function get_post_install_scripts($f, $post_install_scripts, $post_installs) { $already_orders = array(); $elt = array("id_None" => _T("Not selected", "imaging")); $elt_values = array("id_None"=> "None"); $h_pis = array(); foreach ($post_install_scripts as $lpis) { $h_pis[$lpis['imaging_uuid']] = $lpis; $already_orders[$lpis['order']] = True; } $i = 0; foreach ($post_installs as $pis) { $elt["id_".$i] = "$i"; $elt_values["id_".$i] = "$i"; $i += 1; } $a_label = array(); $a_desc = array(); $a_order = array(); $a_pis_id = array(); foreach ($post_installs as $pis) { $a_pis_id[] = "order_".$pis['imaging_uuid']; $a_label[] = $pis['default_name']; $a_desc[] = $pis['default_desc']; $order = new MySelectItem("order_".$pis['imaging_uuid'], "exclusive_orders"); $order = new MySelectItem("order_".$pis['imaging_uuid'], "exclusive_orders"); $order->setJsFuncParams(array('this')); $order->setElements($elt); $order->setElementsVal($elt_values); if (array_key_exists($pis['imaging_uuid'], $h_pis)) { $order->setSelected($h_pis[$pis['imaging_uuid']]['order']); } else { $order->setSelected("None"); } $a_order[] = $order; } $l = new MyListInfos($a_label, _T("Name", "imaging")); $l->setPostInstallCount(count($post_installs)); $l->addExtraInfo($a_desc, _T("Description", "imaging")); $l->addExtraInfo($a_order, _T("Order", "imaging")); $l->disableFirstColumnActionLink(); $l->setRowsPerPage(count($post_installs)); $f->add($l); print_exclusive_orders_js($a_pis_id); return $f; }
unset($networks['networkUuids'][$i]); unset($networks['domain'][$i]); } } if (is_array($networks) && count($networks) > 1 and isset($networks['macAddress'])) { if (count($networks['macAddress']) > 1) { $f->push(new Table()); $macs_choice = new MySelectItem("choose_network", 'exclusive_orders'); $elements = array(); $values = array(); foreach (range(0, count($networks['macAddress']) - 1) as $i) { $elements[] = sprintf("%s / %s", $networks['ipHostNumber'][$i], $networks['macAddress'][$i]); $values[] = $networks['networkUuids'][$i]; } $macs_choice->setElements($elements); $macs_choice->setElementsVal($values); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Choose the MAC address you want to use", "imaging"), $macs_choice)); $f->pop(); } elseif (count($networks['macAddress']) == 1) { $f->add(new HiddenTpl("choose_network"), array("value" => $networks['networkUuids'][0], "hide" => True)); } } } if (!isExpertMode()) { $f->add(new TitleElement(_T("Please switch to expert mode now if you want to change more parameters.", "imaging"), 3)); } else { $f->add(new TitleElement(_T("You can switch to standard mode now if you want less parameters.", "imaging"), 3)); } $f->push(new DivExpertMode()); expertModeDisplay($f, $has_profile, $type, $menu, $opts, $target, $real_target); $f->pop();