/** * Load row from database based on ID * * @access public * @param mixed $id * @return array */ function loadRow($id) { $ocols = Objects::getColumns(); $tcols = $this->getColumns(); $columns = array_map('db_escape_field', array_merge($ocols, $tcols)); $table_prefix = defined('FORCED_TABLE_PREFIX') && FORCED_TABLE_PREFIX ? FORCED_TABLE_PREFIX : TABLE_PREFIX; $sql = sprintf("\r\n \t\tSELECT %s \r\n \t\tFROM %s\tINNER JOIN `" . $table_prefix . "objects` o\r\n \t\tON o.id = %s.object_id \r\n \t\tWHERE %s", implode(', ', array_merge($columns)), $this->getTableName(true), $this->getTableName(true), $this->getConditionsById($id)); // sprintf $ocols = null; $tcols = null; $columns = null; return DB::executeOne($sql); }
/** * Execute a report and return results * * @param $id * @param $params * * @return array */ static function executeReport($id, $params, $order_by_col = '', $order_by_asc = true, $offset = 0, $limit = 50, $to_print = false) { if (is_null(active_context())) { CompanyWebsite::instance()->setContext(build_context_array(array_var($_REQUEST, 'context'))); } $results = array(); $report = self::getReport($id); $show_archived = false; if ($report instanceof Report) { $conditionsFields = ReportConditions::getAllReportConditionsForFields($id); $conditionsCp = ReportConditions::getAllReportConditionsForCustomProperties($id); $ot = ObjectTypes::findById($report->getReportObjectTypeId()); $table = $ot->getTableName(); if ($ot->getType() == 'dimension_object' || $ot->getType() == 'dimension_group') { $hook_parameters = array('report' => $report, 'params' => $params, 'order_by_col' => $order_by_col, 'order_by_asc' => $order_by_asc, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'to_print' => $to_print); $report_result = null; Hook::fire('replace_execute_report_function', $hook_parameters, $report_result); if ($report_result) { return $report_result; } } eval('$managerInstance = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . "::instance();"); eval('$item_class = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . '::instance()->getItemClass(); $object = new $item_class();'); $order_by = ''; if (is_object($params)) { $params = get_object_vars($params); } $report_columns = ReportColumns::getAllReportColumns($id); $allConditions = ""; $contact_extra_columns = self::get_extra_contact_columns(); if (count($conditionsFields) > 0) { foreach ($conditionsFields as $condField) { if ($condField->getFieldName() == "archived_on") { $show_archived = true; } $skip_condition = false; $model = $ot->getHandlerClass(); $model_instance = new $model(); $col_type = $model_instance->getColumnType($condField->getFieldName()); $allConditions .= ' AND '; $dateFormat = 'm/d/Y'; if (isset($params[$condField->getId()])) { $value = $params[$condField->getId()]; if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) { $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format'); } } else { $value = $condField->getValue(); } if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts' && in_array($condField->getFieldName(), $contact_extra_columns)) { $allConditions .= self::get_extra_contact_column_condition($condField->getFieldName(), $condField->getCondition(), $value); } else { if ($value == '' && $condField->getIsParametrizable()) { $skip_condition = true; } if (!$skip_condition) { $field_name = $condField->getFieldName(); if (in_array($condField->getFieldName(), Objects::getColumns())) { $field_name = 'o`.`' . $condField->getFieldName(); } if ($condField->getCondition() == 'like' || $condField->getCondition() == 'not like') { $value = '%' . $value . '%'; } if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) { if ($value == date_format_tip($dateFormat)) { $value = EMPTY_DATE; } else { $dtValue = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString($dateFormat, $value); $value = $dtValue->format('Y-m-d'); } } if ($condField->getCondition() != '%') { if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_INTEGER || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) { $allConditions .= '`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value); } else { if ($condField->getCondition() == '=' || $condField->getCondition() == '<=' || $condField->getCondition() == '>=') { if ($col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME || $col_type == DATA_TYPE_DATE) { $equal = 'datediff(' . DB::escape($value) . ', `' . $field_name . '`)=0'; } else { $equal = '`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value); } switch ($condField->getCondition()) { case '=': $allConditions .= $equal; break; case '<=': case '>=': $allConditions .= '(`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value) . ' OR ' . $equal . ') '; break; } } else { $allConditions .= '`' . $field_name . '` ' . $condField->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value); } } } else { $allConditions .= '`' . $field_name . '` like ' . DB::escape("%{$value}"); } } else { $allConditions .= ' true'; } } } } if (count($conditionsCp) > 0) { $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format'); $date_format_tip = date_format_tip($dateFormat); foreach ($conditionsCp as $condCp) { $cp = CustomProperties::getCustomProperty($condCp->getCustomPropertyId()); $skip_condition = false; if (isset($params[$condCp->getId() . "_" . $cp->getName()])) { $value = $params[$condCp->getId() . "_" . $cp->getName()]; } else { $value = $condCp->getValue(); } if ($value == '' && $condCp->getIsParametrizable()) { $skip_condition = true; } if (!$skip_condition) { $current_condition = ' AND '; $current_condition .= 'o.id IN ( SELECT object_id as id FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'custom_property_values cpv WHERE '; $current_condition .= ' cpv.custom_property_id = ' . $condCp->getCustomPropertyId(); $fieldType = $object->getColumnType($condCp->getFieldName()); if ($condCp->getCondition() == 'like' || $condCp->getCondition() == 'not like') { $value = '%' . $value . '%'; } if ($cp->getType() == 'date') { if ($value == $date_format_tip) { continue; } $dtValue = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString($dateFormat, $value); $value = $dtValue->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } if ($condCp->getCondition() != '%') { if ($cp->getType() == 'numeric') { $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value ' . $condCp->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value); } else { if ($cp->getType() == 'boolean') { $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value ' . $condCp->getCondition() . ' ' . ($value ? '1' : '0'); if (!$value) { $current_condition .= ') OR o.id NOT IN (SELECT object_id as id FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'custom_property_values cpv2 WHERE cpv2.object_id=o.id AND cpv2.value=1 AND cpv2.custom_property_id = ' . $condCp->getCustomPropertyId(); } } else { $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value ' . $condCp->getCondition() . ' ' . DB::escape($value); } } } else { $current_condition .= ' AND cpv.value like ' . DB::escape("%{$value}"); } $current_condition .= ')'; $allConditions .= $current_condition; } } } $select_columns = array('*'); $join_params = null; if ($order_by_col == '') { $order_by_col = $report->getOrderBy(); } if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts' && in_array($order_by_col, $contact_extra_columns)) { $join_params = self::get_extra_contact_column_order_by($order_by_col, $order_by_col, $select_columns); } $original_order_by_col = $order_by_col; if (in_array($order_by_col, self::$external_columns)) { $order_by_col = 'name_order'; $join_params = array('table' => Objects::instance()->getTableName(), 'jt_field' => 'id', 'e_field' => $original_order_by_col, 'join_type' => 'left'); $select_columns = array(); $tmp_cols = $managerInstance->getColumns(); foreach ($tmp_cols as $col) { $select_columns[] = "e.{$col}"; } $tmp_cols = Objects::instance()->getColumns(); foreach ($tmp_cols as $col) { $select_columns[] = "o.{$col}"; } $select_columns[] = 'jt.name as name_order'; } if ($order_by_asc == null) { $order_by_asc = $report->getIsOrderByAsc(); } if ($ot->getName() == 'task' && !SystemPermissions::userHasSystemPermission(logged_user(), 'can_see_assigned_to_other_tasks')) { $allConditions .= " AND assigned_to_contact_id = " . logged_user()->getId(); } if ($managerInstance) { if ($order_by_col == "order") { $order_by_col = "`{$order_by_col}`"; } $listing_parameters = array("select_columns" => $select_columns, "order" => "{$order_by_col}", "order_dir" => $order_by_asc ? "ASC" : "DESC", "extra_conditions" => $allConditions, "count_results" => true, "join_params" => $join_params); if ($limit > 0) { $listing_parameters["start"] = $offset; $listing_parameters["limit"] = $limit; } if ($show_archived) { $listing_parameters["archived"] = true; } $result = $managerInstance->listing($listing_parameters); } else { // TODO Performance Killer $result = ContentDataObjects::getContentObjects(active_context(), $ot, $order_by_col, $order_by_asc ? "ASC" : "DESC", $allConditions); } $objects = $result->objects; $totalResults = $result->total; $results['pagination'] = Reports::getReportPagination($id, $params, $original_order_by_col, $order_by_asc, $offset, $limit, $totalResults); $dimensions_cache = array(); foreach ($report_columns as $column) { if ($column->getCustomPropertyId() == 0) { $field = $column->getFieldName(); if (str_starts_with($field, 'dim_')) { $dim_id = str_replace("dim_", "", $field); $dimension = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dim_id); $dimensions_cache[$dim_id] = $dimension; $column_name = $dimension->getName(); $results['columns'][$field] = $column_name; $results['db_columns'][$column_name] = $field; } else { if ($managerInstance->columnExists($field) || Objects::instance()->columnExists($field)) { $column_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . ' ' . $field); if (is_null($column_name)) { $column_name = lang('field Objects ' . $field); } $results['columns'][$field] = $column_name; $results['db_columns'][$column_name] = $field; } else { if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts') { if (in_array($field, $contact_extra_columns)) { $results['columns'][$field] = lang($field); $results['db_columns'][lang($field)] = $field; } } else { if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Timeslots') { if (in_array($field, array('time', 'billing'))) { $results['columns'][$field] = lang('field Objects ' . $field); $results['db_columns'][lang('field Objects ' . $field)] = $field; } } else { if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'MailContents') { if (in_array($field, array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'body_plain', 'body_html'))) { $results['columns'][$field] = lang('field Objects ' . $field); $results['db_columns'][lang('field Objects ' . $field)] = $field; } } } } } } } else { $results['columns'][$column->getCustomPropertyId()] = $column->getCustomPropertyId(); } } $report_rows = array(); foreach ($objects as &$object) { /* @var $object Object */ $obj_name = $object->getObjectName(); $icon_class = $object->getIconClass(); $row_values = array('object_type_id' => $object->getObjectTypeId()); if (!$to_print) { $row_values['link'] = '<a class="link-ico ' . $icon_class . '" title="' . clean($obj_name) . '" target="new" href="' . $object->getViewUrl() . '"> </a>'; } foreach ($report_columns as $column) { if ($column->getCustomPropertyId() == 0) { $field = $column->getFieldName(); if (str_starts_with($field, 'dim_')) { $dim_id = str_replace("dim_", "", $field); if (!array_var($dimensions_cache, $dim_id) instanceof Dimension) { $dimension = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dim_id); $dimensions_cache[$dim_id] = $dimension; } else { $dimension = array_var($dimensions_cache, $dim_id); } $om_object_id = $object instanceof Timeslot ? $object->getRelObjectId() : $object->getId(); $members = ObjectMembers::getMembersByObjectAndDimension($om_object_id, $dim_id, " AND om.is_optimization=0"); $value = ""; foreach ($members as $member) { /* @var $member Member */ $val = $member->getPath(); $val .= ($val == "" ? "" : "/") . $member->getName(); if ($value != "") { $val = " - {$val}"; } $value .= $val; } $row_values[$field] = $value; } else { if ($object instanceof Timeslot) { if ($field == 'id') { $value = $object->getObjectId(); } else { $value = $object->getColumnValue($field); // if it is a task column if (in_array($field, ProjectTasks::instance()->getColumns())) { $task = ProjectTasks::findById($object->getRelObjectId()); // if task exists if ($task instanceof ProjectTask) { $value = $task->getColumnValue($field); // if it is an external task column if (in_array($field, ProjectTasks::instance()->getExternalColumns())) { $value = self::instance()->getExternalColumnValue($field, $value, ProjectTasks::instance()); } else { // if is a date then use format if (ProjectTasks::instance()->getColumnType($field) == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME && $value instanceof DateTimeValue) { $value = format_value_to_print($field, $value->toMySQL(), DATA_TYPE_DATETIME, $report->getReportObjectTypeId()); } } } $results['columns'][$field] = lang('field ProjectTasks ' . $field); $results['db_columns'][lang('field ProjectTasks ' . $field)] = $field; } } } else { $value = $object->getColumnValue($field); } if ($value instanceof DateTimeValue) { $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format'); Hook::fire("custom_property_date_format", null, $dateFormat); $tz = logged_user()->getTimezone(); if ($object instanceof ProjectTask) { if ($field == 'due_date' && !$object->getUseDueTime() || $field == 'start_date' && !$object->getUseStartTime()) { $dateFormat = user_config_option('date_format'); $tz = 0; } } $value = format_date($value, $dateFormat, $tz * 3600); } if (in_array($field, $managerInstance->getExternalColumns())) { if ($object instanceof Timeslot && $field == 'time') { $lastStop = $object->getEndTime() != null ? $object->getEndTime() : ($object->isPaused() ? $object->getPausedOn() : DateTimeValueLib::now()); $seconds = $lastStop->getTimestamp() - $object->getStartTime()->getTimestamp(); $hours = number_format($seconds / 3600, 2, ',', '.'); $value = $hours; //$value = DateTimeValue::FormatTimeDiff($object->getStartTime(), $lastStop, "hm", 60, $object->getSubtract()); } else { if ($object instanceof Timeslot && $field == 'billing') { $value = config_option('currency_code', '$') . ' ' . $object->getFixedBilling(); } else { $value = self::instance()->getExternalColumnValue($field, $value, $managerInstance); } } } else { if ($field != 'link') { //$value = html_to_text(html_entity_decode($value)); if ($object->getColumnType($field) == DATA_TYPE_STRING) { // change html block end tags and brs to \n, then remove all other html tags, then replace \n with <br>, to remove all styles and keep the enters $value = str_replace(array("</div>", "</p>", "<br>", "<br />", "<br/>"), "\n", $value); $value = nl2br(strip_tags($value)); } } } if (self::isReportColumnEmail($value)) { if (logged_user()->hasMailAccounts()) { $value = '<a class="internalLink" href="' . get_url('mail', 'add_mail', array('to' => clean($value))) . '">' . clean($value) . '</a></div>'; } else { $value = '<a class="internalLink" target="_self" href="mailto:' . clean($value) . '">' . clean($value) . '</a></div>'; } } $row_values[$field] = $value; if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'Contacts') { if ($managerInstance instanceof Contacts) { $contact = Contacts::findOne(array("conditions" => "object_id = " . $object->getId())); if ($field == "email_address") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getEmailAddress(); } if ($field == "is_user") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getUserType() > 0 && !$contact->getIsCompany(); } if ($field == "im_values") { $str = ""; foreach ($contact->getAllImValues() as $type => $value) { $str .= ($str == "" ? "" : " | ") . "{$type}: {$value}"; } $row_values[$field] = $str; } if (in_array($field, array("mobile_phone", "work_phone", "home_phone"))) { if ($field == "mobile_phone") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getPhoneNumber('mobile', null, false); } else { if ($field == "work_phone") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getPhoneNumber('work', null, false); } else { if ($field == "home_phone") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getPhoneNumber('home', null, false); } } } } if (in_array($field, array("personal_webpage", "work_webpage", "other_webpage"))) { if ($field == "personal_webpage") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getWebpageUrl('personal'); } else { if ($field == "work_webpage") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getWebpageUrl('work'); } else { if ($field == "other_webpage") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getWebpageUrl('other'); } } } } if (in_array($field, array("home_address", "work_address", "other_address"))) { if ($field == "home_address") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getStringAddress('home'); } else { if ($field == "work_address") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getStringAddress('work'); } else { if ($field == "other_address") { $row_values[$field] = $contact->getStringAddress('other'); } } } } } } else { if ($ot->getHandlerClass() == 'MailContents') { if (in_array($field, array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'body_plain', 'body_html'))) { $mail_data = MailDatas::findById($object->getId()); $row_values[$field] = $mail_data->getColumnValue($field); if ($field == "body_html") { if (class_exists("DOMDocument")) { $d = new DOMDocument(); $mock = new DOMDocument(); $d->loadHTML(remove_css_and_scripts($row_values[$field])); $body = $d->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0); foreach ($body->childNodes as $child) { $mock->appendChild($mock->importNode($child, true)); } // if css is inside an html comment => remove it $row_values[$field] = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', remove_css($row_values[$field])); } else { $row_values[$field] = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', remove_css_and_scripts($row_values[$field])); } } } } } if (!$to_print && $field == "name") { $row_values[$field] = '<a target="new-' . $object->getId() . '" href="' . $object->getViewUrl() . '">' . $value . '</a>'; } } } else { $colCp = $column->getCustomPropertyId(); $cp = CustomProperties::getCustomProperty($colCp); if ($cp instanceof CustomProperty) { /* @var $cp CustomProperty */ $row_values[$cp->getName()] = get_custom_property_value_for_listing($cp, $object); $results['columns'][$colCp] = $cp->getName(); $results['db_columns'][$cp->getName()] = $colCp; } } } Hook::fire("report_row", $object, $row_values); $report_rows[] = $row_values; } if (!$to_print) { if (is_array($results['columns'])) { array_unshift($results['columns'], ''); } else { $results['columns'] = array(''); } Hook::fire("report_header", $ot, $results['columns']); } $results['rows'] = $report_rows; } return $results; }