function optionsframework_init() { $path = get_template_directory() . '/options-framework/'; // If user can't edit theme options, exit if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { return; } // Load translation files //load_plugin_textdomain( 'options-framework', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); // Loads the required Options Framework classes. require $path . 'includes/class-options-framework.php'; require $path . 'includes/class-options-framework-admin.php'; require $path . 'includes/class-options-interface.php'; require $path . 'includes/class-options-media-uploader.php'; require $path . 'includes/class-options-sanitization.php'; // Instantiate the main plugin class. $options_framework = new Options_Framework(); $options_framework->init(); // Instantiate the options page. $options_framework_admin = new Options_Framework_Admin(); $options_framework_admin->init(); // Instantiate the media uploader class $options_framework_media_uploader = new Options_Framework_Media_Uploader(); $options_framework_media_uploader->init(); }
function optionsframework_init() { // If user can't edit theme options, exit if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { return; } // Loads the required Options Framework classes. require __DIR__ . 'options/class-options-framework.php'; require __DIR__ . 'options/class-options-framework-admin.php'; require __DIR__ . 'options/class-options-interface.php'; require __DIR__ . 'options/class-options-media-uploader.php'; require __DIR__ . 'options/class-options-sanitization.php'; // Instantiate the options page. $options_framework_admin = new Options_Framework_Admin(); $options_framework_admin->init(); // Instantiate the media uploader class $options_framework_media_uploader = new Options_Framework_Media_Uploader(); $options_framework_media_uploader->init(); }
function optionsframework_init() { // If user can't edit theme options, exit if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { return; } // Include the required files require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-framework.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-framework-admin.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-interface.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-media-uploader.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-sanitize.php'; // Instantiate the options page. $options_framework_admin = new Options_Framework_Admin(); $options_framework_admin->init(); // Instantiate the media uploader class $options_framework_media_uploader = new Options_Framework_Media_Uploader(); $options_framework_media_uploader->init(); }
function optionsframework_init() { // If user can't edit theme options, exit if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { return; } // Loads the required Options Framework classes. require get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/class-options-framework.php'; require get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/class-options-framework-admin.php'; require get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/class-options-interface.php'; require get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/class-options-media-uploader.php'; require get_template_directory() . '/inc/includes/class-options-sanitization.php'; //trailingslashit( get_template_directory() . '/inc/meta-box/' ) // Instantiate the options page. $options_framework_admin = new Options_Framework_Admin(); $options_framework_admin->init(); // Instantiate the media uploader class $options_framework_media_uploader = new Options_Framework_Media_Uploader(); $options_framework_media_uploader->init(); }
function optionsframework_init() { // If user can't edit theme options, exit if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { return; } // Loads the required Options Framework classes. tokopress_require_file(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-framework.php'); tokopress_require_file(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-framework-admin.php'); tokopress_require_file(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-interface.php'); tokopress_require_file(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-media-uploader.php'); tokopress_require_file(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-sanitization.php'); // Instantiate the main plugin class. $options_framework = new Options_Framework(); $options_framework->init(); // Instantiate the options page. $options_framework_admin = new Options_Framework_Admin(); $options_framework_admin->init(); // Instantiate the media uploader class $options_framework_media_uploader = new Options_Framework_Media_Uploader(); $options_framework_media_uploader->init(); }
function optionsframework_init() { // If user can't edit theme options, exit if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { return; } // Loads the required Options Framework classes. require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-framework.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-framework-admin.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-interface.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-media-uploader.php'; require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/class-options-sanitization.php'; // Instantiate the main plugin class. $options_framework = new Options_Framework(); $options_framework->init(); // Instantiate the options page. $options_framework_admin = new Options_Framework_Admin(); $options_framework_admin->init(); // Instantiate the media uploader class $options_framework_media_uploader = new Options_Framework_Media_Uploader(); $options_framework_media_uploader->init(); wp_enqueue_style('optionsframework', OPTIONS_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY . 'css/optionsframework.css'); }
/** * Generates the options fields that are used in the form. */ static function optionsframework_fields() { global $allowedtags; $optionsframework_settings = get_option(ONETONE_OPTIONS_PREFIXED . 'optionsframework'); // Gets the unique option id if (isset($optionsframework_settings['id'])) { $option_name = $optionsframework_settings['id']; } else { $option_name = ONETONE_OPTIONS_PREFIXED . 'optionsframework'; } $settings = get_option($option_name); $options =& Options_Framework::_optionsframework_options(); $counter = 0; $menu = ''; foreach ($options as $value) { $val = ''; $select_value = ''; $output = ''; // Wrap all options if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info") { // Keep all ids lowercase with no spaces $value['id'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($value['id'])); $id = 'section-' . $value['id']; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if ($value['type'] != 'editor') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls">' . "\n"; } else { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div>' . "\n"; } } // Set default value to $val if (isset($value['std'])) { $val = $value['std']; } // If the option is already saved, override $val if ($value['type'] != 'heading' && $value['type'] != 'info') { if (isset($settings[$value['id']])) { $val = $settings[$value['id']]; // Striping slashes of non-array options if (!is_array($val)) { $val = stripslashes($val); } } } // If there is a description save it for labels $explain_value = ''; if (isset($value['desc'])) { $explain_value = $value['desc']; } if (has_filter('optionsframework_' . $value['type'])) { $output .= apply_filters('optionsframework_' . $value['type'], $option_name, $value, $val); } switch ($value['type']) { // Basic text input case 'text': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" />'; break; // Password input // Password input case 'password': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="password" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" />'; break; // Textarea // Textarea case 'textarea': $rows = '8'; if (isset($value['settings']['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } $val = stripslashes($val); $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '">' . esc_textarea($val) . '</textarea>'; break; // Select Box // Select Box case 'select': $output .= '<select class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; break; // Radio Box // Radio Box case "radio": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $key; $output .= '<input class="of-input of-radio" type="radio" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</label>'; } break; // Image Selectors // Image Selectors case "images": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $selected = ''; if ($val != '' && $val == $key) { $selected = ' of-radio-img-selected'; } $output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '" class="of-radio-img-radio" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">' . esc_html($key) . '</div>'; $output .= '<img src="' . esc_url($option) . '" alt="' . $option . '" class="of-radio-img-img' . $selected . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '\').checked=true;" />'; } break; // Checkbox // Checkbox case "checkbox": $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" ' . checked($val, 1, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<label class="explain" for="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</label>'; break; // Multicheck // Multicheck case "multicheck": foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $checked = ''; $label = $option; $option = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($key)); $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $option; $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $option . ']'; if (isset($val[$option])) { $checked = checked($val[$option], 1, false); } $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . $checked . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($label) . '</label>'; } break; // Color picker // Color picker case "color": $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std'])) { if ($val != $value['std']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; break; // Uploader // Uploader case "upload": $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $val, null); break; // Typography // Typography case 'typography': unset($font_size, $font_style, $font_face, $font_color); $typography_defaults = array('size' => '', 'face' => '', 'style' => '', 'color' => ''); $typography_stored = wp_parse_args($val, $typography_defaults); $typography_options = array('sizes' => of_recognized_font_sizes(), 'faces' => of_recognized_font_faces(), 'styles' => of_recognized_font_styles(), 'color' => true); if (isset($value['options'])) { $typography_options = wp_parse_args($value['options'], $typography_options); } // Font Size if ($typography_options['sizes']) { $font_size = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][size]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_size') . '">'; $sizes = $typography_options['sizes']; foreach ($sizes as $i) { $size = $i . 'px'; $font_size .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($size) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['size'], $size, false) . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $font_size .= '</select>'; } // Font Face if ($typography_options['faces']) { $font_face = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-face" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][face]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_face') . '">'; $faces = $typography_options['faces']; foreach ($faces as $key => $face) { $font_face .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['face'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($face) . '</option>'; } $font_face .= '</select>'; } // Font Styles if ($typography_options['styles']) { $font_style = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-style" name="' . $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][style]" id="' . $value['id'] . '_style">'; $styles = $typography_options['styles']; foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { $font_style .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['style'], $key, false) . '>' . $style . '</option>'; } $font_style .= '</select>'; } // Font Color if ($typography_options['color']) { $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $font_color = '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-typography-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($typography_stored['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; } // Allow modification/injection of typography fields $typography_fields = compact('font_size', 'font_face', 'font_style', 'font_color'); $typography_fields = apply_filters('of_typography_fields', $typography_fields, $typography_stored, $option_name, $value); $output .= implode('', $typography_fields); break; // Background // Background case 'background': $background = $val; // Background Color $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($background['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; // Background Image if (!isset($background['image'])) { $background['image'] = ''; } $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $background['image'], null, esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][image]')); $class = 'of-background-properties'; if ('' == $background['image']) { $class .= ' hide'; } $output .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">'; // Background Repeat $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-repeat" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][repeat]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_repeat') . '">'; $repeats = of_recognized_background_repeat(); foreach ($repeats as $key => $repeat) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['repeat'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($repeat) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Position $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-position" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][position]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_position') . '">'; $positions = of_recognized_background_position(); foreach ($positions as $key => $position) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['position'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($position) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Attachment $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-attachment" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][attachment]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_attachment') . '">'; $attachments = of_recognized_background_attachment(); foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['attachment'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($attachment) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; break; // Editor // Editor case 'editor': $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; echo $output; $textarea_name = esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'); $default_editor_settings = array('textarea_name' => $textarea_name, 'media_buttons' => true, 'tinymce' => array('plugins' => 'wordpress')); $editor_settings = array(); if (isset($value['settings'])) { $editor_settings = $value['settings']; } $editor_settings = array_merge($default_editor_settings, $editor_settings); wp_editor($val, $value['id'], $editor_settings); $output = ''; break; // Info // Info case "info": $id = ''; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['id'])) { $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" '; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div ' . $id . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if ($value['desc']) { $output .= apply_filters('of_sanitize_info', $value['desc']) . "\n"; } $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; break; // Heading for Navigation // Heading for Navigation case "heading": $counter++; if ($counter >= 2) { $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; } $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $class = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($class)); $output .= '<div id="options-group-' . $counter . '" class="group ' . $class . '">'; $output .= '<h3>' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h3>' . "\n"; break; case "start_group": $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $output .= '<div class="tab_item_group ' . $class . '">'; break; case "end_group": $output .= '</div>'; break; case "title": $output .= '<div class="group_title' . $class . '"></div>'; break; } if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info") { $output .= '</div>'; if ($value['type'] != "checkbox" && $value['type'] != "editor") { $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; } $output .= '</div></div>' . "\n"; } echo $output; } // Outputs closing div if there tabs if (Options_Framework_Interface::optionsframework_tabs() != '') { echo '</div>'; } }
/** * Generates the options fields that are used in the form. */ static function optionsframework_fields() { global $allowedtags; $options_framework = new Options_Framework(); $option_name = $options_framework->get_option_name(); $settings = get_option($option_name); $options =& Options_Framework::_optionsframework_options(); $counter = 0; $menu = ''; foreach ($options as $value) { $val = ''; $select_value = ''; $output = ''; // Wrap all options if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info" && $value['type'] != "title" && $value['type'] != 'groupstart' && $value['type'] != 'groupend') { // Keep all ids lowercase with no spaces $value['id'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($value['id'])); $id = 'section-' . $value['id']; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if ($value['type'] != 'editor') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls">' . "\n"; } else { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div>' . "\n"; } } // Set default value to $val if (isset($value['std'])) { $val = $value['std']; } // If the option is already saved, override $val if ($value['type'] != 'heading' && $value['type'] != 'info' && $value['type'] != "title" && $value['type'] != 'groupstart' && $value['type'] != 'groupend') { if (isset($settings[$value['id']])) { $val = $settings[$value['id']]; // Striping slashes of non-array options if (!is_array($val)) { $val = stripslashes($val); } } } // If there is a description save it for labels $explain_value = ''; if (isset($value['desc'])) { $explain_value = $value['desc']; } // Set the placeholder if one exists $placeholder = ''; if (isset($value['placeholder'])) { $placeholder = ' placeholder="' . esc_attr($value['placeholder']) . '"'; } if (has_filter('optionsframework_' . $value['type'])) { $output .= apply_filters('optionsframework_' . $value['type'], $option_name, $value, $val); } switch ($value['type']) { // Basic text input case 'text': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $placeholder . ' />'; break; // Basic number input // Basic number input case 'number': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="number" min="1" max="1000" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $placeholder . ' step="1" />'; break; // Password input // Password input case 'password': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="password" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" />'; break; // Textarea // Textarea case 'textarea': $rows = '8'; //if ( isset( $value['settings']['rows'] ) ) { // $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; // if ( is_numeric( $custom_rows ) ) { // $rows = $custom_rows; // } // } if (isset($value['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } $val = stripslashes($val); $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '"' . $placeholder . '>' . esc_textarea($val) . '</textarea>'; break; //Ap-Mag Textarea //Ap-Mag Textarea case 'apmagtextarea': $rows = '10'; if (isset($value['settings']['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } //$val = stripslashes( $val ); $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '"' . $placeholder . '>' . $val . '</textarea>'; break; // Select Box // Select Box case 'select': $output .= '<select class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; break; // Box // Box case "radio": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $key; $output .= '<div class="radio"><input class="of-input of-radio" type="radio" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</label></div>'; } break; // Image Selectors // Image Selectors case "images": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $selected = ''; if ($val != '' && $val == $key) { $selected = ' of-radio-img-selected'; } $output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '" class="of-radio-img-radio" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">' . esc_html($key) . '</div>'; $output .= '<img src="' . esc_url($option) . '" alt="' . $option . '" class="of-radio-img-img' . $selected . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '\').checked=true;" />'; } break; // Checkbox // Checkbox case "checkbox": $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" ' . checked($val, 1, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<label class="explain" for="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</label>'; break; // Switch // Switch case "switch": $output .= '<div class="switch_options">'; $output .= '<span class="switch_enable">' . esc_attr($value['on']) . '</span>'; $output .= '<span class="switch_disable">' . esc_attr($value['off']) . '</span>'; $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" type="hidden" class="switch_val" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"/>'; $output .= '</div>'; break; // SliderUI // SliderUI case "sliderui": $s_min = $s_max = $s_step = $s_edit = ''; $s_edit = ' readonly="readonly"'; if (!isset($value['min'])) { $s_min = '0'; } else { $s_min = $value['min']; } if (!isset($value['max'])) { $s_max = $s_min + 1; } else { $s_max = $value['max']; } if (!isset($value['step'])) { $s_step = '1'; } else { $s_step = $value['step']; } //values $s_data = 'data-id="' . $value['id'] . '" data-val="' . esc_attr($val) . '" data-min="' . $s_min . '" data-max="' . $s_max . '" data-step="' . $s_step . '"'; //html output $output .= '<input type="text" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" ' . $s_edit . ' />'; $output .= '<div id="' . $value['id'] . '-slider" class="ap_sliderui" ' . $s_data . '></div>'; break; // Multicheck // Multicheck case "multicheck": foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $checked = ''; $label = $option; $option = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($key)); $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $option; $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $option . ']'; if (isset($val[$option])) { $checked = checked($val[$option], 1, false); } $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . $checked . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($label) . '</label>'; } break; // Color picker // Color picker case "color": $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std'])) { if ($val != $value['std']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; break; // Uploader // Uploader case "upload": $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $val, null); break; // Install Demo // Install Demo case 'demo': $output .= '<a href="#">' . __('Install Demo', 'accesspress-mag') . '</a>'; break; // Typography // Typography case 'typography': unset($font_size, $font_style, $font_face, $font_color); $typography_defaults = array('size' => $value['size'] . "px", 'face' => $value['face'], 'style' => $value['style'], 'color' => $value['color']); $typography_stored = wp_parse_args($val, $typography_defaults); $accesspress_pro_font_list = get_option('accesspress_mag_google_font'); $font_family = $typography_stored['face']; $font_array = accesspress_search_key($accesspress_pro_font_list, 'family', $font_family); $variants_array = $font_array['0']['variants']; $typography_options = array('sizes' => of_recognized_font_sizes(), 'faces' => of_recognized_font_faces(), 'styles' => $variants_array, 'color' => true); if (isset($value['options'])) { $typography_options = wp_parse_args($value['options'], $typography_options); } // Font Size if ($typography_options['sizes']) { $font_size = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][size]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_size') . '">'; $sizes = $typography_options['sizes']; foreach ($sizes as $i) { $size = $i . 'px'; $font_size .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($size) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['size'], $size, false) . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $font_size .= '</select>'; } // Font Face if ($typography_options['faces']) { $font_face = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-face" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][face]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_face') . '">'; $faces = $typography_options['faces']; foreach ($faces as $key => $face) { $font_face .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['face'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($face) . '</option>'; } $font_face .= '</select>'; } // Font Styles if ($typography_options['styles']) { $font_style = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-style" name="' . $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][style]" id="' . $value['id'] . '_style">'; $styles = $typography_options['styles']; foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { $font_style .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['style'], $key, false) . '>' . $style . '</option>'; } $font_style .= '</select>'; } // Font Color if ($typography_options['color']) { $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $font_color = '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-typography-color type="text" value="' . esc_attr($typography_stored['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; } // Allow modification/injection of typography fields $typography_fields = compact('font_size', 'font_face', 'font_style', 'font_color'); $typography_fields = apply_filters('of_typography_fields', $typography_fields, $typography_stored, $option_name, $value); $output .= implode('', $typography_fields); $output .= '<div class="typographytextbox" id="' . $value['id'] . '">The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. 1234567890</div>'; break; // Background // Background case 'background': $background = $val; // Background Color //$default_color = ''; // if ( isset( $value['std']['color'] ) ) { // if ( $val != $value['std']['color'] ) // $default_color = ' data-default-color="' .$value['std']['color'] . '" '; // } // $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr( $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]' ) . '" id="' . esc_attr( $value['id'] . '_color' ) . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr( $background['color'] ) . '"' . $default_color .' />'; // Background Image if (!isset($background['image'])) { $background['image'] = ''; } $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $background['image'], null, esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][image]')); $class = 'of-background-properties'; if ('' == $background['image']) { $class .= ' hide'; } $output .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">'; // Background Repeat $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-repeat" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][repeat]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_repeat') . '">'; $repeats = of_recognized_background_repeat(); foreach ($repeats as $key => $repeat) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['repeat'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($repeat) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Position $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-position" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][position]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_position') . '">'; $positions = of_recognized_background_position(); foreach ($positions as $key => $position) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['position'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($position) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Attachment $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-attachment" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][attachment]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_attachment') . '">'; $attachments = of_recognized_background_attachment(); foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['attachment'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($attachment) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; break; // Editor // Editor case 'editor': $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; echo $output; $textarea_name = esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'); $default_editor_settings = array('textarea_name' => $textarea_name, 'media_buttons' => false, 'tinymce' => array('plugins' => 'wordpress')); $editor_settings = array(); if (isset($value['settings'])) { $editor_settings = $value['settings']; } $editor_settings = array_merge($default_editor_settings, $editor_settings); wp_editor($val, $value['id'], $editor_settings); $output = ''; break; // Info // Info case "info": $id = ''; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['id'])) { $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" '; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div ' . $id . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if (isset($value['desc'])) { $output .= '<div class="option"><div class="explain">' . wp_kses($value['desc'], $allowedtags) . '</div></div>' . "\n"; //$output .= $value['desc'] . "\n"; } $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; break; // Heading for Navigation // Heading for Navigation case "heading": $counter++; if ($counter >= 2) { $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; } $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $class = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($class)); $output .= '<div id="options-group-' . $counter . '" class="group ' . $class . '">'; $output .= '<h3>' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h3>' . "\n"; break; // Custom Static Heading for Navigation // Custom Static Heading for Navigation case 'static_heading': break; //Custom Group Start //Custom Group Start case 'groupstart': $id = ''; $group = ''; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['id'])) { $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" '; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } if (isset($value['group'])) { $group .= '[' . $value['group'] . ']'; } $output .= '<div ' . $id . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="group-heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '<span class="heading-arrow side"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></span></h4>' . "\n"; } $output .= '<div class="group-content">'; $output .= '<input class="section-order" type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . $group . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '">' . "\n"; break; // Button // Button case "button": $output .= '<a id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="button-primary" href="javascript:void(0);">' . esc_attr($value['button_name']) . '</a>' . "\n"; if (!empty($value['html'])) { $output .= wp_kses_post($value['html']); } break; //Custom Group End //Custom Group End case 'groupend': $output .= '</div></div>' . "\n"; break; } if ($value['type'] != "heading" && ($value['type'] != "info" && $value['type'] != "title" && $value['type'] != 'groupstart' && $value['type'] != 'groupend')) { $output .= '</div>'; if ($value['type'] != "checkbox" && $value['type'] != "editor") { $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; } $output .= '</div></div>' . "\n"; } echo $output; } // Outputs closing div if there tabs if (Options_Framework_Interface::optionsframework_tabs() != '') { echo '</div>'; } }
/** * Generates the options fields that are used in the form. */ static function optionsframework_fields() { global $allowedtags; $optionsframework_settings = get_option('optionsframework'); // Gets the unique option id if (isset($optionsframework_settings['id'])) { $option_name = $optionsframework_settings['id']; } else { $option_name = 'optionsframework'; } $settings = get_option($option_name); $options =& Options_Framework::_optionsframework_options(); $counter = 0; $menu = ''; foreach ($options as $value) { $val = ''; $select_value = ''; $output = ''; // Wrap all options if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info") { // Keep all ids lowercase with no spaces $value['id'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($value['id'])); $id = 'section-' . $value['id']; if ($value['type'] != "widget-area") { $class = 'section'; } else { $class = 'section2'; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if ($value['type'] != 'editor') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls">' . "\n"; } else { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div>' . "\n"; } } // Set default value to $val if (isset($value['std'])) { $val = $value['std']; } // If the option is already saved, override $val if ($value['type'] != 'heading' && $value['type'] != 'info') { if (isset($settings[$value['id']])) { $val = $settings[$value['id']]; // Striping slashes of non-array options if (!is_array($val)) { $val = stripslashes($val); } } } // If there is a description save it for labels $explain_value = ''; if (isset($value['desc'])) { $explain_value = $value['desc']; } if (has_filter('optionsframework_' . $value['type'])) { $output .= apply_filters('optionsframework_' . $value['type'], $option_name, $value, $val); } switch ($value['type']) { // Basic text input case 'text': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" />'; break; // Password input // Password input case 'password': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="password" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" />'; break; // Textarea // Textarea case 'textarea': $rows = '8'; if (isset($value['settings']['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } $val = stripslashes($val); $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '">' . esc_textarea($val) . '</textarea>'; break; // Select Box // Select Box case 'select': $output .= '<select class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; break; // Radio Box // Radio Box case "radio": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $key; $output .= '<input class="of-input of-radio" type="radio" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</label>'; } break; // Image Selectors // Image Selectors case "images": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $selected = ''; if ($val != '' && $val == $key) { $selected = ' of-radio-img-selected'; } $output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '" class="of-radio-img-radio" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">' . esc_html($key) . '</div>'; $output .= '<img src="' . esc_url($option) . '" alt="' . $option . '" class="of-radio-img-img' . $selected . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '\').checked=true;" />'; } break; // Checkbox // Checkbox case "checkbox": $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" ' . checked($val, 1, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<label class="explain" for="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</label>'; break; // Multicheck // Multicheck case "multicheck": foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $checked = ''; $label = $option; $option = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($key)); $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $option; $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $option . ']'; if (isset($val[$option])) { $checked = checked($val[$option], 1, false); } $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . $checked . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($label) . '</label>'; } break; // Color picker // Color picker case "color": $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std'])) { if ($val != $value['std']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; break; // Uploader // Uploader case "upload": $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $val, null); break; // Typography // Typography case 'typography': unset($font_size, $font_style, $font_face, $font_color); $typography_defaults = array('size' => '', 'face' => '', 'style' => '', 'color' => ''); $typography_stored = wp_parse_args($val, $typography_defaults); $typography_options = array('sizes' => of_recognized_font_sizes(), 'faces' => of_recognized_font_faces(), 'styles' => of_recognized_font_styles(), 'color' => true); if (isset($value['options'])) { $typography_options = wp_parse_args($value['options'], $typography_options); } // Font Size if ($typography_options['sizes']) { $font_size = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][size]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_size') . '">'; $sizes = $typography_options['sizes']; foreach ($sizes as $i) { $size = $i . 'px'; $font_size .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($size) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['size'], $size, false) . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $font_size .= '</select>'; } // Font Face if ($typography_options['faces']) { $font_face = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-face" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][face]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_face') . '">'; $faces = $typography_options['faces']; foreach ($faces as $key => $face) { $font_face .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['face'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($face) . '</option>'; } $font_face .= '</select>'; } // Font Styles if ($typography_options['styles']) { $font_style = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-style" name="' . $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][style]" id="' . $value['id'] . '_style">'; $styles = $typography_options['styles']; foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { $font_style .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['style'], $key, false) . '>' . $style . '</option>'; } $font_style .= '</select>'; } // Font Color if ($typography_options['color']) { $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $font_color = '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-typography-color type="text" value="' . esc_attr($typography_stored['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; } // Allow modification/injection of typography fields $typography_fields = compact('font_size', 'font_face', 'font_style', 'font_color'); $typography_fields = apply_filters('of_typography_fields', $typography_fields, $typography_stored, $option_name, $value); $output .= implode('', $typography_fields); break; // Background // Background case 'background': $background = $val; // Background Color $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($background['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; // Background Image if (!isset($background['image'])) { $background['image'] = ''; } $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $background['image'], null, esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][image]')); $class = 'of-background-properties'; if ('' == $background['image']) { $class .= ' hide'; } $output .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">'; // Background Repeat $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-repeat" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][repeat]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_repeat') . '">'; $repeats = of_recognized_background_repeat(); foreach ($repeats as $key => $repeat) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['repeat'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($repeat) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Position $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-position" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][position]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_position') . '">'; $positions = of_recognized_background_position(); foreach ($positions as $key => $position) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['position'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($position) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Attachment $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-attachment" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][attachment]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_attachment') . '">'; $attachments = of_recognized_background_attachment(); foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['attachment'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($attachment) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; break; // Editor // Editor case 'editor': $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; echo $output; $textarea_name = esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'); $default_editor_settings = array('textarea_name' => $textarea_name, 'media_buttons' => false, 'tinymce' => array('plugins' => 'wordpress')); $editor_settings = array(); if (isset($value['settings'])) { $editor_settings = $value['settings']; } $editor_settings = array_merge($default_editor_settings, $editor_settings); wp_editor($val, $value['id'], $editor_settings); $output = ''; break; // Info // Info case "info": $id = ''; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['id'])) { $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" '; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div ' . $id . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if (isset($value['desc'])) { $output .= apply_filters('of_sanitize_info', $value['desc']) . "\n"; } $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; break; // Heading for Navigation // Heading for Navigation case "heading": $counter++; if ($counter >= 2) { $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; } $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $class = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($class)); $output .= '<div id="options-group-' . $counter . '" class="group ' . $class . '">'; $output .= '<h3>' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h3>' . "\n"; break; //=custom type //=custom type case "start_group": $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $output .= '<div class="tab_item_group ' . $class . '">'; break; case "end_group": $output .= '</div>'; break; case "title": $output .= '<div class="group_title' . $class . '"></div>'; break; case "widget-area": $list_item = get_option('_meris_home_widget_area'); if ($list_item != "" || $val != "") { if ($list_item == "") { $list_item = $val; } $list_array = json_decode($list_item, true); $list_item_str = ''; if (isset($list_array['section-widget-area-name']) && is_array($list_array['section-widget-area-name'])) { $num = count($list_array['section-widget-area-name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $areaname = isset($list_array['section-widget-area-name'][$i]) ? $list_array['section-widget-area-name'][$i] : ""; $sanitize_areaname = sanitize_title($areaname); $color = isset($list_array['list-item-color'][$i]) ? $list_array['list-item-color'][$i] : ""; $image = isset($list_array['list-item-image'][$i]) ? $list_array['list-item-image'][$i] : ""; $repeat = isset($list_array['list-item-repeat'][$i]) ? $list_array['list-item-repeat'][$i] : ""; $position = isset($list_array['list-item-position'][$i]) ? $list_array['list-item-position'][$i] : ""; $attachment = isset($list_array['list-item-attachment'][$i]) ? $list_array['list-item-attachment'][$i] : ""; $layout = isset($list_array['widget-area-layout'][$i]) ? $list_array['widget-area-layout'][$i] : ""; $padding = isset($list_array['widget-area-padding'][$i]) ? $list_array['widget-area-padding'][$i] : ""; $column = isset($list_array['widget-area-column'][$i]) ? $list_array['widget-area-column'][$i] : ""; $columns = isset($list_array['widget-area-column-item'][$sanitize_areaname]) ? $list_array['widget-area-column-item'][$sanitize_areaname] : ""; $list_item_array = array("areaname" => $areaname, "sanitize_areaname" => $sanitize_areaname, "color" => $color, "image" => $image, "repeat" => $repeat, "position" => $position, "attachment" => $attachment, "layout" => $layout, "column" => $column, "columns" => $columns, "num" => $i, "padding" => $padding); $list_item_str .= meris_widget_area_generator($list_item_array, false); } } } $output .= '<div id="section-widget" class=""> <select name="widget_layout" id="widget_layout"><option value="1">' . __("choose column", "meris") . '</option> <option value="1">' . __("1 column", "meris") . '</option> <option value="2">' . __("2 columns", "meris") . '</option> <option value="3">' . __("3 columns", "meris") . '</option> <option value="4">' . __("4 columns", "meris") . '</option> </select> <input type="text" id="list-item-val" size="20" name="list-item-val" value="" placeholder="' . __("Widget Area Name", "meris") . '" />'; // $output .= '<p style="display:block;clear: both;height:30px;"><a href="javascript:;" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" class="button-primary" id="addItem">' . __("Add Item", "meris") . '</a> <span id="list-item-notice" style=" color:red;"></span></p></div>'; $output .= '<div id="list-widget-areas">' . $list_item_str . '</div>'; break; } if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info") { $output .= '</div>'; if ($value['type'] != "checkbox" && $value['type'] != "editor") { $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; } $output .= '</div></div>' . "\n"; } echo $output; } // Outputs closing div if there tabs if (Options_Framework_Interface::optionsframework_tabs() != '') { echo '</div>'; } }
/** * Generates the options fields that are used in the form. */ static function optionsframework_fields() { global $allowedtags, $themename; $optionsframework_settings = get_option(vpanel_options); // Gets the unique option id if (isset($optionsframework_settings['id'])) { $option_name = $optionsframework_settings['id']; } else { $option_name = vpanel_options; } $settings = get_option($option_name); $options =& Options_Framework::_optionsframework_options(); $counter = 0; $menu = ''; foreach ($options as $value) { $val = ''; $select_value = ''; $output = ''; // Wrap all options if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info" && $value['type'] != "content" && $value['type'] != 'hidden') { // Keep all ids lowercase with no spaces $value['id'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($value['id'])); $id = 'section-' . $value['id']; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if ($value['type'] != 'editor' && $value['type'] != 'upload' && $value['type'] != 'background' && $value['type'] != 'sidebar' && $value['type'] != 'roles') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls">' . "\n"; } else { if ($value['type'] == 'upload' || $value['type'] == 'background') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls controls-upload">' . "\n"; } else { if ($value['type'] == 'sidebar') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls controls-sidebar">' . "\n"; } else { if ($value['type'] == 'roles') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls controls-role">' . "\n"; } else { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div>' . "\n"; } } } } } // Set default value to $val if (isset($value['std'])) { $val = $value['std']; } // If the option is already saved, override $val if ($value['type'] != 'heading' && $value['type'] != 'info' && $value['type'] != 'content') { if (isset($settings[$value['id']])) { $val = $settings[$value['id']]; // Striping slashes of non-array options if (!is_array($val)) { $val = stripslashes($val); } } } // If there is a description save it for labels $explain_value = ''; if (isset($value['desc'])) { $explain_value = $value['desc']; } if (has_filter('vpanel_' . $value['type'])) { $output .= apply_filters('vpanel_' . $value['type'], $option_name, $value, $val); } switch ($value['type']) { // Basic text input case 'text': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '">'; break; // input hidden // input hidden case 'hidden': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="hidden" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '">'; break; // Password input // Password input case 'password': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="password" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '">'; break; // Textarea // Textarea case 'textarea': $rows = '8'; if (isset($value['settings']['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } $val = stripslashes($val); $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '">' . esc_textarea($val) . '</textarea>'; break; // Role Box // Role Box case 'roles': global $wp_roles; $roles = get_option(esc_attr($value['id'])); $k = 0; $output .= ' <input id="role_name" type="text" name="role_name" value=""> <input id="role_add" type="button" value="+ Add new group"> <div class="clear"></div> <ul id="roles_list" class="roles_list">'; if ($roles) { //echo $role["id"]."<pre>";print_r($wp_roles->roles);echo "</pre>"; foreach ($roles as $role) { $k++; unset($wp_roles->roles[$role["id"]]); $output .= '<li><div class="widget-head">' . esc_html($role["group"]) . '<a class="del-builder-item del-role-item">x</a></div> <div class="widget-content"> <div class="widget-content-div"> <label for="roles[' . $k . '][group]">Type here the group name .</label> <input id="roles[' . $k . '][group]" type="text" name="roles[' . $k . '][group]" value="' . (isset($role["group"]) && $role["group"] != '' ? esc_html($role["group"]) : '') . '"> <input type="hidden" class="group_id" name="roles[' . $k . '][id]" value="group_' . $k . '"> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles[' . $k . '][ask_question]" type="checkbox" name="roles[' . $k . '][ask_question]"' . (isset($role["ask_question"]) && $role["ask_question"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles[' . $k . '][ask_question]">Select ON to add a question .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles[' . $k . '][show_question]" type="checkbox" name="roles[' . $k . '][show_question]"' . (isset($role["show_question"]) && $role["show_question"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles[' . $k . '][show_question]">Select ON to show other questions .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles[' . $k . '][add_answer]" type="checkbox" name="roles[' . $k . '][add_answer]"' . (isset($role["add_answer"]) && $role["add_answer"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles[' . $k . '][add_answer]">Select ON to add a answer .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles[' . $k . '][show_answer]" type="checkbox" name="roles[' . $k . '][show_answer]"' . (isset($role["show_answer"]) && $role["show_answer"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles[' . $k . '][show_answer]">Select ON to show other answers .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles[' . $k . '][add_post]" type="checkbox" name="roles[' . $k . '][add_post]"' . (isset($role["add_post"]) && $role["add_post"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles[' . $k . '][add_post]">Select ON to add a post .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </li>'; } } $output .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div>'; $output .= '<ul class="roles_list">'; $roles_default = get_option("roles_default"); $old_roles = $wp_roles->roles; foreach ($old_roles as $key_r => $value_r) { $output .= '<li> <div class="widget-head">' . esc_html($value_r['name']) . '</div> <div class="widget-content"> <div class="widget-content-div"> <input id="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][ask_question]" type="checkbox" name="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][ask_question]"' . (isset($roles_default[$key_r]["ask_question"]) && $roles_default[$key_r]["ask_question"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][ask_question]">Select ON to add a question .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][show_question]" type="checkbox" name="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][show_question]"' . (isset($roles_default[$key_r]["show_question"]) && $roles_default[$key_r]["show_question"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][show_question]">Select ON to show other questions .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][add_answer]" type="checkbox" name="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][add_answer]"' . (isset($roles_default[$key_r]["add_answer"]) && $roles_default[$key_r]["add_answer"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][add_answer]">Select ON to add a answer .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][show_answer]" type="checkbox" name="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][show_answer]"' . (isset($roles_default[$key_r]["show_answer"]) && $roles_default[$key_r]["show_answer"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][show_answer]">Select ON to show other answers .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> <input id="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][add_post]" type="checkbox" name="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][add_post]"' . (isset($roles_default[$key_r]["add_post"]) && $roles_default[$key_r]["add_post"] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '> <label for="roles_default[' . $key_r . '][add_post]">Select ON to add a post .</label> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </li>'; } $output .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div>'; $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">roles_j = ' . ($k + 1) . ';</script>'; break; // Sections // Sections case 'sections': $output .= '<ul id="sort-sections">'; $order_sections_li = $val; if (empty($order_sections_li)) { $order_sections_li = array(1 => "advertising", 2 => "author", 3 => "related", 4 => "comments", 5 => "next_previous"); } $order_sections = $order_sections_li; $i = 0; foreach ($order_sections as $key_r => $value_r) { $i++; if ($value_r == "") { unset($order_sections[$key_r]); } else { $output .= '<li id="' . esc_attr($value_r) . '" class="ui-state-default"> <div class="widget-head"><span>'; if ($value_r == "next_previous") { $output .= esc_attr("Next and Previous articles"); } else { if ($value_r == "advertising") { $output .= esc_attr("Advertising"); } else { if ($value_r == "author") { $output .= esc_attr("About the author"); } else { if ($value_r == "related") { $output .= esc_attr("Related articles"); } else { if ($value_r == "comments") { $output .= esc_attr("Comments"); } } } } } $output .= '</span></div> <input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . esc_attr($i) . ']') . '" value="'; if ($value_r == "next_previous") { $output .= esc_attr("next_previous"); } else { if ($value_r == "advertising") { $output .= esc_attr("advertising"); } else { if ($value_r == "author") { $output .= esc_attr("author"); } else { if ($value_r == "related") { $output .= esc_attr("related"); } else { if ($value_r == "comments") { $output .= esc_attr("comments"); } } } } } $output .= '" type="hidden"> </li>'; } } $output .= '</ul>'; break; // Sidebar Box // Sidebar Box case 'sidebar': $output .= ' <input id="sidebar_name" type="text" name="sidebar_name" value=""> <input id="sidebar_add" type="button" value="+ Add new sidebar"> <div class="clear"></div> <ul id="sidebars_list">'; $sidebars = get_option(esc_attr($value['id'])); if ($sidebars) { foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) { $output .= '<li><div class="widget-head">' . esc_html($sidebar) . '<input id="sidebars" name="sidebars[]" type="hidden" value="' . esc_html($sidebar) . '"><a class="del-builder-item del-sidebar-item">x</a></div></li>'; } } $output .= '</ul>'; break; // Select Box // Select Box case 'select': $output .= '<select class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; break; // Radio Box // Radio Box case "radio": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $key; $output .= '<input class="of-input of-radio ' . (isset($value['class']) ? esc_attr($value['class']) : '') . '" type="radio" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . '><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</label>'; } break; // Image Selectors // Image Selectors case "images": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $selected = ''; if ($val != '' && $val == $key) { $selected = ' of-radio-img-selected'; } $output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '" class="of-radio-img-radio" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . '>'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">' . esc_html($key) . '</div>'; $output .= '<img src="' . esc_url($option) . '" alt="' . $option . '" class="of-radio-img-img ' . (isset($value['class']) ? esc_attr($value['class']) : '') . '' . $selected . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '\').checked=true;">'; } break; // Checkbox // Checkbox case "checkbox": $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="checkbox of-input vpanel_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" ' . checked($val, 1, false) . '>'; $output .= '<label class="explain explain-checkbox" for="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</label>'; break; // Multicheck // Multicheck case "multicheck": foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $checked = ''; $label = $option; $option = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($key)); $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $option; $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $option . ']'; if (isset($val[$option])) { $checked = checked($val[$option], 1, false); } $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="checkbox of-input vpanel_multicheck" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . $checked . '><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($label) . '</label>'; } break; // Color picker // Color picker case "color": $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std'])) { if ($val != $value['std']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-color ' . (isset($value['class']) ? esc_attr($value['class']) : '') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $default_color . '>'; break; // Uploader // Uploader case "upload": $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $val, null); break; // Typography // Typography case 'typography': unset($font_size, $font_style, $font_face, $font_color); $typography_defaults = array('size' => '', 'face' => '', 'style' => '', 'color' => ''); $typography_stored = wp_parse_args($val, $typography_defaults); $typography_options = array('sizes' => of_recognized_font_sizes(), 'faces' => of_recognized_font_faces(), 'styles' => of_recognized_font_styles(), 'color' => true); if (isset($value['options'])) { $typography_options = wp_parse_args($value['options'], $typography_options); } // Font Size if ($typography_options['sizes']) { $font_size = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][size]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_size') . '">'; $sizes = $typography_options['sizes']; foreach ($sizes as $i) { $size = $i . 'px'; $font_size .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($size) . '" ' . (is_string($typography_stored['size']) ? selected($typography_stored['size'], $size, false) : "") . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $font_size .= '</select>'; } // Font Face if ($typography_options['faces']) { $font_face = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-face" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][face]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_face') . '">'; $faces = $typography_options['faces']; foreach ($faces as $key => $face) { $font_face .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['face'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($face) . '</option>'; } $font_face .= '</select>'; } // Font Styles if ($typography_options['styles']) { $font_style = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-style" name="' . $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][style]" id="' . $value['id'] . '_style">'; $styles = $typography_options['styles']; foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { $font_style .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['style'], $key, false) . '>' . $style . '</option>'; } $font_style .= '</select>'; } // Font Color if ($typography_options['color']) { $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $font_color = '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-typography-color type="text" value="' . esc_attr($typography_stored['color']) . '"' . $default_color . '>'; } // Allow modification/injection of typography fields $typography_fields = compact('font_size', 'font_face', 'font_style', 'font_color'); $typography_fields = apply_filters('of_typography_fields', $typography_fields, $typography_stored, $option_name, $value); $output .= implode('', $typography_fields); break; // Background // Background case 'background': $background = $val; // Background Color $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($background['color']) . '"' . $default_color . '>'; // Background Image if (!isset($background['image'])) { $background['image'] = ''; } $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $background['image'], null, esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][image]')); $class = 'of-background-properties ' . (isset($value['class']) ? esc_attr($value['class']) : '') . ''; if ('' == $background['image']) { $class .= ' hide'; } $output .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">'; // Background Repeat $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-repeat" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][repeat]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_repeat') . '">'; $repeats = of_recognized_background_repeat(); foreach ($repeats as $key => $repeat) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['repeat'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($repeat) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Position $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-position" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][position]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_position') . '">'; $positions = of_recognized_background_position(); foreach ($positions as $key => $position) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['position'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($position) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Attachment $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-attachment" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][attachment]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_attachment') . '">'; $attachments = of_recognized_background_attachment(); foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['attachment'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($attachment) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; break; // export // export case 'export': $rows = '8'; if (isset($value['settings']['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input builder_select" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '">' . esc_textarea($value['export']) . '</textarea>'; break; // import // import case 'import': $rows = '8'; $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '"></textarea>'; break; // Editor // Editor case 'editor': //$output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses( $explain_value, $allowedtags ) . '</div>'."\n"; $output .= '<div class="vpanel_editor"></div>'; echo $output; $textarea_name = esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'); $default_editor_settings = array('textarea_name' => $textarea_name, 'media_buttons' => "vpanel_editor", 'tinymce' => array('plugins' => 'wordpress')); $editor_settings = array(); if (isset($value['settings'])) { $editor_settings = $value['settings']; } $editor_settings = array_merge($default_editor_settings, $editor_settings); wp_editor($val, $value['id'], $editor_settings); $output = ''; break; // Content // Content case "content": if (isset($value['content'])) { $output .= $value['content'] . "\n"; } break; // Info // Info case "info": $id = ''; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['id'])) { $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" '; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div ' . $id . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . $value['name'] . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if (isset($value['desc'])) { $output .= apply_filters('of_sanitize_info', $value['desc']) . "\n"; } $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; break; // Heading for Navigation // Heading for Navigation case "heading": $counter++; if ($counter >= 2) { $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; } $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $class = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($class)); $output .= '<div id="options-group-' . $counter . '" class="group ' . $class . '">'; $output .= '<h3>' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h3>' . "\n"; break; } if (isset($value['type'])) { if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info" && $value['type'] != "content" && $value['type'] != 'hidden') { $output .= '</div>'; if ($value['type'] != "checkbox" && $value['type'] != "editor") { $output .= '<div class="explain vpanel_help"><div class="tooltip_s" original-title="' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '"><i class="dashicons dashicons-info"></i></div></div>' . "\n"; } $output .= '</div></div>' . "\n"; } } echo $output; } // Outputs closing div if there tabs if (Options_Framework_Interface::optionsframework_tabs() != '') { echo '</div>'; } }
/** * Generates the options fields that are used in the form. */ static function optionsframework_fields() { global $allowedtags; $options_framework = new Options_Framework(); $option_name = $options_framework->get_option_name(); $settings = get_option($option_name); $options =& Options_Framework::_optionsframework_options(); $counter = 0; $menu = ''; foreach ($options as $value) { $val = ''; $select_value = ''; $output = ''; // Wrap all options if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info") { // Keep all ids lowercase with no spaces $value['id'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($value['id'])); $id = 'section-' . $value['id']; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if ($value['type'] != 'editor') { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div class="controls">' . "\n"; } else { $output .= '<div class="option">' . "\n" . '<div>' . "\n"; } } // Set default value to $val if (isset($value['std'])) { $val = $value['std']; } // If the option is already saved, override $val if ($value['type'] != 'heading' && $value['type'] != 'info') { if (isset($settings[$value['id']])) { $val = $settings[$value['id']]; // Striping slashes of non-array options if (!is_array($val)) { $val = stripslashes($val); } } } // If there is a description save it for labels $explain_value = ''; if (isset($value['desc'])) { $explain_value = $value['desc']; } // Set the placeholder if one exists $placeholder = ''; if (isset($value['placeholder'])) { $placeholder = ' placeholder="' . esc_attr($value['placeholder']) . '"'; } if (has_filter('optionsframework_' . $value['type'])) { $output .= apply_filters('optionsframework_' . $value['type'], $option_name, $value, $val); } switch ($value['type']) { // Basic text input case 'text': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $placeholder . ' />'; break; // Basic hidded input // Basic hidded input case 'hidden': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="hidden" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $placeholder . ' />'; break; // Basic text input // Basic text input case 'url': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="text" value="' . esc_url($val) . '"' . $placeholder . ' />'; break; // Password input // Password input case 'password': $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" type="password" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" />'; break; // Textarea // Textarea case 'textarea': $rows = '14'; if (isset($value['settings']['rows'])) { $custom_rows = $value['settings']['rows']; if (is_numeric($custom_rows)) { $rows = $custom_rows; } } $val = stripslashes($val); $output .= '<textarea id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" rows="' . $rows . '"' . $placeholder . '>' . esc_textarea($val) . '</textarea>'; break; // Select Box // Select Box case 'select': $output .= '<select class="of-input" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; break; // Radio Box // Radio Box case "radio": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $key; $output .= '<input class="of-input of-radio" type="radio" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</label>'; } break; // Image Selectors // Image Selectors case "images": $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $selected = ''; if ($val != '' && $val == $key) { $selected = ' of-radio-img-selected'; } $output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '" class="of-radio-img-radio" value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . checked($val, $key, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<div class="of-radio-img-label">' . esc_html($key) . '</div>'; $output .= '<img src="' . esc_url($option) . '" alt="' . $option . '" class="of-radio-img-img' . $selected . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_' . $key) . '\').checked=true;" />'; } break; // Checkbox // Checkbox case "checkbox": $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" ' . checked($val, 1, false) . ' />'; $output .= '<label class="explain" for="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</label>'; break; // Multicheck // Multicheck case "multicheck": foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $checked = ''; $label = $option; $option = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($key)); $id = $option_name . '-' . $value['id'] . '-' . $option; $name = $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $option . ']'; if (isset($val[$option])) { $checked = checked($val[$option], 1, false); } $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="checkbox of-input" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" ' . $checked . ' /><label for="' . esc_attr($id) . '">' . esc_html($label) . '</label>'; } break; // Color picker // Color picker case "color": $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std'])) { if ($val != $value['std']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="of-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; break; // Uploader // Uploader case "upload": $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $val, null); break; // Typography // Typography case 'typography': unset($font_size, $font_style, $font_face, $font_color); $typography_defaults = array('size' => '', 'face' => '', 'style' => '', 'color' => ''); $typography_stored = wp_parse_args($val, $typography_defaults); $typography_options = array('sizes' => of_recognized_font_sizes(), 'faces' => of_recognized_font_faces(), 'styles' => of_recognized_font_styles(), 'color' => true); if (isset($value['options'])) { $typography_options = wp_parse_args($value['options'], $typography_options); } // Font Size if ($typography_options['sizes']) { $font_size = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][size]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_size') . '">'; $sizes = $typography_options['sizes']; foreach ($sizes as $i) { $size = $i . 'px'; $font_size .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($size) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['size'], $size, false) . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $font_size .= '</select>'; } // Font Face if ($typography_options['faces']) { $font_face = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-face" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][face]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_face') . '">'; $faces = $typography_options['faces']; foreach ($faces as $key => $face) { $font_face .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['face'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($face) . '</option>'; } $font_face .= '</select>'; } // Font Styles if ($typography_options['styles']) { $font_style = '<select class="of-typography of-typography-style" name="' . $option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][style]" id="' . $value['id'] . '_style">'; $styles = $typography_options['styles']; foreach ($styles as $key => $style) { $font_style .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($typography_stored['style'], $key, false) . '>' . $style . '</option>'; } $font_style .= '</select>'; } // Font Color if ($typography_options['color']) { $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $font_color = '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-typography-color type="text" value="' . esc_attr($typography_stored['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; } // Allow modification/injection of typography fields $typography_fields = compact('font_size', 'font_face', 'font_style', 'font_color'); $typography_fields = apply_filters('of_typography_fields', $typography_fields, $typography_stored, $option_name, $value); $output .= implode('', $typography_fields); break; // Background // Background case 'background': $background = $val; // Background Color $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][color]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_color') . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($background['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; // Background Image if (!isset($background['image'])) { $background['image'] = ''; } $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $background['image'], null, esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][image]')); $class = 'of-background-properties'; if ('' == $background['image']) { $class .= ' hide'; } $output .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">'; // Background Repeat $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-repeat" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][repeat]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_repeat') . '">'; $repeats = of_recognized_background_repeat(); foreach ($repeats as $key => $repeat) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['repeat'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($repeat) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Position $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-position" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][position]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_position') . '">'; $positions = of_recognized_background_position(); foreach ($positions as $key => $position) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['position'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($position) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Attachment $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-attachment" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][attachment]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_attachment') . '">'; $attachments = of_recognized_background_attachment(); foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['attachment'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($attachment) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Size $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][size]') . '" id="' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_size') . '">'; $sizes = of_recognized_background_size(); foreach ($sizes as $key => $size) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background['size'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; break; // Editor // Editor case 'editor': $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; echo $output; $textarea_name = esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . ']'); $default_editor_settings = array('textarea_name' => $textarea_name, 'media_buttons' => false, 'tinymce' => array('plugins' => 'wordpress')); $editor_settings = array(); if (isset($value['settings'])) { $editor_settings = $value['settings']; } $editor_settings = array_merge($default_editor_settings, $editor_settings); wp_editor($val, $value['id'], $editor_settings); $output = ''; break; // Info // Info case "info": $id = ''; $class = 'section'; if (isset($value['id'])) { $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" '; } if (isset($value['type'])) { $class .= ' section-' . $value['type']; } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class .= ' ' . $value['class']; } $output .= '<div ' . $id . 'class="' . esc_attr($class) . '">' . "\n"; if (isset($value['name'])) { $output .= '<h4 class="heading">' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h4>' . "\n"; } if (isset($value['desc'])) { $output .= $value['desc'] . "\n"; } $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; break; // Heading for Navigation // Heading for Navigation case "heading": $counter++; if ($counter >= 2) { $output .= '</div>' . "\n"; } $class = ''; $class = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value['name']; $class = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($class)); $output .= '<div id="options-group-' . $counter . '" class="group ' . $class . '">'; $output .= '<h3>' . esc_html($value['name']) . '</h3>' . "\n"; break; // Background // Background case 'parallaxsection': if (!empty($settings['parallax_section'])) { foreach ($settings['parallax_section'] as $i => $ival) { $background = $val; $output .= '<div class="sub-option clearfix" data-id="' . $i . '"><h3 class="title">' . __('Page Title: ', 'accesspress-parallax') . '<span></span><div class="section-toggle"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i> </div></h3>'; $output .= '<div class="sub-option-inner" style="display:none">'; $output .= '<div class="inline-label">'; $output .= '<label>' . __('Page', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= '<select class="of-input ' . esc_attr($value['id'] . '_page') . '" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][page]') . '">'; foreach ($value['options'] as $key => $option) { $output .= '<option' . selected($background[$i]['page'], $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; // Font Color $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['font_color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['font_color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['font_color'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<div class="color-picker inline-label">'; $output .= '<label class="">' . __('Font Color', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][font_color]') . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($background[$i]['font_color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; $output .= '</div>'; // Background Color $default_color = ''; if (isset($value['std']['color'])) { if ($val != $value['std']['color']) { $default_color = ' data-default-color="' . $value['std']['color'] . '" '; } } $output .= '<div class="color-picker inline-label">'; $output .= '<label>' . __('Background Color', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][color]') . '" class="of-color of-background-color" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($background[$i]['color']) . '"' . $default_color . ' />'; $output .= '</div>'; // Section Layout $output .= '<div class="inline-label">'; $output .= '<label>' . __('Layout', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= '<select class="of-section of-section-layout" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][layout]') . '">'; $layouts = of_recognized_layout(); foreach ($layouts as $key => $layout) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background[$i]['layout'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($layout) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; // Section Category $output .= '<div class="inline-label toggle-category">'; $output .= '<label>' . __('Category', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= '<select class="of-input of-section-category" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][category]') . '">'; foreach ($value['category'] as $key => $category) { $output .= '<option' . selected($background[$i]['category'], $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($category) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; // Background Image if (!isset($background[$i]['image'])) { $background[$i]['image'] = ''; } $output .= '<div class="inline-label">'; $output .= '<label class="">' . __('Background Image', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= Options_Framework_Media_Uploader::optionsframework_uploader($value['id'], $background[$i]['image'], null, esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][image]')); $output .= '</div>'; $class = 'of-background-properties'; if ('' == $background[$i]['image']) { $class .= ' hide'; } $output .= '<div class="inline-label ' . esc_attr($class) . '">'; $output .= '<label>' . __('Background Settings', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; // Background Repeat $output .= '<div class="background-settings">'; $output .= '<div class="clearfix">'; $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-repeat" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][repeat]') . '">'; $repeats = of_recognized_background_repeat(); foreach ($repeats as $key => $repeat) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background[$i]['repeat'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($repeat) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Position $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-position" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][position]') . '">'; $positions = of_recognized_background_position(); foreach ($positions as $key => $position) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background[$i]['position'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($position) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Attachment $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-attachment" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][attachment]') . '">'; $attachments = of_recognized_background_attachment(); foreach ($attachments as $key => $attachment) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background[$i]['attachment'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($attachment) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; // Background Size $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][size]') . '">'; $sizes = of_recognized_background_size(); foreach ($sizes as $key => $size) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background[$i]['size'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($size) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div></div>'; // Background Overlay $output .= '<div class="color-picker inline-label">'; $output .= '<label>' . __('Overlay', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</label>'; $output .= '<select class="of-background of-background-overlay" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $value['id'] . '][' . $i . '][overlay]') . '">'; $overlays = of_recognized_background_overlay(); foreach ($overlays as $key => $overlay) { $output .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($key) . '" ' . selected($background[$i]['overlay'], $key, false) . '>' . esc_html($overlay) . '</option>'; } $output .= '</select>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="button-primary remove-parallax">' . __('Remove', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</div></div>'; $output .= '</div>'; } } break; // Button // Button case "button": $output .= '<a id="' . esc_attr($value['id']) . '" class="button-primary" href="javascript:void(0);">' . __('Add New Section', 'accesspress-parallax') . '</a>' . "\n"; break; } if ($value['type'] != "heading" && $value['type'] != "info") { $output .= '</div>'; if ($value['type'] != "checkbox" && $value['type'] != "editor" && $value['type'] != "parallaxsection") { $output .= '<div class="explain">' . wp_kses($explain_value, $allowedtags) . '</div>' . "\n"; } $output .= '</div></div>' . "\n"; } echo $output; } // Outputs closing div if there tabs if (Options_Framework_Interface::optionsframework_tabs() != '') { echo '</div>'; } }