  * Resends the fulfilment email containing the certificate.
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  * 	- CertificateID The unique certID that you get after calling ssl.create command
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function resendFulfillmentEmail(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.ssl.resendFulfillmentEmail", $vars);
  * Gets the list of domain transfers.
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  * 	- ListType Possible values are ALL,INPROGRESS,CANCELLED,COMPLETED 
  * 	- SearchTerm The keyword should be a domainname 
  * 	- Page Page to return 
  * 	- PageSize Number of transfers to be listed in a page. Minimum value is 10 and maximum value is 100.
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function getList(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.domains.transfer.getList", $vars);
  * When you call this API, a link to reset password will be emailed to the
  * end user's profile email id.The end user needs to click on the link to
  * reset password.
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  * 	- FindByValue The username/email address/domain of the user. 
  * 	- EmailFromName Enter a different value to overwrite the default value 
  * 	- EmailFrom Enter a different value to overwrite the default value
  * 	- URLPattern Enter a different URL to overwrite namecheap.com.
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function resetPassword(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.users.resetPassword", $vars);
  * Updates the IP address of a registered nameserver.
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  * 	- SLD SLD of domain
  * 	- TLD TLD of domain
  * 	- Nameserver Nameserver Name
  * 	- OldIP Existing IP address
  * 	- IP New IP address
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function update(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.domains.ns.update", $vars);
  * Sets email forwarding for a domain name.
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  *	- DomainName Domain name to set Emailforwarding
  *	- MailBox[1..n] MailBox for which you wish to set email forwarding. For example:example@namecheap.com
  *	- ForwardTo[1..n] Email address to forwardto.For example:example@gmail.com
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function setEmailForwarding(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.domains.dns.setEmailForwarding", $vars);
  * Sets the RegistrarLock status for a domain.
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  * 	- DomainName DomainName to set status
  * 	- LockAction Possible values are LOCK and UNLOCK 
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function setRegistrarLock(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.domains.setRegistrarLock", $vars);
  * Creates a new address for the user
  * @param array $vars An array of input params including:
  * 	- AddressId The unique addressID to set default
  * @return NamecheapResponse
 public function setDefault(array $vars)
     return $this->api->submit("namecheap.users.address.setDefault", $vars);