 * Add a new user into a given project
 * @param Integer $group_id Project id
 * @param PFUser    $user     User to add
 * @return Boolean
function account_add_user_obj_to_group($group_id, PFUser $user)
    //user was found but if it's a pending account adding
    //is not allowed
    if (!$user->isActive() && !$user->isRestricted()) {
        $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_account', 'account_notactive', $user->getUserName()));
        return false;
    //if not already a member, add it
    $res_member = db_query("SELECT user_id FROM user_group WHERE user_id=" . $user->getId() . " AND group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "'");
    if (db_numrows($res_member) < 1) {
        //not already a member
        db_query("INSERT INTO user_group (user_id,group_id) VALUES (" . db_ei($user->getId()) . "," . db_ei($group_id) . ")");
        //if no unix account, give them a unix_uid
        if ($user->getUnixStatus() == 'N' || !$user->getUnixUid()) {
            $um = UserManager::instance();
        // Raise an event
        $em = EventManager::instance();
        $em->processEvent('project_admin_add_user', array('group_id' => $group_id, 'user_id' => $user->getId(), 'user_unix_name' => $user->getUserName()));
        $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('info', $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_account', 'user_added'));
        account_send_add_user_to_group_email($group_id, $user->getId());
        group_add_history('added_user', $user->getUserName(), $group_id, array($user->getUserName()));
        return true;
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_account', 'user_already_member'));
    return false;
  * Write SSH authorized_keys into a user homedir
  * @param PFUser $user
  * @return Boolean
 public function writeSSHKeys(PFUser $user)
     try {
         if ($user->getUnixStatus() != 'A') {
             return true;
         $ssh_dir = $user->getUnixHomeDir() . '/.ssh';
         // Subtlety: between the 2 process owner change, there is no way to
         // write any logs because the process is owned by a mere user but
         // the log file is only writtable by codendiadm and root. So the
         // exceptions... welcome to the real world Neo.
         $this->createSSHDirForUser($user, $ssh_dir);
         $this->writeSSHFile($user, $ssh_dir);
         $this->backend->changeOwnerGroupMode($ssh_dir, $user->getUserName(), $user->getUserName(), 0700);
         $this->backend->changeOwnerGroupMode("{$ssh_dir}/authorized_keys", $user->getUserName(), $user->getUserName(), 0600);
         $this->backend->log("Authorized_keys for " . $user->getUserName() . " written.", Backend::LOG_INFO);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $this->backend->log($exception->getMessage(), Backend::LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
  * Create new account
  * @param PFUser $user
  * @return PFUser
 function createAccount($user)
     $dao = $this->getDao();
     $user_id = $dao->create($user->getUserName(), $user->getEmail(), $user->getPassword(), $user->getRealName(), $user->getRegisterPurpose(), $user->getStatus(), $user->getShell(), $user->getUnixStatus(), $user->getUnixUid(), $user->getUnixBox(), $user->getLdapId(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], $user->getConfirmHash(), $user->getMailSiteUpdates(), $user->getMailVA(), $user->getStickyLogin(), $user->getAuthorizedKeys(), $user->getNewMail(), $user->getTimeZone(), $user->getTheme(), $user->getLanguageID(), $user->getExpiryDate(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
     if (!$user_id) {
         $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_exit', 'error'));
         return 0;
     } else {
         $em = $this->_getEventManager();
         $em->processEvent(Event::USER_MANAGER_CREATE_ACCOUNT, array('user' => $user));
         // Create the first layout for the user and add some initial widgets
         $lm = $this->_getWidgetLayoutManager();
         switch ($user->getStatus()) {
             case PFUser::STATUS_PENDING:
                 if (ForgeConfig::get('sys_user_approval')) {
             case PFUser::STATUS_ACTIVE:
             case PFUser::STATUS_RESTRICTED:
                 $em->processEvent('project_admin_activate_user', array('user_id' => $user_id));
         return $user;