	 * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
	 * This method is called after a test is executed.
	 * @access protected
	protected function tearDown()
		// restore the multibyte library in use so other tests don't fail
		MultiByte::library( $this->old_library );
	 * @todo Implement testLibrary().
	public function testLibrary()
		// test an invalid value
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::library( 'foo' ), false );
		// get the current library so we can restore it after we screw with things
		$old_library = MultiByte::library();
		// set a new value and make sure we get back the same $old_library
		$old_library2 = MultiByte::library( MultiByte::USE_MBSTRING );
		$this->assertEquals( $old_library, $old_library2 );
		// make sure we get back multibyte now that we set it
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::library(), MultiByte::USE_MBSTRING );
		// make sure we can turn it off
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::library(), false );
		// restore the library now that we've tested some other things
		MultiByte::library( $old_library );