function activity_delete($delete_ID) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $sql = <<<EOF DELETE from Activity where id = {$delete_ID}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { $sql = <<<EOF DELETE from ActivityMember where activityId = {$delete_ID}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { $db->close(); header("Location:"); } } }
public static function addSleep($username, $createday, $deep, $shallow, $clear, $total) { $db = new MyDB(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM SLEEP WHERE USERNAME='******' AND CREATEDAY='{$createday}' "; $res = $db->query($sql); if ($item = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $sql1 = "UPDATE SLEEP SET DEEP='{$deep}',SHALLOW='{$shallow}',CLEAR='{$clear}',TOTAL='{$total}' WHERE USERNAME='******' AND CREATEDAY='{$createday}' "; return $db->exec($sql1); } else { $sql1 = "INSERT INTO SLEEP(USERNAME ,CREATEDAY,DEEP,SHALLOW,CLEAR,TOTAL) VALUES('{$username}','{$createday}','{$deep}','{$shallow}','{$clear}','{$total}')"; } return $db->exec($sql1); }
public static function quit($username, $id) { $db = new MyDB(); $sql = "DELETE FROM `JOIN` WHERE USERNAME = '******' AND ACTIVITY = '{$id}'"; $res = $db->exec($sql); return $res; }
function user_register($userName, $userPassword, $checkbox) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully</br>"; } $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = '{$userName}'; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { header("Location:"); } else { $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO User (name, password, last, doctor, gender, height, weight, country, city, address) VALUES ('{$userName}', '{$userPassword}', '{$userName}', '{$checkbox}', '--', '--', '--', '--', '--', '--'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { $db->close(); setcookie("username", $userName, null, "/"); header("Location:"); } } } $db->close(); }
function add_member($activityId) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $userId = get_userId(); $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM ActivityMember WHERE userId={$userId} and activityId={$activityId}; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $db->close(); header("Location:"); } else { $data = $_COOKIE['date']; $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO ActivityMember (userId, activityId, createAt) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$activityId}', '{$data}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { $db->close(); header("Location:"); } } }
function import_advice($address) { $reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5'); $PHPExcel = $reader->load($address); // 载入excel文件 $sheet = $PHPExcel->getSheet(0); // 读取第一個工作表 $highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); // 取得总行数 $highestColumm = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // 取得总列数 $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $title = ""; $content = ""; $toUserId = 0; $authorId = 0; for ($row = 1; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) { //行数是以第1行开始 for ($column = 'A'; $column <= $highestColumm; $column++) { //列数是以A列开始 if ($row != 1) { switch ($column) { case 'A': $title = $sheet->getCell($column . $row)->getValue(); break; case 'B': $content = $sheet->getCell($column . $row)->getValue(); break; case 'C': $toUserId = $sheet->getCell($column . $row)->getValue(); break; case 'D': $authorId = $sheet->getCell($column . $row)->getValue(); break; } } } if ($row != 1) { $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Advice (title, content, toUserId, authorId) VALUES ('{$title}', '{$content}', '{$toUserId}', '{$authorId}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } } $db->close(); header("Location:"); }
function activity_refresh($id, $title, $target, $content) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE Activity SET title='{$title}',target='{$target}',content='{$content}' where id={$id}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } $db->close(); }
function update_meals($title, $calories, $fat, $protein, $calcium, $carbohydrate, $sugar, $cholesterol, $vitamin_c, $vitamin_a) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $userName = $_COOKIE['username']; $date = $_COOKIE['date']; $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM User,Meals WHERE'{$userName}' and and Meals.createAt='{$date}'; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $userId = $row['userId']; $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE Meals SET title='{$title}',calories='{$calories}',fat='{$fat}', protein='{$protein}',calcium='{$calcium}',carbohydrate='{$carbohydrate}', vitamin_c='{$vitamin_c}',vitamin_a='{$vitamin_a}' where userId={$userId} and createAt={$date}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } else { $userId = get_userId($userName); $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Meals (userId, title, calories, fat, protein, calcium, carbohydrate, sugar, cholesterol, vitamin_c, vitamin_a, createAt) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$title}', '{$calories}', '{$fat}', '{$protein}', '{$calcium}', '{$carbohydrate}', '{$sugar}', '{$cholesterol}', '{$vitamin_c}', '{$vitamin_a}', '{$date}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } } $db->close(); }
function update_moves($active_time, $inactive_time, $calories, $wo_calories, $bg_calories, $bmr_day, $steps, $km) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $userName = $_COOKIE['username']; $date = $_COOKIE['date']; $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM User,Moves WHERE'{$userName}' and and Moves.createAt='{$date}'; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $userId = $row['userId']; $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE Moves SET active='{$active_time}',free='{$inactive_time}', total_calories='{$calories}',workouts_calories='{$wo_calories}', static_calories='{$bg_calories}',daixie='{$bmr_day}',steps='{$steps}',distance='{$km}' where userId={$userId} and createAt={$date}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } else { $userId = get_userId($userName); $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Moves (userId, active, free, total_calories, workouts_calories, static_calories, daixie, steps, distance, createAt) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$active_time}', '{$inactive_time}', '{$calories}', '{$wo_calories}', '{$bg_calories}', '{$bmr_day}', '{$steps}', '{$km}' , '{$date}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } } $db->close(); }
function update_sleeps($asleep_time, $awakenings, $awake, $light, $deep, $duration) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $userName = $_COOKIE['username']; $date = $_COOKIE['date']; $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM User,Sleeps WHERE'{$userName}' and and Sleeps.createAt='{$date}'; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $userId = $row['userId']; $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE Sleeps SET asleep='{$asleep_time}',wake_up_time='{$awakenings}', sober='{$awake}',light='{$light}',deep='{$deep}',total='{$duration}' where userId={$userId} and createAt={$date}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } else { $userId = get_userId($userName); $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Sleeps (userId, asleep, wake_up_time, sober, light, deep, total, createAt) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$asleep_time}', '{$awakenings}', '{$awake}', '{$light}', '{$deep}', '{$duration}', '{$date}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } } $db->close(); }
function update_mood($mood_image) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $userName = $_COOKIE['username']; $date = $_COOKIE['date']; $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM User,Mood WHERE'{$userName}' and and Mood.createAt='{$date}'; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $userId = $row['userId']; $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE Mood SET mood='{$mood_image}' where userId={$userId} and createAt={$date}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } else { $userId = get_userId($userName); $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Mood (userId, mood, createAt) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$mood_image}', '{$date}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } } $db->close(); }
function update_workouts($title, $steps, $km, $calories, $time) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } $userName = $_COOKIE['username']; $date = $_COOKIE['date']; $sql = <<<EOF SELECT * FROM User,Workouts WHERE'{$userName}' and and Workouts.createAt='{$date}'; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { if ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $userId = $row['userId']; $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE Workouts SET title='{$title}',steps='{$steps}', distance='{$km}',calories='{$calories}',time='{$time}' where userId={$userId} and createAt={$date}; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } else { $userId = get_userId($userName); $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Workouts (userId, title, steps, distance, calories, time, createAt) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$title}', '{$steps}', '{$km}', '{$calories}', '{$time}', '{$date}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { } } } $db->close(); }
function set_user_settings($gender, $height, $weight, $birth, $country, $city, $address) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully</br>"; } $userName = $_COOKIE["username"]; $sql = <<<EOF UPDATE User set gender='{$gender}', height='{$height}', weight='{$weight}', birth='{$birth}',country='{$country}',city='{$city}',address='{$address}' where name='{$userName}'; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { header("Location:"); } $db->close(); }
function addToDB($ip, $time, $session, $message) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully\n"; } $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO test (ip,time,session,message) VALUES('{$ip}', '{$time}', '{$session}', '{$message}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Records created successfully\n"; } $db->close(); }
function create_activity($title, $target, $content, $authorId) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully</br>"; } $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Activity (title, target, content, authorId) VALUES ('{$title}', '{$target}', '{$content}', '{$authorId}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { $db->close(); header("Location:"); } $db->close(); }
function advice_create($title, $content, $toUserId, $authorId) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully</br>"; } $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO Advice (title, content, toUserId, authorId) VALUES ('{$title}', '{$content}', '{$toUserId}', '{$authorId}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { $db->close(); header("Location:"); } $db->close(); }
// If not in database -- get id via Spotify API. $spotify_artist = $api->search($artist, 'artist'); //Geting artist id via Spotify Api foreach ($spotify_artist->artists->items as $spotify_id) { $artist_name = $spotify_id->name; $artist_spotify_id_tmp = $spotify_id->id; // store in temp var. Why did you store id as temporary variable? Got it. To use in a bottom loop. if ($artist_name === $artist) { $artist_spotify_id = $spotify_id->id; //this is what we need //echo '<br>'; //echo 'Artist name: ' . $artist_name; //echo '<br>'; } //will save all artist IDs in DB for caching $db->exec('insert into artist ("Artist_name","Artist_spotify_id") values (' . "'" . SQLite3::escapeString($artist_name) . "','" . $artist_spotify_id_tmp . "')"); } } //HERE I MUST HAVE ARTIST ID. EITHER FROM DATABASE OR SPOTIFY // NOW DO THE SAME PROCESS FOR ARTIST ALBUMS. //you dont need it here. You must have artist spotify ID here from upper portion of source code block. //$artist_id = $db->querySingle("select Artist_spotify_id from artist where Artist_name='" . SQLite3::escapeString($artist) . "'"); if ($artist_spotify_id) { //changed to artist spotify ID we found in upper code block. $artist_albums = new stdClass(); //What is STD class? It's a class without a methods. You can give him yours. $artist_albums->items = array(); //Creating dictionary. $artist_albums_result = $db->query("select * from album where Artist_Spotify_id='" . SQLite3::escapeString($artist_spotify_id) . "'"); //Getting album dictionary using spotify id. while ($album = $artist_albums_result->fetchArray()) {
<?php class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open('crawler.db'); } } $db = new MyDB(); $sql_delete_table = <<<EOF DROP TABLE WEBPAGE EOF; $sql_create_table = <<<EOF CREATE TABLE WEBPAGE ( ID \t\t\tINT \t NOT NULL, URL \t\t\tTEXT \tPRIMARY KEY \tNOT NULL, TITLE \t\tTEXT \t\t\t\t\tNOT NULL, KEYWORDS \tTEXT ); EOF; $db->exec($sql_delete_table); $ret = $db->exec($sql_create_table); $db->close();
<?php class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open('test.sqlite'); } } $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully\n"; } $db->exec('INSERT INTO PRUEBA(NOMBRE) VALUES("Rigo es una loca :D ")'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM prueba'; $ret = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { echo "ID = " . $row['id'] . "\n"; echo "nombre= " . $row['nombre'] . "\n"; } echo "Operation done successfully\n"; $db->close();
public static function modifySpecialUser($username, $name, $sex, $birthday, $hobby, $introduction) { $db = new MyDB(); $sql = "UPDATE SPECIALUSER SET NAME='{$name}',SEX='{$sex}',BIRTHDAY='{$birthday}',HOBBY='{$hobby}',INTRODUCTION='{$introduction}' WHERE USERNAME='******'"; $res = $db->exec($sql); return $res; }
$usertype = "健身教练"; } $userinfo = array('userid' => $row['userid'], 'nickname' => $row['nickname'], 'usertype' => $usertype, 'bmitar' => $row['targetBMI'], 'cartar' => $row['targetCalorie']); foreach ($userinfo as $key => $value) { $userinfo[$key] = urlencode($value); } echo urldecode(json_encode($userinfo)); } else { echo false; } } else { if ($type == "modifybasic") { $nickname = $_POST['nickname']; $usertype = $_POST['usertype']; $usersql = "UPDATE user SET nickname='{$nickname}', usertype='{$usertype}' where userid='{$idtocheck}' "; $ret = $db->exec($usersql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo true; } } else { if ($type == "modifyTarget") { $exetar = $_POST['exetar']; $bmitar = $_POST['bmitar']; $usersql = "UPDATE user SET targetBMI='{$bmitar}', targetCalorie='{$exetar}' where userid='{$idtocheck}' "; $ret = $db->exec($usersql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo true;
$this->open('userinfo.db'); } } $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully\n"; } $sqltxt = "\n CREATE TABLE UserInfo\n (Name Text NOT NULL,\n Username Text NOT NULL,\n Password REAL NOT NULL);\n "; /*$sqltxt2 = " CREATE TABLE StudySets (Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Username Text NOT NULL, )";*/ $ret = $db->exec($sqltxt); ///$ret2 = $db->exec($sqltxt2); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Table created successfully\n"; } /*if(!$ret2) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Table2 created successfully\n"; }*/ $db->close();
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Gennadiy * Date: 07.12.2015 * Time: 13:06 */ namespace ajax; class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open('squro.db'); } } $db = new MyDB(); $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `foo`;'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE foo (bar STRING)'); $db->exec("INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk')"); $result = $db->query('SELECT bar FROM foo'); echo $result->fetchArray()[0];
function insert_comment($name, $email, $subject, $text, $item_id) { $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } $sql = "INSERT INTO ticket (name,email,subject,text,item_id) VALUES (" . $name . "," . $email . "," . $subject . "," . $text . "," . $item_id . ")"; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Gennadiy * Date: 11.12.2015 * Time: 13:33 */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); /** * Simple example of extending the SQLite3 class and changing the __construct * parameters, then using the open method to initialize the DB. */ class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open('squro.db'); } } //$ulcontent = $_POST['ulcontent']; $db = new MyDB(); $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `foo`;'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE foo (bar STRING)'); $db->exec("INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('<ul>\n <li>Home</li>\n <li>Home1</li>\n <li>Solutions\n <ul>\n <li>Education</li>\n <li>Solutions\n <ul>\n <li>Consumer photo and video</li>\n <li>Mobile</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li>Financial services</li>\n <li>Government</li>\n <li>Manufacturing</li>\n <li>All industries and solutions</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li>Solutions1\n <ul>\n <li>Education1</li>\n <li>Financial services1</li>\n <li>Government1</li>\n <li>Manufacturing1</li>\n <li>Solutions\n <ul>\n <li>Consumer photo and video1</li>\n <li>Mobile1</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li>All industries and solutions1</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n</ul>');"); $result = $db->query('SELECT bar FROM foo'); echo $result->fetchArray()[0];
$this->exec('CREATE TABLE data (access_key char(32), content varchar(1048576))'); //the database shouldn't be accessed by everyone chmod("database/database.sqlite3", 0600) or die('Cannot set access rights for database.sqlite3 (chmod 0600)'); } else { //if it is the case, that you move the database file manually to the folder chmod('database', 0700) or die('Cannot set access rights for "database"-folder (chmod 0700)'); chmod("database/database.sqlite3", 0600) or die('Cannot set access rights for "database.sqlite3"-file (chmod 0600)'); $this->open('database/database.sqlite3', SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE); } } } $db = new MyDB(); if (isset($_POST['text'])) { //insert content to database $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16, $cstrong); $access_key = bin2hex($bytes); $content = $db->escapestring($_POST['text']); $db->exec("INSERT INTO data (access_key, content) VALUES ('{$access_key}', '{$content}')"); $body = "<a href=\"http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/get.php?akey={$access_key}\">view</a>"; } else { if (isset($_GET['akey'])) { //access note if possible $result = $db->query('SELECT content FROM data WHERE access_key =\'' . $db->escapestring($_GET['akey']) . '\''); $body = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); $body = '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($body['content']) . '</pre>'; } else { $body = "<form action=\"{$filename}\"" . ' method="post"> </form>'; } } echo $body;
function delete() { $db = new MyDB("sqltemptime.db"); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } $name = $_REQUEST["name"]; $sql = <<<EOF DELETE FROM coolingschedule WHERE name = "{$name}"; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Row deleted"; } $db->close(); }
function deleteLog() { $db = new MyDB("sqltemptime.db"); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } $date = $_REQUEST["date"]; $sql = <<<EOF \t\tSELECT id FROM schema WHERE date = "{$date}"; EOF; $ret = $db->query($sql); $row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); $id = $row['id']; $sql = <<<EOF \tDELETE FROM timeTemp \tWHERE id = "{$id}"; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Row deleted"; } $sql = <<<EOF \tDELETE FROM schema \tWHERE id = "{$id}"; EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Row deleted"; } $db->close(); }
class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open("test.db"); } } $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Database opened successfully\n"; } if (isset($_POST["task"])) { $new = $_POST["task"]; $uname = $_SESSION["name"]; $sql = <<<EOF INSERT INTO USERS(NAME, TODO) VALUES('{$uname}',' {$new}'); EOF; $ret = $db->exec($sql); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Record inserted"; } $db->close(); header('Location: /hey/userpage.php'); } else { header('Location: /hey/userpage.php'); }
</ul> </p> <h3>其它</h3> <p> <ul> <li>本站仅限人类及猫注册使用。</li> <li>TOS更新时用户需要遵守最新TOS。</li> </ul>', '2015-09-18 00:00:00'); EOF; $db = new MyDB(); if (!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "打开数据库成功\n"; } $ret = $db->exec($CREATETABLE); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "创建表成功\n"; } $ret = $db->exec($INSERTSQL); if (!$ret) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "创建记录成功\n"; } $db->close(); } header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);