function get_nest_data()
    $nest = new Nest();
    $info = $nest->getDeviceInfo();
    $data = array('heating' => $info->current_state->heat == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'timestamp' => $info->network->last_connection, 'target_temp' => sprintf("%.02f", preg_match("/away/", $info->current_state->mode) ? $info->target->temperature[0] : $info->target->temperature), 'current_temp' => sprintf("%.02f", $info->current_state->temperature), 'humidity' => $info->current_state->humidity);
    return $data;
 public function pushNestData($db)
     define('USERNAME', $this->getApplication()->getSilexApplication()['config']['nest']['username']);
     define('PASSWORD', $this->getApplication()->getSilexApplication()['config']['nest']['password']);
     $nest = new \Nest();
     $info = $nest->getDeviceInfo();
     $temperature = $info->current_state->temperature;
     $humidity = $info->current_state->humidity;
     $state = $info->target->mode;
     $db->insert("temperature", ['fields' => array('value' => $temperature)]);
     $db->insert("humidity", ['fields' => array('value' => $humidity)]);
     $db->insert("state", ['fields' => array('value' => $state)]);
 public static function sendArmy($x, $y, $ants)
     $xCord = Nest::getNestCords($_SESSION['nestid']);
     $diff = abs($x - $xCord);
     $defenderId = User::getUserByMapCords($x, $y)[0][0];
     $db = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "1234", "ant_rpg");
     mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO attack (attacker_id,defender_id,cordinateDiffrence) VALUES ('" . $_SESSION['id'] . "','" . $defenderId . "','" . $diff . "')");
     $request = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM attack Where attacker_id = " . $_SESSION['id'] . " order by idattack desc Limit 1");
     $battleId = $request->fetch_all()[0][0];
     for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
         if (empty($ants[$i])) {
         mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO troops_for_battle (ant_id,quantity,battleid) VALUES ('" . ($i + 1) . "','" . $ants[$i] . "','" . $battleId . "')");
         Ants::updateAnts($i + 1, $ants[$i]);
 public function login()
     if (isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
         try {
             htmlspecialchars($user = $_POST['username']);
             htmlspecialchars($pass = $_POST['password']);
             if (User::tryLog($user, $pass)) {
                 $_SESSION['id'] = User::getUser($user)[0];
                 $nests = Nest::getUserNests($_SESSION['id']);
                 if (empty($_SESSION['nestid'])) {
                     $_SESSION['nestid'] = $nests[0];
                 header("Location: /MVCProject/home/home");
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('Wrong Username or Password');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
     $model = new UserRegisterViewModel();
     return new View($model);

require_once 'nest.class.php';
// Your Nest username and password.
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
// The timezone you're in.
// See http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php for the possible values.
// Here's how to use this class:
$nest = new Nest($username, $password);
echo "Location information:\n";
$locations = $nest->getUserLocations();
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Devices list (thermostats):\n";
$devices_serials = $nest->getDevices();
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Devices list (Nest Protect):\n";
$protects_serials = $nest->getDevices(DEVICE_TYPE_PROTECT);
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Device information:\n";
$infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo($devices_serials[0]);
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Current temperature:\n";
printf("%.02f degrees %s\n", $infos->current_state->temperature, $infos->scale);
echo "----------\n\n";
echo "Setting target temperature...\n";
// Max automatic target humidity levels
$maxhumidity = 40;
// Your NEST credentials
define('USERNAME', '');
define('PASSWORD', '');
// Don't change this unless you're very very sure, or you may cause damage to your home!
$safelimit = 60;
//// Nothing to change below  here //////
require_once 'nest.class.php';
$nest = new Nest();
function setHumidity($nest, $humidity)
    $target = intval($humidity);
    if ($target > $GLOBALS['safelimit']) {
        echo "Error: Requested target exceeds safety limit.\n";
        return 1;
    } elseif ($target < 0) {
        $target = 0;
    echo "Setting humidity target to " . $target . "%\n";
    $success = $nest->setHumidity($target);
    return $success;
if (count($argv) == 1) {
    $infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo();
    echo "Current humidity level: " . $infos->current_state->humidity . "%\n";
} elseif ($argv[1] == "auto") {
文件: Nest.php 项目: shameerc/Nest
  * _SET (static)
  * Get nested value from array or object without having to check each level
  * @static
  * @param   array|object  $var    The array or object to fetch data from
  * @param   array|string  $path   String or array of array/object keys to the nested value
  * @param   mixed         $value  The new value to use
  * @return  array|object          The original var, but with updated data
 public static function _set()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $tmp = new Nest(array_shift($args));
     call_user_func_array([$tmp, "set"], $args);
     return $tmp->data();
// The Nest-Extended Configuration
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
// The Nest API Class file
require_once __DIR__ . '/../libs/nest/nest.class.php';
if (defined('STDIN')) {
    $datatype = $argv[1];
} else {
    $datatype = $_GET['datatype'];
//Connect to the Database
$con = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($con->connect_error) {
    trigger_error('Database connection failed: ' . $con->connect_error, E_USER_ERROR);
//Create a new Nest Object
$nest = new Nest();
//Used to return current location, away status, and outside weather
$locations = $nest->getUserLocations();
//Postal Code formatting
if (in_array(date_default_timezone_get(), $us_timezones)) {
    $postal_code = $locations[0]->postal_code;
} else {
    $postal_code = substr($locations[0]->postal_code, 0, -3) . " " . substr($locations[0]->postal_code, -3);
//Get current Nest data from server and save into an array. This should be set to a 5 minute cron job. I use curl to execute the php.
if ($datatype === 'current') {
    //Used to return current inside temperature, current inside humidity, current mode, target temperature, time to target temperature, current heat state, current ac state
    $infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo();
    //print variable to  browser for debug
    // for some reason Aux heat is returned as Celcius. Need to convert to F (if desired). Otherwise comment this out and log aux_threshold.
// The Nest-Extended Configuration
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
// The Nest API Class file
require_once __DIR__ . '/../libs/nest/nest.class.php';
if (defined('STDIN')) {
    $datatype = $argv[1];
} else {
    $datatype = $_GET['datatype'];
//Connect to the Database
$con = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($con->connect_error) {
    trigger_error('Database connection failed: ' . $con->connect_error, E_USER_ERROR);
//Create a new Nest Object
$nest = new Nest();
//Used to return current location, away status, and outside weather
$locations = $nest->getUserLocations();
//Postal Code formatting
if (in_array(date_default_timezone_get(), $us_timezones)) {
    $postal_code = $locations[0]->postal_code;
} else {
    $postal_code = substr($locations[0]->postal_code, 0, -3) . " " . substr($locations[0]->postal_code, -3);
//Get current Nest data (5 minute cron)
if ($datatype === 'current') {
    //Capture date and time of script execution
    $runTime = $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    //Used to get current outdoor weather
    $weather_json = file_get_contents('http://api.wunderground.com/api/' . $wu_api_key . '/conditions/pws:' . $use_pws . '/q/' . $wu_loc . '.json');
    $weather = json_decode($weather_json);
     $user_lat = $geocord_array->results['0']->geometry->location->lat;
     $user_long = $geocord_array->results['0']->geometry->location->lng;
     $timestamp = time();
     // Google maps api URL
     // This is required to get the timezone offset from the current user's location
     $google_json = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?location=" . $user_lat . "," . $user_long . "&timestamp=" . $timestamp;
     $google_time = json_decode(file_get_contents($google_json));
     $dst_offset = $google_time->dstOffset;
     $raw_offset = $google_time->rawOffset;
     $timestamp_offset = ($dst_offset + $raw_offset) / 60 / 60;
     $update_statement = $db_connect->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE users\n\t\t\t\tSET nest_username = :nest_username,\n\t\t\t\t  nest_password = :nest_password,\n\t\t\t\t  user_location = :user_location,\t\t\t\t  \n\t\t\t\t  timestamp_offset = :timestamp_offset\n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_id = :user_id\n\t\t\t");
     $update_statement->execute(array('nest_username' => $nest_username, 'nest_password' => $nest_password_encrypt, 'user_location' => $nest_location, 'timestamp_offset' => $timestamp_offset, 'user_id' => $user_id));
     define('USERNAME', $nest_username);
     define('PASSWORD', $nest_password);
     $nest = new Nest();
     $nest_devices = $nest->getDevices();
     foreach ($nest_devices as $device) {
         $device_info = $nest->getDeviceInfo($device);
         $insert_statement = $db_connect->prepare("\n\t\t        REPLACE INTO devices\n\t\t        SET device_serial_number = :device_serial_number,\n\t\t          user_id = :user_id,\n\t\t          device_location = :device_location,\n\t\t          device_name = :device_name\n\t\t      ");
         $insert_statement->execute(array('device_serial_number' => $device, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'device_location' => $nest_location, 'device_name' => $device_info->name));
     $user_location = $nest_location;
     $message = isset($message) ? $message : '';
     $success_message = $message . "Updated user preferences";
     $tpl_success = new Template("../includes/templates/success.tpl");
     $tpl_success->set("success_text", $success_message);
     echo $tpl_success->fetch();
 $tpl_head = new Template("../includes/templates/head.tpl");
 $tpl_nav = new Template("../includes/templates/nav-user.tpl");
    $target = calculateHumidity($inside, MAX_DEWPOINT);
    $target = floor($target / 5.0) * 5;
    //round to nearest 5
    $dp = calculateDewpoint($inside, $target);
    // If the outside temperature is lower than the current inside dewpoint, reduce max humidity
    while ($dp - $outside > MAX_DEWPOINT_DELTA && $target > MIN_HUMIDITY) {
        $target -= 5;
        $dp = calculateDewpoint($inside, $target);
        $dpo = $dp - $outside;
    // Respect MIN/MAX settings
    $target = min($target, MAX_HUMIDITY);
    $target = max($target, MIN_HUMIDITY);
    return $target;
$nest = new Nest();
try {
    // Retrieve data
    $locations = $nest->getUserLocations();
    $thermostat = $nest->getDeviceInfo(THERMOSTAT_SERIAL);
    $insideTemp = $thermostat->current_state->temperature;
    $outsideTemp = $locations[0]->outside_temperature;
    $insideHumidity = $thermostat->current_state->humidity;
    $targetHumidityCurrent = $thermostat->target->humidity;
    // Determine heat/cool target temperatures
    $mode = $thermostat->target->mode;
    $cool = $heat = $thermostat->target->temperature;
    if ($mode == 'range') {
        $heat = $heat[0];
        $cool = $cool[0];
    } else {

require 'inc/config.php';
require 'nest-api-master/nest.class.php';
define('USERNAME', $config['nest_user']);
define('PASSWORD', $config['nest_pass']);
$nest = new Nest();
$status = $nest->getStatus();
$infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo();
function stuff_we_care_about($info)
    echo "Heating             : ";
    printf("%s\n", $info->current_state->heat == 1 ? 1 : 0);
    echo "Timestamp           : ";
    printf("%s\n", $info->network->last_connection);
    echo "Target temperature  : ";
    if (preg_match("/away/", $info->current_state->mode)) {
        printf("%.02f\n", $info->target->temperature[0]);
    } else {
        printf("%.02f\n", $info->target->temperature);
    echo "Current temperature : ";
    printf("%.02f\n", $info->current_state->temperature);
    echo "Current humidity    : ";
    printf("%d\n", $info->current_state->humidity);
function c_to_f($c)
 	$geocord_json = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=" . urlencode($user_location) . "&sensor=false";
 	$geocord_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($geocord_json));
 	$user_lat = $geocord_array->results['0']->geometry->location->lat;
 	$user_long = $geocord_array->results['0']->geometry->location->lng;
 	// Google maps api URL
 	// This is required to get the timezone offset from the current user's location
 	$google_json = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?location=" . $user_lat . "," . $user_long . "&timestamp=" . $timestamp;
 	$google_time = json_decode(file_get_contents($google_json));
 	$dst_offset = $google_time->dstOffset;
 	$raw_offset = $google_time->rawOffset;
 	$timestamp_offset = ( $dst_offset + $raw_offset ) / 60 / 60;
 	//$local_time = $timestamp + $dst_offset + $raw_offset;
 $nest = new Nest($nest_username, $nest_password_decrypt);
 $nest_devices = $nest->getDevices();
 foreach ($nest_devices as $device) {
     // Gather information from the Nest class object for storage
     $infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo($device);
     $energy = $nest->getEnergyLatest($device);
     $weather_nest = $nest->getWeather($user_location);
     // Gather the device information for storage
     $device_serial_number = $infos->serial_number;
     $nest_location = $infos->where;
     $device_name = $infos->name;
     $battery_level = $infos->current_state->battery_level;
     // Outside weather pulled from the nest class
     $outside_humidity = $weather_nest->outside_humidity;
     $outside_temperature = $weather_nest->outside_temperature;
     // Inside weather pulled from the nest class

// The Nest-Extended Configuration
require_once '../config.php';
// The Nest API Class file
require_once '../libs/nest/nest.class.php';
if (defined('STDIN')) {
    $datatype = $argv[1];
} else {
    $datatype = $_GET['datatype'];
//Connect to the Database
$con = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die('Unable to connect to database! Please try again later.');
//Create a new Nest Object
$nest = new Nest();
//Used to return current location and away status
$locations = $nest->getUserLocations();
//Postal Code formatting
if (in_array(date_default_timezone_get(), $us_timezones)) {
    $postal_code = $locations[0]->postal_code;
} else {
    $postal_code = substr($locations[0]->postal_code, 0, -3) . " " . substr($locations[0]->postal_code, -3);
//Get current Nest data (5 minute cron)
if ($datatype === 'current') {
    //Capture date and time of script execution
    $runTime = $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    //Used to get current outdoor weather
    $weather_json = file_get_contents('http://api.wunderground.com/api/' . $wu_api_key . '/conditions/q/' . rawurlencode($postal_code) . '.json');
    $weather = json_decode($weather_json);