/** * Show the league ranking as widget. * * @param integer $id_league * @return string */ public function widget_ranking_table($id_league) { global $wpdb; $db = new PHPLeague_Database(); // League not found in the database if ($db->is_league_exists($id_league) === FALSE) { return; } $setting = $db->get_league_settings($id_league); $nb_teams = (int) $setting->nb_teams; $favorite = (int) $setting->id_favorite; $output = '<table id="phpleague"><thead><tr> <th class="centered">' . __('Pos', 'phpleague') . '</th> <th>' . __('Team', 'phpleague') . '</th> <th class="centered">' . __('Pts', 'phpleague') . '</th> <th class="centered">' . __('P', 'phpleague') . '</th> <th class="centered">' . __('+/-', 'phpleague') . '</th></tr></thead><tbody>'; $place = 1; foreach ($db->get_league_table_data('general', $id_league, $nb_teams) as $row) { if ($place <= $nb_teams) { if ($favorite == $row->id_team) { $output .= '<tr class="id-favorite">'; } else { $output .= '<tr>'; } $points = (int) $row->points; $played = (int) $row->played; $diff = (int) $row->diff; $output .= '<td class="centered">' . $place . '</td>'; $output .= '<td>' . esc_html($row->club_name) . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="centered">' . $points . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="centered">' . $played . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="centered">' . $diff . '</td></tr>'; $place++; } } $output .= '</tbody></table>'; return $output; }
foreach ($clubs as $club) { $my_clubs[] = $club; } } $leagues = $db->get_every_league(0, $db->count_leagues()); $my_leagues = array(); foreach ($leagues as $league) { foreach ($my_clubs as $club) { if (!$db->is_club_already_in_league($league->id, $club->id)) { // is_club_already_in_league returns false when in league $my_leagues[] = $league; break; } } } $id_league = !empty($_GET['id_league']) && $db->is_league_exists($_GET['id_league']) === TRUE ? (int) $_GET['id_league'] : $my_leagues[0]->id; foreach ($my_clubs as $club) { $my_club_ids[] = $db->get_team_id($club->id, $id_league); } if ($db->is_league_exists($id_league) === FALSE) { wp_die(__('We did not find the league in the database.', 'phpleague')); } // Variables $league_name = $db->return_league_name($id_league); $setting = $db->get_league_settings($id_league); $nb_teams = (int) $setting->nb_teams; $nb_legs = (int) $setting->nb_leg; $nb_players = (int) $setting->nb_starter + (int) $setting->nb_bench; $sport = new PHPLeague_Sports::$sports[$setting->sport](); $page_url = 'admin.php?page=phpleague_my_results&id_league=' . $id_league; $output = '';