public function createAssignmentHistory(EiSubjectAssignment $assignment, $is_assignment = true, Doctrine_Connection $conn = null) { if ($conn == null) { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); } return $conn->insert($this->getInstance(), array('author_of_assignment' => MyFunction::getGuard()->getId(), 'subject_id' => $assignment->getSubjectId(), 'assign_to' => $assignment->getGuardId(), 'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'is_assignment' => $is_assignment)); }
public function getPackage(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null) { $conn2 = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $conn2->execute("update ei_subject s left join ei_ticket t \n on s.package_id =t.ticket_id and s.package_ref=t.ticket_ref\n set s.package_id =NULL and s.package_ref=NULL\n where CONCAT('Package_S',!"); $conn2->execute("update ei_subject s left join ei_ticket t on s.package_id=t.ticket_id and s.package_ref=t.ticket_ref\n set package_id=NULL , package_ref=NULL \n where t.ticket_id IS NULL OR t.ticket_ref is NULL "); if ($conn == null) { $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); } /* Le package existe déjà mais on procède aux vérifications permettant d'avoir l'unicité d'un bug pour un package. En effet un Package doit être lié à un bug au plus. */ if ($this->getPackageId() != null && $this->getPackageId() != 0 && $this->getPackageRef() != null && $this->getPackageRef() != 0) { $package_bugs_links = $conn->fetchAll("select t.ticket_id , t.ticket_ref, \n from ei_ticket t \n inner join ei_subject s on s.package_id=t.ticket_id and s.package_ref=t.ticket_ref\n where t.ticket_id= " . $this->getPackageId() . " and t.ticket_ref=" . $this->getPackageRef()); } else { $package_bugs_links = array(); } if (count($package_bugs_links) == 0) { //Le ticket du bug est null ou n'existe pas : on le crée par le web service //Si le package du bug est null if ($this->getPackageId() != null && $this->getPackageRef() != null) { $conn->execute("update ei_subject set package_id=NULL And package_ref=NULL where package_id=" . $this->getPackageId() . " And package_ref=" . $this->getPackageRef()); } /* On recharge le projet si nécessaire */ $ei_project = $this->getEiProject(); if ($ei_project->needsReload()) { $xml = $ei_project->downloadKalFonctions(); if ($xml != null) { $ei_project->transactionToLoadObjectsOfProject($xml); } } /* Préparation des données de création du web service de création de l'intervention */ $guard = MyFunction::getGuard(); $data = array('package_name' => 'Package_S' . $this->getId(), 'guard_id' => $guard->getId()); /* Création de l'intervention */ $pack = EiTicket::createDistantPackage($this->getEiProject(), json_encode($data)); if (is_array($pack) && isset($pack['package_id']) && isset($pack['package_ref'])) { return array("package_id" => $pack['package_id'], "package_ref" => $pack['package_ref']); } else { //Echec de la création de l'intervention du bug. throw new Exception("Fatal error . Failed to create intervention package! Contact administrator..."); //$conn->execute("update ei_subject set package_id=" . $pack['package_id'] . " , package_ref=" . $pack['package_ref'] . " , updated_at='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' where id=" . $this->getId()); //$package = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiTicket')->findOneByTicketIdAndTicketRef($pack['package_id'], $pack['package_ref']); } } elseif (count($package_bugs_links) > 1) { //Le ticket est lié à plusieurs bugs : On génère une exception et on alerte l'administrateur throw new Exception("Fatal error . Many interventions for a package! Contact administrator..."); } else { //Le package du bug/intervention est bien définit et l'objet EiTicket associé existe. return array("package_id" => $this->getPackageId(), "package_ref" => $this->getPackageRef()); } }
/** * Méthode appelée avant chaque appel d'action. */ public function preExecute() { /** @var EiUserTable $table */ $table = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiUser'); $this->token = $this->getRequest()->getParameter("token"); $this->user = $table::getInstance()->getUserByTokenApi($this->token); $this->forward404If(is_bool($this->user) && $this->user === false, "You are not allowed to access this page."); // On récupère le nom d'utilisateur ainsi que le mot de passe pour les intéractions avec script. $this->login = $this->user->getGuardUser()->getUsername(); // On authentifie l'utilisateur s'il ne l'est pas. if (MyFunction::getGuard() == null) { $this->getUser()->signIn($this->user->getGuardUser(), true); } }
function checkIfDefaultPackageExist($validator, $values, $arguments) { if (!$this->getObject()->isNew()) { return $values; } // C'est n 'est pas un nouveau scénario , on retourne les valeurs du formulaire //On récupère l'utilisateur courant $ei_user = MyFunction::getGuard()->getEiUser(); $defPack = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiUserDefaultPackage')->findOneByProjectIdAndProjectRefAndUserIdAndUserRef($values['project_id'], $values['project_ref'], $ei_user->getUserId(), $ei_user->getRefId()); if ($defPack != null) { //On et la propriété défaultPackage du scénario pour la sauvegarde de sa version par défaut $this->getObject()->setDefaultPackage($defPack); return $values; //Le package par défaut existe } throw new sfValidatorError($validator, 'You have to select package before create à test suite ...'); return $values; }
/** * Appel le webservice ScriptVersion et parse le résultat afin d'obtenir le numéro * de version du côté de script.kalifast. * * Si le fichier XML est mauvais, on retourne null. * * @return null ou numéro de version côté script.kalifast */ public function getScriptNumVersion($username = null) { if ($username == null) { $username = MyFunction::getGuard()->getUsername(); } if ($username == null) { return null; } $scriptVersion = $this->getScriptVersion($username); if ($scriptVersion == null) { return null; } else { if ($scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("project_ref")->item(0) != null && $scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("project_id")->item(0) != null && $scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("version")->item(0) != null) { if ($this->getProjectId() == $scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("project_id")->item(0)->nodeValue && $this->getRefId() == $scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("project_ref")->item(0)->nodeValue) { return $scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("version")->item(0)->nodeValue; } else { throw new Exception('Mauvais projet récupéré'); } } elseif (!$scriptVersion->getElementsByTagName("error")) { throw new Exception('Fichier XML erroné'); } } return null; }
public function executeMigrateManyBugFunction(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->checkProject($request); //Récupération du projet $this->checkProfile($request, $this->ei_project); //Récupération du projet $this->checkFunction($request, $this->ei_project); if ($request->getParameter('subject_id') != null) { $this->checkSubject($request, $this->ei_project); } if ($request->getParameter('delivery_id') != null) { $this->checkDelivery($request, $this->ei_project); } $guardUser = MyFunction::getGuard(); $this->html = 'Error'; //Traitement éffective de la migration $result = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiTicket')->MigrateManyFunctions($this->ei_project, $this->ei_profile, $guardUser, $request->getParameter('tab')); if ($result == true) { $xml = $this->ei_project->downloadKalFonctions(); if ($xml != null) { $this->ei_project->transactionToLoadObjectsOfProject($xml); } } if ($result) { $criteria = array('project_id' => $this->project_id, 'project_ref' => $this->project_ref); if ($this->ei_delivery && $this->ei_delivery != null) { $criteria['delivery_id'] = $this->ei_delivery->getId(); } if ($this->ei_subject && $this->ei_subject != null) { $criteria['ticket_id'] = $this->ei_subject->getPackageId(); $criteria['ticket_ref'] = $this->ei_subject->getPackageRef(); $criteria['subject_id'] = $this->ei_subject->getId(); if ($this->ei_subject->getDeliveryId() != null) { $criteria['delivery_id'] = $this->ei_subject->getDeliveryId(); } } $this->migrateFuncts = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiDelivery')->getFunctionsToMigrate($criteria, "SELECT COUNT(t_id) as nb_occurences,df_vw.*"); $this->migrateFunctsWithoutCount = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiDelivery')->getFunctionsToMigrate($criteria, "SELECT df_vw.*", false); $this->ei_profiles = $this->ei_project->getProfils(); //Récupération des profils if ($this->ei_subject && $this->ei_subject != null) { $implicatedTikets = "((" . $this->ei_subject->getPackageId() . "," . $this->ei_subject->getPackageRef() . "))"; } else { $implicatedTikets = '('; $k = count($this->migrateFuncts); $i = 1; foreach ($this->migrateFuncts as $migrateFunc) { $implicatedTikets .= "(" . $migrateFunc['s_package_id'] . "," . $migrateFunc['s_package_ref'] . ")"; if ($k != $i) { $implicatedTikets .= ","; } $i++; } $implicatedTikets .= ")"; } //Récupération des relations script-profil impliquant le ticket en question $this->TabScriptProfiles = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiTicket')->getAssociatedProfilesForDelivery($implicatedTikets); $this->scriptProfiles = array(); if (!empty($this->TabScriptProfiles)) { foreach ($this->TabScriptProfiles as $scriptProfile) { $tab[$scriptProfile['function_id'] . '_' . $scriptProfile['function_ref'] . '_' . $scriptProfile['profile_id'] . '_' . $scriptProfile['profile_ref']] = $scriptProfile['script_id']; } $this->scriptProfiles = $tab; //Récupération des conflits résolus sur la livraison (si on est sur une livraison if ($this->ei_delivery && $this->ei_delivery != null) { $resolved_conflicts_list = $this->ei_delivery->getResolvedConflictsOnFunctions(); $resolved_conflicts = array(); if (count($resolved_conflicts_list) > 0) { foreach ($resolved_conflicts_list as $conflict) { if (array_key_exists($conflict['function_id'] . '_' . $conflict['function_ref'] . '_' . $conflict['delivery_id'], $resolved_conflicts)) { $resolved_conflicts[$conflict['function_id'] . '_' . $conflict['function_ref'] . '_' . $conflict['delivery_id']]['profile'][] = array('profile_id' => $conflict['profile_id'], 'profile_ref' => $conflict['profile_ref']); } else { $resolved_conflicts[$conflict['function_id'] . '_' . $conflict['function_ref'] . '_' . $conflict['delivery_id']] = array("package_id" => $conflict['package_id'], 'package_ref' => $conflict['package_ref'], 'profile' => array(0 => array('profile_id' => $conflict['profile_id'], 'profile_ref' => $conflict['profile_ref']))); } } } } $functionsToMigrateListUri = $this->urlParameters; $functionsToMigrateListUri['migrateFuncts'] = $this->migrateFuncts; $functionsToMigrateListUri['migrateFunctsWithoutCount'] = $this->migrateFunctsWithoutCount; $functionsToMigrateListUri['ei_project'] = $this->ei_project; $functionsToMigrateListUri['ei_profiles'] = $this->ei_profiles; $functionsToMigrateListUri['scriptProfiles'] = $this->scriptProfiles; $functionsToMigrateListUri['ei_delivery'] = $this->ei_delivery && $this->ei_delivery != null ? $this->ei_delivery : null; $functionsToMigrateListUri['resolved_conflicts'] = isset($resolved_conflicts) ? $resolved_conflicts : array(); // Liste des conflits de fonction résolus sur la livraison $this->html = $this->getPartial('eidelivery/functionsToMigrateList', $functionsToMigrateListUri); } } return $this->renderText(json_encode(array('html' => $this->html, 'success' => $result ? true : false))); return sfView::NONE; }