public function btnSave_Click() { if (trim($this->txtComment->Text)) { $objComment = new NarroTextComment(); $objComment->UserId = QApplication::GetUserId(); $objComment->LanguageId = QApplication::GetLanguageId(); $objComment->TextId = $this->intTextId; $objComment->Created = QDateTime::Now(); $objComment->CommentText = $this->txtComment->Text; $objComment->CommentTextMd5 = md5($objComment->CommentText); $objComment->Save(); $this->dtgComments->Refresh(); } }
$intDuplicateTextsDeleted = 0; foreach (NarroText::LoadAll() as $intVal => $objText) { if ($objText->TextValueMd5 == md5($objText->TextValue)) { continue; } try { $objText->Save(); } catch (Exception $objEx) { if (strstr($objEx->getMessage(), 'Duplicate')) { $arrDuplicateTexts = NarroText::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroText()->TextValue, $objText->TextValue), QQ::NotEqual(QQN::NarroText()->TextId, $objText->TextId))); error_log(sprintf('Found duplicates for "%s": %d', $objText->TextValue, count($arrDuplicateTexts))); foreach ($arrDuplicateTexts as $objDuplicateText) { if ($objText->TextValue !== $objDuplicateText->TextValue) { continue; } foreach (NarroTextComment::LoadArrayByTextId($objDuplicateText->TextId) as $objTextComment) { error_log('Moving text comment'); $objTextComment->TextId = $objText->TextId; $objTextComment->Save(); } foreach (NarroSuggestion::LoadArrayByTextId($objDuplicateText->TextId) as $objSuggestion) { error_log('Moving text from suggestion'); $arrDuplicateSuggestions = NarroSuggestion::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::NotEqual(QQN::NarroSuggestion()->SuggestionId, $objSuggestion->SuggestionId), QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroSuggestion()->SuggestionValue, $objSuggestion->SuggestionValue), QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroSuggestion()->TextId, $objText->TextId), QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroSuggestion()->LanguageId, $objSuggestion->LanguageId))); if (count($arrDuplicateSuggestions)) { error_log(sprintf('Found duplicates for "%s": %d', $objSuggestion->SuggestionValue, count($arrDuplicateSuggestions))); foreach ($arrDuplicateSuggestions as $objDuplicateSuggestion) { if ($objSuggestion->SuggestionValue !== $objDuplicateSuggestion->SuggestionValue) { continue; } foreach (NarroSuggestionComment::LoadArrayBySuggestionId($objDuplicateSuggestion->SuggestionId) as $objSuggestionComment) { error_log('Moving suggestion comment');
public static function GetSoapArrayFromArray($objArray) { if (!$objArray) { return null; } $objArrayToReturn = array(); foreach ($objArray as $objObject) { array_push($objArrayToReturn, NarroTextComment::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, true)); } return unserialize(serialize($objArrayToReturn)); }
/** * Counts all associated NarroTextCommentsAsText * @return int */ public function CountNarroTextCommentsAsText() { if (is_null($this->intTextId)) { return 0; } return NarroTextComment::CountByTextId($this->intTextId); }
/** * Counts all associated NarroTextCommentsAsUser * @return int */ public function CountNarroTextCommentsAsUser() { if (is_null($this->intUserId)) { return 0; } return NarroTextComment::CountByUserId($this->intUserId); }
/** * Default / simple DataBinder for this Meta DataGrid. This can easily be overridden * by calling SetDataBinder() on this DataGrid with another DataBinder of your choice. * * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it. If not, then no pagination will be used. * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable). */ public function MetaDataBinder() { $objConditions = $this->Conditions; if (null !== $this->conAdditionalConditions) { $objConditions = QQ::AndCondition($this->conAdditionalConditions, $objConditions); } // Setup the $objClauses Array $objClauses = array(); if (null !== $this->clsAdditionalClauses) { $objClauses = $this->clsAdditionalClauses; } // Remember! We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below if ($this->Paginator) { $this->TotalItemCount = NarroTextComment::QueryCount($objConditions); } // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) { array_push($objClauses, $objClause); } // Add the LimitClause information, as well if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) { array_push($objClauses, $objClause); } // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from NarroTextComment, given the clauses above $this->DataSource = NarroTextComment::QueryArray($objConditions, $objClauses); }
/** * Static Helper Method to Create using PK arguments * You must pass in the PK arguments on an object to load, or leave it blank to create a new one. * If you want to load via QueryString or PathInfo, use the CreateFromQueryString or CreateFromPathInfo * static helper methods. Finally, specify a CreateType to define whether or not we are only allowed to * edit, or if we are also allowed to create a new one, etc. * * @param mixed $objParentObject QForm or QPanel which will be using this NarroTextCommentMetaControl * @param integer $intTextCommentId primary key value * @param QMetaControlCreateType $intCreateType rules governing NarroTextComment object creation - defaults to CreateOrEdit * @return NarroTextCommentMetaControl */ public static function Create($objParentObject, $intTextCommentId = null, $intCreateType = QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOrEdit) { // Attempt to Load from PK Arguments if (strlen($intTextCommentId)) { $objNarroTextComment = NarroTextComment::Load($intTextCommentId); // NarroTextComment was found -- return it! if ($objNarroTextComment) { return new NarroTextCommentMetaControl($objParentObject, $objNarroTextComment); } else { if ($intCreateType != QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOnRecordNotFound) { throw new QCallerException('Could not find a NarroTextComment object with PK arguments: ' . $intTextCommentId); } } // If EditOnly is specified, throw an exception } else { if ($intCreateType == QMetaControlCreateType::EditOnly) { throw new QCallerException('No PK arguments specified'); } } // If we are here, then we need to create a new record return new NarroTextCommentMetaControl($objParentObject, new NarroTextComment()); }
/** * Counts all associated NarroTextCommentsAsLanguage * @return int */ public function CountNarroTextCommentsAsLanguage() { if (is_null($this->intLanguageId)) { return 0; } return NarroTextComment::CountByLanguageId($this->intLanguageId); }
} if (!($objRssFeed = QApplication::$Cache->load($strCacheId))) { if (isset($objProject) && $objProject instanceof NarroProject) { $objRssFeed = new QRssFeed(sprintf(t('Comments on texts from %s'), $objProject->ProjectName), __HTTP_URL__ . __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__, sprintf(t('Get the latest debates on texts from the project %s'), $objProject->ProjectName)); } else { $objRssFeed = new QRssFeed(t('Comments on texts'), __HTTP_URL__ . __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__, t('Get the latest debates on texts')); } if (isset($objProject) && $objProject instanceof NarroProject) { $strSqlQuery = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT narro_text_comment.* FROM narro_text_comment, narro_context WHERE narro_text_comment.text_id=narro_context.text_id AND AND narro_context.project_id=%d AND narro_text_comment.language_id=%d ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 20', $objProject->ProjectId, QApplication::GetLanguageId()); } else { $strSqlQuery = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT narro_text_comment.* FROM narro_text_comment WHERE narro_text_comment.language_id=%d ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0, 20', QApplication::GetLanguageId()); } $objDatabase = QApplication::$Database[1]; $objDbResult = $objDatabase->Query($strSqlQuery); if ($objDbResult) { $arrTextComment = NarroTextComment::InstantiateDbResult($objDbResult); foreach ($arrTextComment as $objTextComment) { if (isset($objProject) && $objProject instanceof NarroProject) { $arrContext = NarroContext::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroContext()->ProjectId, $objProject->ProjectId), QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroContext()->TextId, $objTextComment->TextId), QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroContext()->Active, 1))); } else { $arrContext = NarroContext::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroContext()->TextId, $objTextComment->TextId), QQ::Equal(QQN::NarroContext()->Active, 1))); } if (count($arrContext)) { $arrProjectLinks = array(); $arrProjects = array(); $strDescription = sprintf(' <span style="font-size:80%%;color:gray;">' . t('%s wrote on %s:') . '</span> <br /> <span style="margin-left:5px;padding:3px;">%s</span>', NarroLink::UserProfile($objTextComment->UserId, '<b>' . $objTextComment->User->RealName . '</b>'), $objTextComment->Created, nl2br($objTextComment->CommentText)); foreach ($arrContext as $objContext) { $arrProjects[$objContext->ProjectId] = $objContext->Project->ProjectName;