public function apply() { $new_locale = $this->choose_language->getNewValue(); require "{$this->i18n_dir}/{$new_locale}.php"; $p4a = P4A::singleton(); $p4a->i18n->setLocale($new_locale); $p4a->i18n->mergeTranslation($msg); $p4a->showPrevMask(true); }
public function getRows($num_page, $rows) { $p4a = P4A::singleton(); $aReturn = array(); $aCols = $this->getVisibleCols(); $enabled = $this->isEnabled(); if ($this->isActionTriggered('beforedisplay')) { $rows = $this->actionHandler('beforedisplay', $rows); } $pk = $this->data->getPK(); $i = 0; $j = 0; $z = 0; $obj_id = $this->getID(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $pk_value = $row[$pk]; $pk_value_64 = base64_encode($pk_value); foreach ($aCols as $col_name) { if ($this->cols->{$col_name}->isEnabled() and ($this->cols->{$col_name}->getType() == "action" or isset($this->data->fields->{$col_name}) and !$this->data->fields->{$col_name}->isReadOnly())) { $col_enabled = true; $cell_id = $obj_id . '_' . $pk_value_64 . '_' . $z; $z++; } else { $cell_id = ""; $col_enabled = false; } $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['class'] = ($enabled and $col_enabled) ? 'p4a_grid_td p4a_grid_td_enabled' : 'p4a_grid_td p4a_grid_td_disabled'; $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['clickable'] = ($enabled and $col_enabled) ? 'clickable' : ''; $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['id'] = $cell_id; $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['title'] = $col_name; if ($this->cols->{$col_name}->getType() == "action") { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['value'] = __($this->cols->{$col_name}->getLabel()); $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['type'] = 'action'; if ($col_enabled) { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['clickable'] = 'clickable'; $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['action'] = $this->cols->{$col_name}->composeStringActions(array($i, $col_name)); } else { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['action'] = $enabled ? $this->cols->{$col_name}->composeStringActions(array($i, $col_name)) : ''; } } elseif ($this->cols->{$col_name}->isFormatted()) { if ($this->cols->{$col_name}->isActionTriggered('onformat')) { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['value'] = $this->cols->{$col_name}->actionHandler('onformat', $row[$col_name], $this->data->fields->{$col_name}->getType(), $this->data->fields->{$col_name}->getNumOfDecimals()); } else { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['value'] = $p4a->i18n->format($row[$col_name], $this->data->fields->{$col_name}->getType(), $this->data->fields->{$col_name}->getNumOfDecimals(), false); } } else { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['value'] = $row[$col_name]; } if (!isset($aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['type'])) { $aReturn[$i]['cells'][$j]['type'] = $this->data->fields->{$col_name}->getType(); } $j++; } $i++; } return $aReturn; }
private function setFieldsProperties() { $this->fields->product_id->setLabel("Product ID")->setWidth(198)->setTooltip("This ID is automatically generated and you cannot modify it")->enable(false); $this->fields->category_id->setType("select")->setSource(P4A::singleton()->categories)->setSourceDescriptionField("description")->setLabel("Category")->setTooltip("Choose a category from the list")->setWidth(200); $this->fields->brand_id->setLabel("Brand")->setWidth(200)->setTooltip("Choose a brand from the list")->setType("select")->setSource(P4A::singleton()->brands)->setSourceDescriptionField("description"); $this->fields->model->setWidth(198); $this->fields->date_arrival->setWidth(178); $this->fields->discount->setLabel("Discount %")->setWidth(40); $this->fields->price->setLabel("Price \$")->setWidth(40); $this->fields->picture->setType("file"); $this->fields->description->setType("rich_textarea")->enableUpload(); }
public function nextItem() { $p4a = P4A::singleton(); if ($this->_pointer < $this->getNumItems()) { $id = $this->_objects[$this->_pointer]; $this->_pointer++; if (!isset($p4a->objects[$id]) or !is_object($p4a->objects[$id])) { $this->_pointer--; unset($this->_objects[$this->_pointer]); $this->_objects = array_values($this->_objects); return $this->nextItem(); } else { return $p4a->objects[$id]; } } else { $this->_pointer = 0; $ret = null; //php 4.4 fix return $ret; } }
/** * @param string $file * @param boolean $new_window Only works within AJAX calls * @throws P4A_Exception if the file does not exists in P4A_UPLOADS_DIR */ function P4A_Redirect_To_File($file, $new_window = false) { if (!@file_exists(@realpath(P4A_UPLOADS_DIR . "/{$file}"))) { throw new P4A_Exception("The requested file does not exists within P4A_UPLOADS_DIR", P4A_FILESYSTEM_ERROR); } $p4a = P4A::singleton(); $file = urlencode($file); $file = "index.php?_p4a_download_file={$file}"; if ($p4a->inAjaxCall()) { $gmdate = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s"); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset: UTF-8'); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Last-Modified: {$gmdate} GMT"); ob_start(); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"; echo "<ajax-response action_id=\"" . $p4a->getActionHistoryId() . "\" focus_id=\"\">\n"; foreach ($p4a->getRenderedMessages() as $message) { echo "\n<message><![CDATA[{$message}]]></message>"; } echo "<widget id='p4a'>\n"; if ($new_window) { echo "<javascript_pre><![CDATA['{$file}')]]></javascript_pre>\n"; } else { echo "<javascript_pre><![CDATA[window.location='{$file}']]></javascript_pre>\n"; } echo "</widget>\n"; echo "</ajax-response>"; if (P4A_AJAX_DEBUG) { if (($fp = @fopen(P4A_AJAX_DEBUG, 'w')) !== false) { @fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents()); @fclose($fp); } } ob_end_flush(); die; /* JSON OUTPUT DISABLED $gmdate = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s"); header('Content-type: text/plain; charset: UTF-8'); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Last-Modified: $gmdate GMT"); $tmp = new p4a_ajax_response_widget("p4a", null); if ($new_window) { $tmp->javascript_pre = "'$file')"; } else { $tmp->javascript_pre = "window.location='$file'"; } $resp = new p4a_ajax_response(); $resp->action_id = $p4a->getActionHistoryId(); $resp->messages = $p4a->getRenderedMessages(); $resp->widgets[] = $tmp; ob_start(); require_once "Zend/Json.php"; echo Zend_Json::encode($resp); if (P4A_AJAX_DEBUG) { if (($fp = @fopen(P4A_AJAX_DEBUG, 'w')) !== false) { @fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents()); @fclose($fp); } } ob_end_flush(); die(); */ } header("Location: {$file}"); die; }
protected function getChildrenAsString() { $string = ""; $p4a = P4A::singleton(); $handheld = p4a::singleton()->isHandheld(); foreach ($this->_map as $objs) { $one_visible = false; $row = "\n<div class='row'>"; foreach ($objs as $obj) { $classes = array("col"); $object = $p4a->getObject($obj["id"]); if (is_object($object)) { $as_string = $object->getAsString(); } else { unset($p4a->objects[$obj["id"]]); unset($this->_map[$i][$j]); if (empty($this->_map[$i])) { unset($this->_map[$i]); } $as_string = ''; } if (strlen($as_string) > 0) { if ($obj["float"] == "none") { $obj["float"] = "left"; $obj["margin"] = 0; $classes[] = "p4a_frame_anchor_center"; } $one_visible = true; $float = $obj["float"]; $margin = "margin-" . $obj["float"]; $margin_value = $obj["margin"]; $as_string = "\n\t\t{$as_string}"; if ($handheld) { $row .= $as_string; } else { $display = $object->isVisible() ? 'block' : 'none'; $class = empty($classes) ? '' : 'class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"'; $row .= "\n\t<div {$class} style='display:{$display};float:{$float};{$margin}:{$margin_value}'>{$as_string}\n\t</div>"; } } } $row .= "\n</div>\n"; if ($one_visible) { $string .= $row; } } return $string; }
private function addDefaultButtons() { $this->addButton('print', 'actions/document-print')->dropAction('onclick')->setProperty('onclick', 'window.print(); return false;')->setAccessKey("P"); $this->addButton('exit', 'actions/window-close', 'right')->setLabel("Go back to the previous mask")->setAccessKey("X")->implement('onclick', P4A::singleton(), 'showPrevMask'); }
/** * Renders HTML * @access public * @return string */ public function getAsString() { $id = $this->getId(); if (!$this->isVisible()) { return "<div id='{$id}' class='hidden'></div>"; } $has_items = $this->hasItems() ? "class='p4a_menu_has_items'" : ''; $properties = $this->composeStringProperties(); if (P4A::singleton()->isHandheld()) { $icon = ''; } else { $icon = $this->getIcon(); if (strlen($icon)) { if (strpos($this->_icon, '.') === false) { $icon_disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled()) { $icon_disabled = '_disabled'; } $icon = P4A_ICONS_PATH . "/16/{$icon}{$icon_disabled}." . P4A_ICONS_EXTENSION; } $icon = "<img src='{$icon}' alt='' />"; } } if (empty($this->_map_actions["onclick"]["method"]) or !$this->isEnabled()) { $sReturn = "<li {$has_items}>" . P4A_Generate_Widget_Layout_Table($icon, "<div {$properties}>" . __($this->getLabel()) . "</div>"); } else { $actions = $this->composeStringActions(); $sReturn = "<li {$has_items}>" . P4A_Generate_Widget_Layout_Table($icon, "<a href='#' {$actions} {$properties}>" . P4A_Highlight_AccessKey(__($this->getLabel()), $this->getAccessKey()) . "</a>"); } if ($has_items) { $sReturn .= "<ul>"; while ($item = $this->items->nextItem()) { $sReturn .= $item->getAsString(); } $sReturn .= "</ul>"; } $sReturn .= "</li>"; return $sReturn; }
/** * Returns the HTML rendered field as image upload * @return string */ public function getAsImage() { if ($this->getNewValue() === null) { return $this->getAsFile(); } $mime_type = explode('/', $this->getNewValue(3)); $mime_type = $mime_type[0]; if ($mime_type != 'image') { return $this->getAsFile(); } $sReturn = '<table>'; if (P4A_GD) { $src = $this->getNewValue(1); $sReturn .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><img alt="' . __('Preview') . '" src=".?_p4a_image_thumbnail=' . urlencode("{$src}&{$this->max_thumbnail_size}") . '" /></td></tr>'; } $this->buttons->button_file_preview->enable(); $name = $this->getNewValue(6); if (strlen($name) == 0) { $name = $this->getNewValue(0); } $sReturn .= '<tr><th>' . __('Name') . ':</th><td>' . $name . '</td></tr>'; $sReturn .= '<tr><th>' . __('Size') . ':</th><td>' . P4A::singleton()->i18n->format($this->getNewValue(2) / 1024, "decimal") . ' KB</td></tr>'; $sReturn .= '<tr><th>' . __('Type') . ':</th><td>' . $this->getNewValue(3) . '</td></tr>'; $sReturn .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $this->buttons->button_file_preview->getAsString() . ' ' . $this->buttons->button_file_download->getAsString() . ' ' . $this->buttons->button_file_delete->getAsString() . '</td></tr>'; $sReturn .= '</table>'; return $this->composeLabel() . $sReturn; }
public function main() { parent::main(); P4A::singleton()->close(); }
/** * @return P4A_Widget */ public function redesign() { P4A::singleton()->redesign($this->getId()); return $this; }
/** * Handle an error action implemented by the object. * Checks if the the specified action is triggered and calls it, * if the action is not triggered calls the general error handler * for the object. * @param string $action * @param mixed $param Parameter(s) that will be passed to the error handler * @return unknown */ public function errorHandler($action, $param = null) { $p4a = P4A::singleton(); $interceptor = null; $method = null; if (array_key_exists($action, $this->_map_actions)) { $interceptor =& $this->_map_actions[$action]['object']; $method = $this->_map_actions[$action]['method']; } elseif (array_key_exists('onError', $this->_map_actions)) { $interceptor =& $this->_map_actions['onError']['object']; $method = $this->_map_actions['onError']['method']; } elseif (isset($p4a) and array_key_exists('onError', $p4a->_map_actions)) { $interceptor =& $p4a->_map_actions['onError']['object']; $method = $p4a->_map_actions['onError']['method']; } if ($interceptor !== null) { if ($param !== null) { return eval('return $interceptor->' . $method . '($param);'); } else { return eval('return $interceptor->' . $method . '();'); } } else { ob_start(); $p4a->openMask('p4a_mask_error'); $p4a->active_mask->main($param); $p4a->close(); ob_end_flush(); return ABORT; } }
/** * Prints out an info message (with an info icon). * It's a wrapper for P4A::message() * @param string $message * @return P4A_Mask */ public function info($message) { P4A::singleton()->messageInfo($message); return $this; }
?> container"> <div id='p4a_body' class='p4a_browser_<?php echo P4A::singleton()->getBrowserOS(); ?> '> <div id='p4a_loading'> <img src='<?php echo P4A_THEME_PATH; ?> /loading.gif' alt='' /> <?php echo __('Loading...'); ?> <div id='p4a_loading_percentage'></div> </div> <div class='p4a_system_messages'> <div class='p4a_system_messages_inner'> <?php foreach (P4A::singleton()->getRenderedMessages() as $message) { ?> <div class='p4a_system_message'><?php echo $message; ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php echo $this->maskOpen();
public function setNumElementsOnPage() { $elements = (int) $this->buttons->elements_page->getNewValue(); if ($elements < 0) { $elements = 0; } $parent = P4A::singleton()->getObject($this->getParentID()); $parent->data->setPageLimit($elements); $parent->redesign(); }
/** * @return string */ public function getAsString() { $id = $this->getId(); if (!$this->isVisible()) { return "<div id='{$id}' class='hidden'></div>"; } $p4a = P4A::singleton(); $properties = $this->composeStringProperties(); $actions = $this->composeStringActions(); $class = $this->composeStringClass(); $string = "<table id='{$id}' {$properties} {$actions} {$class}>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_rows; $i++) { $string .= "<tr>\n"; for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->_cols;) { if (is_string($this->_map[$i][$j])) { $j++; continue; } $rowspan = 1; $colspan = 1; $obj_as_string = " "; if (is_array($this->_map[$i][$j])) { $cell = $this->_map[$i][$j]; $obj = $p4a->getObject($cell[0]); if ($obj === null) { $obj_as_string = $cell[0]; } else { $obj_as_string = $obj->getAsString(); } $rowspan = $cell[1]; $colspan = $cell[2]; } $string .= "<td rowspan='{$rowspan}' colspan='{$colspan}'>{$obj_as_string}</td>\n"; $j += $colspan; } $string .= "</tr>\n"; } $string .= "</table>\n"; return $string; }
/** * Event interceptor when user moves an element to another subtree */ public function onMovement() { $this->redesign(); $table = $this->source->getTable(); $pk = $this->source->getPk(); $current = $this->source->fields->{$pk}->getValue(); $field = P4A::singleton()->getObject($this->field_to_update_on_movement); $new_value = $field->getNormalizedNewValue(); $receiver_path = $this->getPath($new_value, $table, $pk); foreach ($receiver_path as $record) { if ($current == $record[$pk]) { return; } } if ($this->actionHandler('beforeMovement') == ABORT) { return ABORT; } if ($new_value != $current) { if (strlen($new_value)) { P4A_DB::singleton($this->source->getDSN())->adapter->query("UPDATE {$table} SET {$this->recursor} = ? WHERE {$pk} = ?", array($new_value, $current)); } else { P4A_DB::singleton($this->source->getDSN())->adapter->query("UPDATE {$table} SET {$this->recursor} = NULL WHERE {$pk} = ?", array($current)); } } return $this->actionHandler('afterMovement'); }
?> post, 200); return; } CKEDITOR.replace('<?php echo $this->getId(); ?> input', { p4a_instance_id: '<?php echo $this->getId(); ?> input', autoUpdateElement: false, language: '<?php echo P4A::singleton()->i18n->getLanguage(); ?> ', width: '<?php echo $this->getWidth(); ?> ', height: '<?php echo $this->getHeight(); ?> ', resize_enabled: false, toolbarCanCollapse: false, coreStyles_strike: {element: 'span', attributes: {'style': 'text-decoration:line-through'}}, coreStyles_underline: {element: 'span', attributes: {'style': 'text-decoration:underline'}}, forcePasteAsPlainText: true,