 function getJavascript(&$ref, $isexpress = false, $action_url = 'index.php', $option = 'com_virtuemart', $task = 'checkout')
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'javascript.php';
     return OPCJavascript::getJavascript($ref, $this, $isexpress, $action_url, $option, $task);
    public static function getJavascript(&$ref, &$OPCloader, $isexpress = false, $action_url = 'index.php', $option = 'com_virtuemart', $task = 'checkout')
        //include (JPATH_OPC.DS.'ext'.DS.'extension.php');
        require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'ajaxhelper.php';
        $bhelper = new basketHelper();
        //$extHelper = new opExtension();
        include JPATH_OPC . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php';
        // $ccjs = "\n".' var op_general_error = "'.OPCmini::slash(JText->_('CONTACT_FORM_NC')).'"; '."\n";
        // $ccjs .= ' var op_cca = "~';
        $logged = OPCloader::logged($ref->cart);
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        if ($user->id > 0) {
            $logged_in_joomla = true;
        } else {
            $logged_in_joomla = false;
        // check if klarna enabled
        // let's include klarna from loadScriptAndCss:
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $q = "select published from #__virtuemart_paymentmethods where payment_element = 'klarna' limit 0,1";
        $enabled = $db->loadResult();
        if (!empty($enabled)) {
            if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmpayment' . DS . 'klarna' . DS . 'klarna.php')) {
                $path = 'plugins/vmpayment/klarna';
            } else {
                $path = 'plugins/vmpayment';
            $assetsPath = $path . '/klarna/assets/';
            JHTMLOPC::stylesheet('style.css', $assetsPath . 'css/', FALSE);
            JHTMLOPC::stylesheet('klarna.css', $assetsPath . 'css/', FALSE);
            JHTMLOPC::script('klarna_general.js', $assetsPath . 'js/', FALSE);
            JHTMLOPC::script('klarnaConsentNew.js', 'http://static.klarna.com/external/js/', FALSE);
            $document = JFactory::getDocument();
		 klarna.ajaxPath = "' . JURI::root() . '/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=plugin&vmtype=vmpayment&name=klarna";
        // end
        // end
        $extJs = " var shipconf = []; var payconf = []; " . "\n";
        $virtuemart_currency_id = OPCloader::getCurrency($ref->cart);
        $extJs .= " var virtuemart_currency_id = '" . $virtuemart_currency_id . "'; ";
        if (!empty($opc_payment_refresh)) {
            $extJs .= " var opc_payment_refresh = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var opc_payment_refresh = false; ";
        if (!empty($opc_dynamic_lines)) {
            $extJs .= " var opc_dynamic_lines = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var opc_dynamic_lines = false; ";
        $extJs .= " var opc_default_option = '" . $option . "'; ";
        $extJs .= " var opc_default_task = '" . $task . "'; ";
        if ($opc_debug) {
            $extJs .= " var opc_debug = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var opc_debug = false; ";
        if (!empty($op_customer_shipping)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_customer_shipping = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_customer_shipping = false; ";
        if ($opc_async) {
            $extJs .= " var opc_async = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var opc_async = false; ";
        if ($payment_inside) {
            $extJs .= " var op_payment_inside = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_payment_inside = false; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_logged_in = '" . $logged . "'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_last_payment_extra = null; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_logged_in_joomla = '" . $logged_in_joomla . "'; ";
        $extJs .= ' var op_shipping_div = null; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_lastq = ""; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_lastcountry = null; var op_lastcountryst = null; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_isrunning = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION = "' . OPCloader::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION')) . '"; ';
        $extJs .= ' var COM_ONEPAGE_PLEASE_WAIT_LOADING = "' . OPCloader::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_PLEASE_WAIT_LOADING')) . '"; ';
        $theme = JRequest::getVar('opc_theme', '');
        $theme = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $theme);
        if (empty($theme)) {
            $theme = $selected_template;
        $extJs .= ' var opc_theme = "' . OPCloader::slash($theme) . '"; ';
        $extJs .= ' var NO_PAYMENT_ERROR = "' . OPCloader::slash(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_SELECT_PAYMENT')) . '"; ';
        $extJs .= ' var JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED = "' . OPCloader::slash(OPCLang::_('JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED')) . '"; ';
        $extJs .= ' var COM_ONEPAGE_PLEASE_WAIT = "' . OPCloader::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_PLEASE_WAIT')) . '"; ';
        //$extJs .= ' var USERNAMESYNTAXERROR = "'.JText::_('', true).'"; ';
        if (!empty($op_usernameisemail)) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_usernameisemail = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_usernameisemail = false; ';
        $url = OPCloader::getURL(true);
        if (!empty($op_loader)) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_loader = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_loader = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_loader_img = "' . $url . 'media/system/images/mootree_loader.gif";';
        if (!empty($double_email)) {
            if (!defined('op_doublemail_js')) {
                JHTMLOPC::script('doublemail.js', 'components/com_onepage/ext/doublemail/js/', false);
                define('op_doublemail_js', '1');
        if (!empty($onlyd)) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_onlydownloadable = "1"; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_onlydownloadable = ""; ';
        if (!empty($op_last_field)) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_last_field = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_last_field = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_refresh_html = ""; ';
        if (!empty($no_alerts)) {
            $extJs .= ' var no_alerts = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var no_alerts = false; ';
        require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php';
        $extJs .= " var username_error = '" . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_STRING_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE_NAME', OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USERNAME'))) . "';";
        $extJs .= " var email_error = '" . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::sprintf('COM_ONEPAGE_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS', OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_EMAIL'))) . "';";
        if (!empty($opc_no_duplicit_username)) {
            $extJs .= ' var opc_no_duplicit_username = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var opc_no_duplicit_username = false; ';
        if (!empty($opc_no_duplicit_email)) {
            $extJs .= ' var opc_no_duplicit_email = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var opc_no_duplicit_email = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var last_username_check = true; ';
        $extJs .= ' var last_email_check = true; ';
        // stAn mod for OPC2
        if (!empty($op_delay_ship))
        $extJs .= " var op_delay = true; ";
        else $extJs .= " var op_delay = false; ";
        if (!empty($op_delay_ship)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_delay = false; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_delay = false; ";
        if (empty($last_ship2_field)) {
            $last_ship2_field = '';
        if (empty($last_ship_field)) {
            $last_ship_field = '';
        $extJs .= " var op_last1 = '" . OPCmini::slash($last_ship_field) . "'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_last2 = '" . OPCmini::slash($last_ship2_field) . "'; ";
        $url = JURI::root(true);
        if (empty($url)) {
            $url = '/';
        if (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1) !== '/') {
            $url .= '/';
        $actionurl = $url . 'index.php';
        if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.0', 'ge')) {
            $extJs .= " var op_com_user = '******'; ";
            $extJs .= " var op_com_user_task = 'user.login'; ";
            $extJs .= " var op_com_user_action = '" . $actionurl . "?option=com_users&task=user.login&controller=user'; ";
            $extJs .= " var op_com_user_action_logout = '" . $actionurl . "?option=com_users&task=user.logout&controller=user'; ";
            $extJs .= " var op_com_user_task_logout = 'user.logout'; ";
        } else {
            if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.7.0', 'ge')) {
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user = '******'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_task = 'user.login'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_action = '" . $actionurl . "?option=com_users&task=user.login&controller=user'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_action_logout = '" . $actionurl . "?option=com_users&task=user.logout&controller=user'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_task_logout = 'user.logout'; ";
                // Joomla! 1.7 code here
            } elseif (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
                // Joomla! 1.6 code here
            } else {
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user = '******'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_task = 'login'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_action = '" . $actionurl . "?option=com_user&task=login'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_action_logout = '" . $actionurl . "?option=com_user&task=logout'; ";
                $extJs .= " var op_com_user_task_logout = 'logout'; ";
        $op_autosubmit = false;
        //$extHelper->runExt('autosubmit', '', '', $op_autosubmit);
        $extJs .= " var op_userfields_named = new Array(); ";
        if (!empty(OPCloader::$fields_names)) {
            foreach (OPCloader::$fields_names as $key => $val) {
                $extJs .= ' op_userfields_named[\'' . OPCmini::slash($key) . '\'] = \'' . OPCmini::slash($val) . '\'; ';
        $extJs .= " ";
        // let's create all fields here
        if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) {
            require JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php';
        if (!isset($ref->cart)) {
            $ref->cart = $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart();
        $extJs .= " var op_userfields = new Array(";
        // updated on VM2.0.26D:
        if (!isset($ref->cart->STaddress)) $ref->cart->STaddress = array(); 
        if (!isset($ref->cart->BTaddress)) $ref->cart->BTaddress = array(); 
        $ref->cart->prepareAddressDataInCart('BTaddress', 0);
        $ref->cart->prepareAddressDataInCart('STaddress', 0);
        //$ref->cart->prepareAddressDataInCart('BT', 0);
        //$ref->cart->prepareAddressDataInCart('ST', 0);
        //$userFieldsST = $ref->cart->STaddress;
        $userFieldsST = OPCloader::getUserFields('ST', $ref->cart);
        //$userFieldsBT = $ref->cart->BTaddress;
        $userFieldsBT = OPCloader::getUserFields('BT', $ref->cart);
        $fx = array();
        $ignore = array('delimiter', 'hidden');
        foreach ($userFieldsBT['fields'] as $k2 => $v2) {
            if (in_array($v2['type'], $ignore)) {
            $fx[] = '"' . OPCmini::slash($v2['name'], false) . '"';
        foreach ($userFieldsST['fields'] as $k => $v) {
            if (in_array($v['type'], $ignore)) {
            $fx[] = '"' . OPCmini::slash($v['name'], false) . '"';
        $fx2 = implode(',', $fx);
        $extJs .= $fx2 . '); ';
        //$extJs .= " var op_userfields = new Array(); ";
        $extJs .= ' var op_firstrun = true; ';
        //$extHelper->runExt('addjavascript', '', '', $extJs);
        if (!empty($business_fields)) {
            $business_fields2 = array();
            foreach ($business_fields as $k => $line) {
                $business_fields2[$k] = "'" . $line . "'";
            $newa = implode(',', $business_fields2);
            $extJs .= ' var business_fields = [' . $newa . ']; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var business_fields = new Array(); ';
        if (!empty($custom_rendering_fields)) {
            $custom_rendering_fields2 = array();
            foreach ($custom_rendering_fields as $k => $line) {
                $custom_rendering_fields2[$k] = "'" . $line . "'";
            $newa = implode(',', $custom_rendering_fields2);
            $extJs .= ' var custom_rendering_fields = new Array(' . $newa . '); ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var custom_rendering_fields = new Array(); ';
        if (!empty($shipping_obligatory_fields)) {
            $shipping_obligatory_fields2 = array();
            foreach ($shipping_obligatory_fields as $k => $line) {
                $shipping_obligatory_fields2[$k] = "'" . $line . "'";
            $newa = implode(',', $shipping_obligatory_fields2);
            $extJs .= ' var shipping_obligatory_fields = new Array(' . $newa . '); ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var shipping_obligatory_fields = new Array(); ';
        $extJs .= 'var shippingOpenStatus = false; ';
        if (empty($op_autosubmit)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_autosubmit = false; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_autosubmit = true; ";
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $q = 'select * from #__virtuemart_vendors where virtuemart_vendor_id = 1 limit 0,1 ';
        $res = $db->loadAssoc();
        if (!empty($res)) {
        $mainframe = Jfactory::getApplication();
        $vendorId = JRequest::getInt('vendorid', 1);
        /* table vm_vendor */
        if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) {
            require JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php';
        if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) {
            require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php';
        $virtuemart_currency_id = OPCloader::getCurrency($ref->cart);
        if (empty($ref->cart)) {
            $ref->cart = $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart();
        if (!empty($virtuemart_currency_id)) {
            $c = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($virtuemart_currency_id);
        } else {
            $c = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($ref->cart->paymentCurrency);
            $virtuemart_currency_id = $ref->cart->paymentCurrency;
        if (!method_exists($c, 'getNbrDecimals')) {
            $db = JFactory::getDBO();
            $q = 'select * from #__virtuemart_currencies where virtuemart_currency_id = ' . (int) $virtuemart_currency_id . ' limit 0,1';
            $c2 = $db->loadObject();
            if (empty($c2)) {
                $c2 = new stdClass();
                $c2->currency_symbol = '$';
                $c2->currency_decimal_place = 2;
                $c2->currency_decimal_symbol = '.';
                $c2->currency_thousands = ' ';
                $c2->currency_positive_style = '{number} {symbol}';
                $c2->currency_negative_style = '{sign}{number} {symbol}';
            // op_vendor_style = '1|€|2|.|\'|3|0';
            $arr = array();
            $arr[0] = '1';
            $arr[1] = $c2->currency_symbol;
            $arr[2] = $c2->currency_decimal_place;
            $arr[3] = $c2->currency_decimal_symbol;
            $arr[4] = $c2->currency_thousands;
            // for now
            $arr[5] = '3';
            $arr[6] = '8';
            $arr[7] = '8';
            $arr[8] = $c2->currency_positive_style;
            $arr[9] = $c2->currency_negative_style;
            $vendor_currency_display_style = implode('|', $arr);
        } else {
            // op_vendor_style = '1|€|2|.|\'|3|0';
            $arr = array();
            $arr[0] = '1';
            $arr[1] = $c->getSymbol();
            $arr[2] = $c->getNbrDecimals();
            $arr[3] = $c->getDecimalSymbol();
            $arr[4] = $c->getThousandsSeperator();
            // for now
            $arr[5] = '3';
            $arr[6] = '8';
            $arr[7] = '8';
            $arr[8] = $c->getPositiveFormat();
            $arr[9] = $c->getNegativeFormat();
            $vendor_currency_display_style = implode('|', $arr);
        //$arr[2] = $c->
        $extJs .= " var op_saved_shipping = null; var op_saved_payment = null; var op_saved_shipping_vmid = '';";
        $cs = str_replace("'", '\\\'', $vendor_currency_display_style);
        $extJs .= " var op_vendor_style = '" . $cs . "'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_currency_id = '" . $virtuemart_currency_id . "'; ";
        $extJs .= ' op_override_basket = true; ';
        $extJs .= ' op_basket_override = true; ';
         $extJs .= ' op_override_basket = false; ';
         $extJs .= ' op_basket_override = false; ';
        //   if ($onlyindex) return JURI::root(true).'/index.php';
        if (empty($action_url)) {
            $action_url = JURI::root(true) . '/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=opc&controller=opc&task=checkout&nosef=1';
        $action_url = html_entity_decode($action_url);
        $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $locales = $lang->getLocale();
        if (!empty($locales[4])) {
            $action_url .= '&lang=' . $locales[4];
        $extJs .= " var opc_action_url = '" . $action_url . "'; ";
        // google adwrods tracking code here
        if (!empty($adwords_enabled[0])) {
            $extJs .= " var acode = '1'; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var acode = '0'; ";
        $lang = JRequest::getVar('lang');
        if (ctype_alnum($lang)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_lang = '" . $lang . "'; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_lang = ''; ";
        $ur = JURI::root(true);
        if (substr($ur, strlen($ur) - 1) != '/') {
            $ur .= '/';
        //$ur .= basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        $mm_action_url = $ur;
        $isVm202 = false;
        if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelShopperGroup')) {
            if (file_exists(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'shoppergroup.php')) {
                require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'shoppergroup.php';
            } else {
                $isVm202 = true;
        if (!method_exists('VirtueMartModelShopperGroup', 'appendShopperGroups')) {
            $isVm202 = true;
        if (!$isVm202) {
            $extJs .= " var op_securl = '" . $ur . "index.php?option=com_onepage'; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_securl = '" . $ur . "index.php?option=com_virtuemart'; ";
        $extJs .= " var pay_btn = new Array(); ";
        $extJs .= " var pay_msg = new Array(); ";
        $extJs .= " pay_msg['default'] = ''; ";
        $extJs .= " pay_btn['default'] = '" . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_CONFIRM_MNU')) . "'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_timeout = 0; ";
        if (!empty($adwords_timeout)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_maxtimeout = " . $adwords_timeout . "; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_maxtimeout = 3000; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_semafor = false; ";
        if (!empty($op_sum_tax)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_sum_tax = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_sum_tax = false; ";
        if (defined("_MIN_POV_REACHED") && constant("_MIN_POV_REACHED") == '1') {
            $extJs .= " var op_min_pov_reached = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_min_pov_reached = false; ";
        // this setting says if to show discountAmout together with the classic discount
        if (!empty($payment_discount_before)) {
            $extJs .= " var payment_discount_before = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var payment_discount_before = false; ";
        if (empty($hidep) || !empty($payment_inside)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_payment_disabling_disabled = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_payment_disabling_disabled = false; ";
        //$extJs .= " var op_show_prices_including_tax = '".$auth["show_price_including_tax"]."'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_show_prices_including_tax = '1'; ";
        $extJs .= " var never_show_total = ";
        if (isset($never_show_total) && $never_show_total == true) {
            $extJs .= ' true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= " var op_no_jscheck = ";
        // modified for OPC2
        if (!empty($no_jscheck)) {
            $extJs .= " true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " true; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_no_taxes_show = ";
        if (isset($no_taxes_show) && $no_taxes_show == true) {
            $extJs .= ' true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= " var op_no_taxes = ";
        if (isset($no_taxes) && $no_taxes == true) {
            $extJs .= ' true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' false; ' . "\n";
        $selectl = OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION');
        $extJs .= " var op_lang_select = '(" . $selectl . ")'; ";
        //if ((ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address()) && ($auth['show_price_including_tax']) && ((!isset($always_show_tax) || ($always_show_tax !== true))))
        //$extJs .= " var op_dont_show_taxes = '1'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_dont_show_taxes = '0'; " . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_coupon_amount = "0"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_shipping_txt = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_SHIPPING_PRICE_LBL'), false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_shipping_tax_txt = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_SHIPPING_TAX'), false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $country_ship = array();
        if (false) {
            if (isset($hidep)) {
                foreach ($hidep as &$h) {
                    $h .= ',' . $payments_to_hide . ',';
                    $h = str_replace(' ', '', $h);
                    $h = ',' . $h . ',';
        // found shipping methods
        // $sarr = $bhelper->getShippingArray();
        if (false) {
            foreach ($sarr as $k => $ship) {
                if (isset($hidep[$ship->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id])) {
                    $extJs .= " payconf['" . $k . "']=\"," . $hidep[$k] . ",\"; ";
                } else {
                    $extJs .= " payconf['" . $k . "']=\",\"; ";
        // old code for standard shipping
        if (!empty($rows)) {
            foreach ($rows as $r) {
                $id = $r['shipping_rate_id'];
                $cs = $r['shipping_rate_country'];
                $car = $r['shipping_rate_carrier_id'];
                $k = explode(';', $cs, 1000);
                foreach ($k as $kk) {
                    if ($kk != '') {
                        $krajiny[] = $kk;
                        if (!isset($country_ship[$id])) {
                            $country_ship[$id] = array();
                        $country_ship[$id][$kk] = $kk;
                $extJs .= "shipconf[" . $id . "]=\"" . $cs . '"; ';
        // end of old code for standard shipping
        // country_ship description:
        // country_ship[ship_id][country] = country
        // country_ship will be used for default shipping method for selected default shipping country
        // global variables: ordertotal, currency symbol, text for order total
        //        echo $incship;
        if (empty($incship)) {
            $incship = OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_LIST_TOTAL');
        $incship = OPCmini::slash($incship);
        if (!empty($order_total)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_ordertotal = " . $order_total . "; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_ordertotal = 0.0; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_textinclship = '" . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_TOTAL')) . "'; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_currency = '" . OPCmini::slash($c->getSymbol()) . "'; ";
        if (!empty($weight_total)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_weight = " . $weight_total . "; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_weight = 0.00; ";
        if (!empty($vars['zone_qty'])) {
            $extJs .= " var op_zone_qty = " . $vars['zone_qty'] . "; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_zone_qty = 0.00; ";
        if (!empty($grandSubtotal)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_grand_subtotal = " . $grandSubtotal . "; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_grand_subtotal = 0.00; ";
        $extJs .= ' var op_subtotal_txt = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_SUBTOTAL'), false) . '"; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_tax_txt = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_TOTAL_TAX'), false) . '"; ';
        $op_disable_shipping = OPCloader::getShippingEnabled($ref->cart);
        if (!empty($op_disable_shipping)) {
            $nos = 'true';
        } else {
            $nos = 'false';
        $extJs .= "var op_noshipping = " . $nos . "; ";
        $extJs .= "var op_autosubmit = false; ";
        //        $extJs .= " var op_tok = '".$_SESSION['__default']['session.token']."'; ";
        // array of avaiable country codes
        if (!empty($krajiny)) {
            $krajiny = array_unique($krajiny);
        $rp_js = '';
        $extJs .= $rp_js . "\n";
        $ship_country_change_msg = OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_SHIP_COUNTRY_CHANGED');
        $extJs .= ' var shipChangeCountry = "' . OPCmini::slash($ship_country_change_msg, false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var opc_free_text = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_FREE', false)) . '"; ' . "\n";
        if (!empty($use_free_text)) {
            $extJs .= " var use_free_text = true; " . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var use_free_text = false; " . "\n";
        $ship_country_is_invalid_msg = OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_SHIP_COUNTRY_INVALID');
        $extJs .= ' var noshiptocmsg = "' . OPCmini::slash($ship_country_is_invalid_msg, false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= " var default_ship = null; " . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var agreedmsg = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_BILLTO_TOS_NO', false)) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_continue_link = ""; ' . "\n";
        if ($must_have_valid_vat) {
            $extJs .= "var op_vat_ok = 2; var vat_input_id = \"" . $vat_input_id . "\"; var vat_must_be_valid = true; " . "\n";
        $default_info_message = OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_PAYMENT_EXTRA_DEFAULT_INFO');
        $extJs .= ' var payment_default_msg = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $default_info_message) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var payment_button_def = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_CONFIRM_MNU')) . '"; ' . "\n";
        if (empty($op_dontloadajax)) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_dontloadajax = false; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_dontloadajax = true; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_user_name_checked = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_email_checked = false; ';
        // adds payment discount array
        //if (isset($pscript))
        //$extJs .= $pscript;
        if (isset($payments_to_hide)) {
            $payments_to_hide = str_replace(' ', '', $payments_to_hide);
        } else {
            $payments_to_hide = "";
        // adds script to change text on the button
        if (isset($rp)) {
            $extJs .= $rp;
        if (!(isset($vendor_name) && $vendor_name != '')) {
            $vendor_name = 'E-shop';
        $extJs .= ' var op_vendor_name = "' . OPCmini::slash($vendor_name, false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        	if (!isset($_SESSION['__default']['session.token']))
        $_SESSION['__default']['session.token'] = md5(uniqid());
        $next_order_id = $bhelper->getNextOrderId(); 
        jimport( 'joomla.utilities.utility' );
        if (method_exists('JUtility', 'getToken'))
        $token = JUtility::getToken(); 
        $token = JSession::getFormToken(); 
        $token = md5($token); 
        $g_order_id = $next_order_id."_".$token;
        $extJs .= ' var g_order_id = "'.$g_order_id.'"; '."\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_order_total = 0; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_total_total = 0; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_ship_total = 0; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_tax_total = 0; ' . "\n";
        if (empty($op_fix_ins)) {
            $extJs .= 'var op_fix_payment_vat = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_run_google = new Boolean(';
        if (!empty($g_analytics)) {
            $extJs .= 'true); ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false); ';
        if (!isset($pth_js)) {
            $pth_js = '';
        $extJs .= ' var op_always_show_tax = ';
        if (isset($always_show_tax) && $always_show_tax === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_always_show_all = ';
        if (isset($always_show_all) && $always_show_all === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_add_tax = ';
        if (isset($add_tax) && $add_tax === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_add_tax_to_shipping = ';
        if (isset($add_tax_to_shipping) && $add_tax_to_shipping === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_add_tax_to_shipping_problem = ';
        if (isset($add_tax_to_shipping_problem) && $add_tax_to_shipping_problem === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_no_decimals = ';
        if (isset($no_decimals) && $no_decimals === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_curr_after = ';
        if (isset($curr_after) && $curr_after === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        if (empty($op_basket_subtotal_taxonly)) {
            $op_basket_subtotal_taxonly = '0.00';
        $extJs .= ' var op_basket_subtotal_items_tax_only = ' . $op_basket_subtotal_taxonly . '; ';
        	can be send to js if needed: 
        			$op_basket_subtotal += $price["product_price"] * $cart[$i]["quantity"];
        		$op_basket_subtotal_withtax += ($price["product_price"] * $cart[$i]["quantity"])*($my_taxrate+1);
        		$op_basket_subtotal_taxonly +=  ($price["product_price"] * $cart[$i]["quantity"])*($my_taxrate);
        $extJs .= ' var op_show_only_total = ';
        if (isset($show_only_total) && $show_only_total === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_show_andrea_view = ';
        if (isset($show_andrea_view) && $show_andrea_view === true) {
            $extJs .= 'true; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= 'false; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_detected_tax_rate = "0"; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_custom_tax_rate = ';
        if (empty($custom_tax_rate)) {
            $custom_tax_rate = '0.00';
        $custom_tax_rate = str_replace(',', '.', $custom_tax_rate);
        $custom_tax_rate = str_replace(' ', '', $custom_tax_rate);
        if (!empty($custom_tax_rate) && is_numeric($custom_tax_rate)) {
            $extJs .= '"' . $custom_tax_rate . '"; ' . "\n";
        } else {
            $extJs .= '""; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_coupon_discount_txt = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_COUPON_DISCOUNT'), false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        $extJs .= ' var op_other_discount_txt = "' . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_ONEPAGE_OTHER_DISCOUNT'), false) . '"; ' . "\n";
        if (!empty($shipping_inside_basket)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_shipping_inside_basket = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_shipping_inside_basket = false; ";
        if (!empty($payment_inside_basket) && empty($isexpress)) {
            $extJs .= " var op_payment_inside_basket = true; ";
        } else {
            $extJs .= " var op_payment_inside_basket = false; ";
        $extJs .= " var op_disabled_payments = \"{$pth_js}\"; \n";
        $extJs .= "var op_payment_discount = 0; \n var op_ship_cost = 0; \n var pdisc = []; " . "\n";
        $extJs .= 'var op_payment_fee_txt = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_PAYMENT')) . '"; ' . "\n";
        // fee
        $extJs .= 'var op_payment_discount_txt = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_SUBTOTAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT')) . '"; ' . "\n";
        // discount
        //$rp_js = ' var pay_msg = []; var pay_btn = []; ';
        // paypal:
        if (false && $paypalActive) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_paypal_id = "' . ps_paypal_api::getPaymentMethodId() . '"; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_paypal_id = "x"; ';
        if (false && $paypalActive && defined('PAYPAL_API_DIRECT_PAYMENT_ON') && (bool) PAYPAL_API_DIRECT_PAYMENT_ON) {
            $extJs .= ' var op_paypal_direct = true; ';
        } else {
            $extJs .= ' var op_paypal_direct = false; ';
        $extJs .= ' var op_general_error = ' . "'" . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_MISSING_REQUIRED')) . "';";
        $extJs .= ' var op_email_error = ' . "'" . OPCmini::slash(OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ENTER_A_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS')) . "';";
        $err = OPCJavascript::getPwdError();
        $extJs .= ' var op_pwderror = ' . "'" . OPCmini::slash($err) . "';\n";
        if ($double_email) {
            if (!OPCloader::logged($ref->cart)) {
                $extJs .= ' callSubmitFunct.push("Onepage.doubleEmailCheck"); ';
        if (!empty($disable_payment_per_shipping)) {
            $extJs .= ' addOpcTriggerer("callAfterShippingSelect", "Onepage.refreshPayment()"); ';
        if (empty($no_coupon_ajax)) {
            $extJs .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {
		 if (userForm.coupon_code != null)
		 if (userForm.coupon_code.value != null)
		 new_coupon = Onepage.op_escape(userForm.coupon_code.value); 
		 if (typeof Onepage != \'undefined\')
		 if (typeof Onepage.op_runSS != \'undefined\')
         Onepage.op_runSS(this, false, true, \'process_coupon&new_coupon=\'+new_coupon); 
		 return false; 
        $inside = JRequest::getCmd('insideiframe', '');
        $js = '';
        if (!empty($inside)) {
            $js = "\n" . ' 
			if (typeof jQuery != \'undefined\' && (jQuery != null))
			 jQuery(document).ready(function() {

			 if (typeof Onepage.op_runSS == \'undefined\') return;
            if (!empty($inside)) {
                $js .= "\n" . ' op_resizeIframe(); ' . "\n";
            $js .= ' 		 });
			   if ((typeof window != \'undefined\') && (typeof window.addEvent != \'undefined\'))
			   window.addEvent(\'domready\', function() {
            if (!empty($inside)) {
                $js .= ' op_resizeIframe(); ';
            $js .= '
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
        $raw_js = "\n" . $extJs . "\n" . $js . "\n";
        $src = '<script>' . "\n" . '//<![CDATA[' . $raw_js . '//]]> ' . "\n" . '</script>';
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $jtouch = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('jtpl', 'jtpl', -1, 'int');
        if ($jtouch > 0) {
            $opc_php_js2 = true;
        // stAn, updated on 2.0.218
        // stan, to support gk gavick mobile themes we had to omit the type
        if (empty($opc_php_js2)) {
        $js_dir = JPATH_CACHE . DS . 'com_onepage';
        $lang = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag();
        $js_file = 'opc_dynamic_' . $lang . '_' . md5($raw_js) . '.js';
        $js_path = $js_dir . DS . $js_file;
        $add = true;
        if (!file_exists($js_dir)) {
            if (JFolder::create($js_dir) === false) {
                $add = true;
        if (!file_exists($js_path)) {
            if (JFile::write($js_path, $raw_js) !== false) {
                JHTMLOPC::script($js_file, 'cache/com_onepage/');
            } else {
                $add = true;
        if (!empty($opc_php_js2)) {
            if (file_exists($js_path)) {
                JHTMLOPC::script($js_file, 'cache/com_onepage/');
        if ($add) {
        //echo $src;
        //$document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".'//<![CDATA[  '."\n".$extJs."\n".$js."\n".'//]]> '."\n".'</script>');
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
JHTMLOPC::script('toggle_langs.js', 'administrator/components/com_onepage/views/config/tmpl/js/', false);
if (!OPCJ3) {
    JHTMLOPC::stylesheet('bootstrap.min.css', 'components/com_onepage/themes/extra/bootstrap/', array());
    $css = '
#vmMainPageOPC dl#pane {
 margin-bottom: 0; 
} ';
    $document = JFactory::getDocument();
require_once JPATH_SITE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'javascript.php';
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEvent('domready', function(){ 
       var JTooltips = new Tips($$('.hasTip'), 
       { maxTitleChars: 50, fixed: false}); 
$default_config = array('vm_lang' => 0, 'vm_menu_en_gb' => 0, 'selected_menu' => 0, 'menu_' => 0, 'tojlanguage' => '*');
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$config = $session->get('opc_utils', $default_config);
include JPATH_SITE . DS . "components" . DS . "com_onepage" . DS . "config" . DS . "onepage.cfg.php";
JToolBarHelper::Title(JText::_('COM_ONEPAGE_XML_EXPORT'), 'generic.png');
//	JToolBarHelper::install();
  * Displays the view, collects needed data for the different layouts
  * Okey I try now a completly new idea.
  * We make a function for every tab and the display is getting the right tabs by an own function
  * putting that in an array and after that we call the preparedataforlayoutBlub
  * @author Oscar van Eijk
  * @author Max Milbers
  *  Original code from: \components\com_virtuemart\views\user\view.html.php
 function display($tpl = null)
     $useSSL = VmConfig::get('useSSL', 0);
     $useXHTML = true;
     $this->assignRef('useSSL', $useSSL);
     $this->assignRef('useXHTML', $useXHTML);
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway();
     $layoutName = $this->getLayout();
     if (!defined('OPC_IN_REGISTRATION_MODE')) {
         define('OPC_IN_REGISTRATION_MODE', 1);
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'language.php';
     // 	vmdebug('layout by view '.$layoutName);
     if (empty($layoutName) or $layoutName == 'default') {
         $layoutName = JRequest::getWord('layout', 'edit');
         if ($layoutName == 'default') {
             $layoutName = 'edit';
     if (empty($this->fTask)) {
         $ftask = 'saveUser';
         $this->assignRef('fTask', $ftask);
     if (!class_exists('ShopFunctions')) {
         require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctions.php';
     // 	vmdebug('my layoutname',$layoutName);
     if ($layoutName == 'login') {
     if (!class_exists('VirtuemartModelUser')) {
         require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'user.php';
     $this->_model = new VirtuemartModelUser();
     //		$this->_model->setCurrent(); //without this, the administrator can edit users in the FE, permission is handled in the usermodel, but maybe unsecure?
     $editor = JFactory::getEditor();
     //the cuid is the id of the current user
     $this->_currentUser = JFactory::getUser();
     $this->_cuid = $this->_lists['current_id'] = $this->_currentUser->get('id');
     $this->assignRef('userId', $this->_cuid);
     $this->_userDetails = $this->_model->getUser();
     $this->assignRef('userDetails', $this->_userDetails);
     $address_type = JRequest::getWord('addrtype', 'BT');
     $this->assignRef('address_type', $address_type);
     //New Address is filled here with the data of the cart (we are in the cart)
     if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) {
         require JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php';
     $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart();
     $new = false;
     if (JRequest::getInt('new', '0') == 1) {
         $new = true;
     if ($new) {
         $virtuemart_userinfo_id = 0;
     } else {
         $virtuemart_userinfo_id = JRequest::getString('virtuemart_userinfo_id', '0', '');
         if (empty($virtuemart_userinfo_id)) {
             require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mini.php';
             $umodel = OPCmini::getModel('user');
             //new VirtuemartModelUser();
             $uid = JFactory::getUser()->id;
             $userDetails = $umodel->getUser();
             $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $umodel->getBTuserinfo_id();
     $this->assignRef('virtuemart_userinfo_id', $virtuemart_userinfo_id);
     $userFields = null;
     if ((strpos($this->fTask, 'cart') || strpos($this->fTask, 'checkout')) && empty($virtuemart_userinfo_id)) {
         $fieldtype = $address_type . 'address';
         if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareAddressDataInCart')) {
             $cart->prepareAddressDataInCart($address_type, $new);
         if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareAddressFieldsInCart')) {
         $userFields = $cart->{$fieldtype};
         $task = JRequest::getWord('task', '');
     } else {
         $userFields = $this->_model->getUserInfoInUserFields($layoutName, $address_type, $virtuemart_userinfo_id);
         if (!$new && empty($userFields[$virtuemart_userinfo_id])) {
             $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $this->_model->getBTuserinfo_id();
             // 			vmdebug('Try to get $virtuemart_userinfo_id by type BT', $virtuemart_userinfo_id);
         $userFields = $userFields[$virtuemart_userinfo_id];
         $task = 'editaddressST';
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'loader.php';
     if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart'))
     	require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php');
     $this->cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); 
     $OPCloader = new OPCloader();
     $action_url = JURI::root(true) . '/index.php?option=com_onepage&amp;view=opc&amp;controller=opc&amp;task=opcregister&amp;nosef=1';
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'javascript.php';
     OPCJavascript::getJavascript($this, $OPCloader, false, $action_url, 'com_onepage', 'opcregister');
     $op_formvars = OPCloader::getFormVars($this);
     	foreach ($userFields['fields'] as $key=>$val)
        if (isset($val['formcode']))
     		  $val['formcode'] .= $html; 
     $this->assignRef('userFields', $userFields);
     if ($layoutName == 'edit') {
         if ($this->_model->getId() == 0 && $this->_cuid == 0) {
             $button_lbl = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REGISTER');
         } else {
             $button_lbl = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SAVE');
         $this->assignRef('button_lbl', $button_lbl);
         if (JVM_VERSION <= 2) {
         } else {
     $this->_lists['shipTo'] = $this->generateStAddressList($this, $this->_model, $task, $cart);
     if ($this->_openTab < 0) {
         $_paneOffset = array();
     } else {
         if (defined('__VM_USER_USE_SLIDERS')) {
             $_paneOffset = array('startOffset' => $this->_openTab, 'startTransition' => 1, 'allowAllClose' => true);
         } else {
             $_paneOffset = array('startOffset' => $this->_openTab);
     // Implement the Joomla panels. If we need a ShipTo tab, make it the active one.
     // In tmpl/edit.php, this is the 4th tab (0-based, so set to 3 above)
     $pane = OPCPane::getInstance(defined('__VM_USER_USE_SLIDERS') ? 'Sliders' : 'Tabs', $_paneOffset);
     $this->assignRef('lists', $this->_lists);
     $this->assignRef('editor', $editor);
     $this->assignRef('pane', $pane);
     if ($layoutName == 'mailregisteruser') {
         $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor');
         //			$vendorModel->setId($this->_userDetails->virtuemart_vendor_id);
         $vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor();
         $this->assignRef('vendor', $vendor);
     if ($layoutName == 'editaddress') {
         $layoutName = 'edit_address';
     if (!$this->userDetails->JUser->get('id')) {
         $corefield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_CART_INFO_CREATE_ACCOUNT');
     } else {
         $corefield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS');
     if (strpos($this->fTask, 'cart') || strpos($this->fTask, 'checkout')) {
         $pathway->addItem(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_OVERVIEW'), JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart', FALSE));
     } else {
         //$pathway->addItem(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS'), JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&&layout=edit'));
     $pathway_text = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS');
     if (!$this->userDetails->JUser->get('id')) {
         if (strpos($this->fTask, 'cart') || strpos($this->fTask, 'checkout')) {
             if ($address_type == 'BT') {
                 $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_EDIT_BILLTO_LBL');
             } else {
                 $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL');
         } else {
             if ($address_type == 'BT') {
                 $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_EDIT_BILLTO_LBL');
                 $title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REGISTER');
             } else {
                 $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL');
     } else {
         if ($address_type == 'BT') {
             $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_BILLTO_LBL');
         } else {
             $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL');
     $add_product_link = "";
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mini.php';
     if (OPCmini::isSuperVendor()) {
         $add_product_link = JRoute::_('/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&tmpl=component&view=product&view=product&task=edit&virtuemart_product_id=0');
         $add_product_link = $this->linkIcon($add_product_link, 'COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_ADD_PRODUCT', 'new', false, false, true, true);
     $this->assignRef('add_product_link', $add_product_link);
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->setMetaData('robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOARCHIVE, NOSNIPPET');
     $this->assignRef('page_title', $pathway_text);
     $this->assignRef('corefield_title', $corefield_title);
     $this->assignRef('vmfield_title', $vmfield_title);
     //   if ($onlyindex) return JURI::root(true).'/index.php';
     shopFunctionsF::setVmTemplate($this, 0, 0, $layoutName);
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'removemsgs.php';
     $jsvalidator = $OPCloader->getJSValidatorScript($this);
     $op_userfields = $OPCloader->getBTfields($this);
     $registration_html = $OPCloader->getRegistrationHhtml($this);
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'commonhtml.php';
     $reg_html = OPCCommonHtml::getFormVarsRegistration($OPCloader);
     $op_formvars = $reg_html . $jsvalidator;
     $op_userfields .= $op_formvars;
     $onsubmit = $op_onclick = $OPCloader->getJSValidator($this);
     $op_onclick = ' onclick="' . $op_onclick . '" ';
     include_once JPATH_OPC . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'registration_templates.php';
     $html = ob_get_clean();
     //$html = str_replace('"com_virtuemart"', '"com_onepage"', $html);
     //$html = str_replace('=com_virtuemart', '=com_onepage', $html);
     $html = $OPCloader->addListeners($html);
     echo $html;
     $extras = $OPCloader->getExtras($this);
     echo $extras;