function readPage($username = NULL, $password = NULL, $id = NULL, $loginToken = NULL, $editToken = NULL, $title = NULL, $revisionID = NULL) { $__pcpServer = new PCPServer(); $__userCredentials = new PCPUserCredentials($username, $password, $id, $loginToken, $editToken); $_REQUEST = array(); $__pcpServer->login($__userCredentials); // var_dump($__userCredentials,$title, $revisionID); // die; return simplexml_load_string(PCPUtil::createXMLResponse($__pcpServer->readPage($__userCredentials, $title, $revisionID)->toXML()), 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); }
public function movePage(PCPUserCredentials $uc = NULL, $fromTitle = NULL, $toTitle = NULL, $movetalk = false, $noredirect = false) { // check if new user credentials are set if ($userCredentials != NULL && $this->usedUC->un != $userCredentials->un) { $this->usedUC = $userCredentials; $this->login(); } if (!isset($fromTitle) || !isset($toTitle)) { return false; } // get the edit token for the page $this->getEditToken(NULL, urldecode($fromTitle)); // if movetalk is not set, do not use it if ($movetalk) { $this->queryMovePage = array_merge($this->queryMovePage, array('movetalk')); } if ($noredirect) { $this->queryMovePage = array_merge($this->queryMovePage, array('noredirect')); } foreach (PCPUtil::replaceInHash($this->queryMovePage, array(urlencode($fromTitle), urlencode($toTitle), urlencode($this->usedUC->editToken))) as $__parameter => $__parameterValue) { $__parameters .= $__parameter . '=' . $__parameterValue . '&'; } $__request = $this->targetWiki->url . '/' . $this->targetWiki->api . '?' . $__parameters . $this->_returnFormat; // sets the return format $__curlHandler = curl_init(); curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_URL, $__request); if ($this->targetWiki->proxyAddr != "") { curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->targetWiki->proxyAddr); } curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // don't return the header in teh result curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookieFile); curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookieFile); // set the file where cookies from which cookies are being read curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // use the POST method #curl_setopt($__curlHandler, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "wpName=".$this->usedUC->un."&wpLoginToken=".$this->usedUC->lgToken); $__serializedResult = curl_exec($__curlHandler); curl_close($__curlHandler); $__result = unserialize($__serializedResult); return $__result; }
public function movePage(PCPUserCredentials $userCredentials = NULL, $fromTitle = NULL, $toTitle = NULL, $movetalk = false, $noredirect = false) { if ($fromTitle == NULL || $toTitle == NULL) { // trigger an error? return false; } $this->getEditToken($userCredentials, $fromTitle); // if movetalk is not set, do not use it if ($movetalk) { $this->queryMovePage = array_merge($this->queryMovePage, array('movetalk')); } if ($noredirect) { $this->queryMovePage = array_merge($this->queryMovePage, array('noredirect')); } $__request = new FauxRequest(PCPUtil::replaceInHash($this->queryMovePage, array($fromTitle, $toTitle, $this->usedUC->editToken))); $__api = new ApiMain($__request, true); $__api->execute(); // $__result =& $__api->GetResultData(); // return true; return $__api->GetResultData(); }