public function testErrorCollectingAndReporting() { $n = new Notification(); $this->assertTrue($n->isOk()); $this->assertEquals("", $n->report()); $n->error("An error!"); $this->assertFalse($n->isOk()); $n->error("Some %s occured at %s!", "FOO", "BAR"); $this->assertFalse($n->isOk()); $n->error("Error: %s at line %d occued because %s!", "SNAFU", 5, "FOOBAR"); $this->assertEquals("An error!" . PHP_EOL . "Some FOO occured at BAR!" . PHP_EOL . "Error: SNAFU at line 5 occued because FOOBAR!", $n->report()); }
/** * Handle the file upload. Returns the array on success, or false * on failure. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $file * @param String $path where to upload file * @return array|bool */ public function handle(UploadedFile $file, $path = 'uploads') { $input = array(); $fileName = Str::slug(pathinfo($file->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME)); // Detect and transform Croppa pattern to avoid problem with Croppa::delete() $fileName = preg_replace('#([0-9_]+)x([0-9_]+)#', "\$1-\$2", $fileName); $input['path'] = $path; $input['extension'] = '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $input['filesize'] = $file->getClientSize(); $input['mimetype'] = $file->getClientMimeType(); $input['filename'] = $fileName . $input['extension']; $fileTypes = Config::get('file.types'); $input['type'] = $fileTypes[strtolower($file->getClientOriginalExtension())]; $filecounter = 1; while (file_exists($input['path'] . '/' . $input['filename'])) { $input['filename'] = $fileName . '_' . $filecounter++ . $input['extension']; } try { $file->move($input['path'], $input['filename']); list($input['width'], $input['height']) = getimagesize($input['path'] . '/' . $input['filename']); return $input; } catch (FileException $e) { Notification::error($e->getmessage()); return false; } }
/** * Start the creation of a new gocardless payment * Details get posted into this method and the redirected to gocardless * @param $userId * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\FormValidationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\NotImplementedException */ public function store($userId) { User::findWithPermission($userId); $requestData = \Request::only(['reason', 'amount', 'return_path', 'stripeToken', 'ref']); $stripeToken = $requestData['stripeToken']; $amount = $requestData['amount']; $reason = $requestData['reason']; $returnPath = $requestData['return_path']; $ref = $requestData['ref']; try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => $amount, "currency" => "gbp", "card" => $stripeToken, "description" => $reason)); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::error($e); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['error' => 'There was an error confirming your payment'], 400); } \Notification::error("There was an error confirming your payment"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); } //Replace the amount with the one from the charge, this prevents issues with variable tempering $amount = $charge->amount / 100; //Stripe don't provide us with the fee so this should be OK $fee = $amount * 0.024 + 0.2; $this->paymentRepository->recordPayment($reason, $userId, 'stripe', $charge->id, $amount, 'paid', $fee, $ref); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['message' => 'Payment made']); } \Notification::success("Payment made"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); }
/** * Start the creation of a new balance payment * Details get posted into this method * @param $userId * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\FormValidationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\NotImplementedException */ public function store($userId) { $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $this->bbCredit->setUserId($user->id); $requestData = \Request::only(['reason', 'amount', 'return_path', 'ref']); $amount = $requestData['amount'] * 1 / 100; $reason = $requestData['reason']; $returnPath = $requestData['return_path']; $ref = $requestData['ref']; //Can the users balance go below 0 $minimumBalance = $this->bbCredit->acceptableNegativeBalance($reason); //What is the users balance $userBalance = $this->bbCredit->getBalance(); //With this payment will the users balance go to low? if ($userBalance - $amount < $minimumBalance) { if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['error' => 'You don\'t have the money for this'], 400); } \Notification::error("You don't have the money for this"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); } //Everything looks gooc, create the payment $this->paymentRepository->recordPayment($reason, $userId, 'balance', '', $amount, 'paid', 0, $ref); //Update the users cached balance $this->bbCredit->recalculate(); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['message' => 'Payment made']); } \Notification::success("Payment made"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param Email $email * @param $token * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function activate(Email $email, $token) { if ($email->activate($token, auth()->user())) { \Notification::success(trans('email::email.activation_success')); } else { \Notification::error(trans('email::email.activation_failed')); } return redirect($this->redirectPath()); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store() { $input = \Input::only('email', 'password'); $this->loginForm->validate($input); if (Auth::attempt($input, true)) { return redirect()->intended('account/' . \Auth::id()); } \Notification::error("Invalid login details"); return redirect()->back()->withInput(); }
public function isSWF($setNotification = true) { $imageFileType = $this->getExtension(); if ($imageFileType != "swf") { if ($setNotification) { Notification::error(1, 'Only Flash files are allowed.'); } return false; } return true; }
public static function file($file) { $skinPath = self::dir(true) . $file; $globalPath = self::dir() . $file; if (file_exists($skinPath)) { return include $skinPath; } elseif (file_exists($globalPath)) { return include $globalPath; } else { Notification::error(1, 'file "' . $file . '" Not found! ', 'Template'); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param $roleId * @param $userId * @return Response */ public function destroy($roleId, $userId) { $role = Role::findOrFail($roleId); //don't let people remove the admin permission if they are a trustee $user = User::findOrFail($userId); if ($user->active && $user->director && $role->name == 'admin') { \Notification::error("You cannot remove a trustee from the admin group"); return \Redirect::back(); } $role->users()->detach($userId); return \Redirect::back(); }
public static function online($user_id, $plan_id) { $input = ['plan_id' => $plan_id, 'validity' => 1, 'validity_unit' => 'Day', 'count' => 1]; try { DB::transaction(function () use($input, $user_id) { $pins = Voucher::generate($input); return self::now(current($pins), $user_id, 'online'); }); } catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) { Notification::error($e->getMessage()); } }
public function post_index() { //POST LOGIN $credentials = array('cms' => true, 'username' => Input::get('username'), 'password' => Input::get('password'), 'remember' => false); //CHECK CREDENTIALS if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) { //SUCCESS NOTIFICATION return Redirect::to_action('cms::dashboard'); } else { //ERROR NOTIFICATION Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.login_error', CMSLANG)); //BACK TO LOGIN return Redirect::to_action('cms::login')->with_input('only', array('username')); } }
public function postEdit() { if (!Input::has('id')) { Notification::error('Parameter Missing.'); return Redirect::route(self::HOME); } $input = Input::all(); try { $router = Router::findOrFail($input['id']); $router->fill($input); $this->flash($router->save()); return Redirect::route(self::HOME); } catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) { App::abort(404); } }
/** * Remove cash from the users balance * * @param $userId * @return mixed * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\InvalidDataException */ public function destroy($userId) { $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $this->bbCredit->setUserId($userId); $amount = \Request::get('amount'); $returnPath = \Request::get('return_path'); $ref = \Request::get('ref'); $minimumBalance = $this->bbCredit->acceptableNegativeBalance('withdrawal'); if ($user->cash_balance + $minimumBalance * 100 < $amount * 100) { \Notification::error("Not enough money"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); } $this->paymentRepository->recordPayment('withdrawal', $userId, 'balance', '', $amount, 'paid', 0, $ref); $this->bbCredit->recalculate(); \Notification::success("Payment recorded"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('user_id')) { $uid = Input::get('user_id'); $user = CmsUser::find($uid); //CHECK IF USER EXISTS if (empty($user)) { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_user_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::user'); } else { $user->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_user_success', CMSLANG, array('user' => $user->username)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::user'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_user_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::user'); } }
/** * Render an exception into an HTTP response. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Exception $e * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function render($request, Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof FormValidationException) { if ($request->wantsJson()) { return \Response::json($e->getErrors(), 422); } \Notification::error("Something wasn't right, please check the form for errors", $e->getErrors()); return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } if ($e instanceof ValidationException) { if ($request->wantsJson()) { return \Response::json($e->getMessage(), 422); } \Notification::error($e->getMessage()); return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } if ($e instanceof NotImplementedException) { \Notification::error("NotImplementedException: " . $e->getMessage()); \Log::warning($e); return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } if ($e instanceof AuthenticationException) { if ($request->wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['error' => $e->getMessage()], 403); } $userString = \Auth::guest() ? "A guest" : \Auth::user()->name; \Log::warning($userString . " tried to access something they weren't supposed to."); return \Response::view('errors.403', [], 403); } if ($e instanceof ModelNotFoundException) { $e = new HttpException(404, $e->getMessage()); } if (config('app.debug') && $this->shouldReport($e) && !$request->wantsJson()) { return $this->renderExceptionWithWhoops($e); } if ($request->wantsJson()) { if ($this->isHttpException($e)) { return \Response::json(['error' => $e->getMessage()], $e->getStatusCode()); } } return parent::render($request, $e); }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('role_id')) { $rid = Input::get('role_id'); $page = CmsPage::where_role_id($rid)->first(); //CHECK IF ROLE STILL IN USE if (!empty($page)) { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_role_stillinuse_error', CMSLANG, array('page' => $page->name)), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::role'); } else { $role = CmsRole::find($rid); $role->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_role_success', CMSLANG, array('role' => $role->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::role'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_role_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::page'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('download_id')) { $did = Input::get('download_id'); $download = CmsDownload::find($did); //CHECK IF DOWNLOAD EXISTS if (!empty($download)) { //DELETE FROM DB $download->files()->delete(); $download->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_download_success', CMSLANG, array('download' => $download->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::download'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_download_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::download'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_download_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::download'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('gallery_id')) { $gid = Input::get('gallery_id'); $gallery = CmsGallery::find($gid); //CHECK IF GALLERY EXISTS if (!empty($gallery)) { //DELETE FROM DB $gallery->files()->delete(); $gallery->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_success', CMSLANG, array('gallery' => $gallery->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::gallery'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::gallery'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::gallery'); } }
/** * This is a basic method for recording a payment transfer between two people * This should not exist and the normal balance payment controller should be used * If any more work is needed here please take the time and move it over! * * @param Request $request * @param integer $userId * * @return mixed * @throws ValidationException * @throws AuthenticationException */ public function recordTransfer(Request $request, $userId) { $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $this->bbCredit->setUserId($user->id); $amount = $request->get('amount'); $targetUserId = $request->get('target_user_id'); $targetUser = $this->userRepository->getById($targetUserId); if ($targetUserId === $userId) { throw new ValidationException('Your\'e trying to send money to yourself, no!'); } //What is the users balance $userBalance = $this->bbCredit->getBalance(); //With this payment will the users balance go to low? if ($userBalance - $amount < 0) { \Notification::error("You don't have the money for this"); return \Redirect::route('account.balance.index', $user->id); } $this->paymentRepository->recordBalanceTransfer($user->id, $targetUser->id, $amount); \Notification::success("Transfer made"); return \Redirect::route('account.balance.index', $user->id); }
public static function show($widgetName, $package = '') { $globalDir = Config::getGlobalDir(); $skinRootDir = Config::getSkinRootDir(); $package = trim($package, '//'); $widgetName = trim($widgetName, '//'); if (!empty($package)) { $widgetName = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $package . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $widgetName; } else { $widgetName = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $widgetName; } $path = $globalDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'widgets' . $widgetName . '.php'; $skinPath = $skinRootDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'partials' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'widgets' . $widgetName . '.php'; if (file_exists($skinPath)) { include $skinPath; } elseif (file_exists($path)) { include $path; } else { Notification::error(1, $widgetName . ' Not found! ', 'Widget'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('tag_id')) { $tid = Input::get('tag_id'); $tag = CmsTag::find($tid); //CHECK IF TAG EXISTS if (!empty($tag)) { $lang = $tag->lang; //DELETE FROM DB $tag->blogs()->delete(); $tag->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_tag_success', CMSLANG, array('tag' => $tag->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::tag', array($lang)); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_tag_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::tag', array($lang)); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::tag', array($lang)); } }
/** * Handle a POST request to reset a user's password. * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|null */ public function postReset(Request $request) { $credentials = $request->only('email', 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'token'); $validator = app('Illuminate\\Contracts\\Validation\\Factory')->make($credentials, ['token' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:8']); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new FormValidationException('Error', $validator->errors()); } //We aren't using a confirm password box so this can be faked $credentials['password_confirmation'] = $credentials['password']; $response = Password::reset($credentials, function ($user, $password) { $user->password = $password; $user->save(); }); switch ($response) { case Password::PASSWORD_RESET: \Notification::success("Your password has been changed"); return redirect()->home(); default: \Notification::error(trans($response)); return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('blog_id')) { $bid = Input::get('blog_id'); $blog = CmsBlog::find($bid); //CHECK IF BLOG EXISTS if (!empty($blog)) { //OK, DELETE $blog->pages()->delete(); $blog->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_blog_success', CMSLANG, array('blog' => $blog->name)), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::blog', array($blog->lang)); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_blog_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::blog', array(LANG)); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_blog_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::blog', array(LANG)); } }
public function confirmEmail($id, $hash) { $user = User::find($id); if ($user && $user->hash == $hash) { $user->emailConfirmed(); \Notification::success('Email address confirmed, thank you'); return \Redirect::route('', $user->id); } \Notification::error('Error confirming email address'); return \Redirect::route('home'); }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('banner_id')) { $bid = Input::get('banner_id'); $banner = CmsBanner::find($bid); //CHECK IF BANNER EXISTS if (!empty($banner)) { //DELETE FROM DB $banner->files()->delete(); $banner->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_banner_success', CMSLANG, array('banner' => $banner->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::banner'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_banner_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::banner'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_banner_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::banner'); } }
public function post_clone_element() { if (Input::has('page_id') and Input::has('element_id') and Input::has('newpage_id')) { $pid = Input::get('page_id'); $nid = Input::get('newpage_id'); $eid = Input::get('element_id'); $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (Input::has('to_clone')) { //CREATE NEW ELEMENT //GET ELEMENT MODEL $element = CmsElement::find($eid); $new_element_attr = array('author_id' => AUTHORID, 'name' => $element->name, 'label' => $element->label, 'text' => $element->text, 'zone' => $element->zone, 'lang' => LANG, 'is_valid' => 0); $new_element = new CmsElement($new_element_attr); $page = CmsPage::find($nid); $page->elements()->insert($new_element); } else { //GET ELEMENT MODEL $element = CmsElement::find($eid); $clone_array = array('cmselement_id' => $eid, 'cmspage_id' => $nid, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now); DB::table('elements_pages')->insert($clone_array); } Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.clone_element_success', CMSLANG, array('element' => $element->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::page', array(LANG)); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.clone_element_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::page', array(LANG)); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy($userId, $id = null) { /** * TODO: Check for and cancel pending sub charges */ $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); if ($user->payment_method == 'gocardless') { try { $subscription = $this->goCardless->cancelSubscription($user->subscription_id); if ($subscription->status == 'cancelled') { $user->cancelSubscription(); \Notification::success('Your subscription has been cancelled'); return \Redirect::back(); } } catch (\GoCardless_ApiException $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 404) { $user->cancelSubscription(); \Notification::success('Your subscription has been cancelled'); return \Redirect::back(); } } } elseif ($user->payment_method == 'gocardless-variable') { $status = $this->goCardless->cancelPreAuth($user->subscription_id); if ($status) { $user->subscription_id = null; $user->payment_method = ''; $user->save(); $user->setLeaving(); $this->subscriptionChargeRepository->cancelOutstandingCharges($userId); \Notification::success('Your direct debit has been cancelled'); return \Redirect::back(); } } \Notification::error('Sorry, we were unable to cancel your subscription, please get in contact'); return \Redirect::back(); }
return \Redirect::guest('admin')->with('error', 'Please Login to enter Dashboard'); } else { if (!\Auth::user()->can('login')) { \Notification::error('You can not access here'); return \Redirect::back()->with('error', 'You can not access here'); } } }); Route::filter('checkLogined', function () { if (\Auth::check()) { if (!\Auth::user()->can('login')) { \Notification::error('You can not access here'); return \Redirect::route('getLogin')->with('error', 'You can not access here'); } else { \Notification::success('You are logined !'); return \Redirect::route('dashboard')->with('success', 'You are logined !'); } } }); Route::filter('issetAlbum', function () { if (!\Album::first()) { \Notification::error('Please create album first !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.album.index'); } }); Route::filter('issetCate', function () { if (!\Category::first()) { \Notification::error('Please create Category first !'); return \Redirect::route('admin.category.index'); } });
public function checklogin() { $username = Input::get('username'); $password = Input::get('password'); $rememberUser = Input::get('rememberUser'); //echo $rememberUser; if (Auth::attempt(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password), true)) { Session::put('username', $username); return Redirect::route('home.index'); } else { Notification::error('The page was saved.'); return "hello"; } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('file_id')) { $fid = Input::get('file_id'); $file = CmsFile::find($fid); //CHECK IF FILE EXISTS if (!empty($file)) { $path = MEDIA_PATH($file->path); //DELETE MAIN FILE if (file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); } //LOOP ALL THUMBS AND DELETE foreach (Config::get('cms::theme.thumb') as $option) { $thumb = MEDIA_NAME($path, $option['suffix']); if (file_exists($thumb)) { unlink($thumb); } } //DELETE FROM DB $file->pages()->delete(); $file->filetexts()->delete(); $file->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_file_success', CMSLANG, array('file' => $file->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::file'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_file_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::file'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_file_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::file'); } }