 public function toHtml()
     if (!$this->_flagFrozen) {
         $id = $this->getAttribute('id');
         global $PAGE;
         $options = array('textelemid' => $id, 'courseid' => $this->_options['courseid'], 'lockcourse' => $this->_options['lockcourse'], 'nocoursestring' => $this->_options['nocoursestring']);
         $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('browse', 'editor');
         $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('loading', 'repository');
         $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('activities', 'gradeitems'), 'grades');
         $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-local_eliscore-gradebook_popup', 'M.local_eliscore.init_gradebook_popup', array($options));
     return parent::toHtml();
 public function test_can_manually_set_id() {
     $el = new MoodleQuickForm_text('elementname', 'Type something',
         array('id' => 'customelementid'));
     $this->assertEquals('customelementid', $el->getAttribute('id'));
 * Outputs the part form HTML
 * @param object $cm The moodle course module object for this instance
 * @param object $part The moodle course module object for this instance
 * @return string Return the part form HTML output
function turnitintool_partform($cm, $part)
    global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
    $output = '<form name="partform" method="POST" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/turnitintool/view.php' . '?id=' . $cm->id . '&do=intro">' . PHP_EOL;
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_hidden('submitted');
    $output .= $element->toHTML() . PHP_EOL;
    $table = new stdClass();
    $table->width = '100%';
    $table->id = 'uploadtableid';
    $table->class = 'uploadtable';
    // Part Name Field
    $cells[0] = new stdClass();
    $cells[0]->data = get_string('partname', 'turnitintool');
    $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0';
    $attr = array('class' => "formwide");
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_text('partname', null, $attr);
    $cells[1] = new stdClass();
    $cells[1]->data = $element->toHTML();
    $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1';
    $table->rows[0] = new stdClass();
    $table->rows[0]->cells = $cells;
    $dateoptions = array('startyear' => date('Y', strtotime('-6 years')), 'stopyear' => date('Y', strtotime('+6 years')), 'timezone' => 99, 'applydst' => true, 'step' => 1, 'optional' => false);
    // Part Start Date
    $cells[0] = new stdClass();
    $cells[0]->data = get_string('dtstart', 'turnitintool');
    $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0';
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector('dtstart', null, $dateoptions);
    $date = array('hour' => userdate($part->dtstart, '%H'), 'minute' => userdate($part->dtstart, '%M'), 'day' => userdate($part->dtstart, '%d'), 'month' => userdate($part->dtstart, '%m'), 'year' => userdate($part->dtstart, '%Y'));
    $cells[1] = new stdClass();
    $cells[1]->data = $element->toHTML();
    $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1';
    $table->rows[1] = new stdClass();
    $table->rows[1]->cells = $cells;
    // Part Due Date
    $cells[0] = new stdClass();
    $cells[0]->data = get_string('dtdue', 'turnitintool');
    $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0';
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector('dtdue', null, $dateoptions);
    $date = array('hour' => userdate($part->dtdue, '%H'), 'minute' => userdate($part->dtdue, '%M'), 'day' => userdate($part->dtdue, '%d'), 'month' => userdate($part->dtdue, '%m'), 'year' => userdate($part->dtdue, '%Y'));
    $cells[1] = new stdClass();
    $cells[1]->data = $element->toHTML();
    $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1';
    $table->rows[2] = new stdClass();
    $table->rows[2]->cells = $cells;
    // Part Post Date
    $cells[0] = new stdClass();
    $cells[0]->data = get_string('dtpost', 'turnitintool');
    $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0';
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector('dtpost', null, $dateoptions);
    $date = array('hour' => userdate($part->dtpost, '%H'), 'minute' => userdate($part->dtpost, '%M'), 'day' => userdate($part->dtpost, '%d'), 'month' => userdate($part->dtpost, '%m'), 'year' => userdate($part->dtpost, '%Y'));
    $cells[1] = new stdClass();
    $cells[1]->data = $element->toHTML();
    $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1';
    $table->rows[3] = new stdClass();
    $table->rows[3]->cells = $cells;
    // Part Max Marks
    $cells[0] = new stdClass();
    $cells[0]->data = get_string('maxmarks', 'turnitintool');
    $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0';
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_text('maxmarks');
    $cells[1] = new stdClass();
    $cells[1]->data = $element->toHTML();
    $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1';
    $table->rows[4] = new stdClass();
    $table->rows[4]->cells = $cells;
    // Submit / Cancel
    $cells[0] = new stdClass();
    $cells[0]->data = '&nbsp;';
    $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0';
    $attr = array('onclick' => "location.href='" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/turnitintool/view.php?id=" . $cm->id . "';");
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_button('cancel', 'Cancel', $attr);
    $cells[1] = new stdClass();
    $cells[1]->data = $element->toHTML();
    $element = new MoodleQuickForm_submit('submit', 'Submit');
    $cells[1]->data .= $element->toHTML();
    $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1';
    $table->rows[5] = new stdClass();
    $table->rows[5]->cells = $cells;
    $output .= turnitintool_print_table($table, true);
    $output .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL;
    return $output;
  * Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element.
  * @param string $event Name of event
  * @param mixed $arg event arguments
  * @param moodleform $caller calling object
  * @return mixed
 public function onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, &$caller)
     switch ($event) {
         case 'createElement':
             // The first argument is the name.
             $name = $arg[0];
             // Set disable actions.
             $caller->disabledIf($name . '[modgrade_scale]', $name . '[modgrade_type]', 'neq', 'scale');
             $caller->disabledIf($name . '[modgrade_point]', $name . '[modgrade_type]', 'neq', 'point');
             $caller->disabledIf($name . '[modgrade_rescalegrades]', $name . '[modgrade_type]', 'neq', 'point');
             // Set validation rules for the sub-elements belonging to this element.
             // A handy note: the parent scope of a closure is the function in which the closure was declared.
             // Because of this using $this is safe despite the closures being called statically.
             // A nasty magic hack!
             $checkgradetypechange = function ($val) {
                 // Nothing is affected by changes to the grade type if there are no grades yet.
                 if (!$this->hasgrades) {
                     return true;
                 // Check if we are changing the grade type when grades are present.
                 if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] !== $this->currentgradetype) {
                     return false;
                 return true;
             $checkscalechange = function ($val) {
                 // Nothing is affected by changes to the scale if there are no grades yet.
                 if (!$this->hasgrades) {
                     return true;
                 // Check if we are changing the scale type when grades are present.
                 if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'scale') {
                     if (isset($val['modgrade_scale']) && $val['modgrade_scale'] !== $this->currentscaleid) {
                         return false;
                 return true;
             $checkmaxgradechange = function ($val) {
                 // Nothing is affected by changes to the max grade if there are no grades yet.
                 if (!$this->hasgrades) {
                     return true;
                 // If we are not using ratings we can change the max grade.
                 if (!$this->useratings) {
                     return true;
                 // Check if we are changing the max grade if we are using ratings and there is a grade.
                 if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'point') {
                     if (isset($val['modgrade_point']) && grade_floats_different($this->currentgrade, $val['modgrade_point'])) {
                         return false;
                 return true;
             $checkmaxgrade = function ($val) {
                 // Closure to validate a max points value. See the note above about scope if this confuses you.
                 if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'point') {
                     if (!isset($val['modgrade_point'])) {
                         return false;
                     return $this->validate_point($val['modgrade_point']);
                 return true;
             $checkvalidscale = function ($val) {
                 // Closure to validate a scale value. See the note above about scope if this confuses you.
                 if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'scale') {
                     if (!isset($val['modgrade_scale'])) {
                         return false;
                     return $this->validate_scale($val['modgrade_scale']);
                 return true;
             $checkrescale = function ($val) {
                 // Nothing is affected by changes to grademax if there are no grades yet.
                 if (!$this->isupdate || !$this->hasgrades || !$this->canrescale) {
                     return true;
                 // Closure to validate a scale value. See the note above about scope if this confuses you.
                 if (isset($val['modgrade_type']) && $val['modgrade_type'] === 'point') {
                     // Work out if the value was actually changed in the form.
                     if (grade_floats_different($this->currentgrade, $val['modgrade_point'])) {
                         if (empty($val['modgrade_rescalegrades'])) {
                             // This was an "edit", the grademax was changed and the process existing setting was not set.
                             return false;
                 return true;
             $cantchangegradetype = get_string('modgradecantchangegradetype', 'grades');
             $cantchangemaxgrade = get_string('modgradecantchangeratingmaxgrade', 'grades');
             $maxgradeexceeded = get_string('modgradeerrorbadpoint', 'grades', get_config('core', 'gradepointmax'));
             $invalidscale = get_string('modgradeerrorbadscale', 'grades');
             $cantchangescale = get_string('modgradecantchangescale', 'grades');
             $mustchooserescale = get_string('mustchooserescaleyesorno', 'grades');
             // When creating the rules the sixth arg is $force, we set it to true because otherwise the form
             // will attempt to validate the existence of the element, we don't want this because the element
             // is being created right now and doesn't actually exist as a registered element yet.
             $caller->addRule($name, $cantchangegradetype, 'callback', $checkgradetypechange, 'server', false, true);
             $caller->addRule($name, $cantchangemaxgrade, 'callback', $checkmaxgradechange, 'server', false, true);
             $caller->addRule($name, $maxgradeexceeded, 'callback', $checkmaxgrade, 'server', false, true);
             $caller->addRule($name, $invalidscale, 'callback', $checkvalidscale, 'server', false, true);
             $caller->addRule($name, $cantchangescale, 'callback', $checkscalechange, 'server', false, true);
             $caller->addRule($name, $mustchooserescale, 'callback', $checkrescale, 'server', false, true);
         case 'updateValue':
             // As this is a group element with no value of its own we are only interested in situations where the
             // default value or a constant value are being provided to the actual element.
             // In this case we expect an int that is going to translate to a scale if negative, or to max points
             // if positive.
             // Set the maximum points field to disabled if the rescale option has not been chosen and there are grades.
             $caller->disabledIf($this->getName() . '[modgrade_point]', $this->getName() . '[modgrade_rescalegrades]', 'eq', '');
             // A constant value should be given as an int.
             // The default value should be an int and should really be $CFG->gradepointdefault.
             $value = $this->_findValue($caller->_constantValues);
             if (null === $value) {
                 if ($caller->isSubmitted()) {
                 $value = $this->_findValue($caller->_defaultValues);
             if (!is_null($value) && !is_scalar($value)) {
                 // Something unexpected (likely an array of subelement values) has been given - this will be dealt
                 // with somewhere else - where exactly... likely the subelements.
                 debugging('An invalid value (type ' . gettype($value) . ') has arrived at ' . __METHOD__, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
             // Set element state for existing data.
             // This is really a pretty hacky thing to do, when data is being set the group element is called
             // with the data first and the subelements called afterwards.
             // This means that the subelements data (inc const and default values) can be overridden by form code.
             // So - when we call this code really we can't be sure that will be the end value for the element.
             if (!empty($this->_elements)) {
                 if (!empty($value)) {
                     if ($value < 0) {
                         $this->scaleformelement->setValue($value * -1);
                     } else {
                         if ($value > 0) {
                 } else {
     // Always let the parent do its thing!
     return parent::onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, $caller);