  * Processa dados crus da tabela no banco para instanciação de objetos de
  * ramais.
  * @param Object $data Resultado de um select com todas as colunas no banco
  * de dados dos ramais.
  * @return Snep_Exten ramal criado a partir dos dados.
 private function processExten($data)
     $tech = substr($data->canal, 0, strpos($data->canal, '/'));
     if ($tech == "SIP" || $tech == "IAX2") {
         $config = array("username" => $data->name, "secret" => $data->secret, "allow" => $data->allow, "type" => $data->type, "qualify" => $data->qualify, "dtmfmode" => $data->dtmfmode, "nat" => $data->nat, "call-limit" => $data->{'call-limit'});
         if ($tech == "SIP") {
             $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_SIP($config);
         } else {
             $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_IAX2($config);
     } else {
         if ($tech == "VIRTUAL") {
             $trunk = PBX_Trunks::get(substr($data->canal, strpos($data->canal, '/') + 1));
             $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_VIRTUAL(array("channel" => $trunk->getInterface()->getCanal() . "/" . $exten_id));
         } else {
             if ($tech == "MANUAL") {
                 $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_VIRTUAL(array("channel" => substr($data->canal, strpos($data->canal, '/') + 1)));
             } else {
                 if ($tech == "KHOMP") {
                     $khomp_id = substr($data->canal, strpos($data->canal, '/') + 1);
                     $khomp_board = substr($khomp_id, 1, strpos($khomp_id, 'c') - 1);
                     $khomp_channel = substr($khomp_id, strpos($khomp_id, 'c') + 1);
                     $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_KHOMP(array("board" => $khomp_board, "channel" => $khomp_channel));
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Tecnologia {$tech} desconhecida ou invalida.");
     $exten = new Snep_Exten($data->name, $data->password, $data->callerid, $interface);
     if ($data->authenticate) {
     if ($data->dnd) {
     if ($data->sigame != "") {
     if (is_numeric($data->pickupgroup)) {
     if ($data->usa_vc == 'yes') {
     if ($data->time_total != NULL) {
     return $exten;
文件: Trunk.php 项目: rootzig/SNEP
 public function __construct($spec, $options = null)
     foreach (PBX_Trunks::getAll() as $trunk) {
         $data[$trunk->getId()] = $trunk->getName();
     if ($data != null) {
     } else {
         $this->addMultiOption(null, '');
     parent::__construct($spec, $options);
  * Executa a ação. É chamado dentro de uma instancia usando AGI.
  * @param Asterisk_AGI $asterisk
  * @param Asterisk_AGI_Request $request
 public function execute($asterisk, $request)
     $log = Zend_Registry::get('log');
     $tronco = PBX_Trunks::get($this->config['tronco']);
     // Montando as Flags para limite na ligação
     $flags = $this->config['dial_flags'];
     if (isset($this->config['dial_limit']) && $this->config['dial_limit'] > 0) {
         $flags .= "L(" . $this->config['dial_limit'];
         // play_warning_value
         if (isset($this->defaultConfig['play_warning']) && $this->defaultConfig['play_warning'] > 0) {
             $flags .= ":" . $this->defaultConfig['play_warning'];
             // warning_freq
             if (isset($this->defaultConfig['warning_freq']) && $this->defaultConfig['warning_freq'] > 0) {
                 $flags .= ":" . $this->defaultConfig['warning_freq'];
         $flags .= ")";
         if (isset($this->defaultConfig['warning_sound'])) {
             $warning_sound = $this->defaultConfig['warning_sound'] != "" ? $this->defaultConfig['warning_sound'] : "beep";
             $asterisk->set_variable("LIMIT_WARNING_FILE", $warning_sound);
     if ($tronco->getDtmfDialMode()) {
         $dst_number = $tronco->getDtmfDialNumber();
         $flags .= "D({$request->destino})";
     } else {
         $dst_number = $request->destino;
     if ($tronco->getInterface() instanceof PBX_Asterisk_Interface_SIP_NoAuth || $tronco->getInterface() instanceof PBX_Asterisk_Interface_IAX2_NoAuth) {
         $destiny = $tronco->getInterface()->getTech() . "/" . $dst_number . "@" . $tronco->getInterface()->getHost();
     } else {
         $postfix = isset($this->config['omit_kgsm']) && $this->config['omit_kgsm'] == "true" ? "/orig=restricted" : "";
         $destiny = $tronco->getInterface()->getCanal() . "/" . $dst_number . $postfix;
     $flags .= "A({$this->config['announce']})";
     $log->info("Discando para {$request->destino} atraves do tronco {$tronco->getName()}({$destiny})");
     $dialstatus = $asterisk->get_variable("DIALSTATUS");
     $lastdialstatus = $dialstatus['data'];
     if (Zend_Registry::get('outgoingNumber') !== "") {
         $asterisk->set_variable("CALLERID(num)", Zend_Registry::get('outgoingNumber'));
     $log->debug("Dial({$destiny}, {$this->config['dial_timeout']}, {$flags}");
     // ==== DIAL ====
     $asterisk->exec_dial($destiny, $this->config['dial_timeout'], $flags);
     $dialstatus = $asterisk->get_variable("DIALSTATUS");
     $log->debug("DIALSTATUS: " . $dialstatus['data']);
     // Enviar email de alerta.
     if (isset($this->config['alertEmail']) && $this->config['alertEmail'] != "") {
         $informations = array('Regra' => $this->getRule(), 'Hora da chamada' => date('H:i'), 'Data da chamada' => date('d/m/Y'), 'Origem Original' => $request->getOriginalCallerid(), 'Destino original' => $request->getOriginalExtension(), 'Origem' => $request->origem, 'Destino' => $request->destino, 'Status da Ligação' => $dialstatus['data']);
         if ($lastdialstatus != "") {
             $lastdialaction = null;
             foreach ($this->getRule()->getAcoes() as $action) {
                 if ($action == $this) {
                 $cfg = $action->getConfigArray();
                 if ($action instanceof FaxOutAction) {
                     $lastdialaction = PBX_Trunks::get($cfg['tronco']);
                 } else {
                     if ($action instanceof PBX_Rule_Action_DiscarRamal) {
                         $lastdialaction = $cfg['ramal'];
             $informations["\nHouve uma tentativa de ligação anterior"] = "";
             $informations["Ultima ligação para"] = $lastdialaction;
             $informations["Estado da ultima ligação"] = $lastdialstatus;
         $this->sendMailAlert(explode(",", $this->config['alertEmail']), $informations);
     switch ($dialstatus['data']) {
         case 'ANSWER':
         case 'CANCEL':
         case 'NOANSWER':
         case 'BUSY':
             throw new PBX_Rule_Action_Exception_StopExecution("Fim da ligacao");
             $log->err($dialstatus['data'] . " ao discar para {$request->destino} pelo tronco {$tronco}");
  * Faz o parse de um campo <tronco>
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $element
 protected function parseTronco($element)
     $i18n = Zend_Registry::get('i18n');
     $form_element = new Zend_Form_Element_Select((string) $element->id);
     $form_element->setLabel((string) $i18n->translate("Trunk"));
     foreach (PBX_Trunks::getAll() as $tronco) {
         $form_element->addMultiOption($tronco->getId(), $tronco->getName());
         if (isset($element->value) && $tronco->getId() == $element->value) {
     return $form_element;
  * Procura o dono de uma interface baseado em canal.
  * @param string $channel Canal da interface
  * @return object Objeto que representa o dono da interface (se houver)
 public static function getChannelOwner($channel)
     $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
     $select = $db->select()->from('trunks');
     $trunk_ifaces = $db->query($select)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($trunk_ifaces as $interface) {
         if (preg_match("#^{$interface['id_regex']}\$#i", $channel)) {
             return PBX_Trunks::get($interface['id']);
     $select = $db->select()->from('peers')->where("name != 'admin' AND peer_type='R'");
     $interfaces = $db->query($select)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
         if (preg_match("#^{$interface['canal']}\$#i", $channel)) {
             return PBX_Usuarios::get($interface['name']);
     return null;
文件: Usuarios.php 项目: rootzig/SNEP
  * Retorna um usuário em sua classe nativa.
  * ex: PBX_Asterisk_Ramal e no futuro Snep_Agent
  * @param int $userid
  * @return Snep_Usuario usuario
 public static function get($userid)
     $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
     $userid = str_replace("'", "\\'", $userid);
     $select = $db->select()->from('peers')->where("name = '{$userid}' AND peer_type='R'");
     $stmt = $db->query($select);
     $usuario = $stmt->fetchObject();
     if (!$usuario) {
         throw new PBX_Exception_NotFound("Usuario {$userid} nao encontrado");
     $tech = substr($usuario->canal, 0, strpos($usuario->canal, '/'));
     if ($tech == "SIP") {
         require_once "PBX/Asterisk/Interface/SIP.php";
         $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_SIP(array("username" => $usuario->name, "secret" => $usuario->secret));
     } else {
         if ($tech == "IAX2") {
             require_once "PBX/Asterisk/Interface/IAX2.php";
             $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_IAX2(array("username" => $usuario->name, "secret" => $usuario->secret));
         } else {
             if ($tech == "MANUAL") {
                 require_once "PBX/Asterisk/Interface/VIRTUAL.php";
                 $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_VIRTUAL(array("channel" => substr($usuario->canal, strpos($usuario->canal, '/') + 1)));
             } else {
                 if ($tech == "VIRTUAL") {
                     require_once "PBX/Asterisk/Interface/VIRTUAL.php";
                     $trunk = PBX_Trunks::get(substr($usuario->canal, strpos($usuario->canal, '/') + 1));
                     $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_VIRTUAL(array("channel" => $trunk->getInterface()->getCanal() . "/" . $userid));
                 } else {
                     if ($tech == "KHOMP") {
                         require_once "PBX/Asterisk/Interface/KHOMP.php";
                         $khomp_id = substr($usuario->canal, strpos($usuario->canal, '/') + 1);
                         $khomp_board = substr($khomp_id, 1, strpos($khomp_id, 'c') - 1);
                         $khomp_channel = substr($khomp_id, strpos($khomp_id, 'c') + 1);
                         $interface = new PBX_Asterisk_Interface_KHOMP(array("board" => $khomp_board, "channel" => $khomp_channel));
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("Tecnologia {$tech} desconhecida ou invalida.");
     $user = new Snep_Exten($usuario->name, $usuario->password, $usuario->callerid, $interface);
     if ($usuario->authenticate) {
     if ($usuario->dnd) {
     if ($usuario->sigame != "") {
     if (is_numeric($usuario->pickupgroup)) {
     if ($usuario->usa_vc) {
     return $user;
  * Parse a route based on it's POST.
  * It's assumed here that all fields are already validated
  * @param array $postData optional for ovewrite post data
  * @return PBX_Rule
 protected function parseRuleFromPost($post = null)
     $post = $post === null ? $_POST : $post;
     $rule = new PBX_Rule();
     // Adicionando dias da semana
     $weekDays = array("sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat");
     foreach ($weekDays as $day) {
         if (in_array($day, $post['week'])) {
     // Adicionando Origens
     foreach (explode(',', $post['srcValue']) as $src) {
         if (!strpos($src, ':')) {
             $rule->addSrc(array("type" => $src, "value" => ""));
         } else {
             $info = explode(':', $src);
             if (!is_array($info) or count($info) != 2) {
                 throw new PBX_Exception_BadArg("Valor errado para origem da regra de negocio.");
             if ($info[0] == "T") {
                 try {
                 } catch (PBX_Exception_NotFound $ex) {
                     throw new PBX_Exception_BadArg("Tronco inválido para origem da regra");
             $rule->addSrc(array("type" => $info[0], "value" => $info[1]));
     // Adding destinys
     foreach (explode(',', $post['dstValue']) as $dst) {
         if (!strpos($dst, ':')) {
             $rule->addDst(array("type" => $dst, "value" => ""));
         } else {
             $info = explode(':', $dst);
             if (!is_array($info) or count($info) != 2) {
                 throw new PBX_Exception_BadArg("Valor errado para destino da regra de negocio.");
             if ($info[0] == "T") {
                 try {
                 } catch (PBX_Exception_NotFound $ex) {
                     throw new PBX_Exception_BadArg("Tronco inválido para destino da regra");
             $rule->addDst(array("type" => $info[0], "value" => $info[1]));
     // Adding time
     foreach (explode(',', $post['timeValue']) as $time_period) {
     // Adding Description
     // Defining recording order
     if (isset($post['record']) && $post['record']) {
     // Defining priority
     $rule->setPriority(substr($post['prio'], 1));
     if (isset($post['actions_order'])) {
         parse_str($post['actions_order'], $actions_order);
         foreach ($actions_order['actions_list'] as $action) {
             $real_action = new $post["action_{$action}"]["action_type"]();
             $action_config = new Snep_Rule_ActionConfig($real_action->getConfig());
     return $rule;
 public function indexAction()
     $this->view->breadcrumb = Snep_Breadcrumb::renderPath(array($this->view->translate("Routing"), $this->view->translate("Routes"), $this->view->translate("Simulator")));
     $trunks = array();
     foreach (PBX_Trunks::getAll() as $value) {
         $trunks[$value->getId()] = $value->getId() . " - " . $value->getName();
     $this->view->trunks = $trunks;
     if ($this->_request->getPost()) {
         $formData = $this->_request->getParams();
         $extension = isset($formData['dst']) && $formData['dst'] != "" ? $formData['dst'] : 's';
         $srcType = isset($formData['srcType']) ? $formData['srcType'] : NULL;
         $trunk = isset($formData['trunk']) ? $formData['trunk'] : NULL;
         $caller = isset($formData['caller']) && $formData['caller'] != "" ? $formData['caller'] : "unknown";
         $time = isset($formData['time']) ? $formData['time'] : NULL;
         $dialplan = new PBX_Dialplan_Verbose();
         if ($srcType == "exten") {
             try {
                 $srcObj = PBX_Usuarios::get($caller);
             } catch (PBX_Exception_NotFound $ex) {
                 $this->view->error = $this->view->translate($ex->getMessage());
                 $this->view->back = $this->view->translate("Back");
             $channel = $srcObj->getInterface()->getCanal();
         } else {
             if ($srcType == "trunk") {
                 $srcObj = PBX_Trunks::get($trunk);
                 $channel = $srcObj->getInterface()->getCanal();
             } else {
                 $srcObj = null;
                 $channel = "unknown";
         $request = new PBX_Asterisk_AGI_Request(array("agi_callerid" => $caller, "agi_extension" => $extension, "agi_channel" => $channel));
         if ($time) {
             if (preg_match("/^[0-9]:([0-9]{2})\$/", $time)) {
                 $time = "0" . $time;
         try {
         } catch (PBX_Exception_NotFound $ex) {
             $this->view->error = $this->view->translate("No rule found.");
             $this->view->back = $this->view->translate("Back");
         if (count($dialplan->getMatches()) > 0) {
             $found = false;
             foreach ($dialplan->getMatches() as $index => $rule) {
                 if ($rule->getId() == $dialplan->getLastRule()->getId()) {
                     $state = "torun";
                     $found = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($found) {
                         $state = "ignored";
                     } else {
                         $state = "outdated";
                 $actions = array();
                 foreach ($rule->getAcoes() as $action) {
                     $config = $action->getConfigArray();
                     if ($action instanceof CCustos) {
                         $actions[] = $this->view->translate("Define Cost Center to ") . $config['ccustos'];
                     } else {
                         if ($action instanceof DiscarTronco) {
                             $tronco = PBX_Trunks::get($config['tronco']);
                             $actions[] = $this->view->translate("Dial through Trunk ") . $tronco->getName();
                         } else {
                             if ($action instanceof DiscarRamal) {
                                 if (isset($config['ramal']) && $config['ramal'] != "") {
                                     $peer = $config['ramal'];
                                 } else {
                                     $peer = $extension;
                                 try {
                                     $ramal = PBX_Usuarios::get($peer);
                                     $actions[] = $this->view->translate("Dial to extension %s", $ramal->getCallerid());
                                 } catch (PBX_Exception_NotFound $ex) {
                                     $actions[] = "<strong style='color:red'>" . $this->view->translate("Failure on trial to dial extension %: non existent extension", $extension) . "</strong>";
                             } else {
                                 if ($action instanceof Queue) {
                                     $actions[] = $this->view->translate("Direct to queue %s", $config['queue']);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($action instanceof Cadeado) {
                                         $actions[] = $this->view->translate("Request password");
                                     } else {
                                         if ($action instanceof Context) {
                                             $actions[] = $this->view->translate("Redirect to context %s", $config['context']);
                 $srcs = array();
                 foreach ($rule->getSrcList() as $src) {
                     $srcs[] = trim(implode(":", $src), ':');
                 $srcs = implode(",", $srcs);
                 $dsts = array();
                 foreach ($rule->getDstList() as $dst) {
                     $dsts[] = trim(implode(":", $dst), ':');
                 $dsts = implode(",", $dsts);
                 $result[$index] = array("id" => $rule->getId(), "state" => $state, "caller" => $srcs, "dst" => $dsts, "desc" => $rule->getDesc(), "valid" => join(";", $rule->getValidTimeList()), "actions" => $actions);
             $input = array("caller" => $caller, "dst" => $extension, "time" => $dialplan->getLastExecutionTime());
             $this->view->input = $input;
             $this->view->result = $result;
  * @return Snep_Form
 protected function getForm()
     if ($this->form === Null) {
         Zend_Registry::set('cancel_url', $this->getFrontController()->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $this->getRequest()->getControllerName() . '/index');
         $form_xml = new Zend_Config_Xml(Zend_Registry::get("config")->system->path->base . "/modules/default/forms/extensions.xml");
         $form = new Snep_Form();
         $form->addSubForm(new Snep_Form_SubForm($this->view->translate("Extension"), $form_xml->extension), "extension");
         $form->addSubForm(new Snep_Form_SubForm($this->view->translate("Interface Technology"), $form_xml->technology), "technology");
         $form->addSubForm(new Snep_Form_SubForm(null, $form_xml->ip, "sip"), "sip");
         $form->addSubForm(new Snep_Form_SubForm(null, $form_xml->ip, "iax2"), "iax2");
         $form->addSubForm(new Snep_Form_SubForm(null, $form_xml->manual, "manual"), "manual");
         $subFormVirtual = new Snep_Form_SubForm(null, $form_xml->virtual, "virtual");
         $trunks = new PBX_Trunks();
         if ($trunks->fetchAll() == null) {
             $subFormVirtual->addElement(new Snep_Form_Element_Html("extensions/trunk_error.phtml", "err", false, null, "virtual"));
         $form->addSubForm($subFormVirtual, "virtual");
         $subFormKhomp = new Snep_Form_SubForm(null, $form_xml->khomp, "khomp");
         $selectFill = $subFormKhomp->getElement('board');
         $selectFill->addMultiOption(null, ' ');
         // Monta informações para placas khomp
         $boardList = array();
         $khompInfo = new PBX_Khomp_Info();
         if ($khompInfo->hasWorkingBoards()) {
             foreach ($khompInfo->boardInfo() as $board) {
                 if (preg_match("/FXS/", $board['model'])) {
                     $channels = range(0, $board['channels']);
                     $selectFill->addMultiOption($board['id'], $board['id']);
                     $boardList[$board['id']] = $channels;
             $boardTmp = Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($boardList);
             $this->boardData = $boardTmp;
         } else {
             $subFormKhomp->addElement(new Snep_Form_Element_Html("extensions/khomp_error.phtml", "err", false, null, "khomp"));
         $form->addSubForm($subFormKhomp, "khomp");
         $form->addSubForm(new Snep_Form_SubForm($this->view->translate("Advanced"), $form_xml->advanced), "advanced");
         $this->form = $form;
     return $this->form;
  * Executa a ação. É chamado dentro de uma instancia usando AGI.
  * @param Asterisk_AGI $asterisk
  * @param Asterisk_AGI_Request $request
 public function execute($asterisk, $request)
     $log = Zend_Registry::get('log');
     $trs = $this->i18n;
     $tronco = PBX_Trunks::get($this->config['tronco']);
     // Montando as Flags para limite na ligação
     $flags = $this->config['dial_flags'];
     if (isset($this->config['dial_limit']) && $this->config['dial_limit'] > 0) {
         $flags .= "L(" . $this->config['dial_limit'];
         // play_warning_value
         if (isset($this->defaultConfig['play_warning']) && $this->defaultConfig['play_warning'] > 0) {
             $flags .= ":" . $this->defaultConfig['play_warning'];
             // warning_freq
             if (isset($this->defaultConfig['warning_freq']) && $this->defaultConfig['warning_freq'] > 0) {
                 $flags .= ":" . $this->defaultConfig['warning_freq'];
         $flags .= ")";
         if (isset($this->defaultConfig['warning_sound'])) {
             $warning_sound = $this->defaultConfig['warning_sound'] != "" ? $this->defaultConfig['warning_sound'] : "beep";
             $asterisk->set_variable("LIMIT_WARNING_FILE", $warning_sound);
     if ($tronco->getDtmfDialMode()) {
         $dst_number = $tronco->getDtmfDialNumber();
         $flags .= "D({$request->destino})";
     } else {
         $dst_number = $request->destino;
     if ($tronco->getInterface() instanceof PBX_Asterisk_Interface_SIP_NoAuth || $tronco->getInterface() instanceof PBX_Asterisk_Interface_IAX2_NoAuth) {
         $destiny = $tronco->getInterface()->getTech() . "/" . $dst_number . "@" . $tronco->getInterface()->getHost();
     } else {
         $postfix = isset($this->config['omit_kgsm']) && $this->config['omit_kgsm'] == "true" ? "/orig=restricted" : "";
         $destiny = $tronco->getInterface()->getCanal() . "/" . $dst_number . $postfix;
     $log->info("Dialing to {$request->destino} through trunk {$tronco->getName()}({$destiny})");
     $dialstatus = $asterisk->get_variable("DIALSTATUS");
     $lastdialstatus = $dialstatus['data'];
     if (Zend_Registry::get('outgoingNumber') !== "") {
         $asterisk->set_variable("CALLERID(num)", Zend_Registry::get('outgoingNumber'));
     $log->debug("Dial({$destiny}, {$this->config['dial_timeout']}, {$flags})");
     // ==== DIAL ====
     $asterisk->exec_dial($destiny, $this->config['dial_timeout'], $flags);
     $dialstatus = $asterisk->get_variable("DIALSTATUS");
     $log->debug("DIALSTATUS: " . $dialstatus['data']);
     // Enviar email de alerta.
     if (isset($this->config['alertEmail']) && $this->config['alertEmail'] != "") {
         $informations = array($trs->translate('Rule') => $this->getRule(), $trs->translate('Call Time') => date('H:i'), $trs->translate('Call Date') => date('d/m/Y'), $trs->translate('Original Source') => $request->getOriginalCallerid(), $trs->translate('Original Destination') => $request->getOriginalExtension(), $trs->translate('Source') => $request->origem, $trs->translate('Destination') => $request->destino, $trs->translate('Call status') => $dialstatus['data']);
         if ($lastdialstatus != "") {
             $lastdialaction = null;
             foreach ($this->getRule()->getAcoes() as $action) {
                 if ($action == $this) {
                 $cfg = $action->getConfigArray();
                 if ($action instanceof DiscarTronco) {
                     $lastdialaction = PBX_Trunks::get($cfg['tronco']);
                 } else {
                     if ($action instanceof DiscarRamal) {
                         $lastdialaction = $cfg['ramal'];
             $informations[$trs->translate("\nThere were a previous call attempt")] = "";
             $informations[$trs->translate("Last call to")] = $lastdialaction;
             $informations[$trs->translate("Status of last call")] = $lastdialstatus;
         $this->sendMailAlert(explode(",", $this->config['alertEmail']), $informations);
     switch ($dialstatus['data']) {
         case 'ANSWER':
         case 'CANCEL':
         case 'NOANSWER':
         case 'BUSY':
             throw new PBX_Rule_Action_Exception_StopExecution("Call end");
             $log->err($dialstatus['data'] . " dialing to {$request->destino} through trunk {$tronco}");