$tpl_list = '';
 if ($total_rows) {
     while ($row_unf = mysql_fetch_array($result_unf)) {
         $this_tpl = $row_unf['id'];
         $this_netid = $row_unf['netid'];
         $cur_status = $row_unf['status'];
         // Set orig id first run
         if ($cntr == 1) {
             $orig_netid = $this_netid;
         // New net server or last in output; SSH into previous and run all tpl ids
         if ($orig_netid != $this_netid && $cntr >= 1) {
             // SSH into previous net server
             $tpl_list = substr($tpl_list, 0, -1);
             // Lose last comma
             $net_arr = $Network->netinfo($orig_netid);
             $net_cmd = "CheckTemplates -i \"{$tpl_list}\"";
             $cmd_out = $Network->runcmd($orig_netid, $net_arr, $net_cmd, true);
             // Decode JSON response
             $out_arr = json_decode($cmd_out, true);
             foreach ($out_arr as $this_tplid => $this_status) {
                 if ($this_status != 'running' && $this_status != 'complete') {
                 // Skip if bad syntax
                 // Only if newer
                 if ($cur_status != $this_status) {
                     $updated = true;
                     @mysql_query("UPDATE templates SET status = '{$this_status}' WHERE id = '{$this_tplid}'") or die('Failed to update template check!');
 public function create_newdir($srvid, $dir_name)
     if (empty($dir_name)) {
         return 'No directory name given!';
     // Get network ID
     $result_nid = @mysql_query("SELECT netid FROM servers WHERE id = '{$srvid}'");
     $row_nid = mysql_fetch_row($result_nid);
     $this_netid = $row_nid[0];
     if (empty($this_netid)) {
         return 'Failed to get network ID!';
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $netinfo = $Network->netinfo($this_netid);
     // Get real server info
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/servers.php';
     $Servers = new Servers();
     $srvinfo = $Servers->getinfo($srvid);
     $net_game_ip = $netinfo['game_ip'];
     $net_local = $netinfo['is_local'];
     $net_gameuser = $srvinfo[0]['username'];
     $net_game_port = $srvinfo[0]['port'];
     // Add full path to dir
     if (isset($_SESSION['curdir'])) {
         $dir_name = $_SESSION['curdir'] . '/' . $dir_name;
     // Get userdir
     if ($net_local) {
         $localdir = DOCROOT . '/_SERVERS/';
         $game_dir = $localdir . '/accounts/' . $net_gameuser . '/' . $net_game_ip . '.' . $net_game_port . '/' . $dir_name;
         // Check existing
         if (file_exists($game_dir)) {
             die('Sorry, that directory already exists!');
         // Create directory
         if (!mkdir($game_dir)) {
             return 'Failed to create the directory (' . $game_dir . ')!';
         } else {
             return 'success';
     } else {
         // Save File
         $run_cmd = "CreateDirectory -u {$net_gameuser} -i {$net_game_ip} -p {$net_game_port} -d \"{$dir_name}\"";
         // Run the command, return output
         return $Network->runcmd($this_netid, $netinfo, $run_cmd, true, $srvid);
 public function delete($tplid)
     if (empty($tplid)) {
         return 'Delete: No template ID provided!';
     // Get netid
     $result_nid = @mysql_query("SELECT netid FROM templates WHERE id = '{$tplid}' LIMIT 1");
     $row_nid = mysql_fetch_row($result_nid);
     $netid = $row_nid[0];
     // Delete from DB
     @mysql_query("DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = '{$tplid}'") or die('Failed to delete the template row!');
     // Run network deletion
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $net_arr = $Network->netinfo($netid);
     $net_cmd = 'DeleteTemplate -i ' . $tplid;
     // Run command
     $cmd_out = $Network->runcmd($netid, $net_arr, $net_cmd, true);
     return $cmd_out;
 public function delete($userid)
     if (empty($userid)) {
         return 'No User ID given!';
     // Check if user even exists
     $result_uex = @mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = '{$userid}' LIMIT 1");
     $row_uex = mysql_fetch_row($result_uex);
     $uex_username = $row_uex[0];
     if (empty($uex_username)) {
         return 'That user account no longer exists!';
     // Not if they have servers
     $result_net = @mysql_query("SELECT netid FROM servers WHERE userid = '{$userid}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
     $row_net = mysql_fetch_row($result_net);
     $latest_netid = $row_net[0];
     if ($latest_netid) {
         return 'This user has server(s) on their account!  Move the server(s) to another user or delete them and try again.';
     // Admins only
     if (isset($_SESSION['gpx_admin'])) {
         @mysql_query("UPDATE users SET deleted = '1' WHERE id = '{$userid}'") or die('Failed to delete the user');
     } else {
         return 'You are not authorized to do this!';
     // Delete SSO account
     $result_net = @mysql_query("SELECT id FROM network WHERE parentid = '0' AND is_local = '0' ORDER BY ip ASC");
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     while ($row_net = mysql_fetch_array($result_net)) {
         $netid = $row_net['id'];
         $net_arr = $Network->netinfo($netid);
         // Setup delete command
         $net_cmd = "DeleteUser -u '{$uex_username}'";
         $delete_result = $Network->runcmd($netid, $net_arr, $net_cmd, true);
         // Account didn't exist...don't warn
         if ($delete_result == 'That user does not exist, exiting.') {
             return 'success';
         } elseif ($delete_result != 'success') {
             return 'Failed to delete user on network server ' . $netid . ': ' . $delete_result;
     return 'success';
 public function send_screen_cmd($srvid, $cmd)
     if (empty($srvid)) {
         return 'Error: Restart class: No server ID given!';
     } elseif (empty($cmd)) {
         return 'Error: Restart class: No command given!';
     if (preg_match('/\\./', $cmd)) {
         return 'Invalid command.';
     } elseif (preg_match('/[;&/|]+/', $cmd)) {
         return 'Invalid command.';
     $cmd = escapeshellarg($cmd);
     $srv_info = $this->getinfo($srvid);
     $srv_username = $srv_info[0]['username'];
     $srv_ip = $srv_info[0]['ip'];
     $srv_port = $srv_info[0]['port'];
     $srv_working_dir = $srv_info[0]['working_dir'];
     if ($srv_working_dir) {
         $srv_working_dir = ' -w ' . $srv_working_dir;
     $srv_netid = $srv_info[0]['netid'];
     $srv_parentid = $srv_info[0]['parentid'];
     require 'network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $net_info = $Network->netinfo($srv_netid);
     $ssh_cmd = "ServerSendCMD -u {$srv_username} -i {$srv_ip} -p {$srv_port} {$srv_working_dir} -c {$cmd}";
     // Return server log
     return $Network->runcmd($srv_netid, $net_info, $ssh_cmd, true, $srvid);
    // Admins
    if (isset($_SESSION['gpx_admin'])) {
        if (GPXDEBUG) {
            echo "Saving description: {$url_descr}, for ID: {$url_id}<br>";
        @mysql_query("UPDATE servers SET \r\n                          netid = '{$url_netid}',userid = '{$url_userid}',port = '{$url_port}',maxplayers = '{$url_maxpl}',\r\n                          last_updated = NOW(),startup = '{$url_startup}',working_dir = '{$url_working_dir}',pid_file = '{$url_pid_file}',\r\n                          description = '{$url_descr}',update_cmd = '{$url_updatecmd}',simplecmd = '{$url_cmd}',hostname = '{$url_hostn}',\r\n                          map = '{$url_map}',rcon = '{$url_rcon}',sv_password = '******' \r\n                      WHERE id = '{$url_id}'") or die('Failed to update admin server settings: ' . mysql_error());
    } else {
        @mysql_query("UPDATE servers SET \r\n                          last_updated = NOW(),description = '{$url_descr}',hostname = '{$url_hostn}',\r\n                          map = '{$url_map}',rcon = '{$url_rcon}',sv_password = '******' \r\n                      WHERE id = '{$url_id}' AND userid = '{$gpx_userid}'") or die('Failed to update client server settings!');
    // Get net info
    require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
    $Network = new Network();
    $net_info = $Network->netinfo($url_netid);
    // Update server config
    $cfg_upd = $Servers->configupdate($url_id, $srvinfo, $net_info);
    if ($cfg_upd != 'success') {
        die('Failed to update config: ' . $cfg_upd);
    // Output
    echo 'success';
} elseif ($url_do == 'startup_save') {
    $sort_order = $GPXIN['sort_list'];
    $startup_type = $GPXIN['start_type'];
    // Get server info
    $srvinfo = $Servers->getinfo($url_id);
    // If simple, update and exit
    if (isset($_SESSION['gpx_admin'])) {