/** * The singleton method. * * @return Muut_Comment_Overrides The instance. * @author Paul Hughes * @since 3.0 */ public static function instance() { if (!is_a(self::$instance, __CLASS__)) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Gets embed anchor for a given post comments override. * * @param int $post_id The post we are getting the comments anchor for. * @return void|string The anchor markup or void, we $echo is set to true (and we echo the markup). * @param bool $echo Whether to echo the anchor or not. * @author Paul Hughes * @since 3.0 */ function muut_comments_override_anchor($post_id = null, $echo = true) { if (is_null($post_id)) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } if (class_exists('Muut_Comment_Overrides')) { return Muut_Comment_Overrides::instance()->commentsOverrideAnchor($post_id, $echo); } else { return false; } }
/** * Initializes the Comment Overrides class (when WP comments over overridden by Muut). * * @return void * @author Paul Hughes * @since 3.0 */ public function initCommentOverrides() { $class = 'Muut_Comment_Overrides'; if (!in_array($class, $this->alreadyInit) && muut()->getOption('replace_comments', false)) { require_once muut()->getPluginPath() . 'lib/comment-overrides.class.php'; if (class_exists($class)) { Muut_Comment_Overrides::instance(); } $this->alreadyInit[] = $class; } }
/** * Filters the commenting embed anchor to render the index content rather than the commenting anchor. * * @param string $content The current embed content (anchor). * @param int $post_id The post for which we are filtering the embed. * @return string The filtered content. * @author Paul Hughes * @since 3.0.1 */ public function filterCommentsOverrideIndexContent($content, $post_id, $type) { if ($this->isUsingEscapedFragments()) { $post_commenting_options = Muut_Post_Utility::getPostOption($post_id, 'commenting_settings'); if (isset($post_commenting_options['type']) && $post_commenting_options['type'] == 'threaded') { $this->context = 'threaded-commenting'; } else { $this->context = 'flat-commenting'; } if ($_GET['_escaped_fragment_']) { $remote_path = $_GET['_escaped_fragment_']; } else { $remote_path = Muut_Comment_Overrides::instance()->getCommentsPath($post_id); } $content = $this->getIndexContentForPath($remote_path); } return $content; }
/** * Updates/checks the latest reply-time on a post if one of its comments is removed (if it was the latest comment, obviously it's no longer the latest). * * @param $request array The array that was parsed from the request body. * @param $event string The event that was sent. * @return void * @author Paul Hughes * @since */ public function updatePostLatestReplyTime($request, $event) { // Only execute for the applicable events. $events = array('remove', 'spam', 'unspam'); if (in_array($event, $events)) { $path = $request['path']; $split_path = explode('#', $path); $split_final = explode('/', $split_path[1]); $comment_base = $split_path[0] . '#' . $split_final[0]; // See if the path is a reply to a given post. $post_id = Muut_Webhooks::getPostIdRepliedTo($path); if (!$post_id) { return; } $latest_update_timestamp = get_post_time('U', true, $post_id); $muut_user = ''; $has_replies = false; // If it is threaded commenting, make sure to check for the top-level times. if (Muut_Comment_Overrides::instance()->getCommentingPostCommentType($post_id) == 'threaded') { // Check if a WP post exists in the database that would match the path of the "post" request (for threaded commenting). $post_query_args = array('post_type' => Muut_Custom_Post_Types::MUUT_THREAD_CPT_NAME, 'post_status' => Muut_Custom_Post_Types::MUUT_PUBLIC_POST_STATUS, 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => 'muut_channel_path', 'value' => $split_path[0])), 'orderby' => 'post_date_gmt', 'order' => 'DESC', 'posts_per_page' => 1); $query = new WP_Query($post_query_args); $posts = $query->get_posts(); if (!empty($posts) && is_array($posts)) { $post_update_time = get_post_time('U', true, $posts[0]); if ($post_update_time > $latest_update_timestamp) { $latest_update_timestamp = $post_update_time; $muut_user = get_post_meta($posts[0]->ID, 'muut_user', true); $has_replies = true; } } } // Also check the actual comments. $comment_query_args = array('meta_query' => array(array('key' => 'muut_path', 'value' => $comment_base)), 'orderby' => 'comment_date_gmt', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 1); // Get the comment data. $comment_query = new WP_Comment_Query(); $comments = $comment_query->query($comment_query_args); if (!empty($comments) && is_array($comments)) { $comment_update_time = strtotime($comments[0]->comment_date_gmt); if ($comment_update_time > $latest_update_timestamp) { $latest_update_timestamp = $comment_update_time; $muut_user = get_comment_meta($comments[0]->comment_ID, 'muut_user', true); } $has_replies = true; } if (!$has_replies) { delete_post_meta($post_id, self::REPLY_UPDATE_TIME_NAME); delete_post_meta($post_id, self::REPLY_LAST_USER_DATA_NAME); } else { // Add/update a meta for the post with the time of the last comment and the user data responsible. update_post_meta($post_id, self::REPLY_UPDATE_TIME_NAME, $latest_update_timestamp); update_post_meta($post_id, self::REPLY_LAST_USER_DATA_NAME, $muut_user); } self::refreshCache(); } }