public function view_abnormalStockList() { global $memc_obj; $pagesize = 200; //页面大小 //var_dump($AbOrderList); exit; $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $TransAPIAct = new TransAPIAct(); $OrderindexAct = new OrderindexAct(); $GoodsAct = new GoodsAct(); $OrderRefundAct = new OrderRefundAct(); //平台信息 $OmAccountAct = new OmAccountAct(); $WarehouseAPIAct = new WarehouseAPIAct(); $AbOrderList = $WarehouseAPIAct->act_getAbOrderList(); //var_dump($AbOrderList); exit; $AbOrderListArr = array(); $AbOrderids = array(); $AbOrderShow = array(); foreach ($AbOrderList as $orderId) { $AbOrderInfo = $WarehouseAPIAct->act_getAbOrderInfo($orderId['id']); $AbOrderListArr[$orderId['originOrderId']] = $AbOrderInfo; $AbOrderids[] = $orderId['originOrderId']; $AbOrderShow[$orderId['originOrderId']] = $orderId['id']; } //var_dump($AbOrderListArr); exit; $this->smarty->assign('AbOrderListArr', $AbOrderListArr); $this->smarty->assign('AbOrderShow', $AbOrderShow); //var_dump($AbOrderListArr); exit; $platform = $OmAccountAct->act_getPlatformListByPower(); $this->smarty->assign('platform', $platform); $account = $OmAccountAct->act_accountAllListById(); //账号信息 /**导航 start**/ $ostatus = isset($_GET['ostatus']) ? $_GET['ostatus'] : 0; $this->smarty->assign('ostatus', 770); $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct(); $ostatusList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = 0 AND is_delete=0'); //var_dump($ostatusList); $this->smarty->assign('ostatusList', $ostatusList); //二级目录 /*$o_secondlevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu','*','WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId=0 order by sort asc'); $this->smarty->assign('o_secondlevel', $o_secondlevel);*/ $second_count = array(); $second_type = array(); foreach ($ostatusList as $o_secondinfo) { $orderStatus = $o_secondinfo['statusCode']; //echo $orderStatus."============"; echo "<br>"; $s_total = $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($orderStatus); //echo $orderStatus."==".$s_total; echo "<br>"; $second_count[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; $s_type = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $orderStatus . '" AND is_delete=0 order by sort asc'); $second_type[$orderStatus] = $s_type[0]['statusCode']; } $this->smarty->assign('second_count', $second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_type', $second_type); //退款数量 $where = " WHERE is_delete=0 "; $accountList = $_SESSION['accountList']; $platformList = $_SESSION['platformList']; //echo "<pre>"; print_r($accountList); exit; $platformsee = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($platformList); $i++) { $platformsee[] = $platformList[$i]; } if ($platformsee) { $where .= ' AND platformId IN (' . join(",", $platformsee) . ') '; } else { //$where .= " AND 1=2 "; } $accountsee = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($accountList); $i++) { $accountsee[] = $accountList[$i]; } if ($accountsee) { $where .= ' AND accountId IN (' . join(",", $accountsee) . ') '; } else { //$where .= " AND 1=2 "; } //if($where){ //$refund_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund"," where is_delete=0 "); $refund_total = $OrderRefundAct->act_getRecordNums(); //}else{ //$refund_total = 0; //} $this->smarty->assign('refund_total', $refund_total); //三级目录 /*$refund_one = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund"," where is_delete=0 and status=0"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_one', $refund_one); $refund_two = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund"," where is_delete=0 and status=1"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_two', $refund_two); $refund_three = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund"," where is_delete=0 and status=2"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_three', $refund_three);*/ /**导航 end**/ $toptitle = '异常缺货统计页面'; //头部title $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 0); $threelevel = '1'; //当前的三级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('threelevel', $threelevel); $statusMenu = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu', ' * ', 'WHERE is_delete=0'); $this->smarty->assign('statusMenu', $statusMenu); /* $where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 '.$where; $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount('om_order_refund', $where);*/ $parameterArr = array(); $parameterArr['AbOrderList'] = $AbOrderids; $total = $OrderindexAct->act_showABOrder($ostatus, $otype, '', $parameterArr); $this->smarty->assign('abnormal_total', $total); //echo $total; exit; $num = $pagesize; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); //$limit = $page->limit; //var_dump($parameterArr); $omOrderList = $OrderindexAct->act_showABOrder($ostatus, $otype, $page->limit, $parameterArr); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderList', $omOrderList); $pm = $GoodsAct->act_getMaterInfoByList(); $transportationList = $TransAPIAct->act_getCarrierListById(); $this->smarty->assign('transportationList', $transportationList); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } //获取系统所有状态 //$statusList = copyOrderModel::selectStatusList(); //var_dump($statusList); exit; //$this->smarty->assign('statusList', $statusList); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('account', $account); //$this->smarty->assign('sku', $sku); $this->smarty->assign('pm', $pm); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderList', $omOrderList); $this->smarty->display('orderindex.htm'); }
public function view_getOrderList() { global $memc_obj; $pagesize = isset($_GET['pnum']) && intval($_GET['pnum']) > 0 && intval($_GET['pnum']) < 101 ? intval($_GET['pnum']) : 20; //页面大小 if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $starttime = time() + microtime(); echo microtime() . '-----' . $starttime . "\n"; } //菜单 $status = ''; $search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : ''; //搜索时使用的数据 //order表 $searchPlatformId = isset($_GET['platformId']) ? $_GET['platformId'] : ''; //搜索平台 $searchAccountId = isset($_GET['accountId']) ? $_GET['accountId'] : ''; //搜索账号 $searchIsNote = isset($_GET['isNote']) ? $_GET['isNote'] : ''; //是否有留言 $searchTransportationType = isset($_GET['transportationType']) ? $_GET['transportationType'] : ''; //运输类型 $searchTransportation = isset($_GET['transportation']) ? $_GET['transportation'] : ''; //运输方式 $searchIsBuji = isset($_GET['isBuji']) ? $_GET['isBuji'] : ''; //是否补寄订单 $searchIsLock = isset($_GET['isLock']) ? $_GET['isLock'] : ''; //是否锁定 $searchOrderTime1 = isset($_GET['OrderTime1']) ? $_GET['OrderTime1'] : ''; //搜索下单初始时间 $searchOrderTime2 = isset($_GET['OrderTime2']) ? $_GET['OrderTime2'] : ''; //搜索下单结束时间 //order_detail表 $searchReviews = isset($_GET['reviews']) ? $_GET['reviews'] : ''; //是否评价 $searchSku = isset($_GET['sku']) ? $_GET['sku'] : ''; //sku //$searchOmOrderId = ''; //订单编号 $searchOrderType = isset($_GET['selectOrderType']) ? $_GET['selectOrderType'] : ''; //订单种类 //order_userInfo表 //$searchUsername = ''; //买家名 //$searchEmail = ''; $countryName = isset($_GET['country']) ? $_GET['country'] : ""; $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : ""; $city = isset($_GET['city']) ? $_GET['city'] : ""; $zipCode = isset($_GET['zipCode']) ? $_GET['zipCode'] : ""; //order_warehouse表 //$weighTimeStart = isset($_GET['searchTimeStart'])? $_GET['searchTimeStart']:""; //$weighTimeEnd = isset($_GET['searchTimeEnd'])? $_GET['searchTimeEnd']:""; $searchTimeType = isset($_GET['searchTimeType']) ? $_GET['searchTimeType'] : ''; //order_tracknumbe表 //$searchTracknumber = ''; //跟踪号 //order_extension_ebay表 //$searchTransId = ''; //交易ID $searchKeywordsType = isset($_GET['KeywordsType']) ? $_GET['KeywordsType'] : ''; //搜索关键字类型 $searchKeywords = isset($_GET['Keywords']) ? $_GET['Keywords'] : ''; //搜索关键字 $this->smarty->assign('searchPlatformId', $searchPlatformId); $this->smarty->assign('searchAccountId', $searchAccountId); $this->smarty->assign('searchIsNote', $searchIsNote); $this->smarty->assign('searchTransportationType', $searchTransportationType); $this->smarty->assign('searchTransportation', $searchTransportation); $this->smarty->assign('searchIsBuji', $searchIsBuji); $this->smarty->assign('searchIsLock', $searchIsLock); $this->smarty->assign('searchOrderTime1', $searchOrderTime1); $this->smarty->assign('searchOrderTime2', $searchOrderTime2); $this->smarty->assign('searchReviews', $searchReviews); $this->smarty->assign('searchSku', $searchSku); $this->smarty->assign('searchOrderType', $searchOrderType); //$this->smarty->assign('searchEmail', $searchEmail); $this->smarty->assign('searchKeywordsType', $searchKeywordsType); $this->smarty->assign('searchKeywords', $searchKeywords); $this->smarty->assign('searchCountry', $countryName); $this->smarty->assign('searchState', $state); $this->smarty->assign('searchCity', $city); $this->smarty->assign('searchZipCode', $zipCode); //$this->smarty->assign('searchTimeStart', $weighTimeStart); //$this->smarty->assign('searchTimeEnd', $weighTimeEnd); $this->smarty->assign('searchTimeType', $searchTimeType); if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime = time() + microtime(); echo "firsttime ==={$dotime}=== " . ($dotime - $starttime) . "\n\n"; } $OrderRefundAct = new OrderRefundAct(); $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $OrderindexAct = new OrderindexAct(); //平台信息 $OmAccountAct = new OmAccountAct(); $WarehouseAPIAct = new WarehouseAPIAct(); if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime1 = time() + microtime(); echo "secondtime === " . ($dotime1 - $dotime) . "\n\n"; } $AbOrderList = $WarehouseAPIAct->act_getAbOrderList(); //var_dump($AbOrderList); exit; if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime = time() + microtime(); echo "thirdtime === " . ($dotime - $dotime1) . "\n\n"; } $AbOrderListArr = array(); $AbOrderids = array(); $AbOrderShow = array(); foreach ($AbOrderList as $orderId) { $AbOrderInfo = $WarehouseAPIAct->act_getAbOrderInfo($orderId['id']); $AbOrderListArr[$orderId['originOrderId']] = $AbOrderInfo; $AbOrderids[] = $orderId['originOrderId']; $AbOrderShow[$orderId['originOrderId']] = $orderId['id']; } if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime1 = time() + microtime(); echo "forthtime === " . ($dotime1 - $dotime) . "\n\n"; } //var_dump($AbOrderListArr); exit; $this->smarty->assign('AbOrderListArr', $AbOrderListArr); $this->smarty->assign('AbOrderShow', $AbOrderShow); //$platform = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_platform','id,platform','WHERE is_delete=0'); $platform = $OmAccountAct->act_getPlatformListByPower(); //var_dump($platform); if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime = time() + microtime(); echo "fiftytime === " . ($dotime - $dotime1) . "\n\n"; } $this->smarty->assign('platform', $platform); /**导航 start**/ $default_ostatus = isset($_GET['ostatus']) ? $_GET['ostatus'] : C('STATEPENDING'); /*if(isset($_GET['ostatus']) && !empty($_GET['ostatus'])){ $ostatus = $_GET['ostatus']; }else{ $ostatus = C('STATEPENDING'); }*/ $ostatus = $_GET['ostatus']; //echo C('STATEPENDING'); $this->smarty->assign('ostatus', $ostatus); $otype = isset($_GET['otype']) ? $_GET['otype'] : ''; $this->smarty->assign('otype', $otype); //二级目录 $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct(); $ostatusList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = 0 AND is_delete=0'); //var_dump($ostatusList); $this->smarty->assign('ostatusList', $ostatusList); if ($ostatus) { $otypeList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $ostatus . '" AND is_delete=0'); } else { $otypeList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $default_ostatus . '" AND is_delete=0'); } if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime1 = time() + microtime(); echo "sixtytime === " . ($dotime1 - $dotime) . "\n\n"; } //var_dump($otypeList); $this->smarty->assign('otypeList', $otypeList); /*$o_secondlevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu','*','WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId=0 order by sort asc'); $this->smarty->assign('o_secondlevel', $o_secondlevel);*/ $second_count = array(); $second_type = array(); $accountacc = $_SESSION['accountacc']; //var_dump($ostatusList); echo "<br>"; foreach ($ostatusList as $o_secondinfo) { $orderStatus = $o_secondinfo['statusCode']; //echo $orderStatus."============"; echo "<br>"; $s_total = 0; //$OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($orderStatus); //echo $orderStatus."==".$s_total; echo "<br>"; $second_count[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; //$s_type = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu","*","WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='$orderStatus' order by sort asc"); $s_type = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $orderStatus . '" AND is_delete=0 order by sort asc'); $second_type[$orderStatus] = $s_type[0]['statusCode']; } if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime = time() + microtime(); echo "seventime === " . ($dotime - $dotime1) . "\n\n"; } //var_dump($second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_count', $second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_type', $second_type); //var_dump($second_type); //退款数量 $accountList = $_SESSION['accountList']; $platformList = $_SESSION['platformList']; //echo "<pre>"; print_r($accountList); exit; $where = " WHERE is_delete=0 "; $platformsee = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($platformList); $i++) { $platformsee[] = $platformList[$i]; } if ($platformsee) { $where .= ' AND platformId IN (' . join(",", $platformsee) . ') '; } else { //$where .= " AND 1=2 "; } $accountsee = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($accountList); $i++) { $accountsee[] = $accountList[$i]; } if ($accountsee) { $where .= ' AND accountId IN (' . join(",", $accountsee) . ') '; } else { //$where .= " AND 1=2 "; } //echo $where; //$refund_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund"," where is_delete=0 "); $refund_total = $OrderRefundAct->act_getRecordNums(); $this->smarty->assign('refund_total', $refund_total); $parameterArr = array(); //var_dump($AbOrderids); $parameterArr['AbOrderList'] = $AbOrderids; $total = $OrderindexAct->act_showABOrder($ostatus, $otype, '', $parameterArr); $this->smarty->assign('abnormal_total', $total); if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime1 = time() + microtime(); echo "8time === " . ($dotime1 - $dotime) . "\n\n"; } //三级目录 $three_count = array(); if ($ostatus) { $o_threelevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$ostatus}' order by sort asc"); foreach ($o_threelevel as $o_threeinfo) { $orderType = $o_threeinfo['statusCode']; /*$or_where = " where orderStatus='$ostatus' and orderType='$orderType' "; if($accountacc){ $or_where .= ' AND ('.$accountacc.') '; }*/ //$s_total = $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($ostatus, $orderType); $s_total = $default_ostatus == 900 && $orderType == 21 ? 'n' : $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($default_ostatus, $orderType); //$s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order", $or_where); $three_count[$o_threeinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; } } else { $or_where = "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$default_ostatus}' "; if ($accountacc) { $or_where .= ' AND (' . $accountacc . ') '; } $or_where .= " order by sort asc"; $o_threelevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$default_ostatus}' order by sort asc"); foreach ($o_threelevel as $o_threeinfo) { $orderType = $o_threeinfo['statusCode']; /*$or_where = " where orderStatus='$ostatus' and orderType='$orderType' "; if($accountacc){ $or_where .= ' AND ('.$accountacc.') '; }*/ $s_total = $default_ostatus == 900 && $orderType == 21 ? 'n' : $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($default_ostatus, $orderType); //$s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order", $or_where); $three_count[$o_threeinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; } } // if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime = time() + microtime(); echo "9time === " . ($dotime - $dotime1) . "\n\n"; } $this->smarty->assign('o_threelevel', $o_threelevel); $this->smarty->assign('three_count', $three_count); $toptitle = '订单显示页面'; //头部title $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 0); $threelevel = '1'; //当前的三级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('threelevel', $threelevel); $statusMenu = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu', ' * ', 'WHERE is_delete=0 '); $this->smarty->assign('statusMenu', $statusMenu); $value = ''; $where = ''; switch ($searchTransportationType) { case '1': $transportation = CommonModel::getCarrierList(1); //快递 break; case '2': $transportation = CommonModel::getCarrierList(0); //平邮 break; default: $transportation = CommonModel::getCarrierList(); //所有的 break; } if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime1 = time() + microtime(); echo "10time === " . ($dotime1 - $dotime) . "\n\n"; } //var_dump($transportation); exit; $transportationList = array(); foreach ($transportation as $tranValue) { $transportationList[$tranValue['id']] = $tranValue['carrierNameCn']; } //var_dump($transportationList); exit; $this->smarty->assign('transportation', $transportation); $this->smarty->assign('transportationList', $transportationList); if ($search == '') { /*$where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 AND storeId = 1 AND orderStatus = '.$ostatus; if($otype != ''){ $where .= ' AND orderType = '.$otype; }*/ //$total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($orderForm, $where); $total = $OrderindexAct->act_showOrder($ostatus, $otype); //echo $total; exit; $num = $pagesize; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); //$where .= " ORDER BY ordersTime " . $page->limit; //echo "========订单系统升级中========="; echo "<br>"; $omOrderList = $OrderindexAct->act_showOrder($ostatus, $otype, $page->limit); //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($omOrderList); exit; //$omOrderList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($orderForm, '*', $where); } else { $parameterArr = array(); $parameterArr['searchPlatformId'] = $searchPlatformId; $parameterArr['searchAccountId'] = $searchAccountId; $parameterArr['searchIsNote'] = $searchIsNote; $parameterArr['searchTransportationType'] = $searchTransportationType; $parameterArr['searchTransportation'] = $searchTransportation; $parameterArr['searchIsBuji'] = $searchIsBuji; $parameterArr['searchIsLock'] = $searchIsLock; $parameterArr['searchOrderTime1'] = $searchOrderTime1; $parameterArr['searchOrderTime2'] = $searchOrderTime2; $parameterArr['searchReviews'] = $searchReviews; $parameterArr['searchSku'] = trim($searchSku); $parameterArr['searchOrderType'] = $searchOrderType; $parameterArr['searchKeywordsType'] = $searchKeywordsType; $parameterArr['countryName'] = trim($countryName); $parameterArr['state'] = trim($state); $parameterArr['city'] = trim($city); $parameterArr['zipCode'] = trim($zipCode); $parameterArr['searchTimeType'] = trim($searchTimeType); $parameterArr['searchKeywords'] = trim($searchKeywords); //$parameterArr['searchKeywords'] = trim($searchKeywords); /*if($_SESSION['sysUserId'] == 8){ var_dump($ostatus.'---'.$otype); }*/ //echo "订单系统升级中。。。。。。。<br>"; //var_dump($parameterArr); echo "<br>"; //$total = $OrderindexAct->act_index($parameterArr,$searchKeywordsType,$searchKeywords); $total = $OrderindexAct->act_showOrder($ostatus, $otype, '', $parameterArr); //echo $total; exit; $num = $pagesize; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); //$limit = $page->limit; //var_dump($parameterArr); $omOrderList = $OrderindexAct->act_showOrder($ostatus, $otype, $page->limit, $parameterArr); //var_dump($omOrderList); //$omOrderList = OrderindexAct::act_index($parameterArr,$searchKeywordsType,$searchKeywords,$limit,$ostatus); } if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime = time() + microtime(); echo "11time ={$dotime}== " . ($dotime - $dotime1) . "\n\n"; } //$sku = array(); $account_where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 '; if ($searchPlatformId) { $account_where .= ' AND platformId = ' . $searchPlatformId; } $UserCompetenceAct = new UserCompetenceAct(); $accountList = $UserCompetenceAct->act_showGlobalUser(); if ($accountList) { $account_where .= ' AND id in ( ' . join(',', $accountList) . ' ) '; } //帐号信息 $accountList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_account', '*', $account_where); //var_dump($accountList); exit; $account = array(); foreach ($accountList as $v) { $account[$v['id']] = $v['account']; } //包材信息 $pm = GoodsModel::getMaterInfoByList(); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } //var_dump($page); if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } //echo $show_page; //获取系统所有状态 $statusList = copyOrderModel::selectStatusList(); if ($_GET['debug'] == 1) { $dotime1 = time() + microtime(); echo "12time ={$dotime1}== " . ($dotime1 - $dotime) . "\n\n"; } //echo $show_page; $this->smarty->assign('statusList', $statusList); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('account', $account); $this->smarty->assign('accountList', $accountList); $this->smarty->assign('pm', $pm); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderList', $omOrderList); $this->smarty->display('orderindex.htm'); }
function act_excuteRefund() { global $dbConn; $orderId = $_POST['orderId']; if ($orderId == '') { self::$errCode = 1; self::$errMsg = '参数refund Id 有误!'; return false; } $OrderRefundList = OrderRefundModel::getOrderRefundList("*", " WHERE id = {$orderId} AND is_delete = 0"); //var_dump($OrderRefundList); if (!$OrderRefundList) { self::$errCode = "001"; self::$errMsg = "获取信息失败!"; return false; } if ($OrderRefundList[0]['orderType'] == 2) { //手动退款 $rtn = OrderRefundModel::updateOrderRefund(" status = '1', updateTime = " . time(), " WHERE id = {$orderId} AND is_delete = 0"); $sql = " UPDATE `om_unshipped_order` SET orderStatus=2000 , orderType=1004 WHERE id={$orderId}"; $dbConn->execute($sql); $sql = " UPDATE `om_shipped_order` SET orderStatus=660 , orderType=710 WHERE id={$orderId}"; $dbConn->execute($sql); self::$errCode = OrderRefundModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = OrderRefundModel::$errMsg; return $rtn; } else { if ($OrderRefundList[0]['orderType'] == 1) { //PayPal退款 $paypal_account = trim($dataArr['paypalAccount']); $paypal_passwd = trim($dataArr['pass']); $signature = trim($dataArr['signature']); $account = trim($dataArr['totalSum']); $transactionID = urlencode(trim($dataArr['PayPalPaymentId'])); //$transactionID = urlencode('8UB78354D73053524'); //for test......... $refundType = urlencode(trim($dataArr['refundType'])); $currencyID = urlencode($dataArr['currency']); $amount = trim($dataArr['refundSum']); $memo = $dataArr['note']; //$operator = $_SESSION['truename']; //操作人 //////////////////For test/////////////////////// /* $paypal_account = '';//trim($dataArr['paypalAccount']); $paypal_passwd = 'Z2MM4MR7JYNXJJTU'; //trim($dataArr['pass']); $signature = 'A.KeI6NrmIaMvyjNhuLwy2pLV0zPAQ20fUMuWkw30BkqbQWQM8mSQ2MX';//trim($dataArr['signature']); */ /* $paypal_account = '';//trim($dataArr['paypalAccount']); $paypal_passwd = 'DYWRHBMGN3FE5RH2'; //trim($dataArr['pass']); $signature = 'AZevjjIseNWGR7SfrsQRQeCXRhikAy2qVHVUJOAviaPPhxzAYrKpsYkl';//trim($dataArr['signature']); $account = '4.19'; //trim($dataArr['totalSum']); $transactionID = '46P33414V65055144'; //urlencode(trim($dataArr['PayPalPaymentId'])); $refundType = 'Full'; // urlencode(trim($dataArr['refundType'])); $currencyID = 'USD'; //urlencode($dataArr['currency']); $amount = '1'; //trim($dataArr['refundSum']); $memo = 'Refund for a customer'; //$dataArr['note']; */ ///////////////////////////////////////// if ($refundType == "Full") { $money_amount = $account; } else { $money_amount = $amount; } $nvpStr = "&TRANSACTIONID={$transactionID}&REFUNDTYPE={$refundType}&CURRENCYCODE={$currencyID}&NOTE={$memo}"; //$nvpStr="&TRANSACTIONID=$transaction_id&REFUNDTYPE=$refundType&CURRENCYCODE=$currency&NOTE=$memo"; if ($refundType == 'Partial') { $nvpStr = $nvpStr . "&AMT={$amount}"; } //return self::act_updateRefundInfo($orderId); $rtn = OrderRefundModel::updateOrderRefund(" status = '1', updateTime = " . time(), " WHERE id = {$orderId} AND is_delete = 0"); self::$errCode = OrderRefundModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = OrderRefundModel::$errMsg; return $rtn; $httpParsedResponseAr = self::PPHttpPost($paypal_account, $paypal_passwd, $signature, 'RefundTransaction', $nvpStr, $account); if ("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"])) { self::$errCode = 200; self::$errMsg = '请求Paypal退款成功!'; return true; } else { self::$errCode = 4; self::$errMsg = '请求Paypal退款失败!'; return false; } } } }
public function view_orderRefundList() { global $memc_obj; $pagesize = 200; //页面大小 //菜单 $status = ''; //print_r($_GET); //搜索时使用的数据 //order表 $searchPlatformId = isset($_GET['platformId']) ? $_GET['platformId'] : ''; //搜索平台 $searchRefundType = isset($_GET['refundType']) ? $_GET['refundType'] : ''; //退款类型 $searchRefundStatus = isset($_GET['refundStatus']) ? $_GET['refundStatus'] : ''; // $searchOmOrderId = isset($_GET['omOrderId']) ? $_GET['omOrderId'] : ''; //订单编号 $searchTransId = isset($_GET['transId']) ? $_GET['transId'] : ''; //交易ID $searchApplyTime1 = isset($_GET['applyTime1']) ? $_GET['applyTime1'] : ''; //初始时间 $searchApplyTime2 = isset($_GET['applyTime2']) ? $_GET['applyTime2'] : ''; //结束时间 $status = isset($_GET['status']) ? $_GET['status'] : 0; //操作状态 $orderType = isset($_GET['orderType']) ? $_GET['orderType'] : 1; //单据种类 $ostatus = isset($_GET['ostatus']) ? $_GET['ostatus'] : 0; //一级分类 //echo "------------------$searchOmOrderId----------------"; $where = ' where is_delete=0 '; if ($searchPlatformId != '') { $where .= ' AND platformId = ' . $searchPlatformId; } if ($searchRefundType != '') { $where .= ' AND refundType = ' . $searchRefundType; } if ($searchTransId != '') { $where .= ' AND transId = ' . $searchTransId; } if ($searchOmOrderId != '') { $where .= ' AND omOrderId = ' . $searchOmOrderId; } if ($status != '') { $where .= ' AND status = ' . $status; } if ($searchApplyTime1 != '' && $searchApplyTime2 != '') { $where .= ' AND addTime >= "' . strtotime($searchApplyTime1) . '" AND addTime <= "' . strtotime($searchApplyTime2) . '" '; } $accountList = $_SESSION['accountList']; $platformList = $_SESSION['platformList']; //echo "<pre>"; print_r($accountList); exit; $platformsee = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($platformList); $i++) { $platformsee[] = $platformList[$i]; } if ($platformsee) { $where .= ' AND platformId IN (' . join(",", $platformsee) . ') '; } else { $where .= " AND 1=2 "; } $accountsee = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($accountList); $i++) { $accountsee[] = $accountList[$i]; } if ($accountsee) { $where .= ' AND accountId IN (' . join(",", $accountsee) . ') '; } else { $where .= " AND 1=2 "; } $this->smarty->assign('searchPlatformId', $searchPlatformId); $this->smarty->assign('searchRefundType', $searchRefundType); $this->smarty->assign('searchRefundStatus', $searchRefundStatus); $this->smarty->assign('searchOmOrderId', $searchOmOrderId); $this->smarty->assign('searchTransId', $searchTransId); $this->smarty->assign('searchApplyTime1', $searchApplyTime1); $this->smarty->assign('searchApplyTime2', $searchApplyTime2); $omAvailableAct = new OrderRefundAct(); $OrderindexAct = new OrderindexAct(); //平台信息 $OmAccountAct = new OmAccountAct(); $WarehouseAPIAct = new WarehouseAPIAct(); $AbOrderList = $WarehouseAPIAct->act_getAbOrderList(); //var_dump($AbOrderList); exit; $AbOrderListArr = array(); $AbOrderids = array(); $AbOrderShow = array(); foreach ($AbOrderList as $orderId) { $AbOrderInfo = $WarehouseAPIAct->act_getAbOrderInfo($orderId['id']); $AbOrderListArr[$orderId['originOrderId']] = $AbOrderInfo; $AbOrderids[] = $orderId['originOrderId']; $AbOrderShow[$orderId['originOrderId']] = $orderId['id']; } //var_dump($AbOrderListArr); exit; $this->smarty->assign('AbOrderListArr', $AbOrderListArr); $this->smarty->assign('AbOrderShow', $AbOrderShow); //$platform = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_platform','id,platform','WHERE is_delete=0'); $platform = $OmAccountAct->act_getPlatformListByPower(); $this->smarty->assign('platform', $platform); /**导航 start**/ $this->smarty->assign('ostatus', $ostatus); $this->smarty->assign('status', $status); $this->smarty->assign('refund_status', $status); $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct(); $ostatusList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = 0 AND is_delete=0'); /*var_dump($ostatusList);*/ $this->smarty->assign('ostatusList', $ostatusList); //二级目录 /*$o_secondlevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu','*','WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId=0 order by sort asc'); $this->smarty->assign('o_secondlevel', $o_secondlevel);*/ $second_count = array(); $second_type = array(); foreach ($ostatusList as $o_secondinfo) { $orderStatus = $o_secondinfo['statusCode']; //echo $orderStatus."============"; echo "<br>"; $s_total = $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($orderStatus); //echo $orderStatus."==".$s_total; echo "<br>"; $second_count[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; $s_type = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $orderStatus . '" AND is_delete=0 order by sort asc'); $second_type[$orderStatus] = $s_type[0]['statusCode']; } $this->smarty->assign('second_count', $second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_type', $second_type); //退款数量 //echo $where; //$refund_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund", " where is_delete=0 "); $refund_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getRecordNums(); $this->smarty->assign('refund_total', $refund_total); $parameterArr = array(); //var_dump($AbOrderids); $parameterArr['AbOrderList'] = $AbOrderids; $total = $OrderindexAct->act_showABOrder($ostatus, $otype, '', $parameterArr); $this->smarty->assign('abnormal_total', $total); //三级目录 /*$refund_one = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund",$where." and status=0"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_one', $refund_one); $refund_two = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund",$where." and status=1"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_two', $refund_two); $refund_three = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund",$where." and status=2"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_three', $refund_three);*/ /**导航 end**/ $refund_status = array('671' => array(1, 0), '673' => array(1, 1), '674' => array(1, 2), '675' => array(2, 0), '676' => array(2, 1), '677' => array(2, 2), '678' => array(3, 0), '679' => array(3, 1)); $o_threelevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$ostatus}' order by sort asc"); //var_dump($o_threelevel); $extral_str = array(); foreach ($o_threelevel as $o_threeinfo) { $statusCode = $o_threeinfo['statusCode']; $torderType = $refund_status[$statusCode][0]; $tostatus = $refund_status[$statusCode][1]; $where = " WHERE orderType = '{$torderType}' and status = '{$tostatus}' and is_delete = 0 "; //echo $where; echo "<br>"; $s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getRecordNums($where); //$s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order", $or_where); $three_count[$o_threeinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; $extral_str[$o_threeinfo['statusCode']] = "orderType={$torderType}&status={$tostatus}"; } $this->smarty->assign('extral_str', $extral_str); $this->smarty->assign('o_threelevel', $o_threelevel); $this->smarty->assign('three_count', $three_count); $toptitle = '退款操作页面'; //头部title $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 0); $threelevel = '1'; //当前的三级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('threelevel', $threelevel); $statusMenu = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu', ' * ', 'WHERE is_delete=0'); $this->smarty->assign('statusMenu', $statusMenu); //print_r($orderRefundList);//exit; //$where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 '.$where; $where = " WHERE orderType = '{$orderType}' and status = '{$status}' and is_delete = 0 "; //echo $where; //$total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount('om_order_refund', $where); $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getRecordNums($where); $num = 100; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); //$where .= " ORDER BY id " . $page->limit; //$orderRefundList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_order_refund', '*', $where); $orderRefundList = $omAvailableAct->act_getRefundList($where); //echo $where; if (empty($orderRefundList)) { $orderRefundList = array(); } $this->smarty->assign('orderRefundList', $orderRefundList); $where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 '; //$where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 AND orderRefundId in('.$value.') '.$where; if (!empty($orderRefundList)) { foreach ($orderRefundList as $k => $v) { if ($value == '') { $value = $v['id']; } else { $value .= ',' . $v['id']; } } $where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 AND orderRefundId in(' . $value . ') '; } else { $where .= " AND 1=2 "; } $orderRefundDetailList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_order_refund_detail', '*', $where); /*if(empty($orderRefundDetailList)){ $status = '无符合条件的订单'; $this->smarty->assign('status', $status); $this->smarty->display('orderRefund.htm.htm'); exit; }*/ //print_r($orderRefundDetailList); if (empty($orderRefundDetailList)) { $orderRefundDetailList = array(); } $this->smarty->assign('orderRefundDetailList', $orderRefundDetailList); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } //获取系统所有状态 $statusList = copyOrderModel::selectStatusList(); $this->smarty->assign('status', $status); $this->smarty->assign('statusList', $statusList); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('account', $account); $this->smarty->assign('sku', $sku); $this->smarty->assign('pm', $pm); $this->smarty->assign('orderdEtailExtensionEbay', $orderdEtailExtensionEbay); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderList', $omOrderList); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderDetail', $omOrderDetail); //$this->smarty->assign('orderTracknumber', $orderTracknumber); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderExtensionEbay', $omOrderExtensionEbay); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderUserInfo', $omOrderUserInfo); $this->smarty->display('orderRefund.htm'); }