function save() { $this->success = false; if ($this->get('value')) { if (!$this->saved()) { $this->set('date', 'now()'); } parent::save(); } else { $this->throwError("No value!"); $this->error_code = 500; } return $this; }
function save() { $this->success = null; if (!$this->POD->isAuthenticated()) { $this->success = false; $this->throwError("No current user! Can't save group!"); $this->error_code = 500; return null; } if ($this->get('id')) { // if we are updating this group, make sure this user has permission to do so! $membership = $this->isMember($this->POD->currentUser()); if ($membership != 'owner' && $membership != 'manager' && !$this->POD->currentUser()->get('adminUser')) { $this->success = false; $this->throwError("Access denied! Only group owner or manager can create group!"); $this->error_code = 401; return null; } } else { $this->set('userId', $this->POD->currentUser()->get('id')); } if ($this->get('groupname') && $this->get('description') && $this->get('userId')) { $this->set('groupname', stripslashes(strip_tags($this->get('groupname')))); $this->set('description', stripslashes(strip_tags($this->get('description')))); if (!$this->get('stub')) { $stub = $this->get('groupname'); $stub = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "-", $stub); $stub = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-]/", "", $stub); $stub = strtolower($stub); $this->set('stub', $stub); } $stub = $this->get('stub'); $newstub = $stub; // check and see if any documents already use this stub. $stubcheck = $this->POD->getGroup(array('stub' => $stub)); $counter = 2; while ($stubcheck->success() && $stubcheck->get('id') != $this->get('id')) { $newstub = $stub . "_" . $counter++; $stubcheck = $this->POD->getGroup(array('stub' => $newstub)); } $stub = $newstub; $this->set('stub', $stub); if (!$this->saved()) { $this->set('date', 'now()'); $this->set('changeDate', 'now()'); } else { $this->set('changeDate', 'now()'); } parent::save(); $this->generatePermalink(); $this->DOCUMENTS = new Stack($this->POD, 'content', array('d.groupId' => $this->get('id'))); $this->MEMBERS = new Stack($this->POD, 'user', array('mem.groupId' => $this->get('id')), ' DESC', 20, 0); $this->addMember($this->POD->getPerson(array('id' => $this->get('userId'))), 'owner'); $this->POD->cachestore($this); $this->success = true; return $this; } else { $this->success = null; $this->throwError("Missing required field"); $this->error_code = 500; return null; } }
function save($local_ok = false) { $this->success = false; if (!$this->POD->isAuthenticated()) { $this->throwError("Permission Denied"); return null; } if (!$this->get('file_name')) { $this->throwError("Could not save file. Required field file_name missing."); return; } if (!$this->get('original_name')) { $this->throwError("Could not save new file. Required field original_name missing."); return; } $this->set('original_name', basename($this->get('original_name'))); $this->set('extension', strtolower(array_pop(explode('.', $this->get('original_name'))))); if ($this->get('extension') == "jpeg") { $this->set('extension', 'jpg'); } $this->set('mime_type', $this->mime_content_type($this->get('original_name'))); if (!$this->get('mime_type')) { $this->throwError("Could not save file. Required field mime_type missing."); return; } if (!$this->get('id')) { if (!$this->get('tmp_name')) { $this->throwError("Could not save new file. Required field tmp_name missing."); return; } } if (!$this->get('userId')) { $this->set('userId', $this->POD->currentUser()->get('id')); } if (!$this->saved()) { $this->set('date', 'now()'); $this->set('changeDate', 'now()'); } else { $this->set('changeDate', 'now()'); } parent::save(); if ($this->get('tmp_name')) { // do file operations $this->isImage = false; // is this an image or some other sort of file? if (preg_match("/^image/", $this->get('mime_type'))) { $fileDir = $this->POD->libOptions('imgDir'); $this->isImage = true; $this->POD->tolog("file->save() isImage!"); } else { $fileDir = $this->POD->libOptions('docDir'); } $new_name = "{$fileDir}/" . $this->get('id') . ".original." . $this->get('extension'); $this->POD->tolog("file->save() New file name: {$new_name}"); // clean up old versions $this->cleanup(); // is it an uploaded file? if (is_uploaded_file($this->get('tmp_name'))) { // move uploaded file if (!move_uploaded_file($this->get('tmp_name'), $new_name)) { $this->delete(); $this->success = false; $this->throwError("file->save() Could not move uploaded file to {$new_name}"); return null; } } else { if ($local_ok) { // is it a local file? // move normal file if (!copy($this->get('tmp_name'), $new_name)) { $this->delete(); $this->success = false; $this->throwError("file->save() Could not move local file to {$new_name}!"); return null; } } else { $this->delete(); $this->success = false; $this->throwError("file->save() Could not handle local file (local_ok = false)!"); return null; } } // is it an image? if ($this->isImage) { // crop and resize image $this->POD->tolog("file->save() Time to crop an image!"); $this->createThumbs($new_name, $this->get('type')); if (!$this->success()) { $error = $this->error(); $this->delete(); $this->throwError($error); $this->success = false; return null; } } // did we succeed? // if not, undo db stuff } else { $this->POD->tolog("file->save() Updated file info without changing file"); } $this->generatePermalink(); $this->clearCaches(); $this->POD->cachestore($this); $this->success = true; }
function save($nomail = false) { $profilePath = $this->POD->libOptions('profilePath'); $this->success = false; $this->POD->tolog("user->save() " . $this->get('nick')); // clean up input $this->set('nick', stripslashes(strip_tags($this->get('nick')))); $this->set('email', stripslashes(strip_tags($this->get('email')))); if ($this->get('nick') == "") { $this->throwError("Missing required field nick."); $this->error_code = 201; return null; } if ($this->get('email') == "") { $this->throwError("Missing required field email."); $this->error_code = 202; return null; } if (!$this->get('stub')) { $stub = $this->get('nick'); $stub = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "-", $stub); $stub = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-]/", "", $stub); $stub = strtolower($stub); } else { $stub = $this->get('stub'); } $newstub = $stub; $this->POD->tolog("Begin Checking stub..."); // check and see if any users already use this stub. $stubcheck = $this->POD->getPerson(array('stub' => $stub)); $counter = 2; while ($stubcheck->success() && $stubcheck->get('id') != $this->get('id')) { $newstub = $stub . "_" . $counter++; $stubcheck = $this->POD->getPerson(array('stub' => $newstub)); } $this->POD->tolog("End Checking stub..."); $stub = $newstub; $this->set('stub', $stub); $stub = mysql_real_escape_string($stub); // Do I need to create a user or update a user? if (!$this->saved()) { // CREATE NEW USER! $this->set('memberSince', 'now()'); // new users must specify a password, though we will not store it in the db if ($this->get('password') == "") { $this->throwError("Missing required field password."); $this->error_code = 203; return null; } $error = $this->checkUsernames($this->get('nick'), $this->get('email'), ''); if ($error == "nick_taken") { $this->throwError("Oops! The name you specified is already being used by someone else on the site. Please pick a new one."); $this->error_code = 204; return; } else { if ($error == "email_taken") { $this->throwError("Ooops! The email address you specified is already registered on the site."); $this->error_code = 205; return; } } // FIX THIS // Should use an oop method for handling invites. if ($this->get('invite_code') != '') { $this->POD->tolog('user->save() Looking for invite.'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM invites WHERE code='" . $this->get('invite_code') . "';"; $this->POD->tolog($sql, 2); $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->POD->DATABASE); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); if ($num > 0) { $this->POD->tolog("user->save() INVITE FOUND"); $invite = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $sql = "DELETE FROM invites WHERE id=" . $invite['id']; $this->POD->tolog($sql, 2); mysql_query($sql, $this->POD->DATABASE); } } $authSecret = md5($this->get('email') . $this->get('password')); $this->set('authSecret', $authSecret); // now that we've generated the authSecret, we can clear the password $this->set('password', null); $this->generatePermalink(); if (isset($invite)) { $this->POD->tolog('user->save() Invite found, processing...'); $invitedBy = $invite['userId']; $this->set('invitedBy', $invitedBy); // members who are invited by other members do not need to confirm their emails $this->set('verificationKey', null); parent::save(); if (!$this->success()) { $this->POD->cacheclear($this); return null; } $this->POD->changeActor(array('id' => $this->get('id'))); if (isset($invite['groupId'])) { $this->POD->tolog('user->save() Adding user to group'); $group = $this->POD->getGroup(array('id' => $invite['groupId'])); $group->addMember($this, 'member', true); } $inviter = $this->POD->getPerson(array('id' => $invitedBy)); // add the person who invited me as a friend, and send an email $this->addFriend($inviter); // cause the friend who invited me to add me as a friend, but do not send email $inviter->addFriend($this, false); } else { // new members have to confirm their email address $this->set('verificationKey', md5($this->get('password') . $this->get('email'))); parent::save(); if (!$this->success()) { $this->POD->cacheclear($this); return null; } } $this->success = true; if (!$nomail) { $this->POD->tolog("user->save() user created, sending welcome email"); $this->welcomeEmail(); } } else { // UPDATE USER $this->POD->tolog("user->save() Updating user " . $this->get('nick')); $error = $this->checkUsernames($this->get('nick'), $this->get('email'), $this->get('id')); if ($error == "nick_taken") { $this->throwError("Oops! The name you specified is already being used by someone else on the site. Please pick a new one."); $this->error_code = 208; $this->POD->cacheclear($this); return; } else { if ($error == "email_taken") { $this->throwError("Oops! The email address you specified is already registered on the site. You might need to <a href=\"" . $this->POD->siteRoot(false) . "/login.php\">log in</a>."); $this->error_code = 209; $this->POD->cacheclear($this); return; } } if ($this->get('password')) { $this->set('authSecret', md5($this->get('email') . $this->get('password'))); $this->set('password', null); } parent::save(); if (!$this->success()) { $this->POD->cacheclear($this); return null; } } $this->stuffUser(); $this->success = true; $this->POD->cachestore($this); return $this; }
function save($strip_html = true) { // set up some options $this->success = false; $this->POD->tolog("content->save()"); if (!$this->POD->isAuthenticated()) { $this->throwError("No current user! Can't save content!"); return null; } if (!$this->isEditable()) { $this->throwError("Access Denied"); $this->error_code = 401; return null; } if ($strip_html) { $this->set('body', $this->POD->sanitizeInput($this->get('body'))); } $this->set('body', stripslashes($this->get('body'))); $this->set('headline', stripslashes(strip_tags($this->get('headline')))); $this->set('link', stripslashes(strip_tags($this->get('link')))); if (!$this->saved()) { $this->set('date', 'now()'); $this->set('editDate', 'now()'); $this->set('minutes', '0'); $this->set('changeDate', 'now()'); $this->set('yes_votes', '0'); $this->set('no_votes', '0'); $this->set('hidden', '0'); } else { $this->set('editDate', 'now()'); $this->set('changeDate', 'now()'); } if ($this->get('privacy') == '') { $this->set('privacy', 'public'); } // do this down here instead of at the top to catch cases where the headline is blank after stripping html if ($this->get('headline') == '') { $this->success = false; $this->throwError("Missing required fields"); $this->error_code = 500; return null; } if (!$this->get('type')) { $this->set('type', 'document'); } if (!$this->get('status')) { $this->set('status', 'new'); } if ($this->get('createdBy') == '') { $this->set('createdBy', $this->POD->currentUser()->get('id')); } if ($this->get('userId') == '') { $this->set('userId', $this->get('createdBy')); } if (!$this->get('stub')) { $stub = $this->get('headline'); $stub = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "-", $stub); $stub = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-]/", "", $stub); $stub = strtolower($stub); } else { $stub = $this->get('stub'); } $newstub = $stub; // check and see if any content already use this stub. $stubcheck = $this->POD->getContent(array('stub' => $stub)); $counter = 2; while ($stubcheck->success() && $stubcheck->get('id') != $this->get('id')) { $newstub = $stub . "_" . $counter++; $stubcheck = $this->POD->getContent(array('stub' => $newstub)); } $this->set('stub', $newstub); parent::save(); if (!$this->success()) { $this->POD->cacheclear($this); return null; } $this->stuffDoc(); $this->POD->cachestore($this); $this->POD->tolog("content->save() ADD WATCH"); $this->POD->currentUser()->addWatch($this); $this->success = true; $this->POD->tolog("content->save(): Content saved!"); }
function save() { $this->success = false; if (!$this->get('contentId') && !$this->get('profileId')) { $this->throwError("Could not save comment. Required field contentId or profileId missing."); $this->error_code = 500; return; } if (!$this->get('comment')) { $this->throwError("Could not save comment. Required field comment missing."); $this->error_code = 500; return; } if (!$this->get('userId')) { $this->throwError("Could not save comment. Required field userId missing."); $this->error_code = 500; return; } $this->clearCaches(); // strip everything but basic tags out of the comment field. $this->set('comment', strip_tags(stripslashes($this->get('comment')), '<p><em><strong><a><b><i><br>')); if (!$this->saved()) { $this->set('date', 'now()'); $this->set('minutes', 0); } parent::save(); $this->generatePermalink(); $this->POD->cachestore($this); return $this; }