public function deleteNote($noteId) { if ($noteId == 0) { return new returnData(0); } //if 0, it would delete ALL notes $noteObj = Module::queryObject("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}' LIMIT 1"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_tags WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_likes WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_flags WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_shares WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM folder_contents WHERE game_id = {$noteObj->game_id} AND content_type = 'PlayerNote' AND content_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_content WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_tags WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM note_likes WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Module::query("DELETE FROM notes WHERE note_id = '{$noteId}'"); Locations::deleteLocationsForObject($noteObj->game_id, "PlayerNote", $noteId); $result = Module::query("SELECT note_id FROM notes WHERE parent_note_id = '{$noteId}'"); while ($commentNote = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { Notebook::deleteNote($commentNote->note_id); } return new returnData(0); }