public function getQueryUrl($params, $method = 'map.organization_search_v1') { $arr = array('apikey=' . $this->api_key); foreach ($params as $pk => $pv) { if ($pk == 'search' && $method == 'map.organization_search_v1') { $arr[] = 'search=' . urlencode(OrgTable::nameSearch($pv)); } else { $arr[] = $pk . "=" . urlencode($pv); } } $query_url = $this->api_url . $method . "." . $this->format . "?" . implode('&', $arr); $this->query_url = $query_url; return $query_url; }
public function nameSearch() { if ($this->primary_ext == 'Person') { return PersonTable::nameSearch($this->name); } else { return OrgTable::nameSearch($this->name); } }
public function executeAddBulk($request) { $this->checkList($request, false, false); $this->reference_form = new ReferenceForm(); $this->reference_form->setSelectObject($this->list); $this->csv_form = new CsvUploadForm(); if ($request->isMethod('post')) { $commit = $request->getParameter('commit'); if ($commit == 'Cancel') { $this->redirect(LsListTable::getInternalUrl($this->list)); } // IF REFERENCE INFO AND FILE HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED, LOAD DATA IN if ($request->hasParameter('reference') && $request->hasParameter('csv')) { $csvParams = $request->getParameter('csv'); $filePath = $request->getFilePath('csv[file]'); $this->csv_form->bind($csvParams, $request->getFiles('csv')); $refParams = $request->getParameter('reference'); $this->reference_form->bind($refParams); if ($this->reference_form->isValid()) { if ($spreadsheetArr = LsSpreadsheet::parse($filePath)) { $names = $spreadsheetArr['rows']; if (!in_array('name', $spreadsheetArr['headers'])) { $request->setError('csv', 'The file you uploaded could not be parsed properly because there is no "name" column.'); return; } } else { $request->setError('csv', 'The file you uploaded could not be parsed properly.'); return; } if ($this->ref_id = $refParams['existing_source']) { $ref = Doctrine::getTable('Reference')->find($this->ref_id); $url = $ref->source; } else { $ref = new Reference(); $ref->object_model = 'LsList'; $ref->object_id = $this->list->id; $ref->source = $refParams['source']; $ref->name = $refParams['name']; $ref->source_detail = $refParams['source_detail']; $ref->publication_date = $refParams['publication_date']; $ref->save(); $this->ref_id = $ref->id; } $this->default_type = $request->getParameter('default_type'); if (!$this->default_type) { $request->setError('csv', 'You need to choose a default type.'); return; } $this->extensions = ExtensionDefinitionTable::getByTier(2, $this->default_type); $extensions_arr = array(); foreach ($this->extensions as $ext) { $extensions_arr[] = $ext->name; } $this->matches = array(); if (isset($names) && count($names) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) { if (isset($names[$i]['name']) && trim($names[$i]['name']) != '') { $name = $names[$i]['name']; $name_terms = $name; if ($this->default_type == 'Person') { $name_parts = preg_split('/\\s+/', $name); if (count($name_parts) > 1) { $name_terms = PersonTable::nameSearch($name, true); } $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = "Person"; } else { if ($this->default_type == 'Org') { $name_terms = OrgTable::nameSearch($name); $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = "Org"; } else { $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = null; } } $pager = EntityTable::getSphinxPager($terms, $page = 1, $num = 20, $listIds = null, $aliases = true, $primary_ext); $match = array('name' => $name); $match['search_results'] = $pager->execute(); $match['blurb'] = isset($names[$i]['blurb']) ? $names[$i]['blurb'] : null; $match['rank'] = isset($names[$i]['rank']) ? $names[$i]['rank'] : null; $match['types'] = array(); if (isset($names[$i]['types'])) { $types = explode(',', $names[$i]['types']); $types = array_map('trim', $types); foreach ($types as $type) { if (in_array($type, $extensions_arr)) { $match['types'][] = $type; } } } $this->matches[] = $match; } } } } } else { if ($request->hasParameter('ref_id')) { $this->ref_id = $this->getRequestParameter('ref_id'); $entity_ids = array(); $default_type = $this->getRequestParameter('default_type'); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getRequestParameter('count'); $i++) { if ($entity_id = $request->getParameter('entity_' . $i)) { $selected_entity_id = null; if ($entity_id == 'new') { $name = $request->getParameter('new_name_' . $i); if ($default_type == 'Person') { $new_entity = PersonTable::parseFlatName($name); } else { $new_entity = new Entity(); $new_entity->addExtension('Org'); $new_entity->name = trim($name); } if ($types = $request->getParameter('new_extensions_' . $i)) { foreach ($types as $type) { $new_entity->addExtension($type); } } $new_entity->save(); $new_entity->blurb = $request->getParameter('new_blurb_' . $i); $ref = Doctrine::getTable('Reference')->find($request->getParameter('ref_id')); $new_entity->addReference($ref->source, null, null, $ref->name); $new_entity->save(); $selected_entity_id = $new_entity->id; } else { if ($entity_id > 0) { $selected_entity_id = $entity_id; } } if ($selected_entity_id) { $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('LsListEntity le')->where('le.list_id = ? AND le.entity_id = ?', array($this->list['id'], $selected_entity_id)); if (!$q->count()) { $ls_list_entity = new LsListEntity(); $ls_list_entity->list_id = $this->list->id; $ls_list_entity->entity_id = $selected_entity_id; $ls_list_entity->rank = $request->getParameter('entity_' . $i . '_rank'); $ls_list_entity->save(); LsCache::clearEntityCacheById($selected_entity_id); } } } } $this->clearCache($this->list); $this->clearRailsCache($this->list->id); $this->redirect($this->list->getInternalUrl()); } else { $request->setError('name', 'The name you entered is invalid'); } } } }
public function executeAddBulk($request) { $this->checkEntity($request, false, false); $this->reference_form = new ReferenceForm(); $this->reference_form->setSelectObject($this->entity); $this->add_bulk_form = new AddBulkForm(); //get possible default categories $this->categories = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->select(',')->from('RelationshipCategory c')->orderBy('')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR); array_unshift($this->categories, ''); if ($request->isMethod('post') && in_array($request->getParameter('commit'), array('Begin', 'Continue'))) { if ($request->hasParameter('ref_id')) { $this->ref_id = $request->getParameter('ref_id'); } else { $refParams = $request->getParameter('reference'); $this->reference_form->bind($refParams); $restOfParams = (array) $request->getParameterHolder(); $restOfParams = array_shift($restOfParams); $this->add_bulk_form->bind($restOfParams, $request->getFiles()); if (!$this->reference_form->isValid() || !$this->add_bulk_form->isValid()) { return; } if ($this->ref_id = $refParams['existing_source']) { $ref = Doctrine::getTable('Reference')->find($this->ref_id); $url = $ref->source; } else { $ref = new Reference(); $ref->object_model = 'Entity'; $ref->object_id = $this->entity->id; $ref->source = $refParams['source']; $ref->name = $refParams['name']; $ref->source_detail = $refParams['source_detail']; $ref->publication_date = $refParams['publication_date']; $ref->save(); } $this->ref_id = $ref->id; $this->reference = $ref; } $verify_method = $request->getParameter('verify_method'); if ($this->add_method = $request->getParameter('add_method')) { if ($this->add_method == 'scrape') { //scrape ref url //set names to confirm $browser = new sfWebBrowser(); $entity_types = $request->getParameter('entity_types'); //FIND NAMES AT URL USING COMBO OF OPENCALAIS & LS CUSTOM HTML PARSING if (!$browser->get($ref->source)->responseIsError()) { $text = $browser->getResponseText(); $this->names = LsTextAnalysis::getHtmlEntityNames($text, $entity_types); $text = LsHtml::findParagraphs($text); $this->text = preg_replace('/<[^b][^>]*>/is', " ", $text); $this->confirm_names = true; return; } else { $request->setError('csv', 'problems finding names at that url'); } } else { if ($this->add_method == 'upload') { $file = $this->add_bulk_form->getValue('file'); $filename = 'uploaded_' . sha1($file->getOriginalName()); $extension = $file->getExtension($file->getOriginalExtension()); $filePath = sfConfig::get('sf_temp_dir') . '/' . $filename . $extension; $file->save($filePath); if ($filePath) { if ($spreadsheetArr = LsSpreadsheet::parse($filePath)) { $names = $spreadsheetArr['rows']; if (!in_array('name', $spreadsheetArr['headers'])) { $request->setError('file', 'The file you uploaded could not be parsed properly because there is no "name" column.'); return; } if (in_array('summary', $spreadsheetArr['headers'])) { foreach ($names as &$name) { $name['summary'] = str_replace(array('?', "'"), "'", $name['summary']); $name['summary'] = str_replace(array('?', '?', '"'), '"', $name['summary']); if (isset($name['title'])) { $name['description1'] = $name['title']; } } unset($name); } } else { $request->setError('file', 'The file you uploaded could not be parsed properly.'); return; } } else { $request->setError('file', 'You need to upload a file.'); return; } } else { if ($this->add_method == 'summary') { //parse summary for names $this->text = $this->entity->summary; $entity_types = $request->getParameter('entity_types'); $this->names = LsTextAnalysis::getTextEntityNames($this->text, $entity_types); $this->confirm_names = true; return; } else { if ($this->add_method == 'text') { $manual_names = $request->getParameter('manual_names'); if ($manual_names && $manual_names != "") { $manual_names = preg_split('#[\\r\\n]+#', $manual_names); $manual_names = array_map('trim', $manual_names); $names = array(); foreach ($manual_names as $name) { $names[] = array('name' => $name); } } else { $request->setError('csv', 'You did not add names properly.'); return; } } else { if ($this->add_method == 'db_search') { $this->db_search = true; } } } } } } //intermediate scrape page -- takes confirmed names, builds names arr if ($confirmed_names = $request->getParameter('confirmed_names')) { $restOfParams = (array) $request->getParameterHolder(); $restOfParams = array_shift($restOfParams); $this->add_bulk_form->bind($restOfParams, $request->getFiles()); if (!$this->add_bulk_form->isValid()) { $this->reference = Doctrine::getTable('reference')->find($this->ref_id); $this->names = unserialize(stripslashes($request->getParameter('names'))); $this->confirm_names = true; return; } $names = array(); foreach ($confirmed_names as $cn) { $names[] = array('name' => $cn); } $manual_names = $request->getParameter('manual_names'); if ($manual_names && $manual_names != "") { $manual_names = preg_split('#[\\r\\n]+#', $manual_names); $manual_names = array_map('trim', $manual_names); foreach ($manual_names as $name) { $names[] = array('name' => $name); } } } // LOAD IN RELATIONSHIP DEFAULTS if (isset($verify_method)) { $defaults = $request->getParameter('relationship'); if ($verify_method == 'enmasse') { $this->default_type = $request->getParameter('default_type'); $this->order = $request->getParameter('order'); $category_name = $request->getParameter('relationship_category_all'); $this->extensions = ExtensionDefinitionTable::getByTier(2, $this->default_type); $extensions_arr = array(); foreach ($this->extensions as $ext) { $extensions_arr[] = $ext->name; } } else { $category_name = $request->getParameter('relationship_category_one'); } if ($category_name) { $this->category_name = $category_name; if (!($category = Doctrine::getTable('RelationshipCategory')->findOneByName($category_name))) { $request->setError('csv', 'You did not select a relationship category.'); return; } $formClass = $category_name . 'Form'; $categoryForm = new $formClass(new Relationship()); $categoryForm->setDefaults($defaults); $this->form_schema = $categoryForm->getFormFieldSchema(); if (in_array($category_name, array('Position', 'Education', 'Membership', 'Donation', 'Lobbying', 'Ownership'))) { $this->field_names = array('description1', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'is_current'); } else { $this->field_names = array('description1', 'description2', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'is_current'); } $extraFields = array('Position' => array('is_board', 'is_executive'), 'Education' => array('degree_id'), 'Donation' => array('amount'), 'Transaction' => array('amount'), 'Lobbying' => array('amount'), 'Ownership' => array('percent_stake', 'shares')); if (isset($extraFields[$category_name])) { $this->field_names = array_merge($this->field_names, $extraFields[$category_name]); } } $this->matches = array(); // BOOT TO TOOLBAR OR LOOK FOR MATCHES FOR ENMASSE ADD if (isset($names) && count($names) > 0 || isset($this->db_search)) { if ($verify_method == 'onebyone') { if (isset($category_name)) { $defaults['category'] = $category_name; } $toolbar_names = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { $toolbar_names[] = $name['name']; } $this->getUser()->setAttribute('toolbar_names', $toolbar_names); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('toolbar_entity', $this->entity->id); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('toolbar_defaults', $defaults); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('toolbar_ref', $this->ref_id); $this->redirect('relationship/toolbar'); } else { $this->category_name = $category_name; if (isset($this->db_search)) { $num = $request->getParameter('num', 10); $page = $request->getParameter('page', 1); $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Entity e')->where('(e.summary rlike ? or e.blurb rlike ?)', array('[[:<:]]' . $this->entity->name . '[[:>:]]', '[[:<:]]' . $this->entity->name . '[[:>:]]')); foreach ($this->entity->Alias as $alias) { $q->orWhere('(e.summary rlike ? or e.blurb rlike ?)', array('[[:<:]]' . $alias->name . '[[:>:]]', '[[:<:]]' . $alias->name . '[[:>:]]')); } $q->setHydrationMode(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $cat_id = constant('RelationshipTable::' . strtoupper($category_name) . '_CATEGORY'); $q->whereParenWrap(); $q->andWhere('NOT EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT l.relationship_id FROM Link l ' . 'WHERE l.entity1_id = AND l.entity2_id = ? AND l.category_id = ?)', array($this->entity['id'], $cat_id)); $summary_matches = $q->execute(); foreach ($summary_matches as $summary_match) { $aliases = array(); foreach ($this->entity->Alias as $alias) { $aliases[] = LsString::escapeStringForRegex($alias->name); } $aliases = implode("|", $aliases); $summary_match['summary'] = preg_replace('/(' . $aliases . ')/is', '<strong>$1</strong>', $summary_match['summary']); $this->matches[] = array('search_results' => array($summary_match)); } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) { if (isset($names[$i]['name']) && trim($names[$i]['name']) != '') { $name = $names[$i]['name']; $name_terms = $name; if ($this->default_type == 'Person') { $name_parts = preg_split('/\\s+/', $name); if (count($name_parts) > 1) { $name_terms = PersonTable::nameSearch($name); } $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = "Person"; } else { if ($this->default_type == 'Org') { $name_terms = OrgTable::nameSearch($name); $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = "Org"; } else { $terms = $name_terms; $primary_ext = null; } } $pager = EntityTable::getSphinxPager($terms, $page = 1, $num = 20, $listIds = null, $aliases = true, $primary_ext); $match = $names[$i]; $match['search_results'] = $pager->execute(); if (isset($names[$i]['types'])) { $types = explode(',', $names[$i]['types']); $types = array_map('trim', $types); $match['types'] = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { if (in_array($type, $extensions_arr)) { $match['types'][] = $type; } } } $this->matches[] = $match; } } } } } } } else { if ($page = $this->getRequestParameter('page')) { $this->page = $page; $this->num = $this->getRequestParameter('num', 50); } else { if ($request->isMethod('post') && $request->getParameter('commit') == 'Submit') { $this->ref_id = $this->getRequestParameter('ref_id'); $entity_ids = array(); $relationship_category = $this->getRequestParameter('category_name'); $order = $this->getRequestParameter('order'); $default_type = $request->getParameter('default_type'); $default_ref = Doctrine::getTable('Reference')->find($request->getParameter('ref_id')); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getRequestParameter('count'); $i++) { if ($entity_id = $request->getParameter('entity_' . $i)) { $selected_entity_id = null; $relParams = $request->getParameter("relationship_" . $i); if ($relParams['ref_name']) { $ref['source'] = $relParams['ref_source']; $ref['name'] = $relParams['ref_name']; } if ($entity_id == 'new') { $name = $request->getParameter('new_name_' . $i); if ($default_type == 'Person') { $new_entity = PersonTable::parseFlatName($name); } else { $new_entity = new Entity(); $new_entity->addExtension('Org'); $new_entity->name = trim($name); } $new_entity->save(); $new_entity->blurb = $request->getParameter('new_blurb_' . $i); $new_entity->summary = $request->getParameter('new_summary_' . $i); if (!$ref) { $ref = $default_ref; } $new_entity->addReference($ref['source'], null, null, $ref['name']); if ($types = $request->getParameter('new_extensions_' . $i)) { foreach ($types as $type) { $new_entity->addExtension($type); } } $new_entity->save(); $selected_entity_id = $new_entity->id; } else { if ($entity_id > 0) { $selected_entity_id = $entity_id; LsCache::clearEntityCacheById($selected_entity_id); } } if ($selected_entity_id) { $startDate = $relParams['start_date']; $endDate = $relParams['end_date']; unset($relParams['start_date'], $relParams['end_date'], $relParams['ref_name'], $relParams['ref_url']); $rel = new Relationship(); $rel->setCategory($relationship_category); if ($order == '1') { $rel->entity1_id = $this->entity['id']; $rel->entity2_id = $selected_entity_id; } else { $rel->entity2_id = $this->entity['id']; $rel->entity1_id = $selected_entity_id; } //only set dates if valid if ($startDate && preg_match('#^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$#', Dateable::convertForDb($startDate))) { $rel->start_date = Dateable::convertForDb($startDate); } if ($endDate && preg_match('#^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$#', Dateable::convertForDb($endDate))) { $rel->end_date = Dateable::convertForDb($endDate); } $rel->fromArray($relParams, null, $hydrateCategory = true); if ($request->hasParameter('add_method') && $request->getParameter('add_method') == 'db_search') { $refs = EntityTable::getSummaryReferences($selected_entity_id); if (count($refs)) { $ref = $refs[0]; } else { $refs = EntityTable::getAllReferencesById($selected_entity_id); if (count($refs)) { $ref = $refs[0]; } } } if (!$ref) { $ref = $default_ref; } $rel->saveWithRequiredReference(array('source' => $ref['source'], 'name' => $ref['name'])); $ref = null; } } } $this->clearCache($this->entity); $this->redirect($this->entity->getInternalUrl()); } else { if ($request->isMethod('post') && $request->getParameter('commit') == 'Cancel') { $this->redirect($this->entity->getInternalUrl()); } } } } }