  * Initialize all of the class variables and things required from the
  * @return none, but as a side-effect modifies class
 function initialize()
     $client = new NDB_Client();
     $this->caller =& NDB_Caller::singleton();
     if (empty($_REQUEST['key'])) {
         throw new Exception("Missing parameter", 403);
     $this->key = $_REQUEST['key'];
     $DB = Database::singleton();
     $this->TestName = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT Test_name FROM participant_accounts\n            WHERE OneTimePassword=:key AND Status <> 'Complete'", array('key' => $this->key));
     $this->CommentID = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT CommentID FROM participant_accounts \n            WHERE OneTimePassword=:key AND Status <> 'Complete'", array('key' => $this->key));
     $this->NumPages = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM instrument_subtests WHERE Test_name=:TN", array('TN' => $this->TestName));
     if (empty($this->TestName) && empty($this->CommentID)) {
         throw new Exception("Data has already been submitted.", 403);
     $pageNum = null;
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['pageNum'])) {
         $pageNum = $_REQUEST['pageNum'];
     if ($pageNum === 'finalpage') {
         $this->Subtest = 'finalpage';
     } else {
         $this->Subtest = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT Subtest_name\n                FROM instrument_subtests\n                WHERE Test_name=:TN AND Order_number=:PN", array('TN' => $this->TestName, 'PN' => $pageNum));
     $totalPages = $DB->pselectOne("SELECT COUNT(*)+1 from instrument_subtests WHERE Test_name=:TN", array('TN' => $this->TestName));
     $this->NextPageNum = $this->getNextPageNum($pageNum);
     $this->PrevPageNum = $this->getPrevPageNum($pageNum);
     $this->CommentID = $this->getCommentID();
     $this->tpl_data = array('nextpage' => $this->NextPageNum, 'prevpage' => $this->PrevPageNum, 'pageNum' => $pageNum ? $pageNum + 1 : 1, 'totalPages' => $totalPages, 'key' => $this->key);
 function setUp()
     $client = new NDB_Client();
     $this->DB = Database::singleton();
     $this->DB->setFakeTableData("test_names", array(array('ID' => 1, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByAge', 'Full_name' => 'Active Test 1', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0), array('ID' => 2, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByAge2', 'Full_name' => 'Active Test 2', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0), array('ID' => 3, 'Test_name' => 'InactiveTest', 'Full_name' => 'Inactive Test 1', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0), array('ID' => 4, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByVisit', 'Full_name' => 'Active Test by Visit 1', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0), array('ID' => 5, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByVisit2', 'Full_name' => 'Active Test by Visit 2', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0), array('ID' => 6, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByFirstVisit', 'Full_name' => 'Active Test by First Visit 2', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0), array('ID' => 7, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByNotFirstVisit', 'Full_name' => 'Active Test by Not First Visit 2', 'Sub_group' => 1, 'IsDirectEntry' => 0)));
     $this->DB->setFakeTableData("test_battery", array(array('ID' => 1, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByAge', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 100, 'Active' => 'Y', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 1, 'Visit_label' => null, 'CenterID' => null, 'firstVisit' => null), array('ID' => 2, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByAge2', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 100, 'Active' => 'Y', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 1, 'Visit_label' => null, 'CenterID' => '1', 'firstVisit' => null), array('ID' => 3, 'Test_name' => 'InactiveTest', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 0, 'Active' => 'N', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 2, 'Visit_label' => 'V01', 'CenterID' => '1', 'firstVisit' => null), array('ID' => 4, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByVisit', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 0, 'Active' => 'Y', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 2, 'Visit_label' => 'V01', 'CenterID' => null, 'firstVisit' => null), array('ID' => 5, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByVisit2', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 0, 'Active' => 'Y', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 2, 'Visit_label' => 'V01', 'CenterID' => '1', 'firstVisit' => null), array('ID' => 6, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByFirstVisit', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 100, 'Active' => 'Y', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 1, 'Visit_label' => null, 'CenterID' => '1', 'firstVisit' => 'Y'), array('ID' => 7, 'Test_name' => 'ActiveTestByNotFirstVisit', 'AgeMinDays' => 0, 'AgeMaxDays' => 100, 'Active' => 'Y', 'Stage' => 'Visit', 'SubprojectID' => 1, 'Visit_label' => null, 'CenterID' => '1', 'firstVisit' => 'N')));
 function testSetFakeData()
     $client = new NDB_Client();
     $DB = Database::singleton();
     $DB->setFakeTableData("Config", array(0 => array('ID' => 99999, 'ConfigID' => '123456', 'Value' => 'FKE1234')));
     $allCandidates = $DB->pselect("SELECT * FROM Config", array());
     $this->assertEquals($allCandidates, array(0 => array('ID' => 99999, 'ConfigID' => 123456, 'Value' => 'FKE1234')));
文件: Login.php 项目: spaiva/Loris
  * Validates the data which was passed in the request.
  * @param string $method The HTTP method of the request
  * @param array  $data   The array-encode JSON posted to
  *                       the URL.
 function __construct($method, $data = array())
     $this->AllowedMethods = array('POST');
     $this->RequestData = $data;
     if (!in_array($method, $this->AllowedMethods)) {
         $this->header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed");
         $this->header("Allow: " . join(", ", $this->AllowedMethods));
     $client = new \NDB_Client();
     // Bypass session handling because we're trying to authenticate a session
     $client->initialize(__DIR__ . "/../../../project/config.xml");
     $this->HTTPMethod = $method;

 * User: Stella
 * Date: 15-08-15
 * Project Statistics - Updating Counts From Each LORIS
set_include_path(get_include_path() . ":../php/libraries:");
require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
$client = new NDB_Client();
$db =& Database::singleton();
$config = NDB_Config::singleton();
$date = date("m_d_Y");
$output_file = "project_statistics_{$date}.csv";
$fp = fopen($output_file, 'w');
echo "PROJECT STATISTICS SCRIPT - {$date}\n\n";
echo "Data can be found in {$output_file}.\n\n";
$headers = array('Project', 'Number of Scanning - Visits', 'Number of Sites', 'Variable Count', 'Number of instruments', 'total number of visits (for all candidates)', 'number of candidates', 'GB of imaging data (raw and processed)', '# of scans');
$counter = 0;
// Where project's statistics will be stored
$project_statistics = array();
// Project name
$projectname = $config->getSetting('title');
// Number of Scanning - Visits
$number_scanning_visits = $db->pselect("select count(*) from session where Scan_done='Y'", array());
// Number of Sites
$number_sites = $db->pselect("select count(*) from psc WHERE CenterID <>1", array());
// Variable Count