 *  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*   Identifiants MySQL
if (is_file(PATH_ROOT . 'inc/configs/prod.php')) {
    Nw::$is_prod = true;
    include_once PATH_ROOT . 'inc/configs/prod.php';
} else {
    include_once PATH_ROOT . 'inc/configs/local.php';
Nw::$prefix_table = $ident_config['pref'];
Nw::$site_url = $ident_config['siteurl'];
Nw::$site_name = $ident_config['sitename'];
Nw::$site_slogan = $ident_config['slogan'];
Nw::$site_lang = $ident_config['sitelang'];
Nw::$id_devs = isset($ident_config['id_devs']) ? $ident_config['id_devs'] : array();
Nw::$assets = $ident_config['assets'];
Nw::$social = isset($ident_config['social']) ? $ident_config['social'] : array();
Nw::$twitter = isset($ident_config['twitter']) ? $ident_config['twitter'] : array();
Nw::$site_email = isset($ident_config['email']) ? $ident_config['email'] : '';
Nw::$site_email_nor = isset($ident_config['email_nor']) ? $ident_config['email_nor'] : '';
Nw::$rpx_login = isset($ident_config['rpx_login']) ? $ident_config['rpx_login'] : '';
// Connexion à la base de données
Nw::$DB = new Db($ident_config['host'], $ident_config['user'], $ident_config['pass'], $ident_config['base']);
// Destruction des identifiants de connexion à la bdd
Nw::$pref = array('nb_news_redac' => 20, 'nb_news_homepage' => 10, 'nb_cmts_page' => 10, 'nb_votes_valid_news' => 10, 'nb_votes_cmts_ptn' => 5, 'ppl_nb_news' => 15, 'ppl_nb_contribs' => 20, 'ppl_nb_comments' => 20, 'nb_logs_admin' => 20, 'long_intro_news' => 500);
 *  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*   Identifiants MySQL
if (is_file(PATH_ROOT . 'inc/configs/prod.php')) {
    Nw::$is_prod = true;
    include_once PATH_ROOT . 'inc/configs/prod.php';
} else {
    include_once PATH_ROOT . 'inc/configs/local.php';
Nw::$prefix_table = $ident_config['pref'];
Nw::$site_url = $ident_config['siteurl'];
Nw::$site_name = $ident_config['sitename'];
Nw::$site_slogan = $ident_config['slogan'];
Nw::$site_lang = $ident_config['sitelang'];
Nw::$id_devs = $ident_config['id_devs'];
Nw::$assets = $ident_config['assets'];
Nw::$social = $ident_config['social'];
Nw::$twitter = $ident_config['twitter'];
Nw::$site_email = $ident_config['email'];
Nw::$site_email_nor = $ident_config['email_nor'];
Nw::$rpx_login = $ident_config['rpx_login'];
// Connexion à la base de données
Nw::$DB = new Db($ident_config['host'], $ident_config['user'], $ident_config['pass'], $ident_config['base']);
// Destruction des identifiants de connexion à la bdd
Nw::$pref = array('nb_news_redac' => 20, 'nb_news_homepage' => 10, 'nb_cmts_page' => 10, 'nb_votes_valid_news' => 10, 'nb_votes_cmts_ptn' => 5, 'ppl_nb_news' => 15, 'ppl_nb_contribs' => 20, 'ppl_nb_comments' => 20, 'nb_logs_admin' => 20, 'long_intro_news' => 500);