING_DETAIL']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING']);
                 } else {
                     if (!in_array($PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'], self::$iblockTypes) && $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE']) {
                         self::$iblockTypes[] = $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['user']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['group']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (isset($PARAMS['CALENDAR_USER_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['CALENDAR_USER_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['user']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['CALENDAR_USER_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['CALENDAR_GROUP_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['CALENDAR_GROUP_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['group']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['CALENDAR_GROUP_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_user', $PARAMS['PATH_TO_USER']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_group', $PARAMS['PATH_TO_GROUP']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['group_calendar']) && (strpos($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['group_calendar'], 'extranet') === false && strpos($PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'], 'extranet') === false)) {
                         self::SetModuleOption('path_to_group_calendar', $PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'] . $PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['group_calendar']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['user_calendar']) && (strpos($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['user_calendar'], 'extranet') === false && strpos($PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'], 'extranet') === false)) {
                         self::SetModuleOption('path_to_user_calendar', $PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'] . $PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['user_calendar']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('week_holidays', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_WEEK_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('year_holidays', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_YEAR_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_start', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_WORK_TIME_START']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_end', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_WORK_TIME_END']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_type', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_RES_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_rm', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_RES_MEETING']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('vr_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_VIDEO_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING_DETAIL']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING']);
         CCalendarConvert::SetOption('__convert_types', self::$types);
         CCalendarConvert::SetOption('__convert_ibl_types', self::$iblockTypes);
         CCalendarConvert::SetOption('__convert_settings', self::$settings);
     return true;
 function ProcessLPA($filesrc = false, $old_filesrc = false)
     if ($filesrc === false) {
         return '';
     // Find all php fragments in $filesrc and:
     // 	1. Kill all non-component 2.0 fragments
     // 	2. Get and check params of components
     $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($filesrc);
     $l = count($arPHP);
     if ($l > 0) {
         $new_filesrc = '';
         $end = 0;
         for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
             $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
             $new_filesrc .= CMain::EncodePHPTags(substr($filesrc, $end, $start - $end));
             $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
             //Trim php tags
             $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
             if (substr($src, 0, 5) == "<?php") {
                 $src = '<?' . substr($src, 5);
             //If it's Component 2 - we handle it's params, non components2 will be erased
             $comp2_begin = '<?$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
             if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) == $comp2_begin) {
                 $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($src);
                 if ($arRes) {
                     $comp_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME']);
                     $template_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['TEMPLATE_NAME']);
                     $arParams = $arRes['PARAMS'];
                     $arPHPparams = array();
                     CMain::LPAComponentChecker($arParams, $arPHPparams);
                     $len = count($arPHPparams);
                     $br = "\r\n";
                     $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $comp_name . '",' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $template_name . '",' . $br;
                     // If exist at least one parameter with php code inside
                     if (count($arParams) > 0) {
                         // Get array with description of component params
                         $arCompParams = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($comp_name);
                         $arTemplParams = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($comp_name, $template_name);
                         $arParameters = array();
                         if (isset($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"]) && is_array($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"])) {
                             $arParameters = $arParameters + $arCompParams["PARAMETERS"];
                         if (is_array($arTemplParams)) {
                             $arParameters = $arParameters + $arTemplParams;
                         // Replace values from 'DEFAULT'
                         for ($e = 0; $e < $len; $e++) {
                             $par_name = $arPHPparams[$e];
                             $arParams[$par_name] = isset($arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT']) ? $arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT'] : '';
                         $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arParams, $arParameters);
                         $code .= "\t" . 'array(' . $br . "\t" . $params . $br . "\t" . ')';
                     } else {
                         $code .= "\t" . 'array()';
                     $parent_comp = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['PARENT_COMP']);
                     $arExParams_ = $arRes['FUNCTION_PARAMS'];
                     $bEx = isset($arExParams_) && is_array($arExParams_) && count($arExParams_) > 0;
                     if (!$parent_comp || strtolower($parent_comp) == 'false') {
                         $parent_comp = false;
                     if ($parent_comp) {
                         if ($parent_comp == 'true' || intVal($parent_comp) == $parent_comp) {
                             $code .= ',' . $br . "\t" . $parent_comp;
                         } else {
                             $code .= ',' . $br . "\t\"" . $parent_comp . '"';
                     if ($bEx) {
                         if (!$parent_comp) {
                             $code .= ',' . $br . "\tfalse";
                         $arExParams = array();
                         foreach ($arExParams_ as $k => $v) {
                             $k = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($k);
                             $v = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($v);
                             if (strlen($k) > 0 && strlen($v) > 0) {
                                 $arExParams[$k] = $v;
                         $exParams = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arExParams);
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\tarray(" . $exParams . ')';
                     $code .= $br . ');';
                     $code = '<?' . $code . '?>';
                     $new_filesrc .= $code;
         $new_filesrc .= CMain::EncodePHPTags(substr($filesrc, $end));
         $filesrc = $new_filesrc;
     } else {
         $filesrc = CMain::EncodePHPTags($filesrc);
     if (strpos($filesrc, '#PHP') !== false && $old_filesrc !== false) {
         // Get array of PHP scripts from old saved file
         $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($old_filesrc);
         $arPHPscripts = array();
         $l = count($arPHP);
         if ($l > 0) {
             $new_filesrc = '';
             $end = 0;
             for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
                 $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
                 $new_filesrc .= substr($old_filesrc, $end, $start - $end);
                 $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
                 $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
                 $src = SubStr($src, SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?" . "php" ? 5 : 2, -2);
                 // Trim php tags
                 $comp2_begin = '$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
                 if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) != $comp2_begin) {
                     $arPHPscripts[] = $src;
         // Ok, so we already have array of php scripts lets check our new content
         // LPA-users CAN delete PHP fragments and swap them but CAN'T add new or modify existent:
         while (preg_match('/#PHP\\d{4}#/i' . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $filesrc, $res)) {
             $php_begin = strpos($filesrc, $res[0]);
             $php_fr_num = intval(substr($filesrc, $php_begin + 4, 4)) - 1;
             // Number of PHP fragment from #PHPXXXX# conctruction
             if (isset($arPHPscripts[$php_fr_num])) {
                 $filesrc = substr($filesrc, 0, $php_begin) . '<?' . $arPHPscripts[$php_fr_num] . '?>' . substr($filesrc, $php_begin + 9);
             } else {
                 $filesrc = substr($filesrc, 0, $php_begin) . substr($filesrc, $php_begin + 9);
     return $filesrc;
function WDUFGetComponentsOnPage($filesrc = false)
    static $cache = array();
    if (!array_key_exists($filesrc, $cache)) {
        $text = '';
        $arResult = array();
        if ($filesrc !== false) {
            $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
            $filesrc = $io->CombinePath("/", $filesrc);
            $filesrc = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot(SITE_ID) . $filesrc;
            $f = $io->GetFile($filesrc);
            $text = $f->GetContents();
        if ($text != '') {
            $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($text);
            foreach ($arPHP as $php) {
                $src = $php[2];
                if (stripos($src, '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(') !== false) {
                    $arResult[] = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($src);
        $cache[$filesrc] = $arResult;
    return $cache[$filesrc];