public function chartDataAction() { // Disable layout and viewrenderer $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); // Get params $type = $this->_getParam('type'); $start = $this->_getParam('start'); $offset = $this->_getParam('offset', 0); $mode = $this->_getParam('mode'); $chunk = $this->_getParam('chunk'); $period = $this->_getParam('period'); $periodCount = $this->_getParam('periodCount', 1); //$end = $this->_getParam('end'); // Validate chunk/period if (!$chunk || !in_array($chunk, $this->_periods)) { $chunk = Zend_Date::DAY; } if (!$period || !in_array($period, $this->_periods)) { $period = Zend_Date::MONTH; } if (array_search($chunk, $this->_periods) >= array_search($period, $this->_periods)) { die('whoops'); return; } // Validate start if ($start && !is_numeric($start)) { $start = strtotime($start); } if (!$start) { $start = time(); } // Fixes issues with month view Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true)); // Get timezone $timezone = Engine_Api::_()->getApi('settings', 'core')->getSetting('core_locale_timezone', 'GMT'); $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer(); if ($viewer && $viewer->getIdentity() && !empty($viewer->timezone)) { $timezone = $viewer->timezone; } // Make start fit to period? $startObject = new Zend_Date($start); $startObject->setTimezone($timezone); $partMaps = $this->_periodMap[$period]; foreach ($partMaps as $partType => $partValue) { $startObject->set($partValue, $partType); } // Do offset if ($offset != 0) { $startObject->add($offset, $period); } // Get end time $endObject = new Zend_Date($startObject->getTimestamp()); $endObject->setTimezone($timezone); $endObject->add($periodCount, $period); $endObject->sub(1, Zend_Date::SECOND); // Subtract one second // Get data $statsTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('statistics', 'core'); $statsSelect = $statsTable->select()->where('type = ?', $type)->where('date >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('date < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('date ASC'); $rawData = $statsTable->fetchAll($statsSelect); // Now create data structure $currentObject = clone $startObject; $nextObject = clone $startObject; $data = array(); $dataLabels = array(); $cumulative = 0; $previous = 0; do { $nextObject->add(1, $chunk); $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp(); $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp(); $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $cumulative; // Get everything that matches $currentPeriodCount = 0; foreach ($rawData as $rawDatum) { $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->date); if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) { $currentPeriodCount += $rawDatum->value; } } // Now do stuff with it switch ($mode) { default: case 'normal': $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $currentPeriodCount; break; case 'cumulative': $cumulative += $currentPeriodCount; $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $cumulative; break; case 'delta': $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $currentPeriodCount - $previous; $previous = $currentPeriodCount; break; } $currentObject->add(1, $chunk); } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp()); // Reprocess label $labelStrings = array(); $labelDate = new Zend_Date(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $labelDate->set($key); $labelStrings[] = $this->view->locale()->toDate($labelDate, array('size' => 'short')); //date('D M d Y', $key); } // Let's expand them by 1.1 just for some nice spacing $minVal = min($data); $maxVal = max($data); $minVal = floor($minVal * ($minVal < 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1) / 10) * 10; $maxVal = ceil($maxVal * ($maxVal > 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1) / 10) * 10; // Remove some labels if there are too many $xlabelsteps = 1; if (count($data) > 10) { $xlabelsteps = ceil(count($data) / 10); } // Remove some grid lines if there are too many $xsteps = 1; if (count($data) > 100) { $xsteps = ceil(count($data) / 100); } // Create base chart require_once 'OFC/OFC_Chart.php'; // Make x axis labels $x_axis_labels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label_Set(); $x_axis_labels->set_steps($xlabelsteps); $x_axis_labels->set_labels($labelStrings); // Make x axis $labels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X(); $labels->set_labels($x_axis_labels); $labels->set_colour("#416b86"); $labels->set_grid_colour("#dddddd"); $labels->set_steps($xsteps); // Make y axis $yaxis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y(); $yaxis->set_range($minVal, $maxVal); $yaxis->set_colour("#416b86"); $yaxis->set_grid_colour("#dddddd"); // Make data $graph = new OFC_Charts_Line(); $graph->set_values(array_values($data)); $graph->set_colour("#5ba1cd"); // Make title $locale = Zend_Registry::get('Locale'); $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate'); $titleStr = $translate->_('_CORE_ADMIN_STATS_' . strtoupper(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '_', $type), '_'))); $title = new OFC_Elements_Title($titleStr . ': ' . $this->view->locale()->toDateTime($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDateTime($endObject)); $title->set_style("{font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;margin-bottom: 10px; color: #777777;}"); // Make full chart $chart = new OFC_Chart(); $chart->set_bg_colour('#ffffff'); $chart->set_x_axis($labels); $chart->add_y_axis($yaxis); $chart->add_element($graph); $chart->set_title($title); // Send $this->getResponse()->setBody($chart->toPrettyString()); }
public function toObject() { $this->consolidateParameters(); $xAxisLabels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label_Set(); $xAxisLabels->set_labels($this->labels); $xAxisLabels->set_size(10); $xAxisLabels->set_colour('#444444'); $xAxisLabels->set_steps($this->stepsX); $xAxis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X(); $xAxis->set_steps($this->stepsX); $xAxis->set_labels($xAxisLabels); $xAxis->set_colour('#CCCCCC'); $xAxis->set_grid_colour('#AAAAAA'); $this->chart->set_x_axis($xAxis); $yAxis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y(); $yAxis->set_range($this->min1, $this->max1); $yAxis->set_colour('#AAAAAA'); $yAxis->set_grid_colour('#AAAAAA'); $yAxis->set_steps($this->stepsY1); $this->chart->set_y_axis($yAxis); $yLegend = new OFC_Elements_Legend_Y($this->data1->getName()); //$this->chart->set_y_legend($yLegend); // does not work now // data 1 $this->chart->add_element($this->createGraph($this->data1)); if ($this->hasTwoDataLines()) { $yAxisRight = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y_Right(); $yAxisRight->set_range($this->min2, $this->max2); $yAxisRight->set_colour('#AAAAAA'); $yAxisRight->set_steps($this->stepsY2); // $this->chart->set_y_axis_right($yAxisRight); $this->chart->add_element($this->createGraph($this->data2)); } return $this->chart; }