OC_Util::addScript('core', 'multiselect');
OC_Util::addScript('core', 'singleselect');
OC_Util::addScript('core', 'jquery.inview');
OC_Util::addStyle('settings', 'settings');
$users = array();
$groups = array();
$isadmin = OC_User::isAdminUser(OC_User::getUser());
$recoveryAdminEnabled = OC_App::isEnabled('files_encryption') && OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled');
if ($isadmin) {
    $accessiblegroups = OC_Group::getGroups();
    $accessibleusers = OC_User::getDisplayNames('', 30);
    $subadmins = OC_SubAdmin::getAllSubAdmins();
} else {
    $accessiblegroups = OC_SubAdmin::getSubAdminsGroups(OC_User::getUser());
    $accessibleusers = OC_Group::displayNamesInGroups($accessiblegroups, '', 30);
    $subadmins = false;
// load preset quotas
$quotaPreset = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files', 'quota_preset', '1 GB, 5 GB, 10 GB');
$quotaPreset = explode(',', $quotaPreset);
foreach ($quotaPreset as &$preset) {
    $preset = trim($preset);
$quotaPreset = array_diff($quotaPreset, array('default', 'none'));
$defaultQuota = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files', 'default_quota', 'none');
$defaultQuotaIsUserDefined = array_search($defaultQuota, $quotaPreset) === false && array_search($defaultQuota, array('none', 'default')) === false;
// load users and quota
foreach ($accessibleusers as $uid => $displayName) {
    $quota = OC_Preferences::getValue($uid, 'files', 'quota', 'default');
    $isQuotaUserDefined = array_search($quota, $quotaPreset) === false && array_search($quota, array('none', 'default')) === false;
         $sharedGroups = $_GET['itemShares'][OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP];
     if (isset($_GET['itemShares'][OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_SHARING_GROUP]) && is_array($_GET['itemShares'][OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_SHARING_GROUP])) {
         $sharedSharingGroups = $_GET['itemShares'][OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_SHARING_GROUP];
 $count = 0;
 $users = array();
 $limit = 0;
 $offset = 0;
 // limit defaults to 15 if not specified via request parameter and can be no larger than 500
 $request_limit = min((int) $_GET['limit'] ?: 15, 500);
 while ($count < $request_limit && count($users) == $limit) {
     $limit = $request_limit - $count;
     if ($shareWithinGroupOnly) {
         $users = OC_Group::displayNamesInGroups($usergroups, (string) $_GET['search'], $limit, $offset);
     } else {
         $users = OC_User::getDisplayNames((string) $_GET['search'], $limit, $offset);
     $offset += $limit;
     foreach ($users as $uid => $displayName) {
         if (in_array($uid, $sharedUsers)) {
         if ((!isset($_GET['itemShares']) || !is_array((string) $_GET['itemShares'][OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER]) || !in_array($uid, (string) $_GET['itemShares'][OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER])) && $uid != OC_User::getUser()) {
             $shareWith[] = array('label' => $displayName, 'value' => array('shareType' => OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => $uid));
 $count = 0;
文件: users.php 项目: Romua1d/core
$groupsInfo = new \OC\Group\MetaData(OC_User::getUser(), $isAdmin, $groupManager);
list($adminGroup, $groups) = $groupsInfo->get();
$recoveryAdminEnabled = OC_App::isEnabled('files_encryption') && OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled');
if ($isAdmin) {
    $accessibleUsers = OC_User::getDisplayNames('', 30);
    $subadmins = OC_SubAdmin::getAllSubAdmins();
} else {
    /* Retrieve group IDs from $groups array, so we can pass that information into OC_Group::displayNamesInGroups() */
    $gids = array();
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
        if (isset($group['id'])) {
            $gids[] = $group['id'];
    $accessibleUsers = OC_Group::displayNamesInGroups($gids, '', 30);
    $subadmins = false;
// load preset quotas
$quotaPreset = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files', 'quota_preset', '1 GB, 5 GB, 10 GB');
$quotaPreset = explode(',', $quotaPreset);
foreach ($quotaPreset as &$preset) {
    $preset = trim($preset);
$quotaPreset = array_diff($quotaPreset, array('default', 'none'));
$defaultQuota = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files', 'default_quota', 'none');
$defaultQuotaIsUserDefined = array_search($defaultQuota, $quotaPreset) === false && array_search($defaultQuota, array('none', 'default')) === false;
// load users and quota
foreach ($accessibleUsers as $uid => $displayName) {
    $quota = OC_Preferences::getValue($uid, 'files', 'quota', 'default');
    $isQuotaUserDefined = array_search($quota, $quotaPreset) === false && array_search($quota, array('none', 'default')) === false;