// include translation functions use Gelembjuk\Locale\GetTextTrait; public function doSomething() { echo $this->getText('welcome') . '<br>'; } public function andAgainWelcome($name) { // use short call for getText echo $this->_('hello', '', $name) . '<br>'; echo $this->_('contact', 'frontpage') . '<br>'; } } $obj = new MyClass(); // this meathod comes from a trait $obj->setTranslation($translation); $obj->doSomething(); $obj->andAgainWelcome($username); echo '<br><br>'; // change to english $obj->setLocale('en'); // and repeat $obj->andAgainWelcome($username); // ============================================================= echo '<h1>Test 3. Show language change select box</h1>'; // output form to change locale $languages = new Gelembjuk\Locale\Languages(array('localespath' => $lang_folder_path)); echo '<hr><form name=\'langform\' method=\'GET\' action="index.php">'; echo $languages->getHTMLSelect(' name="locale" onchange="document.langform.submit()" ', $locale); echo '</form>'; // =============================================================