		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string Text that is to be shown as description or label with your object. (will not be displayed !!)
		  * @param string Table, you want to connect with the object.
		  * @param string column, you want to connect with the object.
		  * @param string $row_identifier Usually to be generated with form->setPK. Identifies the
		  * row in db, you want to affect with operation. Keep empty for insert. (Example: stdEDForm)
		  * @param string $params Allowed parameters are:
		  * type:RICH;
		  * size:XX Size of Input in chars.
		  * width:XX Size of Input in pixel.
		  * @param string $check Does checks on user input. Allowed are MANDATORY (=not null)|UNIQUE. Separate with &.
		  * @param string $db_datatype Datatype of the database, you want to use. Allowed are CHAR|NUMBER|PASSWORD
		function RicheditInput($label, $table, $column, $row_identifier = "1", $params = "type:rich,size:10,width:100", $check = "", $db_datatype = "TEXT") {
			DBO::DBO($label, $table, $column, $row_identifier, $params, $db_datatype, $check);

			global $page_state, $page_action, $forceLoadFromDB;

			if ($page_state == "processing" && value("changevariation") != "GO" && value("changetranslation") != "GO" && ! ($forceLoadFromDB=="yes")) {
                //$fieldname = $this->table."_".$this->column;
				$fieldname = $this->name;

				if (value($fieldname) != "0") {
					$this->value = value($fieldname);
                } else {
                    $this->value = $_POST[$fieldname];
				/** added 21.1.2002 */
				global $c_magic_quotes_gpc;

				if ($c_magic_quotes_gpc == 1)
					$this->value = str_replace("\\", "", $this->value);
				$this->value = str_replace('&', '&', $this->value);
				/** got rid of magic quotes! */
				$this->oldvalue = getDBCell($table, $column, $row_identifier);
			} else {
				if (($page_action == "UPDATE" || $page_action == "DELETE") && $this->row_identifier != "1") {
                    $parser = new NX2HTML(variation());
					$this->value = $parser->parseText(getDBCell($table, $column, $row_identifier));

			switch ($this->type):
				case "RICH":
					$this->v_wuiobject = new Richedit($this->name, $this->value, $this->std_style, $this->size, $this->parameter, $this->width);
		   * This function is used for drawing the html-code out to the templates.
		   * It just returns the code
		   * @param 		string	Optional parameters for the draw-function. There are none supported.
		   * @return		string	HTML-CODE to be written into the template.
		function draw($param = "") {
			global $cds;
			$variation = value("v");
			if ($variation == "0") $variation = $cds->variation;
			$parser = new NX2HTML($variation);
			$content = $parser->parseText(getDBCell("pgn_text", "CONTENT", "FKID = $this->fkid"));
			return applyFilterPlugins($content);
		 * returns the data for an event
		 * @param integer ID of the event
		 function getEventData($eventId) {
			global $db, $cds;
			$variation = value("v");
		    if ($variation == "0") $variation = $cds->variation;
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM pgn_cal_appointment WHERE APID = ".$eventId;
		  	$query = new query($db, $sql);
		  	$parser= new NX2HTML($variation);
		  	while ($query->getrow()) {
		  		$compareDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($query->field("STARTDATE")));
			    $date = date('Y-m-d');
			    $over = $compareDate < $date;
		  		$event = array(	"TITLE" => $query->field("TITLE"), 
		  					"DESCRIPTION" => applyFilterPlugins($parser->parseText($query->field("DESCRIPTION"))), 		  					
		  					"STARTDATE" => date('d.m.Y', strtotime($query->field("STARTDATE"))), 
		  					"STARTTIME" => substr($query->field("STARTTIME"),0,5), 
		  					"ENDDATE" => date('d.m.Y', strtotime($query ->field("ENDDATE"))), 
		  					"ENDTIME" =>  substr($query->field("ENDTIME"),0,5), 
		  					"UNIXSTART" => $query->field("STARTDATE") .' '. $query->field("STARTTIME"), 
		  					"UNIXEND" => $query->field("ENDDATE") .' '. $query->field("ENDTIME"), 
		  					"APID" => $query->field("APID"), 
		  					"REPORT" => applyFilterPlugins($parser->parseText($query->field("REPORT"))), 
		  					"GALLERY" => $query->field("GALLERY"), 
		  					"OVER" => $over,
		  					"CATID" => $query->field("CATID"));			  					
			return $event;