public function action_index() { $token = 'wxtest'; $appid = 'wxc5b1d86df49a2dc4'; $encodingAesKey = ''; $wechat = new MyWechat($token, $encodingAesKey, $appid); $wechat->run(); }
public function action_index() { $wx_config = Kohana::config('weixin.default'); $token = $wx_config['token']; $appid = $wx_config['appid']; $encodingAesKey = $wx_config['encodingAesKey']; $wechat = new MyWechat($token, $encodingAesKey, $appid); $wechat->run(); }
public function testReplyNews() { ExitTestHelper::init(); $this->fillTextMsg('收到文本消息'); $wechat = new MyWechat($this->token); $items = array(new NewsResponseItem('Travis CI', 'Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community', '', ''), new NewsResponseItem('Travis CI 2', '2 Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community', '', '')); // 回复图文消息 $wechat->publicResponseNews($items); // 截获输出,解析 $this->setResponse(ExitTestHelper::getFirstExitOutput()); // 回复的to、from与填充的传入消息的to、from相反 $this->assertEquals($this->fromUser, $this->getResponseField('tousername')); $this->assertEquals($this->toUser, $this->getResponseField('fromusername')); $this->assertEquals('0', $this->getResponseField('funcflag')); $this->assertEquals('news', $this->getResponseField('msgtype')); // 验证图文消息内容 $this->assertEquals('2', $this->getResponseField('articlecount')); $articles = (array) $this->getResponseField('articles'); $article = array_change_key_case((array) $articles['item'][0], CASE_LOWER); $this->assertEquals(array('title' => 'Travis CI', 'description' => 'Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community', 'picurl' => '', 'url' => ''), $article); $article = array_change_key_case((array) $articles['item'][1], CASE_LOWER); $this->assertEquals(array('title' => 'Travis CI 2', 'description' => '2 Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community', 'picurl' => '', 'url' => ''), $article); ExitTestHelper::clean(); }
} /** * 收到语音消息时触发,回复语音识别结果(需要开通语音识别功能) * * @return void */ protected function onVoice() { $this->responseText('收到了语音消息,识别结果为:' . $this->getRequest('Recognition')); } /** * 收到自定义菜单消息时触发,回复菜单的EventKey * * @return void */ protected function onClick() { $this->responseText('你点击了菜单:' . $this->getRequest('EventKey')); } /** * 收到未知类型消息时触发,回复收到的消息类型 * * @return void */ protected function onUnknown() { $this->responseText('收到了未知类型消息:' . $this->getRequest('msgtype')); } } $wechat = new MyWechat('weixin', TRUE); $wechat->run();
{ $status = $resultData['status']; if ("OK" == $status) { $items = array(); array_push($items, new NewsResponseItem('以下团购由大众点评提供', '以下团购由大众点评提供', "", "")); $count = $resultData['count']; $deals = $resultData['deals']; foreach ($deals as $deal) { $title = $deal['title'] . PHP_EOL . '仅售' . $deal['list_price'] . '元'; $distance = $deal['distance']; if ($distance > 0) { $title .= PHP_EOL . '距离' . $distance . '米'; } $desc = $deal['description']; $picUrl = $deal['image_url']; $h5Url = $deal['deal_h5_url']; $newsItem = new NewsResponseItem($title, $desc, $picUrl, $h5Url); array_push($items, $newsItem); } $this->responseNews($items); } else { $this->responseText('Bad response for:' . $resultData['error']); } } } /** * Weixin Token为weixin,请自行设置,这里默认搜索上海的本地团购,其他城市请自行配置 */ $wechat = new MyWechat('weixin', TRUE); $wechat->setApiTool('', '5589931241', '16adbf199c38458f847f4c99d25cab4d', array('format' => 'json', 'city' => '上海', 'limit' => '5', 'is_local' => '1')); $wechat->run();
public static function setError($message, $code = -1) { self::$error = array('message' => $message, 'code' => $code); }