public function actionRefreshdataajax() { $currentOrgs = Preferences::getSelectedOrgIds(); //print_r($currentOrgs); $currentTypes = Preferences::getSelectedTypes(); //print_r($currentTypes); $currentDates = Preferences::getSelectedDates(); //print_r($currentDates); $pages = 0; $b21_counter = 0; $client = new \OpendataClient(); $client->setAuth('apiuser_1', 'ApiUser@1'); foreach ($currentOrgs as $corg) { $pages = 0; foreach ($currentTypes as $ctype) { $string = "/search?org=" . $corg . "&type=" . $ctype . "&size=500&from_date=" . $currentDates[0] . "&to_date=" . $currentDates[1] . "&page=" . $pages; //print ($string); $response = $client->getResource($string); if ($response->code === 200) { $unitData = $response->data; $sum = 0.0; $counter = 1; $actual_size = 1; $breakOrg = 0; while ($actual_size != 0) { foreach ($unitData['decisions'] as $unit) { try { //print_r($unit); Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('decisions', ['ada' => $unit['ada'], 'protocolNumber' => $unit['protocolNumber'], 'subject' => $unit['subject'], 'issueDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d", $unit['issueDate'] / 1000), 'decisionTypeId' => $unit['decisionTypeId'], 'organizationId' => $unit['organizationId'], 'submissionTimestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d", $unit['submissionTimestamp'] / 1000), 'versionId' => $unit['versionId'], 'status' => $unit['status'], 'url' => $unit['documentUrl'], 'documentChecksum' => $unit['documentChecksum'], 'correctedVersionId' => $unit['correctedVersionId']])->execute(); $b21_counter++; $orgData = $unit['extraFieldValues']['org']; //foreach ($orgData as $org) { //print_r($orgData); if (isset($orgData['enterName']['name'])) { $Name = $orgData['enterName']['name']; } else { $Name = '-'; } if (isset($orgData['afmCountry'])) { $Country = $orgData['afmCountry']; } else { $Country = ''; } Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('decisionsb21', ['b21_ada' => $unit['ada'], 'afm' => $orgData['afm'], 'afmType' => $orgData['afmType'], 'afmCountry' => $Country, 'enterName' => '1', 'name' => $Name])->execute(); //} $sponsorData = $unit['extraFieldValues']['sponsor']; //print_r($sponsorData); foreach ($sponsorData as $sponsor1) { // Expense Amount DATA if (!isset($sponsor1['expenseAmount']['kae'])) { $kae = null; } else { $kae = $sponsor1['expenseAmount']['kae']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['expenseAmount']['amount'])) { $amount = null; } else { $amount = $sponsor1['expenseAmount']['amount']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['expenseAmount']['currency'])) { $currency = null; } else { $currency = $sponsor1['expenseAmount']['currency']; } // Sponsor DATA if (!isset($sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['afmType'])) { $afmType = null; } else { $afmType = $sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['afmType']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['name'])) { $name = null; } else { $name = $sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['name']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['noVATOrg'])) { $noVATOrg = null; } else { $noVATOrg = $sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['noVATOrg']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['afm'])) { $afm = null; } else { $afm = $sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['afm']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['afmCountry'])) { $afmCountry = null; } else { $afmCountry = $sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['afmCountry']; } if (!isset($sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['noVATOrg'])) { $noVATOrg = null; } else { $noVATOrg = $sponsor1['sponsorAFMName']['noVATOrg']; } // CPV DATA if (!isset($sponsor1['cpv'])) { $cpv = "-"; } else { $cpv = $sponsor1['cpv']; } Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('sponsor', ['sp_ada' => $unit['ada'], 'afm' => $afm, 'afmType' => $afmType, 'afmCountry' => $afmCountry, 'enterName' => '1', 'name' => $name, 'noVATOrg' => $noVATOrg, 'kae' => $kae, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currency, 'cpv' => $cpv])->execute(); /*Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('cpvperdecisions', [ 'cpd_ada' => $unit['ada'], 'cpd_cpv' => $cpv, ])->execute();*/ } $counter++; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n<br>"; $exc = $e->getMessage(); //if (strstr($exc, "1062 Duplicate entry") != FALSE){ //$breakOrg = 1; //break; //} } } $pages++; $string = "/search?org=" . $corg . "&type=" . $ctype . "&size=500&from_date=" . $currentDates[0] . "&to_date=" . $currentDates[1] . "&page=" . $pages; $response = $client->getResource($string); $unitData = $response->data; //echo "---" . $unitData['info']['actualSize']; $actual_size = $unitData['info']['actualSize']; if ($actual_size == NULL) { $actualSize = 1; } else { if ($actual_size == 0) { break; } } unset($unit); unset($orgData); unset($kae); unset($afmType); //unset($cpv); unset($afmType); unset($name); unset($amount); //if ($breakOrg == 1) { //$actualSize = 0; // break; //} } } else { echo "Error " . $response->code; } } } // Update TimeStamp $mysqltime = date("d-m-Y H:i:s"); Yii::$app->db->createCommand("DELETE FROM preferences WHERE pref_name LIKE 'lastrefreshdate'")->execute(); Yii::$app->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO preferences (pref_name, pref_value) VALUES ('lastrefreshdate','" . $mysqltime . "')")->execute(); \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON; return ['message' => $b21_counter + ' ΑΠΟΦΑΣΕΙΣ ΤΥΠΟΥ Β.2.1 ΠΡΟΣΤΕΘΗΚΑΝ', 'code' => $b21_counter]; }
<?php /* @var $this yii\web\View */ use yii\helpers\Html; //require_once('@vendor/opendata/opendata.php'); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/opendata/opendata.php'; $this->title = 'Σχετικά'; $this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ $client = new OpendataClient(); $response = $client->getResource('/organizations/'); if ($response->code === 200) { $orgData = $response->data; $counter = 1; $uid = null; $label = null; $abbreviation = null; $latinName = null; $category = null; $organizationDomains = null; $status = null; $supervisorId = null; $supervisorLabel = null; $website = null; $odeManagerEmail = null; $vatNumber = null; $fekNumber = null;
<h1><?php echo Html::encode($this->title); ?> </h1> <div class="row"> <div style="text-align: justify;" class="col-lg-12"> <?php $currentOrgs = Preferences::getSelectedOrgIds(); //print_r($currentOrgs); $currentTypes = Preferences::getSelectedTypes(); //print_r($currentTypes); $currentDates = Preferences::getSelectedDates(); //print_r($currentDates); $pages = 0; $client = new OpendataClient(); $client->setAuth('apiuser_1', 'ApiUser@1'); foreach ($currentOrgs as $corg) { $pages = 0; foreach ($currentTypes as $ctype) { $string = "/search?org=" . $corg . "&type=" . $ctype . "&size=500&from_date=" . $currentDates[0] . "&to_date=" . $currentDates[1] . "&page=" . $pages; //print ($string); $response = $client->getResource($string); if ($response->code === 200) { $unitData = $response->data; $sum = 0.0; $counter = 1; $actual_size = 1; $breakOrg = 0; while ($actual_size != 0) { foreach ($unitData['decisions'] as $unit) {