<?php require_once '../inc/QueryList/QueryList.class.php'; header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); $url = "http://meiriyiwen.com/"; $reg = array("title" => array("#article_show h1", "text"), "author" => array("#article_show .article_author span", "text"), "content" => array("#article_show .article_text", "html")); $mryw_rst = QueryList::Query($url, $reg); $mryw_array = $mryw_rst->jsonArr; if ($mryw_array) { $m_title = $mryw_array[0]['title']; $m_author = $mryw_array[0]['author']; $m_content = $mryw_array[0]['content']; $m_md5 = md5($m_content); if (empty($m_title) || empty($m_author) || empty($m_content) || empty($m_md5)) { echo 'empty mryw, ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); } else { require_once '../inc/mryw.inc.php'; $mryw_dao = new Mryw(); if ($mryw_dao->is_mryw_exist($m_md5)) { echo 'exist mryw, ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); } else { $lastest = $mryw_dao->get_lastest_article(true); $n_time = strtotime($lastest['m_time']) + 3600 * 23 + 57; $mryw_dao->insert_mryw($m_title, $m_content, $m_author, $m_md5, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $n_time)); // echo 'success mryw, ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); Mysql::closeConn(); } } }
} } elseif ($type === 'text') { $keyword = $yixin->msg['Content']; // 用户的文本消息内容 $state = UserState::getUserState($yixin->msg['FromUserName']); if ($keyword == 'Hello2BizUser') { $reply = $yixin->makeText(cons::$WELCOME_STR); } elseif ($keyword == 'q' || $keyword == 'Q') { UserState::setUserState($yixin->msg['FromUserName'], '0', ''); $reply = $yixin->makeText(cons::$WELCOME_STR); } else { // 主界面 if ($state['state'] == '0') { $reply = chooseFunctionNum($keyword, $yixin); } elseif ($state['state'] == '1') { $mryw = new Mryw($keyword); $rst = $mryw->get(); $reply = $yixin->makeNews($rst); } elseif ($state['state'] == '2') { $joke = new Joke($keyword); $rst = $joke->getJoke(); $reply = $yixin->makeNews($rst); } elseif ($state['state'] == '3') { $beautiful = new Beautiful($keyword); $rst = $beautiful->getBeautifulPic(); $reply = $yixin->makeNews($rst); } elseif ($state['state'] == '4') { $robot = new Robot($keyword); $rst = $robot->getReply(); if (is_array($rst)) { $reply = $yixin->makeNews($rst);
<?php require_once '../inc/mryw.inc.php'; require_once '../inc/utils.inc.php'; $mryw = new Mryw(); $cnt = $mryw->count_all(); $num = rand(0, $cnt * 2) % $cnt; $data = $mryw->random_one($num); $descrip = substr_ext(strip_tags($data['m_content']), 0, 80); $descrip = preg_replace("/\\s/", "", $descrip); $data['m_content'] = $descrip . '...'; $data['m_pic'] = 'http://pomelo-setin.stor.sinaapp.com/' . rand(1, 4751) . '.jpg'; echo json_encode($data); Mysql::close();
<?php /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ require_once '../inc/mryw.inc.php'; $mryw_dao = new Mryw(); $start = '2014-11-11 11:11:11'; for ($i = 1; $i < 900; $i++) { //$mryw = $mryw_dao->find_by_id($i); $n_time = strtotime($start) + 3600 * 5 + 57; $start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $n_time); $mryw_dao->update_m_time($i, $start); } echo 'su';
<?php require_once '../inc/mysql.inc.php'; require_once '../inc/mryw.inc.php'; $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd"> <url> <loc>http://www.setin.cn</loc> <lastmod>' . date('c') . '</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> <priority>1</priority> </url> '; $mryw_dao = new Mryw(); $total_num = $mryw_dao->count_all_Online(); $mryw = $mryw_dao->get_lastest_article(); $mryws = $mryw_dao->select_4_sitemap(); foreach ($mryws as $item) { $content .= create_item($item); } $content .= '</urlset>'; echo $content; Mysql::closeConn(); function create_item($data) { $item = "<url>\n"; $item .= "<loc>http://www.setin.cn/" . $data['m_id'] . ".html</loc>\n"; $item .= "<priority>" . 0.9 . "</priority>\n"; $item .= "<lastmod>" . date("c", strtotime($data['m_time'])) . "</lastmod>\n"; $item .= "<changefreq>" . 'daily' . "</changefreq>\n"; $item .= "</url>\n";
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php require_once '../inc/mysql.inc.php'; require_once '../inc/mryw.inc.php'; require_once '../inc/utils.inc.php'; $num = isset($_GET['num']) ? strip_tags(mysql_escape_string($_GET['num'])) : -1; $mryw_dao = new Mryw(); if ($num == -1) { $mryw = $mryw_dao->get_lastest_article(); } else { $mryw = $mryw_dao->find_by_id($num); } if ($mryw == false) { echo "<script>location.href='http://www.setin.cn/';</script>"; exit; } $num = $mryw['m_id']; $nextid = $mryw_dao->search_next_article_id($num); $preid = $mryw_dao->search_prev_article_id($num); $total_num = $mryw_dao->count_all(); if ($total_num == false) { $total_num = 0; } Mysql::close(); $descrip = substr_ext(strip_tags($mryw['m_content']), 0, 100); $descrip = preg_replace("/\\s/", "", $descrip); ?> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />