public static function createPageTable() { wp_redirect(''); exit; $myListTable = new CPT_Item_Table(); $action = $myListTable->process_bulk_action(); if ($action == "viewitems") { return PAG_Basket::createPageView(); } // echo '<div class="wrap"><h2>My List Table Test</h2>'; $myListTable->prepare_items(); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h1>Item Basket</h1> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page']; ?> " /> <?php $myListTable->search_box('search', 'search_id'); $myListTable->display(); ?> </form> </div> <?php }
public static function load_items_callback() { // global $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database $items = PAG_Basket::loadAllItemsFromBasket(); // echo "<script> console.log('dimy0', 'test'); </script>"; // print ("<script> console.log('dimy0', '" . $_POST['dimy0'] . "'); </script>"); $_SESSION["dim_names"] = array(array($_POST['dimx0'], $_POST['dimx1'], $_POST['dimx2']), array($_POST['dimy0'], $_POST['dimy1'], $_POST['dimy2'])); // FOR DEBUG $dim_names = array(array($_POST['dimx0'], $_POST['dimx1'], $_POST['dimx2']), array($_POST['dimy0'], $_POST['dimy1'], $_POST['dimy2'])); // $dim_names = array(array ('dim', null, null), array('type', null, null)); // $dim_values = array(array(), array()); // foreach ([0,1] as $x) { // foreach ([0,1,2] as $y) { // $dim_values[$x][$y] = PAG_Explorer::getDimXValues($dim_names[$x][$y]); // } // } $noOfDimY = 3; if ($_POST['dimy2'] == "none" || $_POST['dimy2'] == null) { $noOfDimY = 2; } if ($_POST['dimy1'] == "none" || $_POST['dimy1'] == null) { $noOfDimY = 1; } if ($_POST['dimy0'] == "none" || $_POST['dimy0'] == null) { $noOfDimY = 0; } // group items by all dimensions (3+3) $res = array(); $createHeader = true; $lines = array(); $lines_href = array(); $row_span = array(array(), array()); foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($dim_names[1][0], $items, null, false) as $k1 => $items1) { $level1_first = true; $level1_span = 0; foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($dim_names[1][1], $items1, $k1, false) as $k2 => $items2) { $level2_first = true; $level2_span = 0; foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($dim_names[1][2], $items2, $k2, false) as $k3 => $items3) { if (createHeader) { $header_values = array([], [], []); $header_sizes = array([], [], []); } $level1_span++; $level2_span++; $line = array($level1_first ? PAG_Explorer::getDimensionLabel($dim_names[1][0], $k1) : "SPAN", $level2_first ? PAG_Explorer::getDimensionLabel($dim_names[1][1], $k2) : "SPAN", PAG_Explorer::getDimensionLabel($dim_names[1][2], $k3)); $line_href = array('', '', ''); $level1_first = false; $level2_first = false; foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($dim_names[0][0], $items3, null, true) as $k4 => $items4) { if (createHeader) { array_push($header_values[0], PAG_Explorer::getDimensionLabel($dim_names[0][0], $k4)); // (($dim_names[0][0]=="none") || ($dim_names[0][0]==null)) ? "" : $k4); $count_k4 = 0; } foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($dim_names[0][1], $items4, $k4, true) as $k5 => $items5) { if (createHeader) { array_push($header_values[1], PAG_Explorer::getDimensionLabel($dim_names[0][1], $k5)); // (($dim_names[0][1]=="none") || ($dim_names[0][1]==null)) ? "" : $k5); $count_k5 = 0; } foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($dim_names[0][2], $items5, $k5, true) as $k6 => $items6) { $res[$k1][$k2][$k3][$k4][$k5][$k6] = $items6; $href = ''; foreach ($items6 as $i) { $href .= $href == "" ? $i->id : "," . $i->id; } array_push($line, count($items6)); array_push($line_href, $href); if (createHeader) { array_push($header_values[2], PAG_Explorer::getDimensionLabel($dim_names[0][2], $k6)); // (($dim_names[0][2]=="none") || ($dim_names[0][2]==null)) ? "" : $k6); array_push($header_sizes[2], 1); $count_k4++; $count_k5++; } } if (createHeader) { array_push($header_sizes[1], $count_k5); } } if (createHeader) { array_push($header_sizes[0], $count_k4); } } $createHeader = false; array_push($lines, $line); array_push($lines_href, $line_href); } array_push($row_span[1], $level2_span); } array_push($row_span[0], $level1_span); } // no nested arrays for javascript --> expand to header1, header2 etc. wp_send_json(array('header_values_0' => $header_values[0], 'header_values_1' => $header_values[1], 'header_values_2' => $header_values[2], 'header_sizes_0' => $header_sizes[0], 'header_sizes_1' => $header_sizes[1], 'header_sizes_2' => $header_sizes[2], 'row_span_0' => $row_span[0], 'row_span_1' => $row_span[1], 'noOfDimY' => $noOfDimY, 'lines' => $lines, 'lines_href' => $lines_href)); }
public static function createPage() { $items = PAG_Basket::loadAllItemsFromBasket(); $html = sprintf("<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='admin.php?page=generator' method='post'><table class='form-table'><tbody'>"); $html .= sprintf("<tr><th style='padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'><label>%s</label></th>", "Number of Items"); $html .= PAG_Generator::minMaxField("number", count($items)); $html .= sprintf("</tr>"); $html .= sprintf("<tr><td style='vertical-align:top; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'><label>%s</label></td>", "Overlap"); $html .= PAG_Generator::minMaxField("overlap", count($items)); $html .= sprintf("</tr>"); $html .= sprintf("<tr><td style='vertical-align:top; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'><button type='button' onclick='\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tif (this.innerText == \"Select ...\") {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.innerText = \"Close\";\r\n\t\t\t\t\\"block\";\r\n\t\t\t\t} else {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.innerText = \"Select ...\";\r\n\t\t\t\t\\"none\";\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t'>Select ...</button></td>"); $html .= "<td><div style='display:none'>"; foreach ($items as $i) { $html .= sprintf("<input type='checkbox' name='overlap_items[]' value='%d'><label style='vertical-align:top'>%s</label><br/>", $i->id, $i->title); } $html .= sprintf("</div></td></tr>"); // Min / Max for all categories $categories = array("type", "dim", "level", "topic1"); foreach ($categories as $category) { $html .= sprintf("<tr><th style='padding-bottom:0.5em;'><label>%s</label></th></tr>", EAL_Item::$category_label[$category]); foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($category, $items, NULL, true) as $catval => $catitems) { $html .= sprintf("<tr><td style='padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'><label>%s</label></td>", $category == "topic1" ? $catval : EAL_Item::$category_value_label[$category][$catval]); $html .= PAG_Generator::minMaxField($category . "_" . $catval, count($catitems)); $html .= sprintf("</tr>"); } } $html .= sprintf("<tr><th><button type='submit' name='action' value='generate'>Generate</button></th><tr>"); $html .= sprintf("</tbody></table></form></div>"); // (re-)generate pools if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'generate') { $pool = new PAG_Generator($items, array($_SESSION['min_number'], $_SESSION['min_type_itemsc'], $_SESSION['min_type_itemmc'], $_SESSION['min_dim_FW'], $_SESSION['min_dim_KW'], $_SESSION['min_dim_PW'], $_SESSION['min_level_1'], $_SESSION['min_level_2'], $_SESSION['min_level_3'], $_SESSION['min_level_4'], $_SESSION['min_level_5'], $_SESSION['min_level_6']), array($_SESSION['max_number'], $_SESSION['max_type_itemsc'], $_SESSION['max_type_itemmc'], $_SESSION['max_dim_FW'], $_SESSION['max_dim_KW'], $_SESSION['max_dim_PW'], $_SESSION['max_level_1'], $_SESSION['max_level_2'], $_SESSION['max_level_3'], $_SESSION['max_level_4'], $_SESSION['max_level_5'], $_SESSION['max_level_6']), array($_SESSION['min_overlap'], $_SESSION['max_overlap'])); $_SESSION['generated_pools'] = $pool->generatedPools; } print "<div class='wrap'>"; print "<h1>Task Pool Generator</h1><br/>"; print $html; // show pools (from last generation; stored in Session variable) if (isset($_SESSION['generated_pools'])) { // print_r ($_SESSION['generated_pools']); print "<br/><h2>Generated Task Pools</h2>"; printf("<table cellpadding='10px' class='widefat fixed' style='table-layout:fixed; width:%dem; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);'>", 6 + 2 * count($items)); print "<col width='6em;' />"; foreach ($items as $item) { print "<col width='2em;' />"; } foreach ($_SESSION['generated_pools'] as $pool) { print "<tr valign='middle'>"; $s = "View"; $href = "admin.php?page=view&itemids=" . join(",", $pool); printf("<td style='overflow: hidden; padding:0px; padding-bottom:0.5em; padding-top:0.5em; padding-left:1em' ><a href='%s' class='button'>View</a></td>", $href); // http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=view&itemids=458,307,307,106 foreach ($items as $item) { $symbol = ""; $link = ""; if (in_array($item->id, $pool)) { $link = sprintf("onClick='document.location.href=\"admin.php?page=view&itemid=%s\";'", $item->id); if ($item->type == "itemsc") { $symbol = "<span class='dashicons dashicons-marker'></span>"; } if ($item->type == "itemmc") { $symbol = "<span class='dashicons dashicons-forms'></span>"; } } printf("<td %s valign='bottom' style='overflow: hidden; padding:0px; padding-top:0.83em;' >%s</td>", $link, $symbol); } print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; } }