
include '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Prepare the connection to the API
$nessus = new Nessus\Client('username', 'password', '');
// Get the Server properties
// GET /server/properties
$server_properties = $nessus->server()->properties()->via('get');
print '[+] Server Version: ' . $server_properties->server_version . PHP_EOL;
print '[+] Feed: ' . $server_properties->feed . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($server_properties->notifications as $notification) {
    print '[+] Notification Type: ' . $notification->type . ' : ' . $notification->message . PHP_EOL;
// Get the server status
// GET /server/status
$server_status = $nessus->server()->status()->via('get');
print '[+] Server Progress: ' . $server_status->progress . PHP_EOL;
print '[+] Server Status: ' . $server_status->status . PHP_EOL;
// Sample output
// λ git n6* → php server.php
// [+] Server Version: 6.0.0
// [+] Feed: ProFeed
// [+] Notification Type: warning : Your plugin feed subscription will expire in 26 day(s).
// [+] Server Progress:
// [+] Server Status: ready

include '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Prepare the connection to the API
$nessus = new Nessus\Client('username', 'password', '');
// Get the configured users...
// GET /users
$users = $nessus->users()->via('get')->users;
// ... and print some information
foreach ($users as $user) {
    print '[+] id:' . $user->id . " - " . $user->type . ' user ' . $user->username . ' last login: '******'username' => 'apiuser', 'password' => 'apiuser', 'permissions' => 128, 'name' => 'API User', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'type' => 'local'))->via('post');
print '[+] Created new user ' . $new_user->name . ' with id ' . $new_user->id . PHP_EOL;
// Edit the user
// PUT /users/{user_id}
//This API call appears to be broken?
$user_edit = $nessus->users($new_user->id)->setFields(array('permissions' => 128, 'name' => 'Edited API Name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'))->via('put');
print '[+] Edited user ' . $new_user->id . PHP_EOL;
// Delete the user
// DELETE /users/{user_id}
$deleted_user = $nessus->users($new_user->id)->via('delete');
print '[+] Deleted user ' . $new_user->id . PHP_EOL;
// λ git n6* → php users.php
// [+] id:3 - local user test last login: 1413804979
// [+] id:4 - local user username last login: 1413876143
// [+] Created new user apiuser with id 27
// [+] Edited user 27
// [+] Deleted user 27

include '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Prepare the connection to the API
$nessus = new Nessus\Client('username', 'password', '');
// Configure a proxy to use
$nessus->configureProxy('', 8081)->useProxy();
// Get the Server properties
// GET /scans
$scans = $nessus->scans()->via('get');
print '[+] Scans Timestamp: ' . $scans->timestamp . PHP_EOL;
// Loop over the scans printing some information
foreach ($scans->scans as $scan) {
    print '[+] Scan ' . $scan->id . ': (' . $scan->name . ') status: ' . $scan->status . PHP_EOL;
// Prepare a scan for download. To do this we need to first
// schedule a export job. Once this is done, we can download the
// report in the requested format.
// Lets take the first scan from the previous request
$scan_id = $scans->scans[0]->id;
print '[+] Using scan_id: ' . $scan_id . ' for export.' . PHP_EOL;
// Schedule the export in .nessus format, taking note of
// the returned file_id
// POST /scans/{scan_id}/export
$file_id = $nessus->scans($scan_id)->export()->setFields(array('format' => 'nessus'))->via('post')->file;
print '[+] Got file_id: ' . $file_id . ' for export job.' . PHP_EOL;
// We now have to wait for the export to complete. We are
// just going to check the status of our export every 1 second
$export_status = 'waiting';
while ($export_status != 'ready') {
    // Poll for a status update