  * Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host using system binaries.
  * Returns an array containing ping times in milliseconds for each request.
  * This method may fail, if:
  *    - Web server has no access to system "ping" binary (eg. runs in chrooted mode)
  *    - ICMP ping requests are blocked by the firewall
  *    - shell_exec() function is disabled in php.ini
  * @param     string    $host     Hostname or IP address
  * @param     int       $count    Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets
  * @return  array
 function icmp_ping($host, $count = 3)
     $ping_result = array();
     $host = trim($host);
     if ($host != '' && $count > 0) {
         $os = PCPIN_Common::guessOS();
         $result = false;
         switch ($os) {
             case 'windows':
                 $result = shell_exec('ping -n ' . $count . ' ' . $host);
             case 'unix':
                 $result = shell_exec('ping -c ' . $count . ' ' . $host);
         // Parse result
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $data = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", $result));
             foreach ($data as $line) {
                 $line = strtolower($line);
                 if (false !== strpos($line, 'ms') && false !== strpos($line, 'ttl') && (false !== strpos($line, '=') || false !== strpos($line, '<'))) {
                     $parts = explode('=', str_replace('<', '=', $line));
                     foreach ($parts as $part) {
                         if (false !== strpos($part, 'ms')) {
                             $ping_result[] = trim(substr($part, 0, strpos($part, 'ms')));
     return $ping_result;
  * Removes slashes from all scalar array values recursively
  * @param   array     $target               Target array
  * @param   boolean   $magic_quotes_sybase  Use magic_quotes_sybase stripping only?
  * @return  array     Array with stripped slashes
 function stripSlashesRecursive($target, $magic_quotes_sybase = false)
     if (!empty($target) && is_array($target)) {
         foreach ($target as $key => $val) {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 // Value is an array. Start recursion.
                 $target[$key] = PCPIN_Common::stripSlashesRecursive($val, $magic_quotes_sybase);
             } elseif (is_scalar($val)) {
                 // Strip slashes from scalar value
                 if ($magic_quotes_sybase) {
                     $target[$key] = str_replace("''", "'", $val);
                 } else {
                     $target[$key] = stripslashes($val);
             } else {
                 // Leave value unchanged.
                 $target[$key] = $val;
     return $target;
  * Constructor.
  * Connect to database.
  * @param   object  &$caller        Caller object
  * @param   array   $db_conndata    Database connection data
 function PCPIN_DB(&$caller, $db_conndata)
     // Connect to database
     $connected = false;
     if (empty($this->_db_conn)) {
         if (!function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
             // MySQL extension is not loaded
             PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(1, '<b>Fatal error</b>: MySQL extension is not loaded');
         } elseif (PCPIN_DB_PERSISTENT && ($this->_db_conn = @mysql_pconnect($db_conndata['server'], $db_conndata['user'], $db_conndata['password']))) {
             // Database server connected using mysql_pconnect() function
             $connected = true;
         } elseif ($this->_db_conn = mysql_connect($db_conndata['server'], $db_conndata['user'], $db_conndata['password'])) {
             // Database server connected using mysql_connect() function
             $connected = true;
         if (!$connected) {
             PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(1, '<b>Fatal error</b>: Failed to connect database server');
         } else {
             // Set UTF-8 character set for client-server communication
             // Disable MySQL strict mode
             $this->_db_query('SET SESSION sql_mode=""');
             // Trying do select database
             if (!mysql_select_db($db_conndata['database'], $this->_db_conn)) {
                 // Failed to select database
                 PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(1, '<b>Fatal error</b>: Failed to select database');
             } else {
                 // Define database table names prefix
                 if (!defined('PCPIN_DB_PREFIX')) {
                     define('PCPIN_DB_PREFIX', $db_conndata['tbl_prefix']);
     $this->_cache['_db_tabledata'] = array();
     // Cached table information ($this->_cache is a property of the parent class)
     $this->_db_pass_vars($this, $caller);
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!isset($user_id)) {
    $user_id = 0;
$client_data = array();
// Get client session
if (is_object($session) && !empty($current_user->id) && $session->_s_user_id == $current_user->id && $current_user->is_admin === 'y') {
    if ($session->_db_getList('_s_user_id = ' . $user_id, 1)) {
        // Client is online
        $sessiondata = $session->_db_list[0];
        $client_data = array('ip' => $sessiondata['_s_ip'], 'host' => gethostbyaddr($sessiondata['_s_ip']), 'agent' => $sessiondata['_s_client_agent_name'] . ' ' . $sessiondata['_s_client_agent_version'], 'os' => $sessiondata['_s_client_os'], 'session_start' => $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($sessiondata['_s_created'])));
        // Get language name
        $l->_db_getList('name, iso_name', 'id = ' . $sessiondata['_s_language_id'], 1);
        $client_data['language'] = $l->_db_list[0]['name'] . ' (' . $l->_db_list[0]['iso_name'] . ')';
    } else {
        // Client is not online
$xmlwriter->setData(array('client_data' => $client_data));
$_js_lng[] = 'ban_canceled_ip_equals';
$_js_lng[] = 'muted_locally';
$_js_lng[] = 'permanently_globalmuted';
$_js_lng[] = 'globalmuted_until';
$_js_lng[] = 'yes';
$_js_lng[] = 'no';
$_js_lng[] = 'create_new_room';
$_js_lng[] = 'room_is_password_protected';
$_js_lng[] = 'active';
$_js_lng[] = 'profile';
$_js_lng[] = 'guest';
$_js_lng[] = 'registered';
$_js_lng[] = 'admin';
// Add global vars to template
foreach ($global_tpl_vars as $key => $val) {
    $tpl->addGlobalVar($key, htmlspecialchars($val));
// Add language expressions to template
foreach ($tpl->tpl_vars_plain as $var) {
    if (0 === strpos($var, 'LNG_')) {
        $var = strtolower($var);
        $tpl->addGlobalVar($var, htmlspecialchars($l->g(substr($var, 4))));
// Add other vars
$tpl->addVar('main', 'welcome_message', htmlspecialchars(str_replace('[USER]', $current_user->login, $l->g('welcome_user'))));
if ($current_user->is_guest == 'n') {
    $tpl->addVar('last_login', 'last_login', htmlspecialchars($current_user->previous_login > '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($current_user->previous_login)) : $l->g('never')));
$template->addVar('moderator_user_options', 'display', $current_user->moderated_rooms != '' || $current_user->is_admin === 'y');
$template->addVar('admin_user_options', 'display', $current_user->is_admin === 'y');
if (empty($errortext)) {
    // Check data
    if ($current_user->_db_getList('id,login', 'email = ' . $email, 'activated = y', 'is_guest = n', 1)) {
        // Email address found
        $user_id = $current_user->_db_list[0]['id'];
        $login = $current_user->_db_list[0]['login'];
    } else {
        // Wrong Email
        $errortext[] = $l->g('email_not_found');
if (!empty($errortext)) {
    $xmlwriter->setHeaderMessage('- ' . implode("\n- ", $errortext));
} else {
    // Reset password
    $password_new = PCPIN_Common::randomString(mt_rand(6, 8), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789');
    $current_user->_db_updateRow($user_id, 'id', array('password_new' => md5($password_new)));
    // Send "password reset" email
    $email_body = $l->g('email_password_reset');
    $email_body = str_replace('[CHAT_NAME]', $session->_conf_all['chat_name'], $email_body);
    $email_body = str_replace('[USERNAME]', $login, $email_body);
    $email_body = str_replace('[PASSWORD]', $password_new, $email_body);
    $email_body = str_replace('[URL]', str_replace(' ', '%20', $session->_conf_all['base_url']), $email_body);
    $email_body = str_replace('[SENDER]', $session->_conf_all['chat_email_sender_name'], $email_body);
    PCPIN_Email::send('"' . $session->_conf_all['chat_email_sender_name'] . '"' . ' <' . $session->_conf_all['chat_email_sender_address'] . '>', $email, $l->g('password_reset'), null, null, $email_body);
    $xmlwriter->setHeaderMessage(str_replace('[EMAIL]', $email, $l->g('new_password_sent')));
  * Create new session
  * @param   int       $user_id            Optional ID of session owner user
  * @param   int       $last_message_id    ID of last message received by session owner
  * @param   int       $language_id        Optional. Selected language. If empty, then default language will be used.
  * @param   string    $backend_login      Optional. 'y', if user is Administrator and logged directly into Admin Backend.
 function _s_newSession($user_id = 0, $last_message_id = 0, $language_id = 0, $backend_login = '******')
     $ok = false;
     if ($backend_login !== 'y' && $backend_login !== 'n') {
         $backend_login = '******';
     $max_attempts = 100;
     do {
         // Generate new session ID
         $this->_s_id = PCPIN_Common::randomString(PCPIN_SID_LENGTH, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789');
         // Check new session ID
         if (!$this->_db_getList('_s_id', '_s_id = ' . $this->_s_id, 1)) {
             // New session ID is unique
             // Check language
             $language = new PCPIN_Language($this);
             if (empty($this->_conf_all['allow_language_selection']) || 0 == ($language_id = $language->checkLanguage($language_id))) {
                 $language_id = $this->_conf_all['default_language'];
             // Set all object properties up
             $this->_s_ip = PCPIN_CLIENT_IP;
             $this->_s_client_agent_name = PCPIN_CLIENT_AGENT_NAME;
             $this->_s_client_agent_version = PCPIN_CLIENT_AGENT_VERSION;
             $this->_s_client_os = PCPIN_CLIENT_OS;
             $this->_s_created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->_s_last_ping = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->_s_language_id = $language_id;
             $this->_s_user_id = $user_id;
             $this->_s_security_code = md5(PCPIN_Common::randomString(mt_rand(100, 255)));
             $this->_s_security_code_img = '';
             $this->_s_room_id = 0;
             $this->_s_room_date = '';
             $this->_s_last_message_id = $last_message_id;
             $this->_s_last_sent_message_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
             $this->_s_last_sent_message_hash = '';
             $this->_s_last_sent_message_repeats_count = 0;
             $this->_s_online_status = 1;
             $this->_s_online_status_message = '';
             $this->_s_kicked = 'n';
             $this->_s_stealth_mode = 'n';
             $this->_s_backend = $backend_login;
             $this->_s_page_unloaded = 'n';
             // Save session into database
             $ok = $this->_db_insertObj();
     } while ($ok !== true && $max_attempts > 0);
     if (!$ok) {
         PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(-1, '<b>Fatal error</b>: Failed to create new session');
        if (!empty($_pcpin_init_session->_s_id) && $l->id != $_pcpin_init_session->_s_language_id) {
            $_pcpin_init_session->_s_updateSession($_pcpin_init_session->_s_id, true, true, $l->id);
 * Strip magic quotes from GPC vars and extract them into the global scope.
 * This software uses own security algorithm to prevent SQL injections.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $_pcpin_magic_quotes_sybase = ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase') == '1';
    $_GET = PCPIN_Common::stripSlashesRecursive($_GET, $_pcpin_magic_quotes_sybase);
    $_POST = PCPIN_Common::stripSlashesRecursive($_POST, $_pcpin_magic_quotes_sybase);
    $_COOKIE = PCPIN_Common::stripSlashesRecursive($_COOKIE, $_pcpin_magic_quotes_sybase);
    //  $_SESSION=PCPIN_Common::stripSlashesRecursive($_SESSION, $_pcpin_magic_quotes_sybase); // <-- not needed yet
 * Yes, we extract GPC+F superglobals into the global scope.
 * This software knows, how to handle them.
// $_GET vars
// $_POST vars
// $_COOKIE vars
$_pcpin_cookies_found = !empty($_COOKIE);
//extract($_COOKIE); // <- not needed yet
// Posted files into the global scope
        $current_user->show_message_time = 'y';
    } elseif (empty($pref_timestamp) && $current_user->show_message_time != 'n') {
        $current_user->show_message_time = 'n';
    // "Allow sounds" preference
    if (!empty($pref_allow_sounds) && $current_user->allow_sounds != 'y') {
        $current_user->allow_sounds = 'y';
    } elseif (empty($pref_allow_sounds) && $current_user->allow_sounds != 'n') {
        $current_user->allow_sounds = 'n';
    // "Message color" preference
    if (!empty($pref_message_color) && $current_user->outgoing_message_color != $pref_message_color) {
        $current_user->outgoing_message_color = $pref_message_color;
    // Get display positions of displayable banners
    $banner_display_positions = $banner->checktRoomBanners();
    if (!empty($banner_display_positions)) {
        $xml_data['banner_display_position'] = $banner_display_positions;
    if ($last_message_id > $session->_s_last_message_id || $last_sent_message_time > PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($session->_s_last_sent_message_time) || $last_sent_message_hash != $session->_s_last_sent_message_hash || $last_sent_message_repeats_count != $session->_s_last_sent_message_repeats_count) {
        // Update session
        $session->_s_updateSession($session->_s_id, true, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, $last_message_id > $session->_s_last_message_id ? $last_message_id : null, null, null, null, null, null, null, $last_sent_message_time > PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($session->_s_last_sent_message_time) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_sent_message_time) : null, $last_sent_message_hash != $session->_s_last_sent_message_hash ? $last_sent_message_hash : null, $last_sent_message_repeats_count != $session->_s_last_sent_message_repeats_count ? $last_sent_message_repeats_count : null);
 if (!PCPIN_Common::checkEmail($email, $session->_conf_all['email_validation_level'])) {
     // Email invalid
 } else {
     if (!$current_user->checkEmailUnique($profile_user_id, $email)) {
         // Email address already taken
     } else {
         // Email address is free
         if ($current_user->is_admin !== 'y' && !empty($session->_conf_all['activate_new_emails'])) {
             // Email address needs to be activated
             $activation_required = 1;
             $email_new_activation_code = PCPIN_Common::randomString(18, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789');
             $profile_user->email_new = $email;
             $profile_user->email_new_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $profile_user->email_new_activation_code = md5($email_new_activation_code);
             $email_body = $l->g('email_email_address_activation');
             $email_body = str_replace('[HOURS]', $session->_conf_all['new_email_activation_timeout'], $email_body);
             $email_body = str_replace('[SENDER]', $session->_conf_all['chat_email_sender_name'], $email_body);
             $email_body = str_replace('[ACTIVATION_URL]', str_replace(' ', '%20', $session->_conf_all['base_url']) . '?activate_email&activation_code=' . urlencode($email_new_activation_code), $email_body);
             $email_body = str_replace('[CHAT_NAME]', $session->_conf_all['chat_name'], $email_body);
             PCPIN_Email::send('"' . $session->_conf_all['chat_email_sender_name'] . '"' . ' <' . $session->_conf_all['chat_email_sender_address'] . '>', $email, $l->g('email_address_activation'), null, null, $email_body);
             $xmlwriter->setHeaderMessage(str_replace('[EMAIL]', $email, $l->g('email_address_activation_sent')));
         } else {
             // Save new email address
             $activation_required = 0;
  * Send email
  * Send an email to specified recipients. Supports RFC821-conform envelops.
  * Email address must be formatted as in one of the following examples:
  *      john.doe@some.domain.tld
  *      <*****@*****.**>
  *      "John Doe" <*****@*****.**>
  *      "John Doe" john.doe@some.domain.tld
  *      John Doe <*****@*****.**>
  *      John Doe john.doe@some.domain.tld
  * NOTE: Sender name must have UTF-8 charset
  * Attached files must be passed to this function as an array of following structure:
  *    array ( <file_1>, <file_2>, ... )
  * Single elements of that array must be an array of following structure:
  *    array ( 'filename'  => 'invoice.pdf',
  *            'mime_type' => 'application/pdf',
  *            'body'      => <file_contents_als_string> )
  * @param   string      $from       Sender email address
  * @param   mixed       $to         Receiver email address as string or multiple addresses as an array
  * @param   string      $subject    Subject
  * @param   mixed       $cc         CC Receiver email address as string or multiple addresses as an array
  * @param   mixed       $bcc        BCC Receiver email address as string or multiple addresses as an array
  * @param   string      $body       Email body
  * @param   array       $files      Attached files as array
  * @return  boolean   TRUE on success or FALSE on error
 function send($from = '', $to = null, $subject = '', $cc = null, $bcc = null, $body = '', $files = null)
     $result = false;
     $from = trim($from);
     $from_strict = $from;
     $to_array = array();
     $to_strict_array = array();
     $cc_array = array();
     $cc_strict_array = array();
     $bcc_array = array();
     $bcc_strict_array = array();
     $default_mime = 'application/octet-stream';
     if (!empty($to)) {
         // From
         $from = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($from, false);
         $from_strict = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($from, true);
         // To
         if (!is_array($to)) {
             $to = trim($to);
             $to = $to != '' ? explode(';', $to) : array();
         foreach ($to as $to_str) {
             $to_str = trim($to_str);
             if ($to_str != '') {
                 $to_str = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($to_str, false);
                 if ($to_str != '') {
                     $to_array[] = $to_str;
                 $to_str_strict = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($to_str, true);
                 if ($to_str_strict != '') {
                     $to_strict_array[] = $to_str_strict;
         // CC
         if (!is_array($cc)) {
             $cc = trim($cc);
             $cc = $cc != '' ? explode(';', $cc) : array();
         foreach ($cc as $cc_str) {
             $cc_str = trim($cc_str);
             if ($cc_str != '') {
                 $cc_str = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($cc_str, false);
                 if ($cc_str != '') {
                     $cc_array[] = $cc_str;
                 $cc_str_strict = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($cc_str, true);
                 if ($cc_str_strict != '') {
                     $cc_strict_array[] = $cc_str_strict;
         // BCC
         if (!is_array($bcc)) {
             $bcc = trim($bcc);
             $bcc = $bcc != '' ? explode(';', $bcc) : array();
         foreach ($bcc as $bcc_str) {
             $bcc_str = trim($bcc_str);
             if ($bcc_str != '') {
                 $bcc_str = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($bcc_str, false);
                 if ($bcc_str != '') {
                     $bcc_array[] = $bcc_str;
                 $bcc_str_strict = PCPIN_Email::convertEmailAddressRFC($bcc_str, true);
                 if ($bcc_str_strict != '') {
                     $bcc_strict_array[] = $bcc_str_strict;
         // Boundary
         $boundary = '===' . md5(PCPIN_Common::randomString(32));
         // Headers
         $headers = array('Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $boundary . '";', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit', 'MIME-Version: 1.0', 'X-Generator: PCPIN');
         $headers_strict = $headers;
         // From
         if (!empty($from)) {
             $headers[] = 'From: ' . $from;
         if (!empty($from_strict)) {
             $headers_strict[] = 'From: ' . $from_strict;
         // CC
         if (!empty($cc_array)) {
             $headers[] = 'Cc: ' . implode(', ', $cc_array);
         if (!empty($cc_strict_array)) {
             $headers_strict[] = 'Cc: ' . implode(', ', $cc_strict_array);
         // BCC
         if (!empty($bcc_array)) {
             $headers[] = 'Bcc: ' . implode(', ', $bcc_array);
         if (!empty($bcc_strict_array)) {
             $headers_strict[] = 'Bcc: ' . implode(', ', $bcc_strict_array);
         // Create body
         $message = '';
         if ($body != '') {
             $encoded_body = '';
             $src = base64_encode($body);
             while (true) {
                 $encoded_body .= substr($src, 0, 76);
                 $src = substr($src, 76);
                 if ($src != '') {
                     $encoded_body .= "\n";
                 } else {
             $message .= '--' . $boundary . "\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8;' . "\n" . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n\n" . $encoded_body . "\n";
         // Attachments
         if (!empty($files)) {
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 if (empty($file['mime'])) {
                     $file['mime'] = $default_mime;
                 if (empty($file['filename'])) {
                     $file['filename'] = md5(PCPIN_Common::randomString(32));
                 $file['mime'] = str_replace('"', '\\"', $file['mime']);
                 $file['filename'] = str_replace('"', '\\"', PCPIN_Email::encodeHeaderValue($file['filename']));
                 $encoded_body = '';
                 $src = base64_encode($file['body']);
                 $encoded_body = wordwrap($src, 70, "\n", true);
                 $message .= '--' . $boundary . "\n" . 'Content-Type: ' . $file['mime'] . '; name="' . $file['filename'] . '";' . "\n" . 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n" . 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file['filename'] . '"' . "\n\n" . $encoded_body . "\n";
         if ($message != '') {
             $message .= "\n" . '--' . $boundary . '--' . "\n";
         // Trying to send mail
         if (false === ($result = mail(implode(', ', $to_array), PCPIN_Email::encodeHeaderValue($subject), $message, implode("\n", $headers)))) {
             // Failed. Trying to use RFC821-conform envelope.
             $result = mail(implode(', ', $to_strict_array), PCPIN_Email::encodeHeaderValue($subject), $message, implode("\n", $headers_strict));
     return $result;
if (!empty($sk) && !empty($nv) && !empty($dl)) {
    $version = new PCPIN_Version($session);
    if ($version->_db_getList(1)) {
        $current_version = $version->_db_list[0]['version'];
        $last_check = $version->_db_list[0]['last_version_check'] > '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($version->_db_list[0]['last_version_check'])) : $l->g('never');
        $new_version_available = $version->_db_list[0]['new_version_available'];
        $new_version_url = $version->_db_list[0]['new_version_url'];
        $version_check_key = $version->_db_list[0]['version_check_key'];
    } else {
        $current_version = 6.0;
        $last_check = $l->g('never');
        $new_version_available = $current_version;
        $new_version_url = '';
        $version_check_key = PCPIN_Common::randomString(mt_rand(10, 20));
    // Check security key
    if (!empty($version_check_key) && md5($sk) == $version_check_key) {
        if ($session->_db_getList('_s_id', '_s_security_code = ' . $version_check_key, 1)) {
            // Security key check passed
            $old_session = $session->_db_list[0]['_s_id'];
            // Save version number
            $session->_s_updateSession($old_session, false, true, null, null, null, '');
            header('Location: ' . PCPIN_ADMIN_FORMLINK . '?s_id=' . $old_session . '&ainc=versions&version_checked');
  * Insert new user into database
  * @param   string    $login            Login name
  * @param   string    $password         Password (NOT encoded!!!)
  * @param   string    $email            E-Mail address
  * @param   int       $hide_email       Hide E-Mail address? (0: No, 1: Yes)
  * @param   string    $guest            Flag: "y" if user is a guest, "n" if user was registered
  * @param   string    $activation_code  If new account activation enabled: Activation code (MD5-encoded)
  * @param   int       $language_id      Language ID. If empty: language ID from current session will be used
  * @return  boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on error
 function newUser($login, $password = '', $email = '', $hide_email = 0, $guest = 'n', $activation_code = '', $language_id = 0)
     $result = false;
     $this->id = 0;
     $login = trim($login);
     $email = trim($email);
     if ($login != '' && $password != '') {
         $this->id = 0;
         $this->login = $login;
         $this->password = md5($password);
         $this->password_new = md5(PCPIN_Common::randomString(mt_rand(100, 255)));
         $this->email = $email;
         $this->email_new = '';
         $this->email_new_date = '';
         $this->email_new_activation_code = '';
         $this->hide_email = $hide_email;
         $this->joined = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->activated = $activation_code == '' ? 'y' : 'n';
         $this->activation_code = $activation_code;
         $this->last_login = '';
         $this->previous_login = '';
         $this->time_online = 0;
         $this->date_format = $this->_conf_all['date_format'];
         $this->last_message_id = 0;
         $this->moderated_rooms = '';
         $this->moderated_categories = '';
         $this->is_admin = 'n';
         $this->banned_by = 0;
         $this->banned_by_username = '';
         $this->banned_until = '';
         $this->banned_permanently = 'n';
         $this->ban_reason = '';
         $this->muted_users = '';
         $this->global_muted_by = 0;
         $this->global_muted_by_username = '';
         $this->global_muted_until = '';
         $this->global_muted_permanently = 'n';
         $this->global_muted_reason = '';
         $this->time_zone_offset = 0;
         $this->is_guest = $guest;
         $this->show_message_time = '';
         $this->outgoing_message_color = '';
         $this->language_id = !empty($language_id) ? $language_id : $this->_s_language_id;
         $this->allow_sounds = '';
         $this->room_selection_view = $this->_conf_all['room_selection_display_type'];
         // Insert row
         if ($this->_db_insertObj()) {
             $result = true;
             $this->id = $this->_db_lastInsertID();
             $this_id = $this->id;
             // Add new nickname
             $nickname = new PCPIN_Nickname($this);
             if (!$nickname->_db_getList('id', 'nickname_plain = ' . $login, 1)) {
                 $nickname->addNickname($this_id, '^' . $this->_conf_all['default_nickname_color'] . $login);
             $this->id = $this_id;
     return $result;
                case '1':
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('spam');
                case '2':
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('insult');
                case '3':
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('adult_content');
                case '4':
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('illegal_content');
                case '5':
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('harassment');
                case '6':
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('fraud');
                    $abuse_category = $l->g('other');
            $abuses_xml[] = array('id' => $message_data['id'], 'date' => $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($message_data['date'])), 'author_id' => $message_data['author_id'], 'author_nickname' => $message_data['author_nickname'], 'category' => $abuse_category, 'room_id' => $msg_parts[1], 'room_name' => $room_name, 'abuser_nickname' => $msg_parts[3], 'description' => $msg_parts[4]);
    if ($last_message_id > $session->_s_last_message_id) {
        // Update session
        $session->_s_updateSession($session->_s_id, true, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, $last_message_id);
$xmlwriter->setData(array('abuse' => $abuses_xml));
     $language_id = $session->_conf_all['default_language'];
 $old_language_id = $l->id;
 $errortext = array();
 $login = trim($login);
 $email = trim($email);
 if ($login == '') {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('username_empty');
 } elseif (_pcpin_strlen($login) < $session->_conf_all['login_length_min'] || _pcpin_strlen($login) > $session->_conf_all['login_length_max']) {
     $errortext[] = str_replace('[MIN]', $session->_conf_all['login_length_min'], str_replace('[MAX]', $session->_conf_all['login_length_max'], $l->g('username_length_error')));
 } elseif (!$current_user->checkUsernameUnique($login)) {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('username_already_taken');
 } elseif (true !== $badword->checkString($login) || true !== $disallowed_name->checkString($login)) {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('username_not_available');
 if (!PCPIN_Common::checkEmail($email)) {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('email_invalid');
 } elseif (!$current_user->checkEmailUnique(0, $email)) {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('email_already_taken');
 if (_pcpin_strlen($password) == 0) {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('password_empty');
 } elseif (_pcpin_strlen($password) < 3) {
     $errortext[] = $l->g('password_too_short');
 if (!empty($errortext)) {
     $xmlwriter->setHeaderMessage('- ' . implode("\n- ", $errortext));
 } else {
     if ($language_id != $l->id) {
         // Load language
         // Avatar
         if (!empty($_pcpin_slave_userdata['avatar'])) {
             $new_avatar_data = null;
             if (PCPIN_IMAGE_CHECK_OK === PCPIN_Image::checkImage($new_avatar_data, $_pcpin_slave_userdata['avatar'], $session->_conf_all['avatar_image_types'], 0, 0, 0, true)) {
                 if ($binaryfile->newBinaryFile(file_get_contents($_pcpin_slave_userdata['avatar']), $new_avatar_data['mime'], $new_avatar_data['width'], $new_avatar_data['height'], 'log')) {
                     $avatar->addAvatar($binaryfile->id, $current_user_set['id']);
 } else {
     // User not exists yet
     $login = $_pcpin_slave_userdata['login'];
     // Create new user
     $current_user->newUser($_pcpin_slave_userdata['login'], PCPIN_Common::randomString(32), $_pcpin_slave_userdata['email'], $_pcpin_slave_userdata['hide_email'], 'n', '');
     $current_user->password = $_pcpin_slave_userdata['password'];
     $_pcpin_slave_userdata_md5_password = $_pcpin_slave_userdata['password'];
     // Userdata
     $current_userdata->_db_getList('user_id = ' . $current_user->id, 1);
     $current_userdata_set = $current_userdata->_db_list[0];
     $update_args = array();
     foreach ($_pcpin_slave_userdata as $key => $val) {
         if (!is_null($val) && isset($current_userdata_set[$key]) && $current_userdata_set[$key] != $val) {
             $update_args[$key] = $val;
     if (!empty($update_args)) {
         $current_userdata->_db_updateRow($current_user->id, 'user_id', $update_args);
  * Get language file information
  * @param   string    $raw            Raw data
  * @param   string    &$lng_info      Language file info will be stored here
  * @return  boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on error
 function getLanguageFileInfo($raw, &$lng_info)
     $result = false;
     $lng_info = array();
     if ($raw != '') {
         $hash = substr($raw, 0, 32);
         $raw = substr($raw, 32);
         if (strlen($hash) == 32 && $raw != '' && strtoupper(md5($raw)) === $hash) {
             // Hash OK
             if ($raw = @base64_decode($raw)) {
                 if ($lng = @unserialize($raw)) {
                     if (is_array($lng) && isset($lng['data_type']) && $lng['data_type'] == 'language' && isset($lng['pcpin_version']) && !empty($lng['data']) && is_array($lng['data'])) {
                         $result = true;
                         $lng_info['pcpin_version'] = $lng['pcpin_version'];
                         $lng_info['date_created'] = $lng['date_created'];
                         $lng = $lng['data'];
                         $lng_info['iso_name'] = PCPIN_Common::hexToString($lng['iso_name']);
                         $lng_info['local_name'] = PCPIN_Common::hexToString($lng['local_name']);
                         $lng_info['expressions_count'] = count($lng['expressions']);
     return $result;
            $tries = 100;
            do {
                $login = $l->g('guest') . mt_rand(0, 999);
                if ($current_user->checkUsernameUnique($login) && $current_user->newUser($login, PCPIN_Common::randomString(mt_rand(100, 255)), '', 1, 'y')) {
                    // User created
                    $user_created = true;
                    // Create new session and log it in
                    $session->_s_logIn($current_user->id, 0, $language_id);
                    // Update user
                    $current_user->previous_login = '******';
                    $current_user->last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                    $current_user->time_zone_offset = $time_zone_offset;
                    $current_user->password_new = md5(PCPIN_Common::randomString(mt_rand(30, 120)));
                    // Insert system message
                    $msg->addMessage(101, 'n', 0, '', 0, 0, $session->_s_user_id);
                if (--$tries == 0) {
            } while (true);
            if (!$user_created) {
  * Constructor
  * @param   object  &$caller        Caller object
 function PCPIN_Config(&$caller)
     // Get parent properties
     $this->_db_pass_vars($caller, $this);
     // Load dynamic configuration.
     if ($this->_db_getList('_conf_group ASC', '_conf_subgroup ASC', '_conf_id ASC')) {
         foreach ($this->_db_list as $conf) {
             // Set appropriate value type
             $type = substr($conf['_conf_type'], 0, strpos($conf['_conf_type'], '_'));
             settype($conf['_conf_value'], $type);
             $this->_conf_all[$conf['_conf_name']] = $conf['_conf_value'];
             if (isset($this->_conf_all_grouped[$conf['_conf_group']])) {
                 $this->_conf_all_grouped[$conf['_conf_group']][] = $conf;
             } else {
                 $this->_conf_all_grouped[$conf['_conf_group']] = array($conf);
         // Free up memory
     } else {
         // No configuration found
         PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(-1, '<b>Fatal error</b>: No configuration found. Check your installation.');
     $this->_db_pass_vars($this, $caller);
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Get addresses listed in IP filter table
* @param  int   $sort_by    Sort by (0: Address, 1: Action type, 2: Expiration date, 3: Description, 4: "Added on" date)
* @param  int   $sort_dir   Sort direction (0: Ascending, 1: Descending)
$ipfilter = new PCPIN_IPFilter($session);
$ip_addresses = array();
if (!isset($sort_by)) {
    $sort_by = 0;
if (!isset($sort_dir)) {
    $sort_dir = 0;
// Get client session
if (is_object($session) && !empty($current_user->id) && $current_user->is_admin === 'y') {
    $addresses = $ipfilter->readAddresses($sort_by, $sort_dir);
    foreach ($addresses as $address_data) {
        $ip_addresses[] = array('id' => $address_data['id'], 'type' => $address_data['type'], 'mask' => $address_data['address'], 'added_on' => $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($address_data['added_on'])), 'expires' => $address_data['expires'] > '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($address_data['expires'])) : $l->g('never'), 'action' => $address_data['action'], 'description' => $address_data['description']);
$xmlwriter->setData(array('address' => $ip_addresses));
 *    "PCPIN Chat 6" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    "PCPIN Chat 6" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!file_exists('../extension.inc')) {
    PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(1, 'Slave mode: No phpBB2 installation found');
if (empty($_pcpin_init_session->_s_user_id)) {
    // Get parent directory name
    $master_to_chat_path_parts = explode('/', !empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] : (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
    $chat_dir = $master_to_chat_path_parts[count($master_to_chat_path_parts) - 2];
     * phpBB stuff
    define('IN_PHPBB', true);
    // Load master base
    require 'extension.inc';
    require 'common.' . $phpEx;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string    $header_service   Service name
  * @param   string    $encoding         Optional. XML encoding
  * @param   string    $name             Optional. Name of the root element
  * @param   string    $type             Optional. Type of the root element
  * @param   boolean   $indent           Optional. Whether to indent XML or not
  * @param   string    $indent_string    Optional. Indent string
 function PCPIN_XMLWrite($header_service, $encoding = PCPIN_XMLDOC_ENCODING, $name = PCPIN_XMLDOC_ROOT_NAME, $indent = PCPIN_XMLDOC_INDENT, $indent_string = PCPIN_XMLDOC_INDENT_STRING)
     $this->set('root_name', $name);
     $this->set('encoding', $encoding);
     $this->set('indent', $indent);
     $this->set('indent_string', $indent_string);
     $this->set('cdata_escape_sequence', '_' . PCPIN_Common::randomString(12) . '_');
     $this->set('xml_data', array());
     $this->set('header_service', $header_service);
    $current_version = $version->_db_list[0]['version'];
    $last_check = $version->_db_list[0]['last_version_check'] > '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($version->_db_list[0]['last_version_check'])) : $l->g('never');
    $new_version_available = $version->_db_list[0]['new_version_available'];
    $new_version_url = $version->_db_list[0]['new_version_url'];
} else {
    $current_version = 6.0;
    $last_check = $l->g('never');
    $new_version_available = $current_version;
    $new_version_url = '';
$current_version = number_format($current_version, 2, '.', '');
$new_version_available = number_format($new_version_available, 2, '.', '');
if (!empty($do_check)) {
    // Check for new version
    // Generate new security key
    $key = PCPIN_Common::randomString(36, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-()[].,');
    $session->_s_updateSession($session->_s_id, true, true, null, null, null, md5($key));
    header('Location: ' . PCPIN_VERSIONCHECKER_URL . '?' . htmlspecialchars($key));
// Initialize template handler
$tpl = new PcpinTpl();
// Add global vars to template
foreach ($global_tpl_vars as $key => $val) {
    $tpl->addGlobalVar($key, htmlspecialchars($val));
// Add language expressions to template
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!isset($user_id)) {
    $user_id = 0;
$nickname = new PCPIN_Nickname($session);
$invitation = new PCPIN_Invitation($session);
if (!empty($current_user->id)) {
    if ($current_user->global_muted_until > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
        $xmlwriter->setHeaderMessage(str_replace('[EXPIRATION_DATE]', $current_user->makeDate(PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($current_user->global_muted_until)), $message));
    } elseif ($current_user->global_muted_permanently == 'y') {
    } else {
        if (!empty($session->_s_room_id) && !empty($user_id) && $current_user->_db_getList('id', 'id = ' . $user_id, 1)) {
            // User exists
            if ($session->_db_getList('_s_room_id, _s_stealth_mode', '_s_user_id = ' . $user_id, 1)) {
                // User is online
                if ($session->_db_list[0]['_s_room_id'] == $session->_s_room_id) {
                    // User is already in desired room
                    if ($session->_db_list[0]['_s_stealth_mode'] == 'y' && $current_user->is_admin !== 'y') {
                        // Invited user is in stealth mode, produce a dummy message
                        $xmlwriter->setHeaderMessage(str_replace('[USER]', $nickname->coloredToPlain($nickname->getDefaultNickname($user_id), false), $l->g('invitation_sent')));
                    } else {
// Database server host name.
// Examples: 'localhost' or 'db.myhost.com'
$_pcpin_db_server = 'localhost';
// Database username
$_pcpin_db_user = '******';
// Database password
$_pcpin_db_password = '******';
// Database name
$_pcpin_db_database = 'usr_web0_2';
// Prefix for all chat table names
$_pcpin_db_tbl_prefix = 'pcpin_';
if (defined('PCPIN_DB_DATA_LOADED')) {
    PCPIN_Common::dieWithError(1, 'Access denied');
} else {
    define('PCPIN_DB_DATA_LOADED', true);
if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
    $_pcpin_dbt = debug_backtrace();
    if (is_array($_pcpin_dbt) && (!isset($_pcpin_dbt[0]) || basename($_pcpin_dbt[0]['file']) !== 'init.inc.php' && basename($_pcpin_dbt[0]['file']) !== 'check_db.php')) {
        die('Access denied');
$_pcpin_dbcn = md5(mt_rand(-time(), time()) . microtime());
${$_pcpin_dbcn} = array();
${$_pcpin_dbcn}['server'] = $_pcpin_db_server;
${$_pcpin_dbcn}['user'] = $_pcpin_db_user;
  * Get banners list
  * @return  array
 function getBanners()
     $banners = array();
     if ($this->_db_getList('display_position DESC, name ASC')) {
         foreach ($this->_db_list as $data) {
             $data['start_date'] = PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($data['start_date']);
             $data['expiration_date'] = $data['expiration_date'] > '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? PCPIN_Common::datetimeToTimestamp($data['expiration_date']) : 0;
             $banners[] = $data;
     return $banners;