/** * Manages all models. */ public function actionOrder($date = null, $cat = null, $show = 5, $location = null) { if (!$cat) { $cat = SnapUtil::config('boxomatic/supplier_product_feature_category'); } $customerId = Yii::app()->user->user_id; $Customer = Customer::model()->findByPk($customerId); $deadlineDays = SnapUtil::config('boxomatic/orderDeadlineDays'); if (!$date) { $date = DeliveryDate::getCurrentDeliveryDateId(); } $updatedExtras = array(); $updatedOrders = array(); $Category = Category::model()->findByPk($cat); $DeliveryDate = DeliveryDate::model()->findByPk($date); $AllDeliveryDates = false; $pastDeadline = false; $CustDeliveryDate = false; if ($Customer) { $CustDeliveryDate = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('delivery_date_id' => $date, 'user_id' => $customerId)); if (!$CustDeliveryDate) { $CustDeliveryDate = new Order(); $CustDeliveryDate->delivery_date_id = $date; $CustDeliveryDate->user_id = $customerId; $CustDeliveryDate->location_id = $Customer->location_id; $CustDeliveryDate->save(); } $AllDeliveryDates = DeliveryDate::model()->with('Locations')->findAll("Locations.location_id = " . $CustDeliveryDate->location_id); $deadline = strtotime('+' . $deadlineDays . ' days'); $pastDeadline = strtotime($DeliveryDate->date) < $deadline; if ($pastDeadline) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('warning', 'Order deadline has passed, order cannot be changed.'); } } if (!$Customer && (isset($_POST['supplier_purchases']) || isset($_POST['boxes']))) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'You must register to make an order.'); $this->redirect(array('site/register')); } if ($location) { $locationId = $location; $custLocationId = new CDbExpression('NULL'); if (strpos($locationId, '-')) { //has a customer location $parts = explode('-', $locationId); $locationId = $parts[1]; $custLocationId = $parts[0]; } //$Location=Location::model()->findByPk($locationId); $CustDeliveryDate->location_id = $locationId; $CustDeliveryDate->customer_location_id = $custLocationId; $CustDeliveryDate->save(); $CustDeliveryDate->refresh(); } if (isset($_POST['btn_recurring'])) { $monthsAdvance = (int) $_POST['months_advance']; $startingFrom = $_POST['starting_from']; $every = $_POST['every']; $locationId = $_POST['Order']['delivery_location_key']; $custLocationId = new CDbExpression('NULL'); if (strpos($locationId, '-')) { //has a customer location $parts = explode('-', $locationId); $locationId = $parts[1]; $custLocationId = $parts[0]; } $dayOfWeek = date('N', strtotime($CustDeliveryDate->DeliveryDate->date)) + 1; if ($dayOfWeek == 8) { $dayOfWeek = 1; } $orderedExtras = OrderItem::findCustomerExtras($customerId, $date); $orderedBoxes = UserBox::model()->with('Box')->findAllByAttributes(array('user_id' => $Customer->user_id), 'delivery_date_id=' . $date); $DeliveryDates = DeliveryDate::model()->findAll("\n\t\t\t\t\tdate >= '{$startingFrom}' AND\n\t\t\t\t\tdate <= DATE_ADD('{$startingFrom}', interval {$monthsAdvance} MONTH) AND\n\t\t\t\t\tdate_sub(date, interval {$deadlineDays} day) > NOW() AND\n\t\t\t\t\tDAYOFWEEK(date) = '" . $dayOfWeek . "'"); $n = 0; foreach ($DeliveryDates as $DD) { $CustDD = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('delivery_date_id' => $DD->id, 'user_id' => $customerId)); if (!$CustDD) { $CustDD = new Order(); $CustDD->delivery_date_id = $DD->id; $CustDD->user_id = $customerId; $CustDD->location_id = $CustDeliveryDate->location_id; $CustDD->save(); } //Delete any extras already ordered $TBDExtras = OrderItem::findCustomerExtras($customerId, $DD->id); foreach ($TBDExtras as $TBDExtra) { $TBDExtra->delete(); } //Delete any extras already ordered $TBDBoxes = UserBox::model()->with('Box')->findAllByAttributes(array('user_id' => $Customer->user_id), 'delivery_date_id=' . $CustDD->delivery_date_id); foreach ($TBDBoxes as $TBDBox) { $TBDBox->delete(); } $n++; if ($n % 2 == 0 && $every == 'fortnight') { continue; } //Copy current days order foreach ($orderedExtras as $orderedExt) { $extra = new OrderItem(); //give the customer the extra $extra->quantity = $orderedExt->quantity; $extra->order_id = $CustDD->id; $extra->supplier_purchase_id = $orderedExt->supplier_purchase_id; $extra->price = $orderedExt->price; $extra->packing_station_id = $orderedExt->packing_station_id; $extra->name = $orderedExt->name; $extra->unit = $orderedExt->unit; $extra->save(); } //Copy current days boxxes foreach ($orderedBoxes as $orderedBox) { $EquivBox = Box::model()->findByAttributes(array('size_id' => $orderedBox->Box->size_id, 'delivery_date_id' => $DD->id)); $box = new UserBox(); $box->attributes = $orderedBox->attributes; $box->user_box_id = null; $box->box_id = $EquivBox->box_id; $box->save(); } } Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Recurring order set.'); } if (isset($_POST['btn_clear_orders'])) { $orderedExtras = OrderItem::model()->with(array('Order' => array('with' => 'DeliveryDate')))->findAll("DATE_SUB(date, INTERVAL {$deadlineDays} DAY) > NOW() AND user_id = " . $Customer->user_id); foreach ($orderedExtras as $ext) { $ext->delete(); } //Get all boxes beyond the deadline date $Boxes = Box::model()->with('DeliveryDate')->findAll("DATE_SUB(date, interval {$deadlineDays} day) > NOW()"); foreach ($Boxes as $Box) { $CustBox = UserBox::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $Customer->user_id, 'box_id' => $Box->box_id)); if ($CustBox) { $CustBox->delete(); } } } if (isset($_POST['extras'])) { foreach ($_POST['extras'] as $id => $quantity) { $model = $this->loadModel($id); if ($model->Order->user_id == Yii::app()->user->user_id) { if ($quantity == 0) { $model->delete(); } else { $model->quantity = $quantity; $model->save(); $updatedOrders[$model->id] = $model; } } } } if (isset($_POST['supplier_purchases'])) { foreach ($_POST['supplier_purchases'] as $purchaseId => $quantity) { if ($quantity == 0) { continue; } $extra = OrderItem::model()->with('Order')->findByAttributes(array('supplier_purchase_id' => $purchaseId, 'order_id' => $CustDeliveryDate->id)); if (!$extra) { $extra = new OrderItem(); } $Purchase = SupplierPurchase::model()->findByPk($purchaseId); $SupplierProduct = $Purchase->supplierProduct; //give the customer the extra $extra->quantity += $quantity; $extra->order_id = $CustDeliveryDate->id; $extra->supplier_purchase_id = $purchaseId; $extra->price = $Purchase->item_sales_price; $extra->packing_station_id = $SupplierProduct->packing_station_id; $extra->name = $SupplierProduct->name; $extra->unit = $SupplierProduct->unit; $updatedExtras[$extra->supplier_purchase_id] = $extra; $extra->save(); } } if (isset($_POST['boxes'])) { foreach ($_POST['boxes'] as $boxId => $quantity) { $Box = Box::model()->findByPk($boxId); $CustBoxes = UserBox::model()->with('Box')->findAll(array('condition' => 'user_id=:customerId AND size_id=:sizeId AND delivery_date_id=:deliveryDateId', 'params' => array(':customerId' => $customerId, ':sizeId' => $Box->size_id, ':deliveryDateId' => $Box->delivery_date_id))); $curQuantity = count($CustBoxes); $diff = $quantity - $curQuantity; if ($diff > 0) { //Create extra customer box rows for ($i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++) { $CustBox = new UserBox(); $CustBox->user_id = $customerId; $CustBox->box_id = $boxId; $CustBox->quantity = 1; $CustBox->delivery_cost = $Customer->Location->location_delivery_value; $CustBox->save(); } } if ($diff < 0) { //Remove any boxes the customer no longer wants; $diff = abs($diff); for ($i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++) { $CustBoxes[$i]->delete(); } } } } $orderedExtras = OrderItem::findCustomerExtras($customerId, $date); $dpOrderedExtras = new CActiveDataProvider('OrderItem'); $dpOrderedExtras->setData($orderedExtras); $DeliveryDates = DeliveryDate::model()->with('Boxes')->findAll(array('condition' => 'DATE_SUB(date, INTERVAL -1 week) > NOW() AND date < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)')); $this->render('order', array('pastDeadline' => $pastDeadline, 'orderedExtras' => $dpOrderedExtras, 'updatedExtras' => $updatedExtras, 'updatedOrders' => $updatedOrders, 'DeliveryDate' => $DeliveryDate, 'DeliveryDates' => $DeliveryDates, 'AllDeliveryDates' => $AllDeliveryDates, 'model' => new OrderItem(), 'Category' => $Category, 'Customer' => $Customer, 'CustDeliveryDate' => $CustDeliveryDate, 'curCat' => $cat)); }