function set() { global $current_user; $this->data['success'] = 1; if (!$current_user->authorized) { $this->error('Auth'); return; } /* @var $current_user User */ $id_user = false; if (isset($_POST['id_user'])) { if (!$current_user->can('ocr_edit')) { $this->error('You must be biber to do that'); return; } else { $id_user = (int) $_POST['id_user']; } } $_POST['status'] = isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : -1; $_POST['state'] = isset($_POST['state']) ? $_POST['state'] : -1; $id_user = $id_user ? $id_user : $current_user->id; $id_book = max(0, (int) $_POST['id_book']); if (!is_numeric($_POST['status'])) { foreach (Ocr::$statuses as $s) { if ($s['name'] == $_POST['status']) { $_POST['status'] = $s['id']; } } } if (!is_numeric($_POST['state'])) { foreach (Ocr::$states as $s) { if ($s['name'] == $_POST['state']) { $_POST['state'] = $s['id']; } } } $user = Users::getById($id_user); /*@var $user User*/ $user->load(); $status = max(-1, (int) $_POST['status']); $state = max(-1, (int) $_POST['state']); try { Ocr::setStatus($id_user, $id_book, $status, $state); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } if ($state == Ocr::STATE_APPROVED) { $user->gainActionPoints('ocr_add', $id_book, BiberLog::TargetType_book); } }
public function postOcrShare() { $rules = array('shareEmail' => 'required|email'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['errors'] = $validator->messages()->toArray(); } else { $data['status'] = 'success'; $to = Input::get('shareEmail'); $request = Ocr::find(Input::get('request_id')); define('BUDGETS_DIR', public_path('uploads')); // I define this in a constants.php file if (!is_dir(BUDGETS_DIR)) { mkdir(BUDGETS_DIR, 0755, true); } $outputName = str_random(10); // str_random is a [Laravel helper]( $pdfPath = BUDGETS_DIR . '/' . $outputName . '.pdf'; $link = Input::get('pdf'); Mail::send('emails.form.ocr_share', compact('link'), function ($message) use($pdfPath, $to) { $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'REFERECOM'); $message->to($to)->subject('Letter from Referecom'); }); $data['status'] = 'success'; $user = Sentry::getUser()->id; $timeline = new Timeline(); $timeline->activity_type = 'share-Form'; $timeline->form_ops = $request->id; $timeline->user_id = $user; $timeline->shared_email = Input::get('shareEmail'); $timeline->save(); } return Response::json($data); }
function newBook() { // добавляем книгу global $current_user; /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */ $fields = array('title' => 'title', 'subtitle' => 'subtitle', 'isbn' => 'ISBN', 'year' => 'year', 'lang_code' => 'id_lang', 'annotation' => 'description', 'rightholder' => 'id_rightholder'); Request::$post['lang_code'] = Config::$langs[Request::$post['lang_code']]; Request::$post['title'] = trim(prepare_review(Request::$post['title'], '')); Request::$post['annotation'] = trim(prepare_review(Request::$post['annotation'], false, '<img>')); if (!Request::$post['title']) { throw new Exception('title missed'); } foreach ($fields as $field => $bookfield) { if (!isset(Request::$post[$field])) { throw new Exception('field missed #' . $field); } $to_update[$bookfield] = Request::$post[$field]; } if (Request::$post['n'] && Request::$post['m']) { $to_update['book_type'] = Book::BOOK_TYPE_MAGAZINE; $to_update['title'] = Database::sql2single('SELECT `title` FROM `magazines` WHERE `id`=' . (int) Request::$post['m']); } $q = array(); foreach ($to_update as $field => $value) { if (in_array($field, array('year'))) { $value = (int) $value; } $q[] = '`' . $field . '`=' . Database::escape($value) . ''; } if (count($q)) { $q[] = '`add_time`=' . time(); $query = 'INSERT INTO `book` SET ' . implode(',', $q); Database::query($query); if ($lid = Database::lastInsertId()) { if (Request::$post['n'] && Request::$post['m']) { // журнал - вставляем $query = 'INSERT INTO `book_magazines` SET `id_book`=' . $lid . ',id_magazine=' . (int) Request::$post['m'] . ',`year`=' . $to_update['year'] . ',`n`=' . (int) Request::$post['n']; Database::query($query, false); $query = 'UPDATE `magazines` SET `books_count`=(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `book_magazines` WHERE `id_magazine`=' . (int) Request::$post['m'] . ') WHERE `id`=' . (int) Request::$post['m']; Database::query($query); } if (isset(Request::$post['author_id']) && Request::$post['author_id']) { $query = 'INSERT INTO `book_persons` SET `id_book`=' . $lid . ',`id_person`=' . (int) Request::$post['author_id'] . ',`person_role`=' . Book::ROLE_AUTHOR; Database::query($query, false); BookLog::addLog(array('id_person' => (int) Request::$post['author_id'], 'person_role' => Book::ROLE_AUTHOR), array('id_person' => 0, 'person_role' => 0), $lid); BookLog::saveLog($lid, BookLog::TargetType_book, $current_user->id, BiberLog::BiberLogType_bookEditPerson); Notify::notifyAuthorNewBook((int) Request::$post['author_id'], $lid); } if (isset($_FILES['cover']) && $_FILES['cover']['tmp_name']) { $folder = Config::need('static_path') . '/upload/covers/' . ceil($lid / 5000); @mkdir($folder); // inserting new cover $query = 'INSERT INTO `book_covers` SET `id_book`=' . $lid; Database::query($query); $cover_id = Database::lastInsertId(); // generating file names $filename_normal = $folder . '/default_' . $lid . '_' . $cover_id . '.jpg'; $filename_small = $folder . '/small_' . $lid . '_' . $cover_id . '.jpg'; $filename_big = $folder . '/big_' . $lid . '_' . $cover_id . '.jpg'; $filename_orig = $folder . '/orig_' . $lid . '_' . $cover_id . '.jpg'; $to_update['is_cover'] = $cover_id; $thumb = new Thumb(); $thumb->createThumbnails($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'], array($filename_small, $filename_normal, $filename_big, $filename_orig), self::$cover_sizes); $query = 'UPDATE `book` SET `is_cover`=' . $cover_id . ' WHERE `id`=' . $lid; Database::query($query); $current_user->gainActionPoints('books_add_cover', $lid, BiberLog::TargetType_book); } // file loading if (isset($_FILES['file']) && isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) { $filetype_ = explode('.', $_FILES['file']['name']); $filetype_ = isset($filetype_[count($filetype_) - 1]) ? $filetype_[count($filetype_) - 1] : ''; $fts = Config::need('filetypes'); $filetype = false; foreach ($fts as $ftid => $ftname) { if ($ftname == $filetype_) { $filetype = $ftid; } } if (!$filetype) { throw new Exception('wrong filetype:' . $filetype_); } $destinationDir = Config::need('files_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . getBookFileDirectory($book->id, $filetype); @mkdir($destinationDir, 0755); // добавляем запись в базу $filesize = $_FILES['file']['size']; $query = 'INSERT INTO `book_files` SET `id_book`=' . $book->id . ', `filetype`=' . $filetype . ', `id_file_author`=' . $current_user->id . ', `modify_time`=' . time() . ', `filesize`=' . $filesize; Database::query($query); $id_file = Database::lastInsertId(); BookLog::addLog(array('id_file' => $id_file, 'filetype' => $filetype, 'id_file_author' => $current_user->id, 'filesize' => $filesize), array('id_file' => 0, 'filetype' => 0, 'id_file_author' => 0, 'filesize' => 0), $lid); $to_update_ = array(); if ($id_file) { $to_update_['id_main_file'] = $id_file; $destinationFile = getBookFilePath($id_file, $book->id, $filetype, Config::need('files_path')); if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $destinationFile)) { throw new Exception('Cant save file to ' . $destinationFile); } if ($filetype == 1) { // FB2 $parser = new FB2Parser($destinationFile); $parser->parseDescription(); $toc = $parser->getTOCHTML(); $to_update_['description'] = $parser->getProperty('annotation'); $to_update_['title'] = $parser->getProperty('book-title'); $to_update_['table_of_contents'] = $toc; } $q = array(); foreach ($to_update_ as $field => &$value) { if (in_array($field, array('year'))) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? $value : 0; } $q[] = '`' . $field . '`=' . Database::escape($value) . ''; } if (count($q)) { $query = 'UPDATE `book` SET ' . implode(',', $q) . ' WHERE `id`=' . $lid; Database::query($query); BookLog::addLog($to_update_, $book->data, $book->id); } $to_update = array_merge($to_update, $to_update_); } } else { // it is no any files! Ocr::afterBookCreate($lid, $current_user->id); } BookLog::addLog($to_update, array(), $lid); BookLog::saveLog($lid, BookLog::TargetType_book, $current_user->id, BiberLog::BiberLogType_bookNew); ob_end_clean(); $event = new Event(); $event->event_BooksAdd($current_user->id, $lid); $event->push(); $search = Search::getInstance(); /* @var $search Search */ $search->updateBook(new Book($lid)); Books::getInstance()->dropCache($lid); header('Location:' . Config::need('www_path') . '/b/' . $lid); Database::query('COMMIT'); $current_user->gainActionPoints('books_new_nofile', $lid, BiberLog::TargetType_book); exit; } } }