/** * Logs in to a SSH server with the specified credentials, * and returns the Net_SSH2 instance. * * @return Net_SSH2 $ssh * @author Ronald Rey **/ public static final function getSSH($host, $user, $pass, $timeout) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($user, $pass)) { exit('Login to failed.'); } $ssh->setTimeout($timeout); $ssh->write(" "); return $ssh; }
public function Exec($command, $stdin = '') { $database = $this->session->getDatabase(); $name = $database['name']; $engine = $this->session->getSpoolerByName($name, 'waae'); if (!isset($engine[0]['shell'])) { print "?!"; exit; } set_include_path('../vendor/phpseclib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); include 'Net/SSH2.php'; include 'Crypt/RSA.php'; $shell = $engine[0]['shell']; $host = $shell['host']; $user = $shell['user']; $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($host); if (isset($shell['key'])) { $key = new \Crypt_RSA(); $ret = $key->loadKey($shell['key']); if (!$ret) { echo "loadKey failed\n"; print "<pre>" . $ssh->getLog() . '</pre>'; exit; } } elseif (isset($shell['password'])) { $key = $shell['password']; } else { $key = ''; // ?! possible ? } if (!$ssh->login('autosys', $key)) { print 'Login Failed'; print "<pre>" . $ssh->getLog() . '</pre>'; exit; } if ($stdin == '') { return $ssh->exec(". ~/.bash_profile;{$command}"); } // Test STDIN $ssh->enablePTY(); print "profile" . $ssh->exec(". ~/.bash_profile"); print "sort" . ($exec = $ssh->exec('sort')); $ssh->write(<<<EOF echo "update_job: SE.ERIC.JOB.JobType_UNIX" echo "description: 'ok!!' EOF ); $ssh->reset(true); $ssh->setTimeout(2); print $ssh->read(); return; return $ssh->read(); // outputs the echo above }
function GetNDFLldf() { //Set Variables //$host = ''; $host = $_SESSION['vista']; //$username = '******'; $username = $_SESSION['sshusr']; $password = ''; $login = '******'; //$loginpass = '******'; $loginpass = $_SESSION['sshpwd']; $csession = 'csession cache355'; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } $ssh->write("{$login}\r"); $ssh->write("{$loginpass}\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("CPRS1234\r"); $ssh->write("CPRS4321\$\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("FM\r"); $ssh->write("Other\r"); $ssh->write("RX\r"); $ssh->write("PSN\r"); $ssh->write("RPRT\r"); $ssh->write("LDF\r"); $countr = 0; while ($countr <= 1000) { $ssh->write("\r"); $countr++; } sleep(1); //Set SSH Timeout $ssh->setTimeout(1); //Read Results $SSHresults = $ssh->read(); $txtremove = array("[H[J[2J[H LOCAL DRUG LIST (ALPHABETI\nC)# Not on National Formulary\n R National Formulary Restriction\n \nLOCAL DRUG NAME INACTIVE DEA\n \n NDC DATE"); $SSHresultsNew = str_replace($txtremove, "", $SSHresults); $myFile = writeDrugFile($SSHresultsNew); $lineNum = 1; $count = 1; while ($count <= 194) { delLineFromFile($myFile, $lineNum); $count++; } $lineNum2 = 12741; $count2 = 1; while ($count2 <= 151) { delLineFromFile($myFile, $lineNum2); $count2++; } //Delete SQL $Dquery = "DELETE FROM LookUp WHERE Lookup_Type = 2"; $DelDrugs = sqlsrv_query($conn, $Dquery); $str = file_get_contents($myFile); $array = preg_split('/[\\n\\r]+/', $str); foreach ($array as $i => $value) { $prefix = " "; $val = str_startswith($value, $prefix); if ($val === true) { } else { $prefix = "ZZ"; $val = str_startswith($value, $prefix); if ($val === true) { } else { include "dbitcon.php"; //$query = "INSERT INTO COMS_Drugs (Drugs) VALUES ('$value')"; $query = "INSERT INTO LookUp (Lookup_Type,Name,Description) VALUES (2,'{$value}','NLM')"; $postDrugs = sqlsrv_query($conn, $query); } } } file_put_contents($myFile, "{$str}"); echo "Text file created and database entries updated in Lookup table for LookupType 2."; }
/** * Write a config snippet to to a device using SSH */ public function writeSnippetSSH($snippetArr, $prompt) { $log = ADLog::getInstance(); if (!($ssh = new Net_SSH2($this->_hostname, 22, $this->_timeout))) { $output = "Failure: Unable to connect to {$this->_hostname}\n"; $log->Conn("Failure: Unable to connect to " . $this->_hostname . " - (File: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ")"); return false; } if (!$ssh->login($this->_username, $this->_password)) { $output = "Error: Authentication Failed for {$this->_hostname}\n"; $log->Conn("Error: Authentication Failed for {$this->_hostname} (File: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ")"); return false; } $output = ''; if ($this->_enableMode === 'on') { // $ssh->write("\n"); // 1st linebreak after above prompt check $ssh->read('/.*>/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); // read out to '>' $ssh->write("enable\n"); $ssh->read('/.*:/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); $ssh->write($this->_enableModePassword . "\n"); $ssh->read('/' . $prompt . '/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); foreach ($snippetArr as $key => $command) { $ssh->write($command . "\n"); $output .= $ssh->read('/.*#/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); // read out to '#' } $ssh->write("\n"); // to line break after command output $ssh->read('/' . $prompt . '/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); } else { // $ssh->write("\n"); // 1st linebreak after above prompt check $ssh->read('/' . $prompt . '/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); foreach ($snippetArr as $key => $command) { $ssh->write($command . "\n"); $output .= $ssh->read('/.*#/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); // read out to '#' because the prompt will change depending on the deployed config } $ssh->write("\n"); // to line break after command output $ssh->read('/' . $prompt . '/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); } $ssh->disconnect(); return $output; }
function create_client_config_and_send($cert_name, $config_dir, $config_file, $remote_value, $send_type, $key_dir_name) { //will need phpseclib later.... so... if (!isset($_SESSION['password'])) { start_session('certs.php?action=send_cert&type=$send_type&cert_name=$cert_name'); } $password = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['password'])); $username = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['username'])); if ($username == "") { $username = "******"; } $ssh = new Net_SSH2('localhost'); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } //Creating a default client config file //TODO have a check to make sure /etc/openvpn.conf exists.... //If none exists... then you should prolly do some checks when the webui is first launched.... duh if (!file_exists("openvpn-client-default.conf")) { create_default_client_config(); } $vpn_config = read_openvpn_config($config_dir . $config_file); extract($vpn_config); echo "Default client file exists... <br />"; echo "Now copying to new config {$cert_name}.conf<br />"; copy("openvpn-client-default.conf", "{$cert_name}.conf"); //New Conf file should exist.... Now edit specifics... if (file_exists("{$cert_name}.conf")) { $client_config = "{$cert_name}.conf"; file_put_contents($client_config, "cert " . $cert_name . ".crt" . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); file_put_contents($client_config, "key " . $cert_name . ".key" . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } else { echo "Error... client config file not found?<br />"; exit; } //Finding what dir $curr_work_dir = getcwd(); echo "Copying needed files...<br />"; //Now copying all the necc. sh!t to the root folder... then zip it? tar it? idk.. prolly zip $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); $ssh->write("cd {$key_dir_name};cp {$cert_name}.key {$ca_values['1']} {$cert_name}.crt {$curr_work_dir}\n"); $result = $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); echo "<pre>{$result}</pre>"; //HAVE to change the permissions on *.key... or php can't touch it echo "Have to change permissions on the *.key file.. or php can't touch..<br />"; $ssh->write("cd {$curr_work_dir};chmod 555 {$cert_name}.key\n"); $result = $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); echo "<pre>{$result}</pre>"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); //create array of files to zip $files_to_zip = array("{$cert_name}.crt", "{$cert_name}.key", "{$ca_values['1']}", "{$cert_name}.conf"); echo "Creating zip file <b>{$cert_name}.zip</b><br />"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); $result = create_zip($files_to_zip, "{$cert_name}.zip", $cert_name); // unlink every other file... unlink("{$cert_name}.crt"); unlink("{$cert_name}.key"); unlink("{$ca_values['1']}"); unlink("{$cert_name}.conf"); if ($send_type == "download") { echo "<br /> Download transfer type selected!"; echo "<br />"; echo "Result:{$result}"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); sleep(5); // return name of zip file, will use that to generate download link return $result; exit; } if ($send_type == "scp") { if (!isset($_SESSION['password'])) { start_session('certs.php?action=send_cert&type=$send_type&cert_name=$cert_name'); } $password = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['password'])); $username = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['username'])); if ($username == "") { $username = "******"; } $ssh = new Net_SSH2('localhost'); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } echo "SCP transfer type selected!"; echo "TYPE TOO"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); $ssh->write("cd {$curr_work_dir};scp {$cert_name}.zip {$username}@{$remote_host}:{$remote_dir}\n"); $ssh->setTimeout(10); sleep(5); $result = $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); echo "<pre>{$result}</pre>"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); exit; } }
exit('ssh Login Failed'); } //attempted to set an ssh timeout, not allowed on UTEP server $ssh->setTimeout(7200); //sftp connect to cr2g server $sftp = new Net_SFTP('cr2g01.cs.utep.edu', 22); if (!$sftp->login('rlgruver', 'utep$2015')) { exit('sftp Login Failed'); } //send input file to cr2g server $sftp->mkdir('/code/spopt-stable/tests/' . $session); $sftp->put($remoteInputFile, $localInputFile, NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE); $sftp->chmod(0777, $remoteInputFile); //execute python script in this order to run the Solver: //1. change to directory where solver script is located $ssh->write("cd /code/spopt-stable\n"); //2. 'read' command to ensure script is called from the proper directory $ssh->read('rlgruver@cr2g01:/code/spopt-stable$'); //3. run the solver script with the test from the current session $ssh->write("python SpOpt.py tests/" . $session . "/input.txt\n"); //start timerin case anything gets stuck, will break within 120 minutes (7200 sec) $starttime = time(); //ssh will break within 120 minutes (7200 sec) regardless of execution status while ($ssh->isConnected()) { $now = time() - $starttime; if ($now > 7200) { break; } sleep(3); //retrieve all solutions/discarded from cr2g and store in local $sftp->get($remoteSolutionsFile, $localSolutionsFile);
$username = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['username'])); if ($username == "") { $username = "******"; } $ssh = new Net_SSH2('localhost'); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } echo "<font color='B22222'>Error!</font> OPENSSL.CNF not found... required, should have been copied in with PKITOOL, searching... <br /><br />"; //Checking SSl version to see which one is installed, then try and match that to a CNF file (usually they have 1.0.1 or something in the cnf filename) echo "<pre>Running openssl version</pre>"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); //purge buffer $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); //Finding installed openssl version $ssh->write("openssl version\n"); $ssh->setTimeout(10); $output = $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); echo $output; echo "<br />"; echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); //purge buffer //Looking for openssl version files $pattern = "/([0-9]+\\.+[0-9]+\\.+[0-9]+)/"; if ($c = preg_match($pattern, $output, $matches)) { echo "<pre> Version Found: {$matches['0']} </pre><br />"; } else { echo "No openssl version found? May need openssl installed!<br />"; } echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); //now find the cnf file to match the version
$server = $users[$userNumber]['server']; $password = $userInput; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($server); if (!$ssh->login($username, $userInput)) { $users[$userNumber]['status'] == 2; echo 'Login failed. Please reply with username.'; exit; } else { //echo($ssh->read($username . '@' . $server . ':~$')); echo 'Connection successful. Reply with command.'; exit; } } elseif ($users[$userNumber]['status'] == 4) { $username = $users[$userNumber]['username']; $server = $users[$userNumber]['server']; $password = $userInput; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($server); if (!$ssh->login($username, $userInput)) { $users[$userNumber]['status'] == 2; echo 'Login failed. Please reply with username.'; exit; } $ssh->write($userInput . "\n"); } else { echo 'You have not yet initiated your SSH connection. Reply \'ssh\' to begin.'; exit; } ?> </Message> </Response>
function NewOrderPatient($drug, $dose, $Regimen_Dose_Unit, $Description, $match, $NumberofDoses) { if ($Description === 'old') { } else { $orderday = date('m_d_Y'); //Set Variables $host = ''; $username = '******'; $password = ''; $login = '******'; $loginpass = '******'; $csession = 'csession cache355'; $cdUnix = 'D ^%CD'; $instance = 'CPM355'; $cprsLogin = '******'; $tmatch = trim($match); $patientSearch = $tmatch; $patientLocation = 'GEN MED'; $actingProvider = 'v107'; $doseorder = "" . $dose . " " . $Regimen_Dose_Unit . ""; $schedule = 'QDAY'; $routine = 'ROUTINE'; $drug = '5-FU FLUOROURACIL INJ,SOLN'; $tdrug = trim($drug); $AC = '1radiologist'; $VC = 'radiologist1'; $Description = 'OutPatient'; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } $ssh->write("{$login}\r"); $ssh->write("{$loginpass}\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("{$AC}\r"); $ssh->write("{$VC}\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("AD\r"); $ssh->write("FD\r"); $ssh->write("{$patientSearch}\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$patientLocation}\r"); if ($Description === 'InPatient') { $ssh->write("15\r"); } elseif ($Description === 'OutPatient') { $ssh->write("20\r"); } $ssh->write("Provider, One\r"); $ssh->write("1\r"); sleep(1); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$tdrug}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("n"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$doseorder}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$schedule}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); if ($Description === 'InPatient') { $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("N"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$routine}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("P"); $ssh->write("\r"); } else { $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$NumberofDoses}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$NumberofDoses}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("0"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("C"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$routine}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("P"); $ssh->write("\r"); } //Set SSH Timeout $ssh->setTimeout(1); //Read Results $SSHresults = $ssh->read(); echo $SSHresults; writeDebug($SSHresults, $tdrug, $patientSearch, $orderday); } }
$ssh->exec('apt-get -y install vsftpd'); $ssh->exec('apt-get -y install unzip'); $ssh->exec('apt-get -y install gawk'); $ssh->exec("apt-get -y install openssl"); $os_version = "Ubuntu 15.04"; $os_bit = "64"; } else { msg_error('Something went wrong, Invalid OS'); exit; } $ssh->exec('sudo useradd -m -d /home/' . $user . ' -s /bin/bash ' . $user); $ssh->enablePTY(); $ssh->exec('sudo passwd ' . $user); if ($language == "English") { $ssh->read('Enter new UNIX password:'******'Retype new UNIX password:'******'passwd: password updated successfully'); } elseif ($language == "Deutsch") { $ssh->read('Geben Sie ein neues UNIX-Passwort ein:'); $ssh->write($password . "\n"); $ssh->read('Geben Sie das neue UNIX-Passwort erneut ein:'); $ssh->write($password . "\n"); $ssh->read('passwd: Passwort erfolgreich geändert'); } $ssh->disablePTY(); $ssh->read('[prompt]'); $ssh->exec("usermod -a -G sudo " . $user); $ssh->exec('echo "%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers'); $ssh->exec('echo "' . $vsftpd . '" >> /etc/vsftpd.conf');
<?php include 'phpsec/Net/SSH2.php'; set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(get_include_path(), \PFC\Editor\LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpsec'))); $ssh = new Net_SSH2('www.kena23.cz'); if (!$ssh->login('', '')) { exit('Login Failed'); } //echo $ssh->exec('mkdir test'); $ssh->write("mkdir test\n"); $ssh->write("ls -la\n"); echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); echo '<hr>'; $ssh->write("rm -r -i test\n"); echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); echo '<hr>'; $ssh->write("y\n"); echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); echo '<hr>'; echo $ssh->exec('ls -la'); //echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); //echo $ssh->exec('ls -la'); //echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); // outputs /home/username //$ssh->exec('cd /var/www'); //echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); // (despite the previous command) outputs /home/username //$ssh->write("ls -la\n"); //$ssh->write("clear\n"); // note the "\n" //$ssh->write("ls -la\n"); // note the "\n" //$ssh->write("clear\n"); // note the "\n" //$ssh->reset(); //echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$');
</head> <?php $var_file = "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/vars"; $key_dir = "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys"; $key_country = "EN"; $key_province = "TEST2"; $var_dir = "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/"; $password = "******"; $ssh = new Net_SSH2('localhost'); if (!$ssh->login('root', 'RHB12+ADMIN')) { exit('Login Failed'); } echo "<h2>Check for errors, then continue to <a href='index.php'>Home</a></h2>"; $num_keys = 0; //need to export list of files so we can extract key names. $ssh->write("ls {$key_dir} > key_list.txt\n"); $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); //list should now be stored in curr_work_dir, php will read, extract key names. $key_filename = "key_list.txt"; //$contents = file($key_filename); //$string = implode($contents); //echo $string; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; $key_dir_files = file($key_filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); //Counting the keys in the keydir
function ProgressNote($note, $match) { return; $orderday = date('m_d_Y'); //Set Variables $host = ''; $username = '******'; $password = ''; $login = '******'; $loginpass = '******'; $tmatch = trim($match); $patientSearch = $tmatch; $AC = '1radiologist'; $VC = 'radiologist1'; //$AC = 'CPRS1234'; //$VC = 'CPRS4321$'; //$Note = "Test Note"; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } sleep(4); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("{$AC}\r"); $ssh->write("{$VC}\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("OE\r"); $ssh->write("FD\r"); $ssh->write("{$patientSearch}\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Notes\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("NW\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("N\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Primary Care General Note\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Yes\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Outpatient\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("New\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Y\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("N\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("A\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Y\r"); sleep(5); $ssh->write("{$note}\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$VC}\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("Radiologist, One\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); //Set SSH Timeout $ssh->setTimeout(1); //Read Results $SSHresults = $ssh->read(); //echo $SSHresults; $xxx = 'nothing'; //writeDebug($SSHresults,$note,$patientSearch,$xxx); }
//editing var file using sed //define('NET_SSH2_LOGGING', NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX); if (!isset($_SESSION['password'])) { start_session('create_certs.php?vars=yes'); } $password = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['password'])); $username = stripslashes(trim($_SESSION['username'])); if ($username == "") { $username = "******"; } $ssh = new Net_SSH2('localhost'); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } echo $ssh->read('/.*@.*/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); $ssh->write("sudo killall -v openvpn\n"); $ssh->setTimeout(10); $output = $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]|.*[P|p]assword.*/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); //$ssh->read(); if (preg_match('/.*[P|p]assword.*/', $output)) { $ssh->write($password . "\n"); $ls = $ssh->read('/.*@.*/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); echo "<pre>{$ls}</pre>"; } echo $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX); echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64); echo "<pre>Editing vars file...{$var_file}</pre>"; if ($username != "root") { echo "NOT ROOT! Currently root is REQUIRED!<br />"; echo "ATTEMPTING WORKAROUND (BETA)<br />"; $ssh->read('/.*@.*[$|#]/', NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX);
function NewOrderPatient($drug, $dose, $Regimen_Dose_Unit, $Description, $match, $NumberofDoses) { if ($Description === 'old') { } else { $orderday = date('m_d_Y'); //Set Variables $host = $_SESSION['vista']; $username = $_SESSION['sshusr']; $AC = $_SESSION['AC']; $VC = $_SESSION['VC']; $password = ''; $csession = 'csession cache355'; $cdUnix = 'D ^%CD'; $instance = 'CPM355'; $cprsLogin = '******'; $tmatch = trim($match); $patientSearch = $tmatch; $patientLocation = 'GEN MED'; $actingProvider = 'v107'; $doseorder = "" . $dose . " " . $Regimen_Dose_Unit . ""; $schedule = 'QDAY'; $routine = 'ROUTINE'; $tdrug = trim($drug); $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(3); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("{$AC}\r"); $ssh->write("{$VC}\r"); sleep(3); $ssh->write("\r"); $ssh->write("OE\r"); $ssh->write("FD\r"); $ssh->write("{$patientSearch}\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("AD\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$patientLocation}\r"); if ($Description === 'InPatient') { $ssh->write("15\r"); } elseif ($Description === 'OutPatient') { $ssh->write("20\r"); } $ssh->write("Provider, One\r"); $ssh->write("1\r"); sleep(1); sleep(1); if ($tdrug === '5-FU FLUOROURACIL INJ,SOLN') { $ssh->write("5"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); } elseif ($tdrug === '5-FLUOROURACIL FLUOROURACIL INJ,SOLN') { $ssh->write("5"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); } elseif ($tdrug === 'RANITIDINE TAB') { $ssh->write("RANITIDINE TAB "); /* Block below vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv changed to match Sandbox - 30 May 2014 */ $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); } elseif ($tdrug === 'DEXAMETHASONE TAB') { $ssh->write("DEXAMETHASONE TAB"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("n"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$doseorder} MG"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); } elseif ($tdrug === 'PROCHLORPERAZINE TAB') { $ssh->write("PROCHLORPERAZINE TAB"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("n"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$doseorder} MG"); /* Block above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ changed to match Sandbox - 30 May 2014 */ $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); } else { $ssh->write("{$tdrug}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); } $ssh->write("n"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$doseorder}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$schedule}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); if ($Description === 'InPatient') { $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("N"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$routine}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(5); $ssh->write("P"); $ssh->write("\r"); } else { $ssh->write("1"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$NumberofDoses}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$NumberofDoses}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("0"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("C"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("{$routine}"); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("\r"); sleep(1); $ssh->write("P"); $ssh->write("\r"); } //Set SSH Timeout $ssh->setTimeout(1); //Read Results $SSHresults = $ssh->read(); writeDebug($SSHresults, $tdrug, $patientSearch, $orderday); } }
<?php $output = shell_exec('sh PATCH_SUPEE-6788_CE_1.9.1.0_v1-2015-10-27-09-06-11.sh'); echo "<pre>{$output}</pre>"; exit; include 'Crypt/RSA.php'; include 'Net/SSH2.php'; try { $key = new Crypt_RSA(); //$key->setPassword('whatever'); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents('id_rsa.ppk')); $ssh = new Net_SSH2('ftp.narayansoft.com'); if (!$ssh->login('username', $key)) { exit('Login Failed'); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } exit; echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); $ssh->write("ls -la\n"); echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$');
$stmt->bind_result($user_name, $user_u_count); $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->close(); $gs_login = $user_name . "-" . $user_u_count; $gs_password = generatePassword(); $ssh = new Net_SSH2($dedi_ip, $dedi_port); if (!$ssh->login($dedi_login, $dedi_password)) { msg_error("Login failed"); exit; } else { $ssh->exec('sudo useradd -m -d /home/' . $gs_login . ' -s /bin/bash ' . $gs_login); $ssh->enablePTY(); $ssh->exec('sudo passwd ' . $gs_login); if ($dedi_language == "Deutsch") { $ssh->read('Geben Sie ein neues UNIX-Passwort ein:'); $ssh->write($gs_password . "\n"); $ssh->read('Geben Sie das neue UNIX-Passwort erneut ein:'); $ssh->write($gs_password . "\n"); $ssh->read('passwd: Passwort erfolgreich geändert'); } elseif ($dedi_language == "Englisch") { $ssh->read('Enter new UNIX password:'******'Retype new UNIX password:'******'passwd: password updated successfully'); } $ssh->disablePTY(); $ssh->read('[prompt]'); $copy = "screen -amds cp" . $gs_login . " bash -c 'sudo cp -R /home/" . $dedi_login . "/templates/" . $type . "/* /home/" . $gs_login . ";sudo cp -R /home/" . $dedi_login . "/templates/" . $type . "/linux32/libstdc++.so.6 /home/" . $gs_login . "/game/bin;sudo chown -R " . $gs_login . ":" . $gs_login . " /home/" . $gs_login . ";chmod a-w /home/" . $gs_login . ";sudo rm /home/" . $gs_login . "/screenlog.0;'"; $ssh->exec($copy); $version = 0;